## ## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project. ## ## Copyright (C) 2015 Google, Inc ## Copyright (C) 2018 davidanger ## Copyright (C) 2018 Peter Hazenberg ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, see . ## import sigrokdecode as srd import struct import zlib # for crc32 # BMC encoding with a 600kHz datarate UI_US = 1000000/600000.0 # Threshold to discriminate half-1 from 0 in Binary Mark Conding THRESHOLD_US = (UI_US + 2 * UI_US) / 2 # Control Message type CTRL_TYPES = { 0: 'reserved', 1: 'GOOD CRC', 2: 'GOTO MIN', 3: 'ACCEPT', 4: 'REJECT', 5: 'PING', 6: 'PS RDY', 7: 'GET SOURCE CAP', 8: 'GET SINK CAP', 9: 'DR SWAP', 10: 'PR SWAP', 11: 'VCONN SWAP', 12: 'WAIT', 13: 'SOFT RESET', 14: 'reserved', 15: 'reserved', 16: 'Not Supported', 17: 'Get_Source_Cap_Extended', 18: 'Get_Status', 19: 'FR_Swap', 20: 'Get_PPS_Status', 21: 'Get_Country_Codes', } # Data message type DATA_TYPES = { 1: 'SOURCE CAP', 2: 'REQUEST', 3: 'BIST', 4: 'SINK CAP', 5: 'Battery_Status', 6: 'Alert', 7: 'Get_Country_Info', 15: 'VDM' } # Extended message type EXTENDED_TYPES = { 1: 'Source_Cap_Extended', 2: 'Status', 3: 'Get_Battery_Cap', 4: 'Get_Battery_Status', 5: 'Battery_Cap', 6: 'Get_Manufacturer_Info', 7: 'Manufacturer_Info', 8: 'Security_Request', 9: 'Security_Response', 10: 'Firmware_Update_Request', 11: 'Firmware_Update_Response', 12: 'PPS_Status', 13: 'Country_Info', 14: 'Country_Codes' } # 4b5b encoding of the symbols DEC4B5B = [ 0x10, # Error 00000 0x10, # Error 00001 0x10, # Error 00010 0x10, # Error 00011 0x10, # Error 00100 0x10, # Error 00101 0x13, # Sync-3 00110 0x14, # RST-1 00111 0x10, # Error 01000 0x01, # 1 = 0001 01001 0x04, # 4 = 0100 01010 0x05, # 5 = 0101 01011 0x10, # Error 01100 0x16, # EOP 01101 0x06, # 6 = 0110 01110 0x07, # 7 = 0111 01111 0x10, # Error 10000 0x12, # Sync-2 10001 0x08, # 8 = 1000 10010 0x09, # 9 = 1001 10011 0x02, # 2 = 0010 10100 0x03, # 3 = 0011 10101 0x0A, # A = 1010 10110 0x0B, # B = 1011 10111 0x11, # Sync-1 11000 0x15, # RST-2 11001 0x0C, # C = 1100 11010 0x0D, # D = 1101 11011 0x0E, # E = 1110 11100 0x0F, # F = 1111 11101 0x00, # 0 = 0000 11110 0x10, # Error 11111 ] SYM_ERR = 0x10 SYNC1 = 0x11 SYNC2 = 0x12 SYNC3 = 0x13 RST1 = 0x14 RST2 = 0x15 EOP = 0x16 SYNC_CODES = [SYNC1, SYNC2, SYNC3] HRST_CODES = [RST1, RST1, RST1, RST2] SOP_SEQUENCES = [ (SYNC1, SYNC1, SYNC1, SYNC2), (SYNC1, SYNC1, SYNC3, SYNC3), (SYNC1, SYNC3, SYNC1, SYNC3), (SYNC1, RST2, RST2, SYNC3), (SYNC1, RST2, SYNC3, SYNC2), (RST1, SYNC1, RST1, SYNC3), (RST1, RST1, RST1, RST2), ] START_OF_PACKETS = { SOP_SEQUENCES[0]: 'SOP', SOP_SEQUENCES[1]: "SOP'", SOP_SEQUENCES[2]: 'SOP"', SOP_SEQUENCES[3]: "SOP' Debug", SOP_SEQUENCES[4]: 'SOP" Debug', SOP_SEQUENCES[5]: 'Cable Reset', SOP_SEQUENCES[6]: 'Hard Reset', } SYM_NAME = [ ['0x0', '0'], ['0x1', '1'], ['0x2', '2'], ['0x3', '3'], ['0x4', '4'], ['0x5', '5'], ['0x6', '6'], ['0x7', '7'], ['0x8', '8'], ['0x9', '9'], ['0xA', 'A'], ['0xB', 'B'], ['0xC', 'C'], ['0xD', 'D'], ['0xE', 'E'], ['0xF', 'F'], ['ERROR', 'X'], ['SYNC-1', 'S1'], ['SYNC-2', 'S2'], ['SYNC-3', 'S3'], ['RST-1', 'R1'], ['RST-2', 'R2'], ['EOP', '#'], ] RDO_FLAGS = { (1 << 23): 'unchunked', (1 << 24): 'no_suspend', (1 << 25): 'comm_cap', (1 << 26): 'cap_mismatch', (1 << 27): 'give_back' } BIST_MODES = { 0: 'Receiver', 1: 'Transmit', 2: 'Counters', 3: 'Carrier 0', 4: 'Carrier 1', 5: 'Carrier 2', 6: 'Carrier 3', 7: 'Eye', } VDM_CMDS = { 1: 'Disc Ident', 2: 'Disc SVID', 3: 'Disc Mode', 4: 'Enter Mode', 5: 'Exit Mode', 6: 'Attention', # 16..31: SVID Specific Commands # DisplayPort Commands 16: 'DP Status', 17: 'DP Configure', } VDM_ACK = ['REQ', 'ACK', 'NAK', 'BSY'] class SamplerateError(Exception): pass class Decoder(srd.Decoder): api_version = 3 id = 'usb_power_delivery' name = 'USB PD' longname = 'USB Power Delivery' desc = 'USB Power Delivery protocol.' license = 'gplv2+' inputs = ['logic'] outputs = ['usb_pd'] tags = ['PC'] channels = ( {'id': 'cc1', 'name': 'CC1', 'desc': 'Configuration Channel 1'}, ) optional_channels = ( {'id': 'cc2', 'name': 'CC2', 'desc': 'Configuration Channel 2'}, ) options = ( {'id': 'fulltext', 'desc': 'Full text decoding of packets', 'default': 'no', 'values': ('yes', 'no')}, ) annotations = ( ('type', 'Packet Type'), ('preamble', 'Preamble'), ('sop', 'Start of Packet'), ('header', 'Header'), ('data', 'Data'), ('crc', 'Checksum'), ('eop', 'End Of Packet'), ('sym', '4b5b symbols'), ('warnings', 'Warnings'), ('src', 'Source Message'), ('snk', 'Sink Message'), ('payload', 'Payload'), ('text', 'Plain text'), ) annotation_rows = ( ('4b5b', 'Symbols', (7,)), ('phase', 'Parts', (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), ('payload', 'Payload', (11,)), ('type', 'Type', (0, 9, 10)), ('warnings', 'Warnings', (8,)), ('text', 'Full text', (12,)), ) binary = ( ('raw-data', 'RAW binary data'), ) stored_pdos = {} def get_request(self, rdo): pos = (rdo >> 28) & 7 op_ma = ((rdo >> 10) & 0x3ff) * 0.01 max_ma = (rdo & 0x3ff) * 0.01 mark = self.cap_mark[pos] if mark == 3: op_v = ((rdo >> 9) & 0x7ff) * 0.02 op_a = (rdo & 0xff) * 0.05 t_settings = '%gV %gA' % (op_v, op_a) elif mark == 2: op_w = ((rdo >> 10) & 0x3ff) * 0.25 mp_w = (rdo & 0x3ff) * 0.25 t_settings = '%gW (operating)' % op_w else: op_a = ((rdo >> 10) & 0x3ff) * 0.01 max_a = (rdo & 0x3ff) * 0.01 t_settings = '%gA (operating) / %gA (max)' % (op_a, max_a) t_flags = '' for f in sorted(RDO_FLAGS.keys(), reverse = True): if rdo & f: t_flags += ' [' + RDO_FLAGS[f] + ']' if pos in self.stored_pdos.keys(): t_pdo = '#%d: %s' % (pos, self.stored_pdos[pos]) else: t_pdo = '#%d' % (pos) return '(PDO %s) %s%s' % (t_pdo, t_settings, t_flags) def get_source_sink_cap(self, pdo, idx, source): t1 = (pdo >> 30) & 3 self.cap_mark[idx] = t1 flags = {} if t1 == 0: t_name = 'Fixed' if source: flags = { (1 << 29): 'dual_role_power', (1 << 28): 'suspend', (1 << 27): 'unconstrained', (1 << 26): 'comm_cap', (1 << 25): 'dual_role_data', (1 << 24): 'unchunked', } else: # Sink flags = { (1 << 29): 'dual_role_power', (1 << 28): 'high_capability', (1 << 27): 'unconstrained', (1 << 26): 'comm_cap', (1 << 25): 'dual_role_data', (0b01 << 23): 'fr_swap default power', (0b10 << 23): 'fr_swap 1.5 A', (0b11 << 23): 'fr_swap 3.0 A', } mv = ((pdo >> 10) & 0x3ff) * 0.05 ma = ((pdo >> 0) & 0x3ff) * 0.01 p = '%gV %gA (%gW)' % (mv, ma, mv*ma) self.stored_pdos[idx] = '%s %gV' % (t_name, mv) elif t1 == 1: t_name = 'Battery' flags = {} # No flags defined for Battery PDO in PD 3.0 spec minv = ((pdo >> 10) & 0x3ff) * 0.05 maxv = ((pdo >> 20) & 0x3ff) * 0.05 mw = ((pdo >> 0) & 0x3ff) * 0.25 p = '%g/%gV %gW' % (minv, maxv, mw) self.stored_pdos[idx] = '%s %g/%gV' % (t_name, minv, maxv) elif t1 == 2: t_name = 'Variable' flags = {} # No flags defined for Variable PDO in PD 3.0 spec minv = ((pdo >> 10) & 0x3ff) * 0.05 maxv = ((pdo >> 20) & 0x3ff) * 0.05 ma = ((pdo >> 0) & 0x3ff) * 0.01 p = '%g/%gV %gA (%gW)' % (minv, maxv, ma, maxv*ma) self.stored_pdos[idx] = '%s %g/%gV' % (t_name, minv, maxv) elif t1 == 3: t2 = (pdo >> 28) & 3 if t2 == 0: t_name = 'PPS' flags = { (1 << 29): 'power_limited', } minv = ((pdo >> 8) & 0xff) * 0.1 maxv = ((pdo >> 17) & 0xff) * 0.1 ma = ((pdo >> 0) & 0xff) * 0.05 p = '%g/%gV %gA (%gW)' % (minv, maxv, ma, maxv*ma) if (pdo >> 27) & 0x1: p += ' [limited]' self.stored_pdos[idx] = '%s %g/%gV' % (t_name, minv, maxv) else: t_name = 'Reserved APDO: '+bin(t2) p = '[raw: %s]' % (bin(pdo)) self.stored_pdos[idx] = '%s %s' % (t_name, p) t_flags = '' for f in sorted(flags.keys(), reverse = True): if pdo & f: t_flags += ' [' + flags[f] + ']' return '[%s] %s%s' % (t_name, p, t_flags) def get_vdm(self, idx, data): if idx == 0: # VDM header vid = data >> 16 struct = data & (1 << 15) txt = 'VDM' if struct: # Structured VDM cmd = data & 0x1f src = data & (1 << 5) ack = (data >> 6) & 3 pos = (data >> 8) & 7 ver = (data >> 13) & 3 txt = VDM_ACK[ack] + ' ' txt += VDM_CMDS[cmd] if cmd in VDM_CMDS else 'cmd?' txt += ' pos %d' % (pos) if pos else ' ' else: # Unstructured VDM txt = 'unstruct [%04x]' % (data & 0x7fff) txt += ' SVID:%04x' % (vid) else: # VDM payload txt = 'VDO:%08x' % (data) return txt def get_bist(self, idx, data): mode = data >> 28 counter = data & 0xffff mode_name = BIST_MODES[mode] if mode in BIST_MODES else 'INVALID' if mode == 2: mode_name = 'Counter[= %d]' % (counter) # TODO: Check all 0 bits are 0 / emit warnings. return 'mode %s' % (mode_name) if idx == 0 else 'invalid BRO' def get_hex(self, idx, data): if idx == 0: txt = 'Ext H:%04x' % ( data & 0xFFFF ) txt += ' DATA: %02x' % ((data >> 24)&0xFF) txt += ' %02x' % ((data >> 16)&0xFF) else: txt = '%02x' % ((data >> 8)&0xFF) txt += ' %02x' % ((data >> 0)&0xFF) txt += ' %02x' % ((data >> 24)&0xFF) txt += ' %02x' % ((data >> 16)&0xFF) return txt def putpayload(self, s0, s1, idx): t = self.head_type() if self.head_ext() == 0 else 255 txt = '['+str(idx+1)+'] ' if t == 255: txt += self.get_hex(idx, self.data[idx]) elif t == 2: txt += self.get_request(self.data[idx]) elif t == 1 or t == 4: txt += self.get_source_sink_cap(self.data[idx], idx+1, t==1) elif t == 15: txt += self.get_vdm(idx, self.data[idx]) elif t == 3: txt += self.get_bist(idx, self.data[idx]) self.putx(s0, s1, [11, [txt, txt]]) self.text += ' - ' + txt def puthead(self): ann_type = 9 if self.head_power_role() else 10 role = 'SRC' if self.head_power_role() else 'SNK' if self.head_data_role() != self.head_power_role(): role += '/DFP' if self.head_data_role() else '/UFP' t = self.head_type() if self.head_ext() == 1: shortm = EXTENDED_TYPES[t] if t in EXTENDED_TYPES else 'EXTENDED???' elif self.head_count() == 0: shortm = CTRL_TYPES[t] else: shortm = DATA_TYPES[t] if t in DATA_TYPES else 'DAT???' longm = '(r{:d}) {:s}[{:d}]: {:s}'.format(self.head_rev(), role, self.head_id(), shortm) self.putx(0, -1, [ann_type, [longm, shortm]]) self.text += longm def head_ext(self): return (self.head >> 15) & 1 def head_id(self): return (self.head >> 9) & 7 def head_power_role(self): return (self.head >> 8) & 1 def head_data_role(self): return (self.head >> 5) & 1 def head_rev(self): return ((self.head >> 6) & 3) + 1 def head_type(self): return self.head & 0x1F def head_count(self): return (self.head >> 12) & 7 def putx(self, s0, s1, data): self.put(self.edges[s0], self.edges[s1], self.out_ann, data) def putwarn(self, longm, shortm): self.putx(0, -1, [8, [longm, shortm]]) def compute_crc32(self): bdata = struct.pack('= 3: return START_OF_PACKETS[seq] return None def scan_eop(self): for i in range(len(self.bits) - 19): k = (self.get_sym(i, rec=False), self.get_sym(i+5, rec=False), self.get_sym(i+10, rec=False), self.get_sym(i+15, rec=False)) sym = START_OF_PACKETS.get(k, None) if not sym: sym = self.find_corrupted_sop(k) # We have an interesting symbol sequence. if sym: # Annotate the preamble. self.putx(0, i, [1, ['Preamble', '...']]) # Annotate each symbol. self.rec_sym(i, k[0]) self.rec_sym(i+5, k[1]) self.rec_sym(i+10, k[2]) self.rec_sym(i+15, k[3]) if sym == 'Hard Reset': self.text += 'HRST' return -1 # Hard reset elif sym == 'Cable Reset': self.text += 'CRST' return -1 # Cable reset else: self.putx(i, i+20, [2, [sym, 'S']]) return i+20 self.putx(0, len(self.bits), [1, ['Junk???', 'XXX']]) self.text += 'Junk???' self.putwarn('No start of packet found', 'XXX') return -1 # No Start Of Packet def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.samplerate = None self.idx = 0 self.packet_seq = 0 self.previous = 0 self.startsample = None self.bits = [] self.edges = [] self.bad = [] self.half_one = False self.start_one = 0 self.stored_pdos = {} self.cap_mark = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] def metadata(self, key, value): if key == srd.SRD_CONF_SAMPLERATE: self.samplerate = value # 0 is 2 UI, space larger than 1.5x 0 is definitely wrong. self.maxbit = self.us2samples(3 * UI_US) # Duration threshold between half 1 and 0. self.threshold = self.us2samples(THRESHOLD_US) def start(self): self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN) self.out_binary = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_BINARY) self.out_bitrate = self.register( srd.OUTPUT_META, meta=(int, 'Bitrate', 'Bitrate during the packet') ) def us2samples(self, us): return int(us * self.samplerate / 1000000) def decode_packet(self): self.data = [] self.idx = 0 self.text = '' if len(self.edges) < 50: return # Not a real PD packet self.packet_seq += 1 tstamp = float(self.startsample) / self.samplerate self.text += '#%-4d (%8.6fms): ' % (self.packet_seq, tstamp*1000) self.idx = self.scan_eop() if self.idx < 0: # Full text trace of the issue. self.putx(0, self.idx, [12, [self.text, '...']]) return # No real packet: ABORT. # Packet header self.head = self.get_short() self.putx(self.idx-20, self.idx, [3, ['H:%04x' % (self.head), 'HD']]) self.puthead() # Decode data payload for i in range(self.head_count()): self.data.append(self.get_word()) self.putx(self.idx-40, self.idx,[4, ['[%d]%08x' % (i, self.data[i]), 'D%d' % (i)]]) self.putpayload(self.idx-40, self.idx, i) # CRC check self.crc = self.get_word() ccrc = self.compute_crc32() if self.crc != ccrc: self.putwarn('Bad CRC %08x != %08x' % (self.crc, ccrc), 'CRC!') self.putx(self.idx-40, self.idx, [5, ['CRC:%08x' % (self.crc), 'CRC']]) # End of Packet if len(self.bits) >= self.idx + 5 and self.get_sym(self.idx) == EOP: self.putx(self.idx, self.idx + 5, [6, ['EOP', 'E']]) self.idx += 5 else: self.putwarn('No EOP', 'EOP!') # Full text trace if self.options['fulltext'] == 'yes': self.putx(0, self.idx, [12, [self.text, '...']]) # Meta data for bitrate ss, es = self.edges[0], self.edges[-1] bitrate = self.samplerate*len(self.bits) / float(es - ss) self.put(es, ss, self.out_bitrate, int(bitrate)) # Raw binary data (BMC decoded) self.put(es, ss, self.out_binary, [0, bytes(self.bits)]) def decode(self): if not self.samplerate: raise SamplerateError('Cannot decode without samplerate.') while True: self.wait([{0: 'e'}, {1: 'e'}, {'skip': int(self.samplerate/1e3)}]) # First sample of the packet, just record the start date. if not self.startsample: self.startsample = self.samplenum self.previous = self.samplenum continue diff = self.samplenum - self.previous # Large idle: use it as the end of packet. if diff > self.maxbit: # The last edge of the packet. self.edges.append(self.previous) # Export the packet. self.decode_packet() # Reset for next packet. self.startsample = self.samplenum self.bits = [] self.edges = [] self.bad = [] self.half_one = False self.start_one = 0 else: # Add the bit to the packet. is_zero = diff > self.threshold if is_zero and not self.half_one: self.bits.append(0) self.edges.append(self.previous) elif not is_zero and self.half_one: self.bits.append(1) self.edges.append(self.start_one) self.half_one = False elif not is_zero and not self.half_one: self.half_one = True self.start_one = self.previous else: # Invalid BMC sequence self.bad.append((self.start_one, self.previous)) # TODO: Try to recover. self.bits.append(0) self.edges.append(self.previous) self.half_one = False self.previous = self.samplenum