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synced 2025-02-02 13:52:55 +08:00
369 lines
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Executable File
369 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
## Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Uwe Hermann <uwe@hermann-uwe.de>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import sigrokdecode as srd
# ...
fields = {
# START field (indicates start or stop of a transaction)
'START': {
0b0000: 'Start of cycle for a target',
0b0001: 'Reserved',
0b0010: 'Grant for bus master 0',
0b0011: 'Grant for bus master 1',
0b0100: 'Reserved',
0b0101: 'Reserved',
0b0110: 'Reserved',
0b0111: 'Reserved',
0b1000: 'Reserved',
0b1001: 'Reserved',
0b1010: 'Reserved',
0b1011: 'Reserved',
0b1100: 'Reserved',
0b1101: 'Start of cycle for a Firmware Memory Read cycle',
0b1110: 'Start of cycle for a Firmware Memory Write cycle',
0b1111: 'Stop/abort (end of a cycle for a target)',
# Cycle type / direction field
# Bit 0 (LAD[0]) is unused, should always be 0.
# Neither host nor peripheral are allowed to drive 0b11x0.
'CT_DR': {
0b0000: 'I/O read',
0b0010: 'I/O write',
0b0100: 'Memory read',
0b0110: 'Memory write',
0b1000: 'DMA read',
0b1010: 'DMA write',
0b1100: 'Reserved / not allowed',
0b1110: 'Reserved / not allowed',
# SIZE field (determines how many bytes are to be transferred)
# Bits[3:2] are reserved, must be driven to 0b00.
# Neither host nor peripheral are allowed to drive 0b0010.
'SIZE': {
0b0000: '8 bits (1 byte)',
0b0001: '16 bits (2 bytes)',
0b0010: 'Reserved / not allowed',
0b0011: '32 bits (4 bytes)',
# CHANNEL field (bits[2:0] contain the DMA channel number)
0b0000: '0',
0b0001: '1',
0b0010: '2',
0b0011: '3',
0b0100: '4',
0b0101: '5',
0b0110: '6',
0b0111: '7',
# SYNC field (used to add wait states)
'SYNC': {
0b0000: 'Ready',
0b0001: 'Reserved',
0b0010: 'Reserved',
0b0011: 'Reserved',
0b0100: 'Reserved',
0b0101: 'Short wait',
0b0110: 'Long wait',
0b0111: 'Reserved',
0b1000: 'Reserved',
0b1001: 'Ready more (DMA only)',
0b1010: 'Error',
0b1011: 'Reserved',
0b1100: 'Reserved',
0b1101: 'Reserved',
0b1110: 'Reserved',
0b1111: 'Reserved',
class Decoder(srd.Decoder):
api_version = 2
id = 'lpc'
name = 'LPC'
longname = 'Low-Pin-Count'
desc = 'Protocol for low-bandwidth devices on PC mainboards.'
license = 'gplv2+'
inputs = ['logic']
outputs = ['lpc']
channels = (
{'id': 'lframe', 'name': 'LFRAME#', 'desc': 'Frame'},
{'id': 'lclk', 'name': 'LCLK', 'desc': 'Clock'},
{'id': 'lad0', 'name': 'LAD[0]', 'desc': 'Addr/control/data 0'},
{'id': 'lad1', 'name': 'LAD[1]', 'desc': 'Addr/control/data 1'},
{'id': 'lad2', 'name': 'LAD[2]', 'desc': 'Addr/control/data 2'},
{'id': 'lad3', 'name': 'LAD[3]', 'desc': 'Addr/control/data 3'},
optional_channels = (
{'id': 'lreset', 'name': 'LRESET#', 'desc': 'Reset'},
{'id': 'ldrq', 'name': 'LDRQ#', 'desc': 'Encoded DMA / bus master request'},
{'id': 'serirq', 'name': 'SERIRQ', 'desc': 'Serialized IRQ'},
{'id': 'clkrun', 'name': 'CLKRUN#', 'desc': 'Clock run'},
{'id': 'lpme', 'name': 'LPME#', 'desc': 'LPC power management event'},
{'id': 'lpcpd', 'name': 'LPCPD#', 'desc': 'Power down'},
{'id': 'lsmi', 'name': 'LSMI#', 'desc': 'System Management Interrupt'},
annotations = (
('warnings', 'Warnings'),
('start', 'Start'),
('cycle-type', 'Cycle-type/direction'),
('addr', 'Address'),
('tar1', 'Turn-around cycle 1'),
('sync', 'Sync'),
('data', 'Data'),
('tar2', 'Turn-around cycle 2'),
annotation_rows = (
('data', 'Data', (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)),
('warnings', 'Warnings', (0,)),
def __init__(self):
self.state = 'IDLE'
self.oldlclk = -1
self.samplenum = 0
self.clocknum = 0
self.lad = -1
self.addr = 0
self.cur_nibble = 0
self.cycle_type = -1
self.databyte = 0
self.tarcount = 0
self.synccount = 0
self.oldpins = None
self.ss_block = self.es_block = None
def start(self):
self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN)
def putb(self, data):
self.put(self.ss_block, self.es_block, self.out_ann, data)
def handle_get_start(self, lad, lad_bits, lframe):
# LAD[3:0]: START field (1 clock cycle).
# The last value of LAD[3:0] before LFRAME# gets de-asserted is what
# the peripherals must use. However, the host can keep LFRAME# asserted
# multiple clocks, and we output all START fields that occur, even
# though the peripherals are supposed to ignore all but the last one.
self.es_block = self.samplenum
self.putb([1, [fields['START'][lad], 'START', 'St', 'S']])
self.ss_block = self.samplenum
# Output a warning if LAD[3:0] changes while LFRAME# is low.
if (self.lad != -1 and self.lad != lad):
self.putb([0, ['LAD[3:0] changed while LFRAME# was asserted']])
# LFRAME# is asserted (low). Wait until it gets de-asserted again
# (the host is allowed to keep it asserted multiple clocks).
if lframe != 1:
self.start_field = self.lad
self.state = 'GET CT/DR'
def handle_get_ct_dr(self, lad, lad_bits):
# LAD[3:0]: Cycle type / direction field (1 clock cycle).
self.cycle_type = fields['CT_DR'][lad]
# TODO: Warning/error on invalid cycle types.
if self.cycle_type == 'Reserved':
self.putb([0, ['Invalid cycle type (%s)' % lad_bits]])
self.es_block = self.samplenum
self.putb([2, ['Cycle type: %s' % self.cycle_type]])
self.ss_block = self.samplenum
self.state = 'GET ADDR'
self.addr = 0
self.cur_nibble = 0
def handle_get_addr(self, lad, lad_bits):
# LAD[3:0]: ADDR field (4/8/0 clock cycles).
# I/O cycles: 4 ADDR clocks. Memory cycles: 8 ADDR clocks.
# DMA cycles: no ADDR clocks at all.
if self.cycle_type in ('I/O read', 'I/O write'):
addr_nibbles = 4 # Address is 16bits.
elif self.cycle_type in ('Memory read', 'Memory write'):
addr_nibbles = 8 # Address is 32bits.
addr_nibbles = 0 # TODO: How to handle later on?
# Addresses are driven MSN-first.
offset = ((addr_nibbles - 1) - self.cur_nibble) * 4
self.addr |= (lad << offset)
# Continue if we haven't seen all ADDR cycles, yet.
if (self.cur_nibble < addr_nibbles - 1):
self.cur_nibble += 1
self.es_block = self.samplenum
s = 'Address: 0x%%0%dx' % addr_nibbles
self.putb([3, [s % self.addr]])
self.ss_block = self.samplenum
self.state = 'GET TAR'
self.tar_count = 0
def handle_get_tar(self, lad, lad_bits):
# LAD[3:0]: First TAR (turn-around) field (2 clock cycles).
self.es_block = self.samplenum
self.putb([4, ['TAR, cycle %d: %s' % (self.tarcount, lad_bits)]])
self.ss_block = self.samplenum
# On the first TAR clock cycle LAD[3:0] is driven to 1111 by
# either the host or peripheral. On the second clock cycle,
# the host or peripheral tri-states LAD[3:0], but its value
# should still be 1111, due to pull-ups on the LAD lines.
if lad_bits != '1111':
self.putb([0, ['TAR, cycle %d: %s (expected 1111)' % \
(self.tarcount, lad_bits)]])
if (self.tarcount != 1):
self.tarcount += 1
self.tarcount = 0
self.state = 'GET SYNC'
def handle_get_sync(self, lad, lad_bits):
# LAD[3:0]: SYNC field (1-n clock cycles).
self.sync_val = lad_bits
self.cycle_type = fields['SYNC'][lad]
# TODO: Warnings if reserved value are seen?
if self.cycle_type == 'Reserved':
self.putb([0, ['SYNC, cycle %d: %s (reserved value)' % \
(self.synccount, self.sync_val)]])
self.es_block = self.samplenum
self.putb([5, ['SYNC, cycle %d: %s' % (self.synccount, self.sync_val)]])
self.ss_block = self.samplenum
self.cycle_count = 0
self.state = 'GET DATA'
def handle_get_data(self, lad, lad_bits):
# LAD[3:0]: DATA field (2 clock cycles).
# Data is driven LSN-first.
if (self.cycle_count == 0):
self.databyte = lad
elif (self.cycle_count == 1):
self.databyte |= (lad << 4)
raise Exception('Invalid cycle_count: %d' % self.cycle_count)
if (self.cycle_count != 1):
self.cycle_count += 1
self.es_block = self.samplenum
self.putb([6, ['DATA: 0x%02x' % self.databyte]])
self.ss_block = self.samplenum
self.cycle_count = 0
self.state = 'GET TAR2'
def handle_get_tar2(self, lad, lad_bits):
# LAD[3:0]: Second TAR field (2 clock cycles).
self.es_block = self.samplenum
self.putb([7, ['TAR, cycle %d: %s' % (self.tarcount, lad_bits)]])
self.ss_block = self.samplenum
# On the first TAR clock cycle LAD[3:0] is driven to 1111 by
# either the host or peripheral. On the second clock cycle,
# the host or peripheral tri-states LAD[3:0], but its value
# should still be 1111, due to pull-ups on the LAD lines.
if lad_bits != '1111':
self.putb([0, ['Warning: TAR, cycle %d: %s (expected 1111)'
% (self.tarcount, lad_bits)]])
if (self.tarcount != 1):
self.tarcount += 1
self.tarcount = 0
self.state = 'IDLE'
def decode(self, ss, es, data):
for (self.samplenum, pins) in data:
data.itercnt += 1
# If none of the pins changed, there's nothing to do.
if self.oldpins == pins:
# Store current pin values for the next round.
self.oldpins = pins
# Get individual pin values into local variables.
(lframe, lclk, lad0, lad1, lad2, lad3) = pins[:6]
(lreset, ldrq, serirq, clkrun, lpme, lpcpd, lsmi) = pins[6:]
# Only look at the signals upon rising LCLK edges. The LPC clock
# is the same as the PCI clock (which is sampled at rising edges).
if not (self.oldlclk == 0 and lclk == 1):
self.oldlclk = lclk
# Store LAD[3:0] bit values (one nibble) in local variables.
# Most (but not all) states need this.
if self.state != 'IDLE':
lad = (lad3 << 3) | (lad2 << 2) | (lad1 << 1) | lad0
lad_bits = bin(lad)[2:].zfill(4)
# self.putb([0, ['LAD: %s' % lad_bits]])
# TODO: Only memory read/write is currently supported/tested.
# State machine
if self.state == 'IDLE':
# A valid LPC cycle starts with LFRAME# being asserted (low).
if lframe != 0:
self.ss_block = self.samplenum
self.state = 'GET START'
self.lad = -1
# self.clocknum = 0
elif self.state == 'GET START':
self.handle_get_start(lad, lad_bits, lframe)
elif self.state == 'GET CT/DR':
self.handle_get_ct_dr(lad, lad_bits)
elif self.state == 'GET ADDR':
self.handle_get_addr(lad, lad_bits)
elif self.state == 'GET TAR':
self.handle_get_tar(lad, lad_bits)
elif self.state == 'GET SYNC':
self.handle_get_sync(lad, lad_bits)
elif self.state == 'GET DATA':
self.handle_get_data(lad, lad_bits)
elif self.state == 'GET TAR2':
self.handle_get_tar2(lad, lad_bits)