#include "core_include/api.h" #include "core_include/rect.h" #include "core_include/surface.h" #include "core_include/display.h" #include "core_include/cmd_target.h" #include "core_include/wnd.h" #include "core_include/surface.h" #include "../widgets_include/dialog.h" #include "../widgets_include/slide_group.h" c_slide_group::c_slide_group() { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_PAGES; i++) { m_slides[i] = NULL; } m_active_slide_index = 0; } int c_slide_group::set_active_slide(int index, bool is_redraw) { if(index >= MAX_PAGES || index < 0) { return -1; } if(0 == m_slides[index]) { return -2; } m_active_slide_index = index; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_PAGES; i++) { if(m_slides[i] == NULL) { continue; } if(i == index) { m_slides[i]->get_surface()->set_active(true); add_child_2_tail(m_slides[i]); if(is_redraw) { c_rect rc; get_screen_rect(rc); m_slides[i]->get_surface()->flush_scrren(rc.m_left, rc.m_top, rc.m_right, rc.m_bottom); } } else { m_slides[i]->get_surface()->set_active(false); } } return 0; } int c_slide_group::add_slide(c_wnd* slide, unsigned short resource_id, short x, short y, short width, short height, WND_TREE* p_child_tree, Z_ORDER_LEVEL max_zorder) { if(NULL == slide) { return -1; } c_surface* old_surface = get_surface(); c_surface* new_surface = old_surface->get_display()->alloc_surface(slide,max_zorder); new_surface->set_active(false); set_surface(new_surface); slide->connect(this, resource_id ,0 , x, y, width, height, p_child_tree); set_surface(old_surface); int i = 0; while(i < MAX_PAGES) { if(m_slides[i] == slide) {//slide has lived ASSERT(FALSE); return -2; } i++; } //new slide i = 0; while(i < MAX_PAGES) { if(m_slides[i] == NULL) { m_slides[i] = slide; slide->show_window(); return 0; } i++; } //no more slide can be add ASSERT(FALSE); return -3; } int c_slide_group::add_clone_silde(c_wnd* slide, unsigned short resource_id, short x, short y, short width, short height, WND_TREE* p_child_tree, Z_ORDER_LEVEL max_zorder) { if(NULL == slide) { return -1; } c_surface* old_surface = get_surface(); c_surface* new_surface = old_surface->get_display()->alloc_surface(slide,max_zorder); new_surface->set_active(false); set_surface(new_surface); c_wnd* page_tmp = slide->connect_clone(this,resource_id,0,x,y,width,height,p_child_tree); set_surface(old_surface); int i = 0; while(i < MAX_PAGES) { if(m_slides[i] == page_tmp) {//slide has lived ASSERT(FALSE); return -2; } i++; } //new slide i = 0; while(i < MAX_PAGES) { if(m_slides[i] == NULL) { m_slides[i] = page_tmp; page_tmp->show_window(); return 0; } i++; } //no more slide can be add ASSERT(FALSE); return -3; } void c_slide_group::disabel_all_slide() { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_PAGES; i++) { if(m_slides[i]) { m_slides[i]->get_surface()->set_active(false); } } } bool c_slide_group::on_touch(int x, int y, TOUCH_ACTION action) { if (m_slides[m_active_slide_index]) { m_slides[m_active_slide_index]->on_touch(x, y, action); } return true; } bool c_slide_group::on_key(KEY_TYPE key) { if (m_slides[m_active_slide_index]) { m_slides[m_active_slide_index]->on_key(key); } return true; }