This commit is contained in:
Fabio Pugliese Ornellas 2021-09-01 18:37:44 +01:00
parent 791de6e006
commit 457b7a4816

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@ -22,30 +22,6 @@ import sigrokdecode as srd
from common.srdhelper import bitpack
from math import floor, ceil
[<ptype>, <rxtx>, <pdata>]
This is the list of <ptype>s and their respective <pdata> values:
- 'STARTBIT': The data is the (integer) value of the start bit (0/1).
- 'DATA': This is always a tuple containing two items:
- 1st item: the (integer) value of the UART data. Valid values
range from 0 to 511 (as the data can be up to 9 bits in size).
- 2nd item: the list of individual data bits and their ss/es numbers.
- 'PARITYBIT': The data is the (integer) value of the parity bit (0/1).
- 'STOPBIT': The data is the (integer) value of the stop bit (0 or 1).
- 'INVALID STARTBIT': The data is the (integer) value of the start bit (0/1).
- 'INVALID STOPBIT': The data is the (integer) value of the stop bit (0/1).
- 'PARITY ERROR': The data is a tuple with two entries. The first one is
the expected parity value, the second is the actual parity value.
- 'FRAME': The data is always a tuple containing two items: The (integer)
value of the UART data, and a boolean which reflects the validity of the
UART frame.
# Given a parity type to check (odd, even, zero, one), the value of the
# parity bit, the value of the data, and the length of the data (5-9 bits,
# usually 8 bits) return True if the parity is correct, False otherwise.
@ -81,7 +57,7 @@ class Decoder(srd.Decoder):
desc = 'Asynchronous, serial bus.'
license = 'gplv2+'
inputs = ['logic']
outputs = ['uart']
outputs = []
tags = ['Embedded/industrial']
channels = (
{'id': 'rxtx', 'type': 209, 'name': 'RX/TX', 'desc': 'UART transceive line'},