- GuiLite is the smallest GUI library with 5000 lines of C++ code, it runs on **all platforms**(e.g, iOS, Android, Linux, Windows, macOS, Docker and **MCU with or without OS**).
- GuiLite is embeddable, it runs inside other UI frameworks(e.g, Qt, MFC, Winform, Cocoa). You could use GuiLite features and host UI features simultaneously.
- GuiLite render UI by itself, independent of OS & Graphic library.
- GuiLite could work with many languages(e.g. Swift, Java, C#, Golang).
- 🔧We want people to customize GuiLite.
- ⚙️We hope GuiLite is small enough to help you understand how UI works.
- 👑You should be the master of your UI and not be tied to a specific framework.
## 🔥New feature:GuiLite previewer(WYSIWYG extension for GuiLite)
- [GuiLite Previewer](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLitePreviewer) is a Visual Studio Code extension, could extract GUI information from C++ code and preview GUI at preview page(What you see is what you get)
- No need for drag-and-drop widgets, everything (e.g. code/design/build/debug) could be done by coding
- No need for special GUI editor(e.g. Android Studio, Qt designer)
- No need for Extensible Markup Language(e.g. xml, xaml)
| HelloParticle | Windows, Linux, STM32F103, STM32F429 | Show how to develop particle effect | [Build](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteSamples/blob/master/HelloParticle/README.md) | ★ |
| HelloStar | Windows, Linux, STM32F103, STM32F429 | Show how to develop star field effect | [Build](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteSamples/blob/master/HelloStar/README.md) | ★ |
| HelloGuiLite | Windows, Linux | Show how to Initialize UI, load resource, layout UI | [Build](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteSamples/blob/master/HelloGuiLite/README.md) | ★★ |
| HelloWidgets | Windows, Linux | Show how to use GuiLite widgets | [Build](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteSamples/blob/master/HelloWidgets/README.md) | ★★ |
| HelloMario | Windows, Linux, STM32F103, STM32F429 | Show how to develop multi-layer UI system | [Build](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteSamples/blob/master/HelloMario/README.md) | ★★ |
| HelloNavigation | Windows, Linux, STM32F103, STM32F429 | Show how to navigate/click widgets by hard button in non-touch GUI scenario | [Build](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteSamples/blob/master/HelloNavigation/README.md) | ★★|
| HelloFont | Windows, Linux | Show how to use multi-language feature(UTF-8) | [Build](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteSamples/blob/master/HelloFont/README.md) | ★★ |
| HelloAnimation | Windows, Linux | Show how to make animation | [Build](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteSamples/blob/master/HelloAnimation/README.md) | ★★ |
| HelloSlide | Windows, Linux | Show how to use sliding pages | [Build](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteSamples/blob/master/HelloSlide/README.md) | ★★★ |
| HelloWave | Windows, Linux, STM32F103, STM32F429 | Show how to use wave widget | [Build](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteSamples/blob/master/HelloWave/README.md) | ★★★ |
| HostMonitor | iOS, Mac, Android, Windows, Linux | Show how to build complex UI for all platforms | [Build](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteSamples/blob/master/HostMonitor/README.md) | ★★★★ |
## Documents
GuiLite is the smallest and simplest GUI library.
1. Just 5,000 line C++ code
2. Only use basic C++ feature(class, virtual function), no complex syntax
3. All rendering base on draw_pixel, no algorithm
4. Full documents and small live demos for reference
- [Design specification](doc/HowToWork.md)
- [How to build?](doc/HowToBuild.md)
- [How to Layout widgets?](doc/HowLayoutWork.md)
- [How to build unicode font/bitmap resource?](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteToolkit)
- [How to switch theme?](https://github.com/idea4good/GuiLiteSamples/blob/master/HostMonitor/UIcode/source/resource/resource.cpp)
- [How to dispatch messages?](doc/HowMessageWork.md)
- Thanks for the help from QQ group, you guys make GuiLite better! And welcome new friend to join us.<br>[<img src="doc/qq.group.jpg">](https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=5EO8D9i)
- Thanks for the donations from [Gitee users](https://gitee.com/idea4good/GuiLite), all donations will be used to help sick kids
- Check the charity action [here](doc/DonationList.md)