2021-02-02 10:30:31 +01:00
## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
## Copyright (C) 2019 Uli Huber
## Copyright (C) 2020 Soeren Apel
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sigrokdecode as srd
ann_bit , ann_stat_bit , ann_type , ann_command , ann_parameter , ann_parity , ann_pos , ann_status , ann_warning = range ( 9 )
frame_type_none , frame_type_command , frame_type_16bit_pos , frame_type_18bit_pos = range ( 4 )
class Decoder ( srd . Decoder ) :
api_version = 3
id = ' xy2-100 '
name = ' XY2-100 '
longname = ' XY2-100(E) and XY-200(E) galvanometer protocol '
desc = ' Serial protocol for galvanometer positioning in laser systems '
license = ' gplv2+ '
inputs = [ ' logic ' ]
outputs = [ ]
tags = [ ' Embedded/industrial ' ]
channels = (
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{ ' id ' : ' clk ' , ' name ' : ' CLK ' , ' desc ' : ' Clock ' , ' idn ' : ' dec_xy2-100_chan_clk ' } ,
{ ' id ' : ' sync ' , ' name ' : ' SYNC ' , ' desc ' : ' Sync ' , ' idn ' : ' dec_xy2-100_chan_sync ' } ,
{ ' id ' : ' data ' , ' name ' : ' DATA ' , ' desc ' : ' X, Y or Z axis data ' , ' idn ' : ' dec_xy2-100_chan_data ' } ,
2021-02-02 10:30:31 +01:00
optional_channels = (
2022-10-21 11:10:28 +08:00
{ ' id ' : ' status ' , ' name ' : ' STAT ' , ' desc ' : ' X, Y or Z axis status ' , ' idn ' : ' dec_xy2-100_opt_chan_status ' } ,
2021-02-02 10:30:31 +01:00
annotations = (
( ' bit ' , ' Data Bit ' ) ,
( ' stat_bit ' , ' Status Bit ' ) ,
( ' type ' , ' Frame Type ' ) ,
( ' command ' , ' Command ' ) ,
( ' parameter ' , ' Parameter ' ) ,
( ' parity ' , ' Parity ' ) ,
( ' position ' , ' Position ' ) ,
( ' status ' , ' Status ' ) ,
( ' warning ' , ' Human-readable warnings ' ) ,
annotation_rows = (
( ' bits ' , ' Data Bits ' , ( ann_bit , ) ) ,
( ' stat_bits ' , ' Status Bits ' , ( ann_stat_bit , ) ) ,
( ' data ' , ' Data ' , ( ann_type , ann_command , ann_parameter , ann_parity ) ) ,
( ' positions ' , ' Positions ' , ( ann_pos , ) ) ,
( ' statuses ' , ' Statuses ' , ( ann_status , ) ) ,
( ' warnings ' , ' Warnings ' , ( ann_warning , ) ) ,
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . samplerate = None
self . reset ( )
def reset ( self ) :
self . bits = [ ]
self . stat_bits = [ ]
self . stat_skip_bit = True
def metadata ( self , key , value ) :
if key == srd . SRD_CONF_SAMPLERATE :
self . samplerate = value
def start ( self ) :
self . out_ann = self . register ( srd . OUTPUT_ANN )
def put_ann ( self , ss , es , ann_class , value ) :
self . put ( ss , es , self . out_ann , [ ann_class , value ] )
def process_bit ( self , sync , bit_ss , bit_es , bit_value ) :
self . put_ann ( bit_ss , bit_es , ann_bit , [ ' %d ' % bit_value ] )
self . bits . append ( ( bit_ss , bit_es , bit_value ) )
if sync == 0 :
if len ( self . bits ) < 20 :
self . put_ann ( self . bits [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , bit_es , ann_warning , [ ' Not enough data bits ' ] )
self . reset ( )
# Bit structure:
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
# T --------------- 18-bit pos ----------------- PARITY or
# -TYPE-- ------------ 16-bit pos -------------- PARITY or
# -TYPE-- -8-bit command -8-bit parameter value- PARITY
# Calculate parity, excluding the parity bit itself
parity = 0
for ss , es , value in self . bits [ : - 1 ] :
parity ^ = value
par_ss , par_es , par_value = self . bits [ 19 ]
parity_even = 0
parity_odd = 0
if ( par_value == parity ) :
parity_even = 1
else :
parity_odd = 1
type_1_value = self . bits [ 0 ] [ 2 ]
type_3_value = ( self . bits [ 0 ] [ 2 ] << 2 ) | ( self . bits [ 1 ] [ 2 ] << 1 ) | self . bits [ 2 ] [ 2 ]
# Determine frame type
type = frame_type_none
parity_status = [ ' X ' , ' Unknown ' ]
type_ss = self . bits [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
type_es = self . bits [ 2 ] [ 1 ]
### 18-bit position
if ( type_1_value == 1 ) and ( parity_odd == 1 ) :
type = frame_type_18bit_pos
type_es = self . bits [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
self . put_ann ( self . bits [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , bit_es , ann_warning , [ ' Careful: 18-bit position frames with wrong parity and command frames with wrong parity cannot be identified ' ] )
### 16-bit position
elif ( type_3_value == 1 ) :
type = frame_type_16bit_pos
if ( parity_even == 1 ) :
parity_status = [ ' OK ' ]
else :
parity_status = [ ' NOK ' ]
self . put_ann ( self . bits [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , bit_es , ann_warning , [ ' Parity error ' , ' PE ' ] )
### Command
elif ( type_3_value == 7 ) and ( parity_even == 1 ) :
type = frame_type_command
self . put_ann ( self . bits [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , bit_es , ann_warning , [ ' Careful: 18-bit position frames with wrong parity and command frames with wrong parity cannot be identified ' ] )
### Other
else :
self . put_ann ( self . bits [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , bit_es , ann_warning , [ ' Error ' , ' Unknown command or parity error ' ] )
self . reset ( )
# Output command and parity annotations
if ( type == frame_type_16bit_pos ) :
self . put_ann ( type_ss , type_es , ann_type , [ ' 16 bit Position Frame ' , ' 16 bit Pos ' , ' Pos ' , ' P ' ] )
if ( type == frame_type_18bit_pos ) :
self . put_ann ( type_ss , type_es , ann_type , [ ' 18 bit Position Frame ' , ' 18 bit Pos ' , ' Pos ' , ' P ' ] )
if ( type == frame_type_command ) :
self . put_ann ( type_ss , type_es , ann_type , [ ' Command Frame ' , ' Command ' , ' C ' ] )
self . put_ann ( par_ss , par_es , ann_parity , parity_status )
# Output value
if ( type == frame_type_16bit_pos ) or ( type == frame_type_18bit_pos ) :
pos = 0
if ( type == frame_type_16bit_pos ) :
count = 15
for ss , es , value in self . bits [ 3 : 19 ] :
pos | = value << count
count - = 1
pos = pos if pos < 32768 else pos - 65536
else :
count = 17
for ss , es , value in self . bits [ 3 : 19 ] :
pos | = value << count
count - = 1
pos = pos if pos < 131072 else pos - 262144
self . put_ann ( type_es , par_ss , ann_pos , [ ' %d ' % pos ] )
if ( type == frame_type_command ) :
count = 7
cmd = 0
cmd_es = 0
for ss , es , value in self . bits [ 3 : 11 ] :
cmd | = value << count
count - = 1
cmd_es = es
self . put_ann ( type_es , cmd_es , ann_command , [ ' Command 0x %X ' % cmd , ' Cmd 0x %X ' % cmd , ' 0x %X ' % cmd ] )
count = 7
param = 0
for ss , es , value in self . bits [ 11 : 19 ] :
param | = value << count
count - = 1
self . put_ann ( cmd_es , par_ss , ann_parameter , [ ' Parameter 0x %X / %d ' % ( param , param ) , ' 0x %X / %d ' % ( param , param ) , ' 0x %X ' % param ] )
self . reset ( )
def process_stat_bit ( self , sync , bit_ss , bit_es , bit_value ) :
if self . stat_skip_bit :
self . stat_skip_bit = False
self . put_ann ( bit_ss , bit_es , ann_stat_bit , [ ' %d ' % bit_value ] )
self . stat_bits . append ( ( bit_ss , bit_es , bit_value ) )
if ( sync == 0 ) and ( len ( self . stat_bits ) == 19 ) :
stat_ss = self . stat_bits [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
stat_es = self . stat_bits [ 18 ] [ 1 ]
status = 0
count = 18
for ss , es , value in self . stat_bits :
status | = value << count
count - = 1
self . put_ann ( stat_ss , stat_es , ann_status , [ ' Status 0x %X ' % status , ' 0x %X ' % status ] )
def decode ( self ) :
bit_ss = None
bit_es = None
bit_value = 0
stat_ss = None
stat_es = None
stat_value = 0
sync_value = 0
has_stat = self . has_channel ( 3 )
while True :
# Wait for any edge on clk
clk , sync , data , stat = self . wait ( { 0 : ' e ' } )
if clk == 1 :
stat_value = stat
bit_es = self . samplenum
if bit_ss :
self . process_bit ( sync_value , bit_ss , bit_es , bit_value )
bit_ss = self . samplenum
else :
bit_value = data
sync_value = sync
stat_es = self . samplenum
if stat_ss and has_stat :
self . process_stat_bit ( sync_value , stat_ss , stat_es , stat_value )
stat_ss = self . samplenum