## ## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project. ## ## Copyright (C) 2014 Daniel Elstner ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, see . ## import sigrokdecode as srd from functools import reduce from .tables import instr_table_by_prefix import string class Ann: ADDR, MEMRD, MEMWR, IORD, IOWR, INSTR, ROP, WOP, WARN = range(9) class Row: ADDRBUS, DATABUS, INSTRUCTIONS, OPERANDS, WARNINGS = range(5) class Pin: D0, D7 = 0, 7 M1, RD, WR, MREQ, IORQ = range(8, 13) A0, A15 = 13, 28 class Cycle: NONE, MEMRD, MEMWR, IORD, IOWR, FETCH, INTACK = range(7) # Provide custom format type 'H' for hexadecimal output # with leading decimal digit (assembler syntax). class AsmFormatter(string.Formatter): def format_field(self, value, format_spec): if format_spec.endswith('H'): result = format(value, format_spec[:-1] + 'X') return result if result[0] in string.digits else '0' + result else: return format(value, format_spec) formatter = AsmFormatter() ann_data_cycle_map = { Cycle.MEMRD: Ann.MEMRD, Cycle.MEMWR: Ann.MEMWR, Cycle.IORD: Ann.IORD, Cycle.IOWR: Ann.IOWR, Cycle.FETCH: Ann.MEMRD, Cycle.INTACK: Ann.IORD, } def reduce_bus(bus): if 0xFF in bus: return None # unassigned bus channels else: return reduce(lambda a, b: (a << 1) | b, reversed(bus)) def signed_byte(byte): return byte if byte < 128 else byte - 256 class Decoder(srd.Decoder): api_version = 3 id = 'z80' name = 'Z80' longname = 'Zilog Z80 CPU' desc = 'Zilog Z80 microprocessor disassembly.' license = 'gplv3+' inputs = ['logic'] outputs = [] tags = ['Retro computing'] channels = tuple({ 'id': 'd%d' % i, 'name': 'D%d' % i, 'desc': 'Data bus line %d' % i #,'idn':'dec_z80_chan_d%d' % i } for i in range(8) ) + ( {'id': 'm1', 'name': '/M1', 'desc': 'Machine cycle 1', 'idn':'dec_z80_chan_m1'}, {'id': 'rd', 'name': '/RD', 'desc': 'Memory or I/O read', 'idn':'dec_z80_chan_rd'}, {'id': 'wr', 'name': '/WR', 'desc': 'Memory or I/O write', 'idn':'dec_z80_chan_wr'}, ) optional_channels = ( {'id': 'mreq', 'name': '/MREQ', 'desc': 'Memory request', 'idn':'dec_z80_opt_chan_mreq'}, {'id': 'iorq', 'name': '/IORQ', 'desc': 'I/O request', 'idn':'dec_z80_opt_chan_iorq'}, ) + tuple({ 'id': 'a%d' % i, 'name': 'A%d' % i, 'desc': 'Address bus line %d' % i #, 'idn':'dec_z80_opt_chan_a%d' % i } for i in range(16) ) annotations = ( ('addr', 'Memory or I/O address'), ('memrd', 'Byte read from memory'), ('memwr', 'Byte written to memory'), ('iord', 'Byte read from I/O port'), ('iowr', 'Byte written to I/O port'), ('instr', 'Z80 CPU instruction'), ('rop', 'Value of input operand'), ('wop', 'Value of output operand'), ('warn', 'Warning message'), ) annotation_rows = ( ('addrbus', 'Address bus', (Ann.ADDR,)), ('databus', 'Data bus', (Ann.MEMRD, Ann.MEMWR, Ann.IORD, Ann.IOWR)), ('instructions', 'Instructions', (Ann.INSTR,)), ('operands', 'Operands', (Ann.ROP, Ann.WOP)), ('warnings', 'Warnings', (Ann.WARN,)) ) def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.prev_cycle = Cycle.NONE self.op_state = self.state_IDLE def start(self): self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN) self.bus_data = None self.samplenum = None self.addr_start = None self.data_start = None self.dasm_start = None self.pend_addr = None self.pend_data = None self.ann_data = None self.ann_dasm = None self.prev_cycle = Cycle.NONE self.op_state = self.state_IDLE self.instr_len = 0 def decode(self): while True: # TODO: Come up with more appropriate self.wait() conditions. (d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, m1, rd, wr, mreq, iorq, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15) = self.wait() pins = (d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, m1, rd, wr, mreq, iorq, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15) cycle = Cycle.NONE if pins[Pin.MREQ] != 1: # default to asserted if pins[Pin.RD] == 0: cycle = Cycle.FETCH if pins[Pin.M1] == 0 else Cycle.MEMRD elif pins[Pin.WR] == 0: cycle = Cycle.MEMWR elif pins[Pin.IORQ] == 0: # default to not asserted if pins[Pin.M1] == 0: cycle = Cycle.INTACK elif pins[Pin.RD] == 0: cycle = Cycle.IORD elif pins[Pin.WR] == 0: cycle = Cycle.IOWR if cycle != Cycle.NONE: self.bus_data = reduce_bus(pins[Pin.D0:Pin.D7+1]) if cycle != self.prev_cycle: if self.prev_cycle == Cycle.NONE: self.on_cycle_begin(reduce_bus(pins[Pin.A0:Pin.A15+1])) elif cycle == Cycle.NONE: self.on_cycle_end() else: self.on_cycle_trans() self.prev_cycle = cycle def on_cycle_begin(self, bus_addr): if self.pend_addr is not None: self.put_text(self.addr_start, Ann.ADDR, '{:04X}'.format(self.pend_addr)) self.addr_start = self.samplenum self.pend_addr = bus_addr def on_cycle_end(self): self.instr_len += 1 self.op_state = self.op_state() if self.ann_dasm is not None: self.put_disasm() if self.op_state == self.state_RESTART: self.op_state = self.state_IDLE() if self.ann_data is not None: self.put_text(self.data_start, self.ann_data, '{:02X}'.format(self.pend_data)) self.data_start = self.samplenum self.pend_data = self.bus_data self.ann_data = ann_data_cycle_map[self.prev_cycle] def on_cycle_trans(self): self.put_text(self.samplenum - 1, Ann.WARN, 'Illegal transition between control states') self.pend_addr = None self.ann_data = None self.ann_dasm = None def put_disasm(self): text = formatter.format(self.mnemonic, r=self.arg_reg, d=self.arg_dis, j=self.arg_dis+self.instr_len, i=self.arg_imm, ro=self.arg_read, wo=self.arg_write) self.put_text(self.dasm_start, self.ann_dasm, text) self.ann_dasm = None self.dasm_start = self.samplenum def put_text(self, ss, ann_idx, ann_text): self.put(ss, self.samplenum, self.out_ann, [ann_idx, [ann_text]]) def state_RESTART(self): return self.state_IDLE def state_IDLE(self): if self.prev_cycle != Cycle.FETCH: return self.state_IDLE self.want_dis = 0 self.want_imm = 0 self.want_read = 0 self.want_write = 0 self.want_wr_be = False self.op_repeat = False self.arg_dis = 0 self.arg_imm = 0 self.arg_read = 0 self.arg_write = 0 self.arg_reg = '' self.mnemonic = '' self.instr_pend = False self.read_pend = False self.write_pend = False self.dasm_start = self.samplenum self.op_prefix = 0 self.instr_len = 0 if self.bus_data in (0xCB, 0xED, 0xDD, 0xFD): return self.state_PRE1 else: return self.state_OPCODE def state_PRE1(self): if self.prev_cycle != Cycle.FETCH: self.mnemonic = 'Prefix not followed by fetch' self.ann_dasm = Ann.WARN return self.state_RESTART self.op_prefix = self.pend_data if self.op_prefix in (0xDD, 0xFD): if self.bus_data == 0xCB: return self.state_PRE2 if self.bus_data in (0xDD, 0xED, 0xFD): return self.state_PRE1 return self.state_OPCODE def state_PRE2(self): if self.prev_cycle != Cycle.MEMRD: self.mnemonic = 'Missing displacement' self.ann_dasm = Ann.WARN return self.state_RESTART self.op_prefix = (self.op_prefix << 8) | self.pend_data return self.state_PREDIS def state_PREDIS(self): if self.prev_cycle != Cycle.MEMRD: self.mnemonic = 'Missing opcode' self.ann_dasm = Ann.WARN return self.state_RESTART self.arg_dis = signed_byte(self.pend_data) return self.state_OPCODE def state_OPCODE(self): (table, self.arg_reg) = instr_table_by_prefix[self.op_prefix] self.op_prefix = 0 instruction = table.get(self.pend_data, None) if instruction is None: self.mnemonic = 'Invalid instruction' self.ann_dasm = Ann.WARN return self.state_RESTART (self.want_dis, self.want_imm, self.want_read, want_write, self.op_repeat, self.mnemonic) = instruction self.want_write = abs(want_write) self.want_wr_be = (want_write < 0) if self.want_dis > 0: return self.state_POSTDIS if self.want_imm > 0: return self.state_IMM1 self.ann_dasm = Ann.INSTR if self.want_read > 0 and self.prev_cycle in (Cycle.MEMRD, Cycle.IORD): return self.state_ROP1 if self.want_write > 0 and self.prev_cycle in (Cycle.MEMWR, Cycle.IOWR): return self.state_WOP1 return self.state_RESTART def state_POSTDIS(self): self.arg_dis = signed_byte(self.pend_data) if self.want_imm > 0: return self.state_IMM1 self.ann_dasm = Ann.INSTR if self.want_read > 0 and self.prev_cycle in (Cycle.MEMRD, Cycle.IORD): return self.state_ROP1 if self.want_write > 0 and self.prev_cycle in (Cycle.MEMWR, Cycle.IOWR): return self.state_WOP1 return self.state_RESTART def state_IMM1(self): self.arg_imm = self.pend_data if self.want_imm > 1: return self.state_IMM2 self.ann_dasm = Ann.INSTR if self.want_read > 0 and self.prev_cycle in (Cycle.MEMRD, Cycle.IORD): return self.state_ROP1 if self.want_write > 0 and self.prev_cycle in (Cycle.MEMWR, Cycle.IOWR): return self.state_WOP1 return self.state_RESTART def state_IMM2(self): self.arg_imm |= self.pend_data << 8 self.ann_dasm = Ann.INSTR if self.want_read > 0 and self.prev_cycle in (Cycle.MEMRD, Cycle.IORD): return self.state_ROP1 if self.want_write > 0 and self.prev_cycle in (Cycle.MEMWR, Cycle.IOWR): return self.state_WOP1 return self.state_RESTART def state_ROP1(self): self.arg_read = self.pend_data if self.want_read < 2: self.mnemonic = '{ro:02X}' self.ann_dasm = Ann.ROP if self.want_write > 0: return self.state_WOP1 if self.want_read > 1: return self.state_ROP2 if self.op_repeat and self.prev_cycle in (Cycle.MEMRD, Cycle.IORD): return self.state_ROP1 return self.state_RESTART def state_ROP2(self): self.arg_read |= self.pend_data << 8 self.mnemonic = '{ro:04X}' self.ann_dasm = Ann.ROP if self.want_write > 0 and self.prev_cycle in (Cycle.MEMWR, Cycle.IOWR): return self.state_WOP1 return self.state_RESTART def state_WOP1(self): self.arg_write = self.pend_data if self.want_read > 1: return self.state_ROP2 if self.want_write > 1: return self.state_WOP2 self.mnemonic = '{wo:02X}' self.ann_dasm = Ann.WOP if self.want_read > 0 and self.op_repeat and \ self.prev_cycle in (Cycle.MEMRD, Cycle.IORD): return self.state_ROP1 return self.state_RESTART def state_WOP2(self): if self.want_wr_be: self.arg_write = (self.arg_write << 8) | self.pend_data else: self.arg_write |= self.pend_data << 8 self.mnemonic = '{wo:04X}' self.ann_dasm = Ann.WOP return self.state_RESTART