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synced 2025-02-02 13:52:55 +08:00
The FSI protocol is used on OpenPOWER systems such as the Raptor Computing Systems Talos II and Blackbird machines.
575 lines
28 KiB
Executable File
575 lines
28 KiB
Executable File
## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
## Copyright (C) 2020 Raptor Engineering, LLC <support@raptorengineering.com>
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
## along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sigrokdecode as srd
# ...
fields = {
# START field (indicates the start of a transaction)
'START': {
0b1: 'Start of FSI cycle',
class Decoder(srd.Decoder):
api_version = 3
id = 'fsi'
name = 'FSI'
longname = 'Flexible Service Interface'
desc = 'Protocol for FSI devices on Raptor OpenPOWER systems.'
license = 'agplv3'
inputs = ['logic']
outputs = []
tags = ['PC']
channels = (
{'id': 'data', 'name': 'DATA', 'desc': 'Frame'},
{'id': 'clock', 'name': 'CLOCK', 'desc': 'Clock'},
annotations = (
('warnings', 'Warnings'),
('start', 'Start'),
('cycle-type', 'Cycle type'),
('direction', 'Direction'),
('addr', 'Address'),
('data', 'Data'),
('commands', 'Commands'),
('crc', 'CRC'),
('turn-around', 'TAR'),
annotation_rows = (
('data', 'Data', (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,)),
('warnings', 'Warnings', (0,)),
def __init__(self):
self.tar_cycles = 3
def reset(self):
self.state = 'IDLE'
self.break_start_sample_number = 0
self.break_counter = 0
self.samplenum = 0
self.samplenum_prev = 0
self.fsi_data_prev = 0
self.fsi_data_break_prev = 0
self.crc_internal = 0
self.response_received = 0
self.crc_calculating = 0
self.busy_seq_count = 0
self.valid_response = 0
self.prev_address = {}
self.prev_address_valid = {0: False, 1: False, 2: False, 3: False}
self.ss_block = None
self.es_block = None
def start(self):
self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN)
def putb(self, data):
self.put(self.ss_block, self.es_block, self.out_ann, data)
def decode(self):
while True:
# FSI is clocked out on the falling edge and latched in on the rising edge of the clock...according to the specification.
# That said, the specification is not clear on what this actually means (and it doesn't follow industry convention).
# Real IBM POWER9 hardware is verified to work in the following mode:
# FSI data being sent to the master is latched by the master logic at the falling edge of the FSI clock
# FSI data being from to the master is strobed by the master logic at the falling edge of the FSI clock
# FSI data being sent to the slave is latched by the slave logic at the rising edge of the FSI clock
# FSI data being from to the slave is strobed by the slave logic at the rising edge of the FSI clock
# The above means that we have to be able to make a reasonable guess as to who is transmitting (the master or the slave)
# in order to know which edge to sample on
# Wait for either clock edge
(data, clk) = self.wait({1: 'e'})
# FSI data is electrically inverted
fsi_data = not data
fsi_clk = clk
current_sample_number = self.samplenum
# Detect BREAK commands
# Note these can only be sent by the master, so sample on the rising clock edge only
if (fsi_clk):
if (self.fsi_data_break_prev == 1):
self.break_counter = self.break_counter + 1
if (self.break_counter == 256):
self.ss_block = self.break_start_sample_number
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([6, ['BREAK']])
self.state = 'BREAK_TAR_QUEUED'
self.busy_seq_count = 0
self.valid_response = 0
self.prev_address = {}
self.prev_address_valid = {0: False, 1: False, 2: False, 3: False}
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
if (self.break_counter > 256):
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([0, ['BREAK asserted in excess of specification cycles']])
self.break_start_sample_number = current_sample_number
self.break_counter = 0
self.fsi_data_break_prev = fsi_data
if ((self.state == 'TAR') or (self.state == 'RX_SLAVE_ID') or (self.state == 'RESPONSE') or (self.state == 'RX_DATA')
or (self.state == 'RX_IPOLL_INTERRUPT_FIELD') or (self.state == 'RX_IPOLL_DMA_CONTROL_FIELD') or (self.state == 'RX_IPOLL_DMA_CONTROL_FIELD')
or ((self.state == 'CRC') and (self.valid_response))):
# Slave is / should be transmitting, sample on falling clock edge only
if (fsi_clk):
# Master is / should be transmitting, sample on rising clock edge only
if (not fsi_clk):
# Transfer state machine
if (self.state == 'IDLE'):
self.crc_internal = 0
self.response_received = 0
if (self.fsi_data_prev == 1):
self.tx_slave_id = 0
self.data_count = 2
self.ss_block = self.samplenum_prev
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([1, ['START']])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.crc_calculating = 1
self.state = 'TX_SLAVE_ID'
elif (self.state == 'TX_SLAVE_ID'):
self.crc_calculating = 1
if (self.data_count > 0):
self.tx_slave_id = (self.tx_slave_id >> 1) | (self.fsi_data_prev << 1)
self.data_count = self.data_count - 1
if (self.data_count == 0):
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([5, ['Slave ID: 0x%01x' % self.tx_slave_id]])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.command_count = 0
self.command_code = 0
self.command = None
self.valid_command = False
self.state = 'COMMAND'
elif (self.state == 'COMMAND'):
self.crc_calculating = 1
self.command_code = (self.command_code << 1) | self.fsi_data_prev
self.command_count = self.command_count + 1
if ((self.command_count == 3) and (self.command_code == 0b100)):
self.command = 'ABS_ADR'
self.valid_command = True
elif ((self.command_count == 3) and (self.command_code == 0b101)):
self.command = 'REL_ADR'
self.valid_command = True
elif ((self.command_count == 2) and (self.command_code == 0b11)):
self.command = 'SAME_ADR'
self.valid_command = True
elif ((self.command_count == 3) and (self.command_code == 0b010)):
self.command = 'D_POLL'
self.valid_command = True
elif ((self.command_count == 3) and (self.command_code == 0b011)):
self.command = 'E_POLL'
self.valid_command = True
elif ((self.command_count == 3) and (self.command_code == 0b001)):
self.command = 'I_POLL'
self.valid_command = True
if ((self.command_count > 7) or (self.valid_command == True)):
if (self.command_count == 8):
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([6, ['Invalid command code: 0x%02x/%d' % (self.command_code, self.command_count)]])
self.putb([0, ['%s' % 'Invalid command code']])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.state = 'IDLE'
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([6, ['Command: %s (0x%02x/%d)' % (self.command, self.command_code, self.command_count)]])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
if (self.command == 'ABS_ADR'):
self.address_length = 21
self.address_count = 0
self.address = 0
self.state = 'DIRECTION'
elif (self.command == 'REL_ADR'):
self.address_length = 8
self.address_count = 0
self.address = 0
self.state = 'DIRECTION'
elif (self.command == 'SAME_ADR'):
self.address_length = 2
self.address_count = 0
self.address = 0
self.state = 'DIRECTION'
elif (self.command == 'D_POLL'):
self.crc = 0
self.crc_count = 0
self.state = 'CRC'
elif (self.command == 'E_POLL'):
self.crc = 0
self.crc_count = 0
self.state = 'CRC'
elif (self.command == 'I_POLL'):
self.crc = 0
self.crc_count = 0
self.state = 'CRC'
self.state = 'IDLE'
elif (self.state == 'DIRECTION'):
self.crc_calculating = 1
self.direction = self.fsi_data_prev
self.es_block = current_sample_number
if (self.direction == 1):
self.putb([3, ['Direction: %s' % 'Read']])
self.putb([3, ['Direction: %s' % 'Write']])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
if (self.command == 'REL_ADR'):
self.state = 'REL_ADDRESS_SIGN'
self.state = 'ADDRESS'
elif (self.state == 'REL_ADDRESS_SIGN'):
self.crc_calculating = 1
self.relative_address_negative = self.fsi_data_prev
self.es_block = current_sample_number
if (self.relative_address_negative == 1):
self.putb([5, ['Relative address sign: %s' % '(-)']])
self.putb([5, ['Relative address sign: %s' % '(+)']])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.state = 'ADDRESS'
elif (self.state == 'ADDRESS'):
self.crc_calculating = 1
self.address = (self.address << 1) | self.fsi_data_prev
self.address_count = self.address_count + 1
if (self.address_count >= self.address_length):
self.address_raw = self.address
if (self.prev_address_valid[self.tx_slave_id]):
if (self.command == 'SAME_ADR'):
self.address = (self.prev_address[self.tx_slave_id] & ~0b11) | (self.address_raw & 0b11)
elif (self.command == 'REL_ADR'):
if (self.relative_address_negative):
self.address = self.prev_address[self.tx_slave_id] - (0x100 - self.address_raw)
self.address = self.prev_address[self.tx_slave_id] + self.address_raw
self.es_block = current_sample_number
if (((self.command == 'SAME_ADR') or (self.command == 'REL_ADR'))):
self.putb([5, ['Address: 0x%06x (0x%03x)' % (self.address, self.address_raw)]])
if (not self.prev_address_valid[self.tx_slave_id]):
self.putb([0, ['%s' % 'Base address for relative address not captured']])
self.putb([5, ['Address: 0x%06x' % self.address]])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.state = 'DATA_SIZE'
elif (self.state == 'DATA_SIZE'):
self.crc_calculating = 1
if (self.direction and ((self.address_raw & 3) == 3) and self.fsi_data_prev):
# OpenFSI suffers from an unfortunate conflict between the SAME_ADR command
# and the TERM command. Both start with 2'b11 and since both are variable
# length it is impossible to determine if a TERM command was sent until this
# point in the receiver process!
# Set correct command code for further processing
self.command_code = 0b111111
self.command_count = 6
self.command = 'TERM'
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([6, ['Command: %s (0x%02x/%d)' % (self.command, self.command_code, self.command_count)]])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.direction = 0
self.busy_seq_count = 0
self.crc = 0
self.crc_count = 0
self.state = 'CRC'
if (self.fsi_data_prev == 0):
self.data_size = 'BYTE'
if ((self.address_raw & 3) == 1):
self.data_size = 'WORD'
# Force lowest address bits to specification-mandated values if required
self.address = (self.address & ~3) | 1
elif ((self.address_raw & 1) == 0):
self.data_size = 'HALF_WORD'
# Force lowest address bits to specification-mandated values if required
self.address = self.address & ~1
self.data_size = 'UNKNOWN'
self.es_block = current_sample_number
if (self.data_size == 'UNKNOWN'):
self.putb([0, ['Data Size: %s' % 'UNKNOWN']])
self.state = 'IDLE'
self.putb([3, ['Data Size: %s' % self.data_size]])
if (self.direction == 1):
self.crc = 0
self.crc_count = 0
self.state = 'CRC'
self.data = 0
self.data_count = 0
if (self.data_size == 'BYTE'):
self.data_length = 8
elif (self.data_size == 'HALF_WORD'):
self.data_length = 16
elif (self.data_size == 'WORD'):
self.data_length = 32
self.data_size = None
self.state = 'TX_DATA'
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
elif (self.state == 'TX_DATA'):
self.crc_calculating = 1
self.data = (self.data << 1) | self.fsi_data_prev
self.data_count = self.data_count + 1
if (self.data_count >= self.data_length):
self.es_block = current_sample_number
if (self.data_size == 'BYTE'):
self.putb([5, ['Data: 0x%02x' % self.data]])
elif (self.data_size == 'HALF_WORD'):
self.putb([5, ['Data: 0x%04x' % self.data]])
self.putb([5, ['Data: 0x%08x' % self.data]])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.crc = 0
self.crc_count = 0
self.state = 'CRC'
elif (self.state == 'CRC'):
if (self.crc_count == 0):
self.computed_crc_tx_end = self.crc_internal
self.crc_calculating = 1
self.crc = (self.crc << 1) | self.fsi_data_prev
self.crc_count = self.crc_count + 1
if (self.crc_count >= 4):
self.es_block = current_sample_number
if (self.crc == self.computed_crc_tx_end):
self.putb([7, ['CRC: 0x%01x (GOOD)' % self.crc]])
if (self.response_received):
if (((self.command == 'ABS_ADR') or (self.command == 'REL_ADR') or (self.command == 'SAME_ADR'))
and ((self.response == 'ACK_D') or (self.response == 'ACK'))):
self.prev_address[self.tx_slave_id] = self.address
self.prev_address_valid[self.tx_slave_id] = True
self.putb([7, ['CRC: 0x%01x (BAD)' % self.crc]])
self.putb([0, ['%s' % 'Bad CRC']])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.tar_timer = 0
self.state = 'TAR'
self.timeout_counter = 0
elif (self.state == 'BREAK_TAR_QUEUED'):
# Special case, since break operates outside of the main state machine
# This state is a safe entry point into the main state machine
self.tar_timer = 0
self.state = 'BREAK_TAR'
elif (self.state == 'BREAK_TAR'):
self.tar_timer = self.tar_timer + 1
if (self.tar_timer > self.tar_cycles):
self.crc_calculating = 0
self.crc_internal = 0
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([8, ['%s' % 'TAR']])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.state = 'IDLE'
elif (self.state == 'TAR'):
self.crc_calculating = 0
self.crc_internal = 0
self.tar_timer = self.tar_timer + 1
if (self.tar_timer > self.tar_cycles):
if (self.response_received == 1):
self.response_received = 0
if (self.rx_slave_id == self.tx_slave_id):
if (self.response == 'BUSY'):
self.busy_seq_count = self.busy_seq_count + 1
self.busy_seq_count = 0
# Sequence complete
self.state = 'IDLE'
if (self.timeout_counter == 0):
self.es_block = self.samplenum_prev
self.putb([8, ['%s' % 'TAR']])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
if (self.fsi_data_prev == 1):
self.crc_calculating = 1
self.rx_slave_id = 0
self.data_count = 2
if (self.state == 'IDLE'):
# Already processed response message, was going to IDLE state
self.state = 'TX_SLAVE_ID'
self.state = 'RX_SLAVE_ID'
self.ss_block = self.samplenum_prev
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([1, ['START']])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.timeout_counter = self.timeout_counter + 1
if (self.timeout_counter >= 256):
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([8, ['%s' % 'Response timeout']])
self.putb([0, ['%s' % 'Response timeout']])
self.state = 'IDLE'
elif (self.state == 'RX_SLAVE_ID'):
self.crc_calculating = 1
self.response_received = 1
if (self.data_count > 0):
self.rx_slave_id = (self.rx_slave_id >> 1) | (self.fsi_data_prev << 1)
self.data_count = self.data_count - 1
if (self.data_count == 0):
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([5, ['Slave ID: 0x%01x' % self.rx_slave_id]])
if (self.rx_slave_id != self.tx_slave_id):
self.putb([0, ['%s' % 'Slave ID does not match active transaction']])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.response_count = 0
self.response_code = 0
self.response = None
self.valid_response = False
self.state = 'RESPONSE'
elif (self.state == 'RESPONSE'):
self.crc_calculating = 1
self.response_code = (self.response_code << 1) | self.fsi_data_prev
self.response_count = self.response_count + 1
if ((self.command == 'I_POLL') and (self.rx_slave_id == self.tx_slave_id) and (self.response_count == 1) and (self.response_code == 0b0)):
self.response = 'I_POLL_RSP'
self.valid_response = True
elif ((self.response_count == 2) and (self.response_code == 0b00)):
if (self.direction == 1):
self.response = 'ACK_D'
self.response = 'ACK'
self.valid_response = True
elif ((self.response_count == 2) and (self.response_code == 0b01)):
self.response = 'BUSY'
self.valid_response = True
elif ((self.response_count == 2) and (self.response_code == 0b10)):
self.response = 'ERR_A'
self.valid_response = True
elif ((self.response_count == 2) and (self.response_code == 0b11)):
self.response = 'ERR_C'
self.valid_response = True
if ((self.response_count > 2) or (self.valid_response == True)):
if (self.response_count == 8):
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([6, ['Invalid response code: 0x%02x/%d' % (self.response_code, self.response_count)]])
self.putb([0, ['%s' % 'Invalid response code']])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.state = 'IDLE'
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([6, ['Response: %s (0x%02x/%d)' % (self.response, self.response_code, self.response_count)]])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
if (self.response == 'ACK_D'):
self.data = 0
self.data_count = 0
if (self.data_size == 'BYTE'):
self.data_length = 8
elif (self.data_size == 'HALF_WORD'):
self.data_length = 16
elif (self.data_size == 'WORD'):
self.data_length = 32
self.data_size = None
#self.state = 'DIRECTION'
self.state = 'RX_DATA'
elif (self.response == 'ACK'):
self.crc = 0
self.crc_count = 0
self.state = 'CRC'
elif (self.response == 'BUSY'):
self.crc = 0
self.crc_count = 0
self.state = 'CRC'
elif (self.response == 'ERR_A'):
self.crc = 0
self.crc_count = 0
self.state = 'CRC'
elif (self.response == 'ERR_C'):
self.crc = 0
self.crc_count = 0
self.state = 'CRC'
elif (self.response == 'I_POLL_RSP'):
self.data = 0
self.data_count = 0
self.data_length = 2
self.state = 'IDLE'
elif (self.state == 'RX_DATA'):
self.crc_calculating = 1
self.data = (self.data << 1) | self.fsi_data_prev
self.data_count = self.data_count + 1
if (self.data_count >= self.data_length):
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([5, ['Data: 0x%08x' % self.data]])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.crc = 0
self.crc_count = 0
self.state = 'CRC'
elif (self.state == 'RX_IPOLL_INTERRUPT_FIELD'):
self.crc_calculating = 1
self.data = (self.data << 1) | self.fsi_data_prev
self.data_count = self.data_count + 1
if (self.data_count >= self.data_length):
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([5, ['Interrupt Field: 0x%01x' % self.data]])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.data = 0
self.data_count = 0
self.data_length = 3
elif (self.state == 'RX_IPOLL_DMA_CONTROL_FIELD'):
self.crc_calculating = 1
self.data = (self.data << 1) | self.fsi_data_prev
self.data_count = self.data_count + 1
if (self.data_count >= self.data_length):
self.es_block = current_sample_number
self.putb([5, ['DMA Control Field: 0x%01x' % self.data]])
self.ss_block = current_sample_number
self.crc = 0
self.crc_count = 0
self.state = 'CRC'
# CRC calculation
# Implement Galios-type LFSR for polynomial 0x7 (MSB first)
crc_prev = self.crc_internal
if (self.crc_calculating):
crc_feedback = (((crc_prev >> 3) & 1) ^ self.fsi_data_prev) & 1
if (self.crc_calculating):
self.crc_internal = (self.crc_internal & ~(1 << 0)) | ((crc_feedback & 1) << 0)
self.crc_internal = (self.crc_internal & ~(1 << 1)) | ((((crc_prev & 1) ^ crc_feedback) & 1) << 1)
self.crc_internal = (self.crc_internal & ~(1 << 2)) | (((((crc_prev >> 1) & 1) ^ crc_feedback) & 1) << 2)
self.crc_internal = (self.crc_internal & ~(1 << 3)) | ((((crc_prev >> 2) & 1) & 1) << 3)
self.fsi_data_prev = fsi_data
self.samplenum_prev = current_sample_number