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## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
## Copyright (C) 2019 Federico Cerutti <federico@ceres-c.it>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from common.srdhelper import bitpack_lsb
import sigrokdecode as srd
class Pin:
RST, CLK, IO, = range(3)
class Ann:
= range(13)
class Bin:
BYTES, = range(1)
class Decoder(srd.Decoder):
api_version = 3
id = 'sle44xx'
name = 'SLE 44xx'
longname = 'SLE44xx memory card'
desc = 'SLE 4418/28/32/42 memory card serial protocol'
license = 'gplv2+'
inputs = ['logic']
outputs = []
tags = ['Memory']
channels = (
{'id': 'rst', 'name': 'RST', 'desc': 'Reset line'},
{'id': 'clk', 'name': 'CLK', 'desc': 'Clock line'},
{'id': 'io', 'name': 'I/O', 'desc': 'I/O data line'},
annotations = (
('reset_sym', 'Reset Symbol'),
('intr_sym', 'Interrupt Symbol'),
('start_sym', 'Start Symbol'),
('stop_sym', 'Stop Symbol'),
('bit_sym', 'Bit Symbol'),
('atr_byte', 'ATR Byte'),
('cmd_byte', 'Command Byte'),
('out_byte', 'Outgoing Byte'),
('proc_byte', 'Processing Byte'),
('atr_data', 'ATR data'),
('cmd_data', 'Command data'),
('out_data', 'Outgoing data'),
('proc_data', 'Processing data'),
annotation_rows = (
('symbols', 'Symbols', (Ann.RESET_SYM, Ann.INTR_SYM,
('fields', 'Fields', (Ann.ATR_BYTE,
('operations', 'Operations', (Ann.ATR_DATA,
binary = (
('bytes', 'Bytes'),
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
self.samplerate = None
self.max_addr = 256
self.bits = []
self.atr_bytes = []
self.cmd_bytes = []
self.cmd_proc = None
self.out_len = None
self.out_bytes = []
self.proc_state = None
self.state = None
def metadata(self, key, value):
if key == srd.SRD_CONF_SAMPLERATE:
self.samplerate = value
def start(self):
self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN)
self.out_binary = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_BINARY)
def putx(self, ss, es, cls, data):
self.put(ss, es, self.out_ann, [cls, data,])
def putb(self, ss, es, cls , data):
self.put(ss, es, self.out_binary, [cls, data,])
def snums_to_usecs(self, snum_count):
if not self.samplerate:
return None
snums_per_usec = self.samplerate / 1e6
usecs = snum_count / snums_per_usec
return usecs
def lookup_proto_ann_txt(self, key, variables):
ann = {
'RESET_SYM': [Ann.RESET_SYM, 'Reset', 'R',],
'INTR_SYM': [Ann.INTR_SYM, 'Interrupt', 'Intr', 'I',],
'START_SYM': [Ann.START_SYM, 'Start', 'ST', 'S',],
'STOP_SYM': [Ann.STOP_SYM, 'Stop', 'SP', 'P',],
'BIT_SYM': [Ann.BIT_SYM, '{bit}',],
'Answer To Reset: {data:02x}',
'ATR: {data:02x}',
'Command: {data:02x}',
'Cmd: {data:02x}',
'Outgoing data: {data:02x}',
'Data: {data:02x}',
'Internal processing: {data:02x}',
'Proc: {data:02x}',
'Answer To Reset: {data}',
'ATR: {data}',
'Command: {data}',
'Cmd: {data}',
'Outgoing: {data}',
'Out: {data}',
'Processing: {data}',
'Proc: {data}',
}.get(key, None)
if ann is None:
return None, []
cls, texts = ann[0], ann[1:]
texts = [t.format(**variables) for t in texts]
return cls, texts
def text_for_accu_bytes(self, accu):
if not accu:
return None, None, None, None
ss, es = accu[0][1], accu[-1][2]
data = [a[0] for a in accu]
text = " ".join(['{:02x}'.format(a) for a in data])
return ss, es, data, text
def flush_queued(self):
'''Flush previously accumulated operations details.'''
# Can be called when either the completion of an operation got
# detected (reliably), or when some kind of reset condition was
# met while a potential previously observed operation has not
# been postprocessed yet (best effort). Should not harm when the
# routine gets invoked while no data was collected yet, or was
# flushed already.
# BEWARE! Will void internal state. Should really only get called
# "between operations", NOT between fields of an operation.
if self.atr_bytes:
key = 'ATR_DATA'
ss, es, _, text = self.text_for_accu_bytes(self.atr_bytes)
cls, texts = self.lookup_proto_ann_txt(key, {'data': text})
self.putx(ss, es, cls, texts)
if self.cmd_bytes:
key = 'CMD_DATA'
ss, es, _, text = self.text_for_accu_bytes(self.cmd_bytes)
cls, texts = self.lookup_proto_ann_txt(key, {'data': text})
self.putx(ss, es, cls, texts)
if self.out_bytes:
key = 'OUT_DATA'
ss, es, _, text = self.text_for_accu_bytes(self.out_bytes)
cls, texts = self.lookup_proto_ann_txt(key, {'data': text})
self.putx(ss, es, cls, texts)
if self.proc_state:
key = 'PROC_DATA'
ss = self.proc_state['ss']
es = self.proc_state['es']
clk = self.proc_state['clk']
high = self.proc_state['io1']
text = '{clk} clocks, I/O {high}'.format(clk = clk, high = int(high))
usecs = self.snums_to_usecs(es - ss)
if usecs:
msecs = usecs / 1000
text = '{msecs:.2f} ms, {text}'.format(msecs = msecs, text = text)
cls, texts = self.lookup_proto_ann_txt(key, {'data': text})
self.putx(ss, es, cls, texts)
self.atr_bytes = None
self.cmd_bytes = None
self.cmd_proc = None
self.out_len = None
self.out_bytes = None
self.proc_state = None
self.state = None
def handle_reset(self, ss, es, has_clk):
key = '{}_SYM'.format('RESET' if has_clk else 'INTR')
cls, texts = self.lookup_proto_ann_txt(key, {})
self.putx(ss, es, cls, texts)
self.bits = []
self.state = 'ATR' if has_clk else None
def handle_command(self, ss, is_start):
if is_start:
key = '{}_SYM'.format('START' if is_start else 'STOP')
cls, texts = self.lookup_proto_ann_txt(key, {})
self.putx(ss, ss, cls, texts)
self.bits = []
self.state = 'CMD' if is_start else 'DATA'
def command_check(self, ctrl, addr, data):
'''Interpret CTRL/ADDR/DATA command entry.'''
# See the Siemens Datasheet section 2.3 Commands. The abbreviated
# text variants are my guesses, terse for readability at coarser
# zoom levels.
codes_table = {
0x30: {
'fmt': [
'read main memory, addr {addr:02x}',
'RD-M @{addr:02x}',
'len': lambda ctrl, addr, data: self.max_addr - addr,
0x31: {
'fmt': [
'read security memory',
'len': 4,
0x33: {
'fmt': [
'compare verification data, addr {addr:02x}, data {data:02x}',
'CMP-V @{addr:02x} ={data:02x}',
'proc': True,
0x34: {
'fmt': [
'read protection memory, addr {addr:02x}',
'RD-P @{addr:02x}',
'len': 4,
0x38: {
'fmt': [
'update main memory, addr {addr:02x}, data {data:02x}',
'WR-M @{addr:02x} ={data:02x}',
'proc': True,
0x39: {
'fmt': [
'update security memory, addr {addr:02x}, data {data:02x}',
'WR-S @{addr:02x} ={data:02x}',
'proc': True,
0x3c: {
'fmt': [
'write protection memory, addr {addr:02x}, data {data:02x}',
'WR-P @{addr:02x} ={data:02x}',
'proc': True,
code = codes_table.get(ctrl, {})
dflt_fmt = [
'unknown, ctrl {ctrl:02x}, addr {addr:02x}, data {data:02x}',
'UNK-{ctrl:02x} @{addr:02x}, ={data:02x}',
fmt = code.get('fmt', dflt_fmt)
if not isinstance(fmt, (list, tuple,)):
fmt = [fmt,]
texts = [f.format(ctrl = ctrl, addr = addr, data = data) for f in fmt]
length = code.get('len', None)
if callable(length):
length = length(ctrl, addr, data)
is_proc = code.get('proc', False)
return texts, length, is_proc
def processing_start(self, ss, es, io_high):
self.proc_state = {
'ss': ss or es,
'es': es or ss,
'clk': 0,
'io1': bool(io_high),
def processing_update(self, es, clk_inc, io_high):
if es is not None and es > self.proc_state['es']:
self.proc_state['es'] = es
self.proc_state['clk'] += clk_inc
if io_high:
self.proc_state['io1'] = True
def handle_data_byte(self, ss, es, data, bits):
'''Accumulate CMD or OUT data bytes.'''
if self.state == 'ATR':
if not self.atr_bytes:
self.atr_bytes = []
self.atr_bytes.append([data, ss, es, bits,])
if len(self.atr_bytes) == 4:
if self.state == 'CMD':
if not self.cmd_bytes:
self.cmd_bytes = []
self.cmd_bytes.append([data, ss, es, bits,])
if len(self.cmd_bytes) == 3:
ctrl, addr, data = [c[0] for c in self.cmd_bytes]
texts, length, proc = self.command_check(ctrl, addr, data)
# Immediately emit the annotation to not lose the text,
# and to support zoom levels for this specific case.
ss, es = self.cmd_bytes[0][1], self.cmd_bytes[-1][2]
cls = Ann.CMD_DATA
self.putx(ss, es, cls, texts)
self.cmd_bytes = []
# Prepare to continue either at OUT or PROC after CMD.
self.out_len = length
self.cmd_proc = bool(proc)
self.state = None
if self.state == 'OUT':
if not self.out_bytes:
self.out_bytes = []
self.out_bytes.append([data, ss, es, bits,])
if self.out_len is not None and len(self.out_bytes) == self.out_len:
def handle_data_bit(self, ss, es, bit):
'''Gather 8 bits of data (or track processing progress).'''
# Switch late from DATA to either OUT or PROC. We can tell the
# type and potentially fixed length at the end of CMD already,
# but a START/STOP condition may void this information. So we
# do the switch at the first data bit after CMD.
# In the OUT case data bytes get accumulated, until either the
# expected byte count is reached, or another CMD starts. In the
# PROC case a high I/O level terminates execution.
if self.state == 'DATA':
if self.out_len:
self.state = 'OUT'
elif self.cmd_proc:
self.state = 'PROC'
self.processing_start(ss or es, es or ss, bit == 1)
# Implementor's note: Handle unknown situations like
# outgoing data bytes, for the user's convenience. This
# will show OUT bytes even if it's just processing CLK
# cycles with constant or irrelevant I/O bit patterns.
self.state = 'OUT'
if self.state == 'PROC':
high = bit == 1
if ss is not None:
self.processing_update(ss, 0, high)
if es is not None:
self.processing_update(es, 1, high)
if high:
# This routine gets called two times per bit value. Track the
# bit's value and ss timestamp when the bit period starts. And
# update the es timestamp at the end of the bit's validity.
if ss is not None:
self.bits.append([bit, ss, es or ss])
if es is None:
# Unexpected invocation. Could be a glitch or invalid input
# data, or an interaction with RESET/START/STOP conditions.
self.bits = []
if not self.bits:
if bit is not None:
self.bits[-1][0] = bit
# TODO Check for consistent bit level at ss and es when
# the information was available? Is bit data sampled at
# different clock edges depending whether data is sent
# or received?
self.bits[-1][2] = es
# Emit the bit's annotation. See if a byte was received.
bit, ss, es = self.bits[-1]
cls, texts = self.lookup_proto_ann_txt('BIT_SYM', {'bit': bit})
self.putx(ss, es, cls, texts)
if len(self.bits) < 8:
# Get the data byte value, and the byte's ss/es. Emit the byte's
# annotation and binary output. Pass the byte to upper layers.
# TODO Vary annotation classes with the byte's position within
# a field? To tell CTRL/ADDR/DATA of a CMD entry apart?
bits = self.bits
self.bits = []
data = bitpack_lsb(bits, 0)
ss = bits[0][1]
es = bits[-1][2]
key = '{}_BYTE'.format(self.state)
cls, texts = self.lookup_proto_ann_txt(key, {'data': data})
if cls:
self.putx(ss, es, cls, texts)
self.putb(ss, es, Bin.BYTES, bytes([data]))
self.handle_data_byte(ss, es, data, bits)
def check_bit(self, d):
v = self.matched & (1 << d)
return (v >> d) == 1
def decode(self):
'''Decoder's main data interpretation loop.'''
# Signal conditions tracked by the protocol decoder:
# - Rising and falling RST edges, which span the width of a
# high-active RESET pulse. RST has highest priority, no
# other activity can take place in this period.
# - Rising and falling CLK edges when RST is active. The
# CLK pulse when RST is asserted will reset the card's
# address counter. RST alone can terminate memory reads.
# - Rising and falling CLK edges when RST is inactive. This
# determines the period where BIT values are valid.
# - I/O edges during high CLK. These are START and STOP
# conditions that tell COMMAND and DATA phases apart.
# - Rise of I/O during internal processing. This expression
# is an unconditional part of the .wait() condition set. It
# is assumed that skipping this match in many cases is more
# efficient than the permanent re-construction of the .wait()
# condition list in every loop iteration, and preferrable to
# the maintainance cost of duplicating RST and CLK handling
# when checking I/O during internal processing.
) = range(9)
conditions = [
{Pin.RST: 'r'},
{Pin.RST: 'f'},
{Pin.RST: 'h', Pin.CLK: 'r'},
{Pin.RST: 'h', Pin.CLK: 'f'},
{Pin.RST: 'l', Pin.CLK: 'r'},
{Pin.RST: 'l', Pin.CLK: 'f'},
{Pin.CLK: 'h', Pin.IO: 'f'},
{Pin.CLK: 'h', Pin.IO: 'r'},
{Pin.RST: 'l', Pin.IO: 'r'},
ss_reset = es_reset = ss_clk = es_clk = None
while True:
is_outgoing = self.state == 'OUT'
is_processing = self.state == 'PROC'
pins = self.wait(conditions)
io = pins[Pin.IO]
# Handle RESET conditions, including an optional CLK pulse
# while RST is asserted.
if self.check_bit(COND_RESET_START):
ss_reset = self.samplenum
es_reset = ss_clk = es_clk = None
if self.check_bit(COND_RESET_STOP):
es_reset = self.samplenum
self.handle_reset(ss_reset or 0, es_reset, ss_clk and es_clk)
ss_reset = es_reset = ss_clk = es_clk = None
if self.check_bit(COND_RSTCLK_START):
ss_clk = self.samplenum
es_clk = None
if self.check_bit(COND_RSTCLK_STOP):
es_clk = self.samplenum
# Handle data bits' validity boundaries. Also covers the
# periodic check for high I/O level and update of details
# during internal processing.
if self.check_bit(COND_DATA_START):
self.handle_data_bit(self.samplenum, None, io)
if self.check_bit(COND_DATA_STOP):
self.handle_data_bit(None, self.samplenum, None)
# Additional check for idle I/O during internal processing,
# independent of CLK edges this time. This assures that the
# decoder ends processing intervals as soon as possible, at
# the most precise timestamp.
if is_processing and self.check_bit(COND_PROC_IOH):
self.handle_data_bit(self.samplenum, self.samplenum, io)
# The START/STOP conditions are only applicable outside of
# "outgoing data" or "internal processing" periods. This is
# what the data sheet specifies.
if not is_outgoing and not is_processing:
if self.check_bit(COND_CMD_START):
self.handle_command(self.samplenum, True)
if self.check_bit(COND_CMD_STOP):
self.handle_command(self.samplenum, False)