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2022-01-27 19:23:31 -08:00
## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
## Copyright (C) 2015 Petteri Aimonen <jpa@sigrok.mail.kapsi.fi>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sigrokdecode as srd
import subprocess
import re
# See ETMv3 Signal Protocol table 7-11: 'Encoding of Exception[8:0]'.
exc_names = [
'No exception', 'IRQ1', 'IRQ2', 'IRQ3', 'IRQ4', 'IRQ5', 'IRQ6', 'IRQ7',
'IRQ0', 'UsageFault', 'NMI', 'SVC', 'DebugMon', 'MemManage', 'PendSV',
'SysTick', 'Reserved', 'Reset', 'BusFault', 'Reserved', 'Reserved'
for i in range(8, 496):
exc_names.append('IRQ%d' % i)
def parse_varint(bytes_):
'''Parse an integer where the top bit is the continuation bit.
Returns value and number of parsed bytes.'''
v = 0
for i, b in enumerate(bytes_):
v |= (b & 0x7F) << (i * 7)
if b & 0x80 == 0:
return v, i+1
return v, len(bytes_)
def parse_uint(bytes_):
'''Parse little-endian integer.'''
v = 0
for i, b in enumerate(bytes_):
v |= b << (i * 8)
return v
def parse_exc_info(bytes_):
'''Parse exception information bytes from a branch packet.'''
if len(bytes_) < 1:
return None
excv, exclen = parse_varint(bytes_)
if bytes_[exclen - 1] & 0x80 != 0x00:
return None # Exception info not complete.
if exclen == 2 and excv & (1 << 13):
# Exception byte 1 was skipped, fix up the decoding.
excv = (excv & 0x7F) | ((excv & 0x3F80) << 7)
ns = excv & 1
exc = ((excv >> 1) & 0x0F) | ((excv >> 7) & 0x1F0)
cancel = (excv >> 5) & 1
altisa = (excv >> 6) & 1
hyp = (excv >> 12) & 1
resume = (excv >> 14) & 0x0F
return (ns, exc, cancel, altisa, hyp, resume)
def parse_branch_addr(bytes_, ref_addr, cpu_state, branch_enc):
'''Parse encoded branch address.
Returns addr, addrlen, cpu_state, exc_info.
Returns None if packet is not yet complete'''
addr, addrlen = parse_varint(bytes_)
if bytes_[addrlen - 1] & 0x80 != 0x00:
return None # Branch address not complete.
addr_bits = 7 * addrlen
have_exc_info = False
if branch_enc == 'original':
if addrlen == 5 and bytes_[4] & 0x40:
have_exc_info = True
elif branch_enc == 'alternative':
addr_bits -= 1 # Top bit of address indicates exc_info.
if addrlen >= 2 and addr & (1 << addr_bits):
have_exc_info = True
addr &= ~(1 << addr_bits)
exc_info = None
if have_exc_info:
exc_info = parse_exc_info(bytes_[addrlen:])
if exc_info is None:
return None # Exception info not complete.
if addrlen == 5:
# Possible change in CPU state.
if bytes_[4] & 0xB8 == 0x08:
cpu_state = 'arm'
elif bytes_[4] & 0xB0 == 0x10:
cpu_state = 'thumb'
elif bytes_[4] & 0xA0 == 0x20:
cpu_state = 'jazelle'
raise NotImplementedError('Unhandled branch byte 4: 0x%02x' % bytes_[4])
# Shift the address according to current CPU state.
if cpu_state == 'arm':
addr = (addr & 0xFFFFFFFE) << 1
addr_bits += 1
elif cpu_state == 'thumb':
addr = addr & 0xFFFFFFFE
elif cpu_state == 'jazelle':
addr = (addr & 0xFFFFFFFFE) >> 1
addr_bits -= 1
raise NotImplementedError('Unhandled state: ' + cpu_state)
# If the address wasn't full, fill in with the previous address.
if addrlen < 5:
addr |= ref_addr & (0xFFFFFFFF << addr_bits)
return addr, addrlen, cpu_state, exc_info
class Decoder(srd.Decoder):
api_version = 3
id = 'arm_etmv3'
name = 'ARM ETMv3'
longname = 'ARM Embedded Trace Macroblock v3'
desc = 'ARM ETM v3 instruction trace protocol.'
license = 'gplv2+'
inputs = ['uart']
outputs = []
tags = ['Debug/trace']
annotations = (
('trace', 'Trace info'),
('branch', 'Branches'),
('exception', 'Exceptions'),
('execution', 'Instruction execution'),
('data', 'Data access'),
('pc', 'Program counter'),
('instr_e', 'Executed instructions'),
('instr_n', 'Not executed instructions'),
('source', 'Source code'),
('location', 'Current location'),
('function', 'Current function'),
annotation_rows = (
('trace', 'Trace info', (0,)),
('flow', 'Code flow', (1, 2, 3,)),
('data', 'Data access', (4,)),
('pc', 'Program counter', (5,)),
('instruction', 'Instructions', (6, 7,)),
('source', 'Source code', (8,)),
('location', 'Current location', (9,)),
('function', 'Current function', (10,)),
options = (
{'id': 'objdump', 'desc': 'objdump path',
'default': 'arm-none-eabi-objdump'},
{'id': 'objdump_opts', 'desc': 'objdump options',
'default': '-lSC'},
{'id': 'elffile', 'desc': '.elf path',
'default': ''},
{'id': 'branch_enc', 'desc': 'Branch encoding',
'default': 'alternative', 'values': ('alternative', 'original')},
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
self.buf = []
self.syncbuf = []
self.prevsample = 0
self.last_branch = 0
self.cpu_state = 'arm'
self.current_pc = 0
self.current_loc = None
self.current_func = None
self.next_instr_lookup = {}
self.file_lookup = {}
self.func_lookup = {}
self.disasm_lookup = {}
self.source_lookup = {}
def start(self):
self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN)
def load_objdump(self):
'''Parse disassembly obtained from objdump into two tables:
next_instr_lookup: Find the next PC addr from current PC.
disasm_lookup: Find the instruction text from current PC.
source_lookup: Find the source code line from current PC.
if not (self.options['objdump'] and self.options['elffile']):
opts = [self.options['objdump']]
opts += self.options['objdump_opts'].split()
opts += [self.options['elffile']]
disasm = subprocess.check_output(opts)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
disasm = disasm.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
instpat = re.compile('\s*([0-9a-fA-F]+):\t+([0-9a-fA-F ]+)\t+([a-zA-Z][^;]+)\s*;?.*')
branchpat = re.compile('(b|bl|b..|bl..|cbnz|cbz)(?:\.[wn])?\s+(?:r[0-9]+,\s*)?([0-9a-fA-F]+)')
filepat = re.compile('[^\s]+[/\\\\]([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+:[0-9]+)(?:\s.*)?')
funcpat = re.compile('[0-9a-fA-F]+\s*<([^>]+)>:.*')
prev_src = ''
prev_file = ''
prev_func = ''
for line in disasm.split('\n'):
m = instpat.match(line)
if m:
addr = int(m.group(1), 16)
raw = m.group(2)
disas = m.group(3).strip().replace('\t', ' ')
self.disasm_lookup[addr] = disas
self.source_lookup[addr] = prev_src
self.file_lookup[addr] = prev_file
self.func_lookup[addr] = prev_func
# Next address in direct sequence.
ilen = len(raw.replace(' ', '')) // 2
next_n = addr + ilen
# Next address if branch is taken.
bm = branchpat.match(disas)
if bm:
next_e = int(bm.group(2), 16)
next_e = next_n
self.next_instr_lookup[addr] = (next_n, next_e)
m = funcpat.match(line)
if m:
prev_func = m.group(1)
prev_src = None
m = filepat.match(line)
if m:
prev_file = m.group(1)
prev_src = None
prev_src = line.strip()
def flush_current_loc(self):
if self.current_loc is not None:
ss, es, loc, src = self.current_loc
if loc:
self.put(ss, es, self.out_ann, [9, [loc]])
if src:
self.put(ss, es, self.out_ann, [8, [src]])
self.current_loc = None
def flush_current_func(self):
if self.current_func is not None:
ss, es, func = self.current_func
if func:
self.put(ss, es, self.out_ann, [10, [func]])
self.current_func = None
def instructions_executed(self, exec_status):
'''Advance program counter based on executed instructions.
Argument is a list of False for not executed and True for executed
if len(exec_status) == 0:
tdelta = max(1, (self.prevsample - self.startsample) / len(exec_status))
for i, exec_status in enumerate(exec_status):
pc = self.current_pc
default_next = pc + 2 if self.cpu_state == 'thumb' else pc + 4
target_n, target_e = self.next_instr_lookup.get(pc, (default_next, default_next))
ss = self.startsample + round(tdelta * i)
es = self.startsample + round(tdelta * (i+1))
self.put(ss, es, self.out_ann,
[5, ['PC 0x%08x' % pc, '0x%08x' % pc, '%08x' % pc]])
new_loc = self.file_lookup.get(pc)
new_src = self.source_lookup.get(pc)
new_dis = self.disasm_lookup.get(pc)
new_func = self.func_lookup.get(pc)
# Report source line only when it changes.
if self.current_loc is not None:
if new_loc != self.current_loc[2] or new_src != self.current_loc[3]:
if self.current_loc is None:
self.current_loc = [ss, es, new_loc, new_src]
self.current_loc[1] = es
# Report function name only when it changes.
if self.current_func is not None:
if new_func != self.current_func[2]:
if self.current_func is None:
self.current_func = [ss, es, new_func]
self.current_func[1] = es
# Report instruction every time.
if new_dis:
if exec_status:
a = [6, ['Executed: ' + new_dis, new_dis, new_dis.split()[0]]]
a = [7, ['Not executed: ' + new_dis, new_dis, new_dis.split()[0]]]
self.put(ss, es, self.out_ann, a)
if exec_status:
self.current_pc = target_e
self.current_pc = target_n
def get_packet_type(self, byte):
'''Identify packet type based on its first byte.
See ARM IHI0014Q section "ETMv3 Signal Protocol" "Packet Types"
if byte & 0x01 == 0x01:
return 'branch'
elif byte == 0x00:
return 'a_sync'
elif byte == 0x04:
return 'cyclecount'
elif byte == 0x08:
return 'i_sync'
elif byte == 0x0C:
return 'trigger'
elif byte & 0xF3 in (0x20, 0x40, 0x60):
return 'ooo_data'
elif byte == 0x50:
return 'store_failed'
elif byte == 0x70:
return 'i_sync'
elif byte & 0xDF in (0x54, 0x58, 0x5C):
return 'ooo_place'
elif byte == 0x3C:
return 'vmid'
elif byte & 0xD3 == 0x02:
return 'data'
elif byte & 0xFB == 0x42:
return 'timestamp'
elif byte == 0x62:
return 'data_suppressed'
elif byte == 0x66:
return 'ignore'
elif byte & 0xEF == 0x6A:
return 'value_not_traced'
elif byte == 0x6E:
return 'context_id'
elif byte == 0x76:
return 'exception_exit'
elif byte == 0x7E:
return 'exception_entry'
elif byte & 0x81 == 0x80:
return 'p_header'
return 'unknown'
def fallback(self, buf):
ptype = self.get_packet_type(buf[0])
return [0, ['Unhandled ' + ptype + ': ' + ' '.join(['%02x' % b for b in buf])]]
def handle_a_sync(self, buf):
if buf[-1] == 0x80:
return [0, ['Synchronization']]
def handle_exception_exit(self, buf):
return [2, ['Exception exit']]
def handle_exception_entry(self, buf):
return [2, ['Exception entry']]
def handle_i_sync(self, buf):
contextid_bytes = 0 # This is the default ETM config.
if len(buf) < 6:
return None # Packet definitely not full yet.
if buf[0] == 0x08: # No cycle count.
cyclecount = None
idx = 1 + contextid_bytes # Index to info byte.
elif buf[0] == 0x70: # With cycle count.
cyclecount, cyclen = parse_varint(buf[1:6])
idx = 1 + cyclen + contextid_bytes
if len(buf) <= idx + 4:
return None
infobyte = buf[idx]
addr = parse_uint(buf[idx+1:idx+5])
reasoncode = (infobyte >> 5) & 3
reason = ('Periodic', 'Tracing enabled', 'After overflow', 'Exit from debug')[reasoncode]
jazelle = (infobyte >> 4) & 1
nonsec = (infobyte >> 3) & 1
altisa = (infobyte >> 2) & 1
hypervisor = (infobyte >> 1) & 1
thumb = addr & 1
addr &= 0xFFFFFFFE
if reasoncode == 0 and self.current_pc != addr:
self.put(self.startsample, self.prevsample, self.out_ann,
[0, ['WARN: Unexpected PC change 0x%08x -> 0x%08x' % \
(self.current_pc, addr)]])
elif reasoncode != 0:
# Reset location when the trace has been interrupted.
self.last_branch = addr
self.current_pc = addr
if jazelle:
self.cpu_state = 'jazelle'
elif thumb:
self.cpu_state = 'thumb'
self.cpu_state = 'arm'
cycstr = ''
if cyclecount is not None:
cycstr = ', cyclecount %d' % cyclecount
if infobyte & 0x80: # LSIP packet
self.put(self.startsample, self.prevsample, self.out_ann,
[0, ['WARN: LSIP I-Sync packet not implemented']])
return [0, ['I-Sync: %s, PC 0x%08x, %s state%s' % \
(reason, addr, self.cpu_state, cycstr), \
'I-Sync: %s 0x%08x' % (reason, addr)]]
def handle_trigger(self, buf):
return [0, ['Trigger event', 'Trigger']]
def handle_p_header(self, buf):
# Only non cycle-accurate mode supported.
if buf[0] & 0x83 == 0x80:
n = (buf[0] >> 6) & 1
e = (buf[0] >> 2) & 15
self.instructions_executed([1] * e + [0] * n)
if n:
return [3, ['%d instructions executed, %d skipped due to ' \
'condition codes' % (e, n),
'%d ins exec, %d skipped' % (e, n),
'%dE,%dN' % (e, n)]]
return [3, ['%d instructions executed' % e,
'%d ins exec' % e, '%dE' % e]]
elif buf[0] & 0xF3 == 0x82:
i1 = (buf[0] >> 3) & 1
i2 = (buf[0] >> 2) & 1
self.instructions_executed([not i1, not i2])
txt1 = ('executed', 'skipped')
txt2 = ('E', 'S')
return [3, ['Instruction 1 %s, instruction 2 %s' % (txt1[i1], txt1[i2]),
'I1 %s, I2 %s' % (txt2[i1], txt2[i2]),
'%s,%s' % (txt2[i1], txt2[i2])]]
return self.fallback(buf)
def handle_branch(self, buf):
if buf[-1] & 0x80 != 0x00:
return None # Not complete yet.
brinfo = parse_branch_addr(buf, self.last_branch, self.cpu_state,
if brinfo is None:
return None # Not complete yet.
addr, addrlen, cpu_state, exc_info = brinfo
self.last_branch = addr
self.current_pc = addr
txt = ''
if cpu_state != self.cpu_state:
txt += ', to %s state' % cpu_state
self.cpu_state = cpu_state
annidx = 1
if exc_info:
annidx = 2
ns, exc, cancel, altisa, hyp, resume = exc_info
if ns:
txt += ', to non-secure state'
if exc:
if exc < len(exc_names):
txt += ', exception %s' % exc_names[exc]
txt += ', exception 0x%02x' % exc
if cancel:
txt += ', instr cancelled'
if altisa:
txt += ', to AltISA'
if hyp:
txt += ', to hypervisor'
if resume:
txt += ', instr resume 0x%02x' % resume
return [annidx, ['Branch to 0x%08x%s' % (addr, txt),
'B 0x%08x%s' % (addr, txt)]]
def decode(self, ss, es, data):
ptype, rxtx, pdata = data
if ptype != 'DATA':
# Reset packet if there is a long pause between bytes.
# This helps getting the initial synchronization.
self.byte_len = es - ss
if ss - self.prevsample > 16 * self.byte_len:
self.buf = []
self.prevsample = es
# Store the start time of the packet.
if len(self.buf) == 1:
self.startsample = ss
# Keep separate buffer for detection of sync packets.
# Sync packets override everything else, so that we can regain sync
# even if some packets are corrupted.
self.syncbuf = self.syncbuf[-4:] + [pdata[0]]
if self.syncbuf == [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80]:
self.buf = self.syncbuf
self.syncbuf = []
# See if it is ready to be decoded.
ptype = self.get_packet_type(self.buf[0])
if hasattr(self, 'handle_' + ptype):
func = getattr(self, 'handle_' + ptype)
data = func(self.buf)
data = self.fallback(self.buf)
if data is not None:
if data:
self.put(self.startsample, es, self.out_ann, data)
self.buf = []