#include "../core_include/api.h" #include "../core_include/rect.h" #include "../core_include/cmd_target.h" #include "../core_include/resource.h" #include "../core_include/bitmap.h" #include "../core_include/surface.h" #include "../core_include/wnd.h" c_wnd::c_wnd(): m_status(STATUS_NORMAL), m_attr(ATTR_VISIBLE), m_parent(0), m_top_child(0), m_prev_sibling(0), m_next_sibling(0), m_str(0), m_font_color(0), m_bg_color(0), m_resource_id(0), m_z_order(Z_ORDER_LEVEL_0), m_focus_child(0), m_surface(0) { m_attr = (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE | ATTR_FOCUS); } int c_wnd::connect(c_wnd *parent, unsigned short resource_id, const char* str, short x, short y, short width, short height, WND_TREE* p_child_tree ) { if(0 == resource_id) { ASSERT(false); return -1; } m_resource_id = resource_id; set_str(str); m_parent = parent; m_status = STATUS_NORMAL; if (parent) { m_z_order = parent->m_z_order; m_surface = parent->m_surface; } if(0 == m_surface) { ASSERT(false); return -2; } /* (cs.x = x * 1024 / 768) for 1027*768=>800*600 quickly*/ m_wnd_rect.m_left = x; m_wnd_rect.m_top = y; m_wnd_rect.m_right = (x + width - 1); m_wnd_rect.m_bottom = (y + height - 1); c_rect rect; get_screen_rect(rect); ASSERT(m_surface->is_valid(rect)); pre_create_wnd(); if ( 0 != parent ) { parent->add_child_2_tail(this); } if (load_child_wnd(p_child_tree) >= 0) { load_cmd_msg(); on_init_children(); } return 0; } int c_wnd::load_child_wnd(WND_TREE *p_child_tree) { if (0 == p_child_tree) { return 0; } int sum = 0; WND_TREE* p_cur = p_child_tree; while(p_cur->p_wnd) { if (0 != p_cur->p_wnd->m_resource_id) {//This wnd has been used! Do not share! ASSERT(false); return -1; } else { p_cur->p_wnd->connect(this, p_cur->resource_id, p_cur->str, p_cur->x, p_cur->y, p_cur->width, p_cur->height,p_cur->p_child_tree); } p_cur++; sum++; } return sum; } c_wnd* c_wnd::connect_clone(c_wnd *parent, unsigned short resource_id, const char* str, short x, short y, short width, short height, WND_TREE* p_child_tree ) { if(0 == resource_id) { ASSERT(false); return 0; } c_wnd* wnd = clone(); wnd->m_resource_id = resource_id; wnd->set_str(str); wnd->m_parent = parent; wnd->m_status = STATUS_NORMAL; if (parent) { wnd->m_z_order = parent->m_z_order; wnd->m_surface = parent->m_surface; } else { wnd->m_surface = m_surface; } if(0 == wnd->m_surface) { ASSERT(false); return 0; } /* (cs.x = x * 1024 / 768) for 1027*768=>800*600 quickly*/ wnd->m_wnd_rect.m_left = x; wnd->m_wnd_rect.m_top = y; wnd->m_wnd_rect.m_right = (x + width - 1); wnd->m_wnd_rect.m_bottom = (y + height - 1); c_rect rect; wnd->get_screen_rect(rect); ASSERT(wnd->m_surface->is_valid(rect)); wnd->pre_create_wnd(); if ( 0 != parent ) { parent->add_child_2_tail(wnd); } if (wnd->load_clone_child_wnd(p_child_tree) >= 0) { wnd->load_cmd_msg(); wnd->on_init_children(); } return wnd; } int c_wnd::load_clone_child_wnd(WND_TREE *p_child_tree) { if (0 == p_child_tree) { return 0; } int sum = 0; WND_TREE* p_cur = p_child_tree; while(p_cur->p_wnd) { p_cur->p_wnd->connect_clone(this, p_cur->resource_id, p_cur->str, p_cur->x, p_cur->y, p_cur->width, p_cur->height,p_cur->p_child_tree); p_cur++; sum++; } return sum; } void c_wnd::disconnect() { if (0 == m_resource_id) { return; } if (0 != m_top_child) { c_wnd *child = m_top_child; c_wnd *next_child = 0; while (child) { next_child = child->m_next_sibling; child->disconnect(); child = next_child; } } if (0 != m_parent) { m_parent->unlink_child(this); } m_focus_child = 0; m_resource_id = 0; } c_wnd* c_wnd::get_wnd_ptr(unsigned short id) const { c_wnd *child = m_top_child; while ( child ) { if ( child->get_id() == id ) { break; } child = child->m_next_sibling; } return child; } void c_wnd::set_attr(WND_ATTRIBUTION attr) { m_attr = attr; if ( ATTR_DISABLED == (attr & ATTR_DISABLED) ) { m_status = STATUS_DISABLED; } else { if (m_status == STATUS_DISABLED) { m_status = STATUS_NORMAL; } } } int c_wnd::is_focus_wnd() const { if ( (m_attr & ATTR_VISIBLE) && !(m_attr & ATTR_DISABLED) && (m_attr & ATTR_FOCUS)) { return true; } else { return false; } } void c_wnd::set_wnd_pos(short x, short y, short width, short height) { m_wnd_rect.m_left = x; m_wnd_rect.m_top = y; m_wnd_rect.m_right = x + width - 1; m_wnd_rect.m_bottom = y + height - 1; } void c_wnd::get_wnd_rect(c_rect &rect) const { rect = m_wnd_rect; } void c_wnd::get_screen_rect(c_rect &rect) const { rect.SetRect(0, 0, (m_wnd_rect.Width() - 1), (m_wnd_rect.Height() - 1)); wnd2screen(rect); } void c_wnd::wnd2screen(int &x, int &y) const { c_wnd *parent = m_parent; c_rect rect; x += m_wnd_rect.m_left; y += m_wnd_rect.m_top; while ( 0 != parent ) { parent->get_wnd_rect(rect); x += rect.m_left; y += rect.m_top; parent = parent->m_parent; } } void c_wnd::wnd2screen(c_rect &rect) const { int l = rect.m_left; int t = rect.m_top; wnd2screen(l, t); int r = (l + rect.Width() - 1); int b = (t + rect.Height() - 1); rect.SetRect(l, t, r, b); } void c_wnd::screen2wnd(short &x, short &y) const { c_wnd *parent = m_parent; c_rect rect; x -= m_wnd_rect.m_left; y -= m_wnd_rect.m_top; while ( 0 != parent ) { parent->get_wnd_rect(rect); x -= rect.m_left; y -= rect.m_top; parent = parent->m_parent; } } void c_wnd::screen2wnd(c_rect &rect) const { short l = rect.m_left; short t = rect.m_top; screen2wnd(l, t); short r = l + rect.Width() - 1; short b = t + rect.Height() - 1; rect.SetRect(l, t, r, b); } c_wnd* c_wnd::set_child_focus(c_wnd * focus_child) { ASSERT(0 != focus_child); ASSERT(focus_child->m_parent == this); c_wnd *old_focus_child = m_focus_child; if (focus_child->is_focus_wnd()) { if (focus_child != old_focus_child ) { if (old_focus_child) { old_focus_child->on_kill_focus(); } m_focus_child = focus_child; if (m_parent) { m_parent->set_child_focus(this); } m_focus_child->on_focus(); } } return m_focus_child; } void c_wnd::add_child_2_tail(c_wnd *child) { if( 0 == child )return; if(child == get_wnd_ptr(child->m_resource_id))return; if ( 0 == m_top_child ) { m_top_child = child; child->m_prev_sibling = 0; child->m_next_sibling = 0; } else { c_wnd *last_child = get_last_child(); if (0 == last_child) { ASSERT(false); } last_child->m_next_sibling = child; child->m_prev_sibling = last_child; child->m_next_sibling = 0; } } c_wnd* c_wnd::get_last_child() const { if ( 0 == m_top_child ) { return 0; } c_wnd *child = m_top_child; while ( child->m_next_sibling) { child = child->m_next_sibling; } return child; } int c_wnd::unlink_child(c_wnd *child) { if ((0 == child) || (this != child->m_parent)) { return -1; } if (0 == m_top_child) { return -2; } int find = false; c_wnd *tmp_child = m_top_child; if (tmp_child == child) { m_top_child = child->m_next_sibling; if (0 != child->m_next_sibling) { child->m_next_sibling->m_prev_sibling = 0; } find = true; } else { while (tmp_child->m_next_sibling) { if (child == tmp_child->m_next_sibling) { tmp_child->m_next_sibling = child->m_next_sibling; if (0 != child->m_next_sibling) { child->m_next_sibling->m_prev_sibling = tmp_child; } find = true; break; } tmp_child = tmp_child->m_next_sibling; } } if (true == find) { if (m_focus_child == child) { m_focus_child = 0; } child->m_next_sibling = 0; child->m_prev_sibling = 0; return 1; } else { return 0; } } void c_wnd::show_window() { if (ATTR_VISIBLE == (m_attr & ATTR_VISIBLE)) { on_paint(); c_wnd *child = m_top_child; if ( 0 != child ) { while ( child ) { child->show_window(); child = child->m_next_sibling; } } } } bool c_wnd::on_touch(int x, int y, TOUCH_ACTION action) { c_rect rect; x -= m_wnd_rect.m_left; y -= m_wnd_rect.m_top; c_wnd* child = m_top_child; c_wnd* target_wnd = 0; int target_z_order = Z_ORDER_LEVEL_0; while (child) { if (ATTR_VISIBLE == (child->m_attr & ATTR_VISIBLE)) { child->get_wnd_rect(rect); if (true == rect.PtInRect(x, y) || child->m_attr & ATTR_MODAL) { if (true == child->is_focus_wnd()) { if (child->m_z_order >= target_z_order) { target_wnd = child; target_z_order = child->m_z_order; } } } } child = child->m_next_sibling; } if (target_wnd == 0) { return false; } return target_wnd->on_touch(x, y, action); } bool c_wnd::on_key(KEY_TYPE key) { ASSERT(key == KEY_FORWARD || key == KEY_BACKWARD || key == KEY_ENTER); // Find current focus wnd. c_wnd* old_focus_wnd = m_focus_child; while (m_focus_child && m_focus_child->m_focus_child) { old_focus_wnd = m_focus_child->m_focus_child; } if (old_focus_wnd && !old_focus_wnd->on_key(key)) { return true; } // Default moving focus(Default handle KEY_FOWARD/KEY_BACKWARD) if (key == KEY_ENTER) { return true; } if (!old_focus_wnd) {// No current focus wnd, new one. c_wnd *child = m_top_child; c_wnd *new_focus_wnd = 0; while (child) { if (ATTR_VISIBLE == (child->m_attr & ATTR_VISIBLE)) { if (true == child->is_focus_wnd()) { new_focus_wnd = child; new_focus_wnd->m_parent->set_child_focus(new_focus_wnd); child = child->m_top_child; continue; } } child = child->m_next_sibling; } return true; } // Move focus from old wnd to next wnd c_wnd* next_focus_wnd = (key == KEY_FORWARD) ? old_focus_wnd->m_next_sibling : old_focus_wnd->m_prev_sibling; while (next_focus_wnd && (!next_focus_wnd->is_focus_wnd())) {// Search neighbor of old focus wnd next_focus_wnd = (key == KEY_FORWARD) ? next_focus_wnd->m_next_sibling : next_focus_wnd->m_prev_sibling; } if (!next_focus_wnd) {// Search whole brother wnd next_focus_wnd = (key == KEY_FORWARD) ? old_focus_wnd->m_parent->m_top_child : old_focus_wnd->m_parent->get_last_child(); while (next_focus_wnd && (!next_focus_wnd->is_focus_wnd())) { next_focus_wnd = (key == KEY_FORWARD) ? next_focus_wnd->m_next_sibling : next_focus_wnd->m_prev_sibling; } } if (next_focus_wnd) { next_focus_wnd->m_parent->set_child_focus(next_focus_wnd); } return true; } void c_wnd::notify_parent(unsigned int msg_id, unsigned int ctrl_id, int param) { if (!m_parent) { return; } const GL_MSG_ENTRY* entry = m_parent->FindMsgEntry(m_parent->GetMSgEntries(), MSG_TYPE_WND, msg_id, ctrl_id); if (0 == entry) { return; } MSGFUNCS msg_funcs; msg_funcs.func = entry->func; switch (entry->callbackType) { case MSG_CALLBACK_VV: (m_parent->*msg_funcs.func)(); break; case MSG_CALLBACK_VVL: (m_parent->*msg_funcs.func_vvl)(param); break; case MSG_CALLBACK_VWV: (m_parent->*msg_funcs.func_vwv)(ctrl_id); break; case MSG_CALLBACK_VWL: (m_parent->*msg_funcs.func_vwl)(ctrl_id, param); break; default: ASSERT(false); break; } }