/* * This file is part of the libsigrok project. * * Copyright (C) 2014 Bert Vermeulen * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "libsigrok.h" #include "libsigrok-internal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LOG_PREFIX "output/srzip" struct out_context { uint64_t samplerate; char *filename; zipFile zipArchive; int bCreated; zip_fileinfo zi; GKeyFile *meta; int chunk_index; }; static int init(struct sr_output *o, GHashTable *options) { struct out_context *outc; outc = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct out_context)); o->priv = outc; outc->zipArchive = NULL; outc->bCreated = 0; outc->meta = NULL; outc->chunk_index = 0; outc->filename = g_strdup(g_variant_get_bytestring(g_hash_table_lookup(options, "filename"))); if (strlen(outc->filename) == 0) return SR_ERR_ARG; return SR_OK; } /* add zip inner file */ static int add_file_from_buffer(zipFile zipArchive, zip_fileinfo *zi, const char *innerFile, const char *buffer, unsigned int buferSize) { assert(buffer); assert(innerFile); assert(zipArchive); assert(zi); int level = Z_BEST_SPEED; if (level < Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION || level > Z_BEST_COMPRESSION){ level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION; } zipOpenNewFileInZip(zipArchive,innerFile,zi, NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL , Z_DEFLATED, level); zipWriteInFileInZip(zipArchive, buffer, (unsigned int)buferSize); zipCloseFileInZip(zipArchive); return 0; } /* add meta file to archive */ static void save_meta_file(const struct sr_output *o) { struct out_context *outc; char *metabuf; gsize metalen; outc = o->priv; if (outc->meta != NULL && outc->zipArchive != NULL){ metabuf = g_key_file_to_data(outc->meta, &metalen, NULL); add_file_from_buffer(outc->zipArchive, &outc->zi, "metadata", metabuf, metalen); g_free(metabuf); g_key_file_free(outc->meta); outc->meta = NULL; } } /* create zip archive */ static int create_archive(const struct sr_output *o) { struct out_context *outc; struct sr_channel *ch; GKeyFile *meta; GVariant *gvar; GSList *l; int tmpfile, ret; const char *devgroup; size_t ch_nr; char version[1], metafile[32]; char *s = NULL; int logic_channels = 0; int enabled_logic_channels = 0; outc = o->priv; outc->zipArchive = NULL; //zi time_t rawtime; time (&rawtime); struct tm *ti = localtime(&rawtime); zip_fileinfo *zi = &outc->zi; zi->tmz_date.tm_year = ti->tm_year; zi->tmz_date.tm_mon = ti->tm_mon; zi->tmz_date.tm_mday = ti->tm_mday; zi->tmz_date.tm_hour = ti->tm_hour; zi->tmz_date.tm_min = ti->tm_min; zi->tmz_date.tm_sec = ti->tm_sec; zi->dosDate = 0; if (outc->samplerate == 0) { if (sr_config_get(o->sdi->driver, o->sdi, NULL, NULL, SR_CONF_SAMPLERATE, &gvar) == SR_OK) { if (gvar != NULL) { outc->samplerate = g_variant_get_uint64(gvar); g_variant_unref(gvar); } } } /* Quietly delete it first, libzip wants replace ops otherwise. */ unlink(outc->filename); outc->zipArchive = zipOpen64(outc->filename, FALSE); if (outc->zipArchive == NULL){ sr_err("create srzip archive error."); return SR_ERR; } /* "version" */ version[0] = '2'; add_file_from_buffer(outc->zipArchive, zi, "version", version, 1); /* init "metadata" */ meta = g_key_file_new(); g_key_file_set_string(meta, "global", "sigrok version", sr_package_version_string_get()); devgroup = "device 1"; logic_channels = 0; enabled_logic_channels = 0; for (l = o->sdi->channels; l; l = l->next) { ch = l->data; if (ch->type == SR_CHANNEL_LOGIC){ if (ch->enabled) enabled_logic_channels++; logic_channels++; } } /* Only set capturefile and probes if we will actually save logic data. */ if (enabled_logic_channels > 0) { g_key_file_set_string(meta, devgroup, "capturefile", "logic-1"); g_key_file_set_integer(meta, devgroup, "total probes", logic_channels); } s = sr_samplerate_string(outc->samplerate); g_key_file_set_string(meta, devgroup, "samplerate", s); g_free(s); for (l = o->sdi->channels; l; l = l->next) { ch = l->data; if (!ch->enabled || ch->type != SR_CHANNEL_LOGIC){ continue; } s = NULL; ch_nr = ch->index + 1; s = g_strdup_printf("probe%zu", ch_nr); if (s) { g_key_file_set_string(meta, devgroup, s, ch->name); g_free(s); } } outc->meta = meta; return SR_OK; } /* append data to archive */ static int append_archive_data(const struct sr_output *o, unsigned char *buf, int unitsize, int length) { struct out_context *outc; char chunkname[20]; outc = o->priv; /* * If the file was only initialized but doesn't yet have any * data it in, it won't have a unitsize field in metadata yet. */ if (outc->meta != NULL) { /* Add unitsize field. */ g_key_file_set_integer(outc->meta, "device 1", "unitsize", unitsize); save_meta_file(o); outc->meta = NULL; } outc->chunk_index++; snprintf(chunkname, 15, "logic-1-%d", outc->chunk_index); add_file_from_buffer(outc->zipArchive, &outc->zi, chunkname, buf, length); return SR_OK; } static int receive(const struct sr_output *o, const struct sr_datafeed_packet *packet, GString **out) { struct out_context *outc; const struct sr_datafeed_meta *meta; const struct sr_datafeed_logic *logic; const struct sr_config *src; GSList *l; int ret; *out = NULL; if (!o || !o->sdi || !(outc = o->priv)) return SR_ERR_ARG; switch (packet->type) { case SR_DF_META: meta = packet->payload; for (l = meta->config; l; l = l->next) { src = l->data; if (src->key != SR_CONF_SAMPLERATE) continue; outc->samplerate = g_variant_get_uint64(src->data); } break; case SR_DF_LOGIC: if (!outc->bCreated) { if ((ret = create_archive(o)) != SR_OK) return ret; outc->bCreated = TRUE; } logic = packet->payload; ret = append_archive_data(o, logic->data, logic->unitsize, logic->length); break; } return SR_OK; } static int cleanup(struct sr_output *o) { struct out_context *outc; outc = o->priv; if (outc->zipArchive != NULL){ save_meta_file(o); zipClose(outc->zipArchive, NULL); } g_free(outc->filename); g_free(outc); o->priv = NULL; return SR_OK; } static struct sr_option options[] = { { "filename", "Filename", "File to write", NULL, NULL }, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; static const struct sr_option *get_options(void) { if (!options[0].def) options[0].def = g_variant_ref_sink(g_variant_new_string("")); return options; } SR_PRIV struct sr_output_module output_srzip = { .id = "srzip", .name = "srzip", .desc = "srzip session file", .exts = (const char*[]){"sr", NULL}, .options = get_options, .init = init, .receive = receive, .cleanup = cleanup, };