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synced 2025-02-02 13:52:55 +08:00
395 lines
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Executable File
395 lines
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Executable File
## This file is part of the libsigrokdecode project.
## Copyright (C) 2011 Gareth McMullin <gareth@blacksphere.co.nz>
## Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Uwe Hermann <uwe@hermann-uwe.de>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import sigrokdecode as srd
[<ptype>, <pdata>]
<ptype>, <pdata>:
- 'SYNC', <sync>
- 'PID', <pid>
- 'ADDR', <addr>
- 'EP', <ep>
- 'CRC5', <crc5>
- 'CRC5 ERROR', <crc5>
- 'CRC16', <crc16>
- 'CRC16 ERROR', <crc16>
- 'EOP', <eop>
- 'FRAMENUM', <framenum>
- 'DATABYTE', <databyte>
- 'HUBADDR', <hubaddr>
- 'SC', <sc>
- 'PORT', <port>
- 'S', <s>
- 'E/U', <e/u>
- 'ET', <et>
- 'PACKET', [<pcategory>, <pname>, <pinfo>]
<pcategory>, <pname>, <pinfo>:
- 'TOKEN', 'OUT', [<sync>, <pid>, <addr>, <ep>, <crc5>, <eop>]
- 'TOKEN', 'IN', [<sync>, <pid>, <addr>, <ep>, <crc5>, <eop>]
- 'TOKEN', 'SOF', [<sync>, <pid>, <framenum>, <crc5>, <eop>]
- 'TOKEN', 'SETUP', [<sync>, <pid>, <addr>, <ep>, <crc5>, <eop>]
- 'DATA', 'DATA0', [<sync>, <pid>, <databytes>, <crc16>, <eop>]
- 'DATA', 'DATA1', [<sync>, <pid>, <databytes>, <crc16>, <eop>]
- 'DATA', 'DATA2', [<sync>, <pid>, <databytes>, <crc16>, <eop>]
- 'DATA', 'MDATA', [<sync>, <pid>, <databytes>, <crc16>, <eop>]
- 'HANDSHAKE', 'ACK', [<sync>, <pid>, <eop>]
- 'HANDSHAKE', 'NAK', [<sync>, <pid>, <eop>]
- 'HANDSHAKE', 'STALL', [<sync>, <pid>, <eop>]
- 'HANDSHAKE', 'NYET', [<sync>, <pid>, <eop>]
- 'SPECIAL', 'PRE', [<sync>, <pid>, <addr>, <ep>, <crc5>, <eop>]
- 'SPECIAL', 'ERR', [<sync>, <pid>, <eop>]
[<sync>, <pid>, <hubaddr>, <sc>, <port>, <s>, <e/u>, <et>, <crc5>, <eop>]
- 'SPECIAL', 'PING', [<sync>, <pid>, <addr>, <ep>, <crc5>, <eop>]
- 'SPECIAL', 'Reserved', None
<sync>: SYNC field bitstring, normally '00000001' (8 chars).
<pid>: Packet ID bitstring, e.g. '11000011' for DATA0 (8 chars).
<addr>: Address field number, 0-127 (7 bits).
<ep>: Endpoint number, 0-15 (4 bits).
<crc5>: CRC-5 number (5 bits).
<crc16>: CRC-16 number (16 bits).
<eop>: End of packet marker. List of symbols, usually ['SE0', 'SE0', 'J'].
<framenum>: USB (micro)frame number, 0-2047 (11 bits).
<databyte>: A single data byte, e.g. 0x55.
<databytes>: List of data bytes, e.g. [0x55, 0xaa, 0x99] (0 - 1024 bytes).
<hubaddr>: TODO
<sc>: TODO
<port>: TODO
<s>: TODO
<e/u>: TODO
<et>: TODO
# Packet IDs (PIDs).
# The first 4 bits are the 'packet type' field, the last 4 bits are the
# 'check field' (each bit in the check field must be the inverse of the resp.
# bit in the 'packet type' field; if not, that's a 'PID error').
# For the 4-bit strings, the left-most '1' or '0' is the LSB, i.e. it's sent
# to the bus first.
pids = {
# Tokens
'10000111': ['OUT', 'Address & EP number in host-to-function transaction'],
'10010110': ['IN', 'Address & EP number in function-to-host transaction'],
'10100101': ['SOF', 'Start-Of-Frame marker & frame number'],
'10110100': ['SETUP', 'Address & EP number in host-to-function transaction for SETUP to a control pipe'],
# Data
# Note: DATA2 and MDATA are HS-only.
'11000011': ['DATA0', 'Data packet PID even'],
'11010010': ['DATA1', 'Data packet PID odd'],
'11100001': ['DATA2', 'Data packet PID HS, high bandwidth isosynchronous transaction in a microframe'],
'11110000': ['MDATA', 'Data packet PID HS for split and high-bandwidth isosynchronous transactions'],
# Handshake
'01001011': ['ACK', 'Receiver accepts error-free packet'],
'01011010': ['NAK', 'Receiver cannot accept or transmitter cannot send'],
'01111000': ['STALL', 'EP halted or control pipe request unsupported'],
'01101001': ['NYET', 'No response yet from receiver'],
# Special
'00111100': ['PRE', 'Host-issued preamble; enables downstream bus traffic to low-speed devices'],
#'00111100': ['ERR', 'Split transaction error handshake'],
'00011110': ['SPLIT', 'HS split transaction token'],
'00101101': ['PING', 'HS flow control probe for a bulk/control EP'],
'00001111': ['Reserved', 'Reserved PID'],
def get_category(pidname):
if pidname in ('OUT', 'IN', 'SOF', 'SETUP'):
return 'TOKEN'
elif pidname in ('DATA0', 'DATA1', 'DATA2', 'MDATA'):
return 'DATA'
elif pidname in ('ACK', 'NAK', 'STALL', 'NYET'):
return 'HANDSHAKE'
return 'SPECIAL'
def ann_index(pidname):
l = ['OUT', 'IN', 'SOF', 'SETUP', 'DATA0', 'DATA1', 'DATA2', 'MDATA',
'ACK', 'NAK', 'STALL', 'NYET', 'PRE', 'ERR', 'SPLIT', 'PING',
if pidname not in l:
return 28
return l.index(pidname) + 11
def bitstr_to_num(bitstr):
if not bitstr:
return 0
l = list(bitstr)
return int(''.join(l), 2)
def reverse_number(num, count):
out = list(count * '0')
for i in range(0, count):
if num >> i & 1:
out[i] = '1';
return int(''.join(out), 2)
def calc_crc5(bitstr):
poly5 = 0x25
crc5 = 0x1f
for bit in bitstr:
crc5 <<= 1
if int(bit) != (crc5 >> 5):
crc5 ^= poly5
crc5 &= 0x1f
crc5 ^= 0x1f
return reverse_number(crc5, 5)
def calc_crc16(bitstr):
poly16 = 0x18005
crc16 = 0xffff
for bit in bitstr:
crc16 <<= 1
if int(bit) != (crc16 >> 16):
crc16 ^= poly16
crc16 &= 0xffff
crc16 ^= 0xffff
return reverse_number(crc16, 16)
class Decoder(srd.Decoder):
api_version = 2
id = 'usb_packet'
name = 'USB packet'
longname = 'Universal Serial Bus (LS/FS) packet'
desc = 'USB (low-speed and full-speed) packet protocol.'
license = 'gplv2+'
inputs = ['usb_signalling']
outputs = ['usb_packet']
options = (
{'id': 'signalling', 'desc': 'Signalling',
'default': 'full-speed', 'values': ('full-speed', 'low-speed')},
annotations = (
('sync-ok', 'SYNC'),
('sync-err', 'SYNC (error)'),
('pid', 'PID'),
('framenum', 'FRAMENUM'),
('addr', 'ADDR'),
('ep', 'EP'),
('crc5-ok', 'CRC5'),
('crc5-err', 'CRC5 (error)'),
('data', 'DATA'),
('crc16-ok', 'CRC16'),
('crc16-err', 'CRC16 (error)'),
('packet-out', 'Packet: OUT'),
('packet-in', 'Packet: IN'),
('packet-sof', 'Packet: SOF'),
('packet-setup', 'Packet: SETUP'),
('packet-data0', 'Packet: DATA0'),
('packet-data1', 'Packet: DATA1'),
('packet-data2', 'Packet: DATA2'),
('packet-mdata', 'Packet: MDATA'),
('packet-ack', 'Packet: ACK'),
('packet-nak', 'Packet: NAK'),
('packet-stall', 'Packet: STALL'),
('packet-nyet', 'Packet: NYET'),
('packet-pre', 'Packet: PRE'),
('packet-err', 'Packet: ERR'),
('packet-split', 'Packet: SPLIT'),
('packet-ping', 'Packet: PING'),
('packet-reserved', 'Packet: Reserved'),
('packet-invalid', 'Packet: Invalid'),
annotation_rows = (
('fields', 'Packet fields', tuple(range(10 + 1))),
('packet', 'Packets', tuple(range(11, 28 + 1))),
def __init__(self):
self.bits = []
self.packet = []
self.packet_summary = ''
self.ss = self.es = None
self.ss_packet = self.es_packet = None
self.state = 'WAIT FOR SOP'
def putpb(self, data):
self.put(self.ss, self.es, self.out_python, data)
def putb(self, data):
self.put(self.ss, self.es, self.out_ann, data)
def putpp(self, data):
self.put(self.ss_packet, self.es_packet, self.out_python, data)
def putp(self, data):
self.put(self.ss_packet, self.es_packet, self.out_ann, data)
def start(self):
self.out_python = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_PYTHON)
self.out_ann = self.register(srd.OUTPUT_ANN)
def handle_packet(self):
packet = ''
for (bit, ss, es) in self.bits:
packet += bit
if len(packet) < 8:
self.putp([28, ['Invalid packet (shorter than 8 bits)']])
# Bits[0:7]: SYNC
sync = packet[:7 + 1]
self.ss, self.es = self.bits[0][1], self.bits[7][2]
# The SYNC pattern for low-speed/full-speed is KJKJKJKK (00000001).
if sync != '00000001':
self.putpb(['SYNC ERROR', sync])
self.putb([1, ['SYNC ERROR: %s' % sync, 'SYNC ERR: %s' % sync,
'SYNC ERR', 'SE', 'S']])
self.putpb(['SYNC', sync])
self.putb([0, ['SYNC: %s' % sync, 'SYNC', 'S']])
if len(packet) < 16:
self.putp([28, ['Invalid packet (shorter than 16 bits)']])
# Bits[8:15]: PID
pid = packet[8:15 + 1]
pidname = pids.get(pid, ('UNKNOWN', 'Unknown PID'))[0]
self.ss, self.es = self.bits[8][1], self.bits[15][2]
self.putpb(['PID', pidname])
self.putb([2, ['PID: %s' % pidname, pidname, pidname[0]]])
self.packet_summary += pidname
if pidname in ('OUT', 'IN', 'SOF', 'SETUP', 'PING'):
if len(packet) < 32:
self.putp([28, ['Invalid packet (shorter than 32 bits)']])
if pidname == 'SOF':
# Bits[16:26]: Framenum
framenum = bitstr_to_num(packet[16:26 + 1])
self.ss, self.es = self.bits[16][1], self.bits[26][2]
self.putpb(['FRAMENUM', framenum])
self.putb([3, ['Frame: %d' % framenum, 'Frame', 'Fr', 'F']])
self.packet_summary += ' %d' % framenum
# Bits[16:22]: Addr
addr = bitstr_to_num(packet[16:22 + 1])
self.ss, self.es = self.bits[16][1], self.bits[22][2]
self.putpb(['ADDR', addr])
self.putb([4, ['Address: %d' % addr, 'Addr: %d' % addr,
'Addr', 'A']])
self.packet_summary += ' ADDR %d' % addr
# Bits[23:26]: EP
ep = bitstr_to_num(packet[23:26 + 1])
self.ss, self.es = self.bits[23][1], self.bits[26][2]
self.putpb(['EP', ep])
self.putb([5, ['Endpoint: %d' % ep, 'EP: %d' % ep, 'EP', 'E']])
self.packet_summary += ' EP %d' % ep
# Bits[27:31]: CRC5
crc5 = bitstr_to_num(packet[27:31 + 1])
crc5_calc = calc_crc5(packet[16:27])
self.ss, self.es = self.bits[27][1], self.bits[31][2]
if crc5 == crc5_calc:
self.putpb(['CRC5', crc5])
self.putb([6, ['CRC5: 0x%02X' % crc5, 'CRC5', 'C']])
self.putpb(['CRC5 ERROR', crc5])
self.putb([7, ['CRC5 ERROR: 0x%02X' % crc5, 'CRC5 ERR', 'CE', 'C']])
elif pidname in ('DATA0', 'DATA1', 'DATA2', 'MDATA'):
# Bits[16:packetlen-16]: Data
data = packet[16:-16]
# TODO: len(data) must be a multiple of 8.
databytes = []
self.packet_summary += ' ['
for i in range(0, len(data), 8):
db = bitstr_to_num(data[i:i + 8])
self.ss, self.es = self.bits[16 + i][1], self.bits[23 + i][2]
self.putpb(['DATABYTE', db])
self.putb([8, ['Databyte: %02X' % db, 'Data: %02X' % db,
'DB: %02X' % db, '%02X' % db]])
self.packet_summary += ' %02X' % db
self.packet_summary += ' ]'
# Convenience Python output (no annotation) for all bytes together.
self.ss, self.es = self.bits[16][1], self.bits[-16][2]
self.putpb(['DATABYTES', databytes])
# Bits[packetlen-16:packetlen]: CRC16
crc16 = bitstr_to_num(packet[-16:])
crc16_calc = calc_crc16(packet[16:-16])
self.ss, self.es = self.bits[-16][1], self.bits[-1][2]
if crc16 == crc16_calc:
self.putpb(['CRC16', crc16])
self.putb([9, ['CRC16: 0x%04X' % crc16, 'CRC16', 'C']])
self.putpb(['CRC16 ERROR', crc16])
self.putb([10, ['CRC16 ERROR: 0x%04X' % crc16, 'CRC16 ERR', 'CE', 'C']])
elif pidname in ('ACK', 'NAK', 'STALL', 'NYET', 'ERR'):
pass # Nothing to do, these only have SYNC+PID+EOP fields.
elif pidname in ('PRE'):
pass # Nothing to do, PRE only has SYNC+PID fields.
pass # TODO: Handle 'SPLIT' and possibly 'Reserved' packets.
# Output a (summary of) the whole packet.
pcategory, pname, pinfo = get_category(pidname), pidname, self.packet
self.putpp(['PACKET', [pcategory, pname, pinfo]])
self.putp([ann_index(pidname), ['%s' % self.packet_summary]])
self.packet, self.packet_summary = [], ''
def decode(self, ss, es, data):
(ptype, pdata) = data
# We only care about certain packet types for now.
if ptype not in ('SOP', 'BIT', 'EOP', 'ERR'):
# State machine.
if self.state == 'WAIT FOR SOP':
if ptype != 'SOP':
self.ss_packet = ss
self.state = 'GET BIT'
elif self.state == 'GET BIT':
if ptype == 'BIT':
self.bits.append([pdata, ss, es])
elif ptype == 'EOP' or ptype == 'ERR':
self.es_packet = es
self.packet, self.packet_summary = [], ''
self.bits, self.state = [], 'WAIT FOR SOP'
pass # TODO: Error