v1.3.0 -- (2023-07-18) ---------- --common * Improve device management, decouple it from wave acquisition and display * Add support for dynamically switching font sizes * Modify the multilingual framework to support language extensions * Modify the format of session files * Modify the loading and display of data files * Optimize the switching between multiple devices * Add a mandatory prompt to save data when switching * Update demo device * Added the ability to view and clear logs --for logic analyzer * Add real-time display support for stream mode * Add scrolling (loop) mode to continuously collect and display in real-time * Update repeat mode to maintain previous waveform before switching * Update the display and search of waveform edges * Add and fix decoders (e.g., can-fd, mipi-rffe, UFCS, etc.) * Support ordering of decoders and waveform channels, and remember the order * Support exporting multiple column decoding results to the same CSV file * Support mapping and saving of decoder names and decoding channel names * Add Chinese translation for decoder options --for oscilloscope * Update the data storage method for oscilloscope channels * Fix an issue with file saving when using single channel v1.2.2 -- (2023-01-11) ---------- --common * Add shortcut key recognition of ctrl/shift/alt * Fix multiple clicks crash during file saving * Fix screenshot crash under macOS * Improve accuracy of CSV file --for logic analyzer * Support new hardware and firmware versions * Clean up 0: UART protocol outputs statement * Add CAN decoder support for CANFD * Fix wait error for some decoders * Fix QI decoder bugs * Fix SPDIF decoder error for incomplete frames * Add message type support for USB PD decoder --for oscilloscope * Fix measure error of DSL files with different channel number 1.2.1 -- (2022-08-27) ----------------- --common *add multilingual support for installation paths *fix the problem that some cloud desktop systems cannot recognize devices *Add logging and log level setting function --for logic analyzer *fix I2C decoder save issue when saving dsl files *add multingual supoort for channel name when saving dsl files *fix decoder errors when decoding invalid data *add data format selection of parallel decoder *fix channel mode issue of DSLogic U3Pro32 under USB2.0 connection --for oscilloscope *fix center position offset issue when scaling waveform 1.2.0 -- (2022-07-05) ----------------- --common *fix issue of large file saving failure in some cases *optimize file saving speed *fix issue of recognization of USB2.0 devices under MacOS *fix abnormal window display caused by system scaling *fix issue of hidden toolbar buttons *fix assert errors caused by multithreading problem *modify processing window of file saving *fix accidental operation issues during file loading *fix screenshot issue *build a new compilation method based on cmake *fix window cannot be recoved issue after moving out of screen *fix other display issues --for logic analyzer *add protocol search function *add auto stacking function when adding multi-layer protocols *optimize decoder memory usage *add specific decoder support for format conversion of data *add enable/disable options for mouse quick scroll *add csv export format selection (original / compressed) *fix issue of wave back search *optimize parallel decode, and increase to 32 data channels *optimize the clock edge setting of MDIO decoder *fix issue of Flexray decoder *fix issue of ps/2 decoder *optimize sdcard decoder *extend interval to 0.1s under repeat mode *increase number of decoders up to 138 --for oscilloscope *fix the data accuracy issue when exporting csv file *fix math waveform generation of half screen data when stop *remove invalid edge count measurment display *fix crash caused by trigger dock movement *fix display error of time ruler in some cases --for data acquisiton *fix data inverval error under ultra-low sample rate 1.1.2 -- (2020-05-11) ----------------- --common *fix issue of saving/loading file with special characters *fix issue #226, double-click open dsl file on Windows --for logic analyzer *improve range settings in decoders *add QSPI and MIPI DSI decoders *merge enhancement of LPC decoder *fix issue #300, time precision for csv export of decoder results *fix out-of-order issue of multiple annotation rows in one decoder *fix issue #306, VCD file export uses the wrong identifier codes 1.1.1 -- (2020-04-09) ----------------- --common *improve the icons with svg format for better high DPI display *fix out of screen issue when DPI scale >= 1.5 @ 1080P --for logic analyzer *fix type-c orientation issue for U3Pro16/U3Pro32 *fix decoder issues (enhance detection of i2s stop and dmx512 break) --for oscilloscope *improve the auto gain control during auto calibration for U2B100/U3P100 *fix issue of first trigger be ignored 1.1.0 -- (2020-02-22) ----------------- --common *add support for DSCope U3P100 device (100M bandwidth/1G samplerate/USB3.0 oscilloscope) *add support for DSLogic U3Pro32 device (32 channels/1G samplerate/USB3.0 logic analyzer) *add support for DSCope U2B100 device (100M bandwidth/1G samplerate/USB2.0 oscilloscope) *add support for DSLogic U3Pro16 device (16 channels/1G samplerate/USB3.0 logic analyzer) *add display of device type (USB 2.0 / USB 3.0 / Demo / File) *add version check for FPGA firmware *improve the default file name when saving/exporting files *fix other display and language issue --for logic analyzer *extend channel support for trigger up to 32 channels *fix issue of ps/2 decoder (#239) *fix issue of cec decoder (#235) *fix ID issue when export results of decoder (#237) *fix "not" logic don't work in advance trigger *fix other display issues --for oscilloscope *improve wave shake issue when trig high freqency signals *fix sampling point selection issue of downsampling *add 20M bandwidth limitation for DSCope U2B100 / DSCope U3P100 devices *improve synchronism between data acquisition and wave dispaly *fix wave display and measurement issue when change vdiv and offset after stop *fix capture restart issue when change offset in roll mode *fix issue of timebase of math channel can't be changed when waiting trigger *fix issue of offset can't be changed when waiting trigger *fix clear and flicker issue of auto measurements *fix cursor and mouse measurements issue after change samplerate when waiting trigger *fix trigger issue when toggle between different trigger source --for data acquisiton *fix hardware offset setting issue *fix mipmap issue of long time data at some case *add cursor and mouse measurements 1.0.1 -- (2019-09-15) ----------------- --common *fix issue #227 (firmware compitable issue with certain hardware) 1.0.0 -- (2019-09-09) ----------------- --common *add multi-language support and dynamic switch *add two themes (dark/light) support and dynamic switch *improve 4K/high DPI display support *add close function for file type device *add message tips when encounter file save errors *fix file format of export file, like VCD *fix other minor issues --for logic analyzer *add support for V3 version decode library *add more decoders, the number of decoders come up to 97 *improve options and speed for certain decoders *fix load&store issue of some decode options *fix wrong measure result at certain sample rate *fix channel selection of stream mode *fix filter issue above 100M sample rate *fix decode error for long time capture *fix progress display issue when set region decode *improve measurement bwteent edges in different channels --for oscilloscope *improve the auto measure funciton, support up to 20 measurements *improve UI for auto measure *implement x-y mode display for lissajous-figure *implement Add/Sub/Mul/Div math channel *add horizontal measure cursors *improve measure of frequency, refer to current trigger level *fix captured wave display issue when change horizontal resolution *fix inconsistant issue when export csv file *improve algorithm of frequency measure, especially for low frequency and special signals *improve autoset function *improve auto calibraiton function --for data acquisiton *add default settings of Y-axis 0.9.9 (2018-05-30) ----------------- --common *add boundary for the main window *fix the double border issue #130 *fix measure no update when change cursor in Rule area *add sample duration setting instead of sample count *improve save/load and export support *fix other minor issues --for logic analyzer *add more decoders *add edges distance measure between channels *add RLE compress options --for oscilloscope *add DSCopeC20/DSCopeC20P devices support *improve UI of channel settings *improve autoset function --for data acquisiton *add DAQ mode for DSCope serial devices 0.9.8 (2017-07-29) ----------------- --common *fix hardware initialization issue(always red led indicator) when power on *improve move operations of cursors/label/trigger level, support both press-drag and select-move-release mode *update the manually, and integrate into the menu of the software *improve the content of 'About' menu, add 'changelogs' information *firmware/HDL update --for logic analyzer *improve display scale of decoder contents under exception case *fix display issue of progressbar of saving dsl file, when sample depth greater than 4G *fix export issue when part of channels enalbed *fix pattern search issue. *fix out of boundary issue of scroll bar, when sample depth greater than 8G --for oscilloscope *fix auto calibraiton issue *improve noise processing method 0.9.7 (2017-06-02) ----------------- --common *fix file save fail issue *fix window missing issue when disconnect external monitor *fix crash issue when open illegal files *improve graphics rendering and operations fluency *fix window display issue: maximize/minimize/show/hide...etc --for logic analyzer *Enhance stream mode funtion to achieve 100M@3channels / 50M@6channels / 25M@12channels / 20M@16channels *improve memory structure, extend sample depth to solve memory alloc fail issue *resolve the coupling between channel data, unused channels don't occupy memory space *add stop options to support upload already captured data under buffer mode *add save/load function for protocol settings *add cursor-based edge statistics function *add repetitive mode to support repeat trigger acquisiton *improve search funciton to support start position setting *improve advanced trigger *improve cursor measurement method, add 16 sets of measurement between cursors *fix trigger issue when sample rate greater than 100MHz *fix display issue of trigger position *implement free combination of channels under stream mode *improve file saving display window, and add cancel button *fix partial decoding issue *fix messy code issue when add protocol decoder *improve the stability of protocol decoder *add mapping funtion from graphic decode to list decode *add mapping flag between grapic decode and list decode *add channel height option for file device *add auto snap to edge function when insert cursor --for oscilloscope *fix dsl file loading issue *fix waveform delay display issue after trigger *fix crash issue when enable/disable channels *fix vertical position moving issue under stop state *fix window background rendering issue 0.9.6 (2016-08-12) ----------------- --common *change color matching of UI *fix memory leakage issues *improve stability of usb transfer *add new hardware support *improve interaction of mouse operations *improve stability of multi-thread operations *change usb driver under windows system *add path memory for file operations *custom windows title of UI *change path of setting files, avoid authority issues --for logic analyzer *add list viewer for results of protocol decoders *add search function for protocol list viewer *add file export for results of protocol decoders *improve speed and memory usage of protocol decoders *improve protocol decoders scripts (i2c, uart, spi already done) *add start and end settings for protocol decoders *improve serial trigger, add counter for serial value *improve display and settings for protocol decoders *add display of trigger time *add multi-row search for protocol list viewer *add trigger position and time for file save --for oscilloscope *add FFT function for signal analyzer *add auto/trigger shift function *improve zero adjustment program *add manual zero adjustment *add gain adjustment for each vdiv *fix signal display issue when resize window *fix crash issue when change measure settings *fix run-without-display issue *add trigger sensitivity setting *add display of trigger status *fix measure setting reset issue 0.9.5 (2015-12-14) ----------------- --for logic analyzer *add RLE compress mode *improve mode setting strategy, fix channel number *add edge count function *fix memory leakage when run protocol decoder *add signal height setting, improve display issue *fix crash issue when add group signal *fix channel enable/disable issue *fix channel display issue when load file input *add cursor by mouse double-click *fix other issues --for oscilloscope *add file export/load function *fix wait time issue when trigger setted *improve display of signal measure *add Vrms/Vmean/Vp-p measure *fix setting issue when load session *imporve add/del of measure ruler *fix other issues 0.9.4 (2015-06-29) ----------------- * add session load/store function * add drag-and-drop effect in viewport window * improve display effect of dock windows, add scroll bar * fix other GUI issues --for logic analyzer * upgrade advance trigger counter from 16bit to 32bit * add serial trigger function * fix memory leakage issue when load *.dsl files * fix delete group signal issue when no data captured --for oscilloscope * add measurement of width, period, frequency and duty cycle * fix instant capture issue @ demo mode * add trigger hold-off time function * fix channels enable/disable issue * fix data error issue of instant capture before normal capture * fix trigger position issue when only one channel enabled * fix trigger level can't be changed issue when only one channel enabled 0.9.3 (2015-05-08) ----------------- * Upgrade to qt5 library * Support stdc++11 * Improve measure function @ LA mode * Add duty cycle measure @ LA mode * Fix out of range issue @ LA mode * Add export function, support csv/vcd/gnuplot/zip @ LA mode; and csv @ DSO mode * Add x1/x10/x100 probe options @ DSO mode * Add measure function @ DSO mode * Add voltage display of trigger value @ DSO mode * Fix wave disappear issue @ DSO mode * Fix trigger issue @ DSO stream mode * Fix data repeat when set trigger @ LA stream mode * Keep channel settings when reload occurred @ LA mode * Fix decoder issue when capture part of data @ LA mode * Fix stack decoder add issue @ LA mode * Fix other bugs 0.9.2 (2015-04-15) ----------------- * Add DSLogic Pro and DSCope support * Add Stream mode to DSLogic & DSLogic Pro * Support up to 1G samples @ LA mode * Add zero adjustment @ Oscilloscope mode * Support zero skew parameters restore * Enhance stbility * Fix other bugs 0.4.0 (2014-09-24) ----------------- * Add protocol decoders (38) support * Improve the hardware configuration under various platforms * Add different thresholds support * Add options for input filter under logic analyzer mode * Add instant capture(trigger ignore) under logic analyzer mode * Ad detail capture status display under logic abrary * Support stdc++11 * Improve measure function @ LA mode * Add duty cycle measure @ LA mode * Fix out of range issue @ LA mode * Add export function, support csv/vcd/gnuplot/zip @ LA mode; and csv @ DSO mode * Add x1/x10/x100 probe options @ DSO mode * Add measure function @ DSO mode * Add voltage display of trigger value @ DSO mode * Fix wave disappear issue @ DSO mode * Fix trigger issue @ DSO stream mode * Fix data repeat when set trigger @ LA stream mode * Keep channel settings when reload occurred @ LA mode * Fix decoder issue when capture part of data @ LA mode * Fix stack decoder add issue @ LA mode * Fix other bugsnalyzer mode * Add quick button for mode shift * Redesign the GUI for oscilloscope * Add flexible sample rate support under oscilloscope mode * Fix trigger value setting issue * Improve trigger method under oscilloscope mode * Add shortcut keys for major operations * Fix other bugs 0.3.0 (2014-06-29) ----------------- * Add DSLogic Oscilloscope module support. * Fix data display issue when not all channels be enabled. * Fix issue of data mirrored to other channels. * Fix radiobutton/checkbox display issue under certain windows theme. * Add new simple trigger type * Fix bugs of trigger setting and detection * Fix other minior issues. * Clean up the git repository 0.2.1 (2014-05-08) ------------------ * Add wireless extension hardware support. * Fix libusb_error_io issue on Linux when sample rate >= 100MHz. * Fix channel enable/disable bug. * Fix device options config issue. * Fix some display issues of UI. 0.2.0 (2014-04-13) ------------------ * Add DSLogic hardware support. 0.1.0 (2013-12-15) ------------------ * Initial release.