# Configuration When using FlashDB, you can configure its functions through `fdb_cfg.h`. The file template is located in the `inc` directory, or you can copy it in the specific demo project. Let's introduce the configuration details in detail below ## FDB_USING_KVDB Enable KVDB feature ### FDB_KV_AUTO_UPDATE Enable KV automatic upgrade function. After this function is enabled, `fdb_kvdb.ver_num` stores the version of the current database. If the version changes, it will automatically trigger an upgrade action and update the new default KV collection to the current database. ## FDB_USING_TSDB Enable TSDB feature ## FDB_WRITE_GRAN Flash write granularity, the unit is bit. Currently supports - 1: nor flash - 8: stm32f2/f4 on-chip Flash - 32: stm32f1 on-chip Flash If multiple Flash specifications are used in the database, for example: both nor flash and stm32f4 on-chip Flash, the maximum value is used as the configuration item, namely: 8 bit ## FDB_BIG_ENDIAN MCU small-endian configuration, when the default is not configured, the system automatically uses the small-endian configuration ## FDB_PRINT(...) The print function macro defines the configuration. When it is not configured by default, using `printf` as the print log is the output function. Users can also customize new print function macro definitions, for example: ```C #define FDB_PRINT(...) my_printf(__VA_ARGS__) ``` ## FDB_DEBUG_ENABLE Enable debugging information output. When this configuration is closed, the system will not output logs for debugging.