#ifndef GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_API_H #define GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_API_H #define REAL_TIME_TASK_CYCLE_MS 50 #define GL_ARGB(a, r, g, b) ((((unsigned int)(a)) << 24) | (((unsigned int)(r)) << 16) | (((unsigned int)(g)) << 8) | ((unsigned int)(b))) #define GL_ARGB_A(rgb) ((((unsigned int)(rgb)) >> 24) & 0xFF) #define GL_RGB(r, g, b) ((0xFF << 24) | (((unsigned int)(r)) << 16) | (((unsigned int)(g)) << 8) | ((unsigned int)(b))) #define GL_RGB_R(rgb) ((((unsigned int)(rgb)) >> 16) & 0xFF) #define GL_RGB_G(rgb) ((((unsigned int)(rgb)) >> 8) & 0xFF) #define GL_RGB_B(rgb) (((unsigned int)(rgb)) & 0xFF) #define GL_RGB_32_to_16(rgb) (((((unsigned int)(rgb)) & 0xFF) >> 3) | ((((unsigned int)(rgb)) & 0xFC00) >> 5) | ((((unsigned int)(rgb)) & 0xF80000) >> 8)) #define GL_RGB_16_to_32(rgb) ((0xFF << 24) | ((((unsigned int)(rgb)) & 0x1F) << 3) | ((((unsigned int)(rgb)) & 0x7E0) << 5) | ((((unsigned int)(rgb)) & 0xF800) << 8)) #define ALIGN_HCENTER 0x00000000L #define ALIGN_LEFT 0x01000000L #define ALIGN_RIGHT 0x02000000L #define ALIGN_HMASK 0x03000000L #define ALIGN_VCENTER 0x00000000L #define ALIGN_TOP 0x00100000L #define ALIGN_BOTTOM 0x00200000L #define ALIGN_VMASK 0x00300000L typedef struct { unsigned short year; unsigned short month; unsigned short date; unsigned short day; unsigned short hour; unsigned short minute; unsigned short second; }T_TIME; void register_debug_function(void(*my_assert)(const char* file, int line), void(*my_log_out)(const char* log)); void _assert(const char* file, int line); #define ASSERT(condition) \ do{ \ if(!(condition))_assert(__FILE__, __LINE__);\ }while(0) void log_out(const char* log); long get_time_in_second(); T_TIME second_to_day(long second); T_TIME get_time(); void start_real_timer(void (*func)(void* arg)); void register_timer(int milli_second, void func(void* ptmr, void* parg)); unsigned int get_cur_thread_id(); void create_thread(unsigned long* thread_id, void* attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void* arg); void thread_sleep(unsigned int milli_seconds); int build_bmp(const char *filename, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned char *data); #define FIFO_BUFFER_LEN 1024 class c_fifo { public: c_fifo(); int read(void* buf, int len); int write(void* buf, int len); private: unsigned char m_buf[FIFO_BUFFER_LEN]; int m_head; int m_tail; void* m_read_sem; void* m_write_mutex; }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_CMD_TARGET_H #define GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_CMD_TARGET_H #define MSG_TYPE_INVALID 0xFFFF #define MSG_TYPE_WND 0x0001 #define MSG_TYPE_USR 0x0002 #define USR_MSG_MAX 32 class c_cmd_target; typedef void (c_cmd_target::*msgCallback)(int, int); struct GL_MSG_ENTRY { unsigned int msgType; unsigned int msgId; c_cmd_target* object; msgCallback callBack; }; #define ON_GL_USER_MSG(msgId, func) \ {MSG_TYPE_USR, msgId, 0, msgCallback(&func)}, #define GL_DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() \ protected: \ virtual const GL_MSG_ENTRY* get_msg_entries() const;\ private: \ static const GL_MSG_ENTRY m_msg_entries[]; #define GL_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(theClass) \ const GL_MSG_ENTRY* theClass::get_msg_entries() const \ { \ return theClass::m_msg_entries; \ } \ const GL_MSG_ENTRY theClass::m_msg_entries[] = \ { #define GL_END_MESSAGE_MAP() \ {MSG_TYPE_INVALID, 0, 0, 0}}; class c_cmd_target { public: static int handle_usr_msg(int msg_id, int resource_id, int param) { int i; c_cmd_target* p_wnd = 0; for (i = 0; i < ms_user_map_size; i++) { if (msg_id == ms_usr_map_entries[i].msgId) { p_wnd = (c_cmd_target*)ms_usr_map_entries[i].object; (p_wnd->*ms_usr_map_entries[i].callBack)(resource_id, param); } } return 1; } protected: void load_cmd_msg() { const GL_MSG_ENTRY* p_entry = get_msg_entries(); if (0 == p_entry) { return; } bool bExist = false; while (MSG_TYPE_INVALID != p_entry->msgType) { if (MSG_TYPE_WND == p_entry->msgType) { p_entry++; continue; } bExist = false; for (int i = 0; i < ms_user_map_size; i++) { //repeat register, return. if (p_entry->msgId == ms_usr_map_entries[i].msgId && ms_usr_map_entries[i].object == this) { bExist = true; break; } } if (true == bExist) { p_entry++; continue; } if (MSG_TYPE_USR == p_entry->msgType) { ms_usr_map_entries[ms_user_map_size] = *p_entry; ms_usr_map_entries[ms_user_map_size].object = this; ms_user_map_size++; if (USR_MSG_MAX == ms_user_map_size) { ASSERT(false); } } else { ASSERT(false); break; } p_entry++; } } const GL_MSG_ENTRY* find_msg_entry(const GL_MSG_ENTRY *pEntry, int msgType, int msgId) { if (MSG_TYPE_INVALID == msgType) { return 0; } while (MSG_TYPE_INVALID != pEntry->msgType) { if ((msgType == pEntry->msgType) && (msgId == pEntry->msgId)) { return pEntry; } pEntry++; } return 0; } private: static GL_MSG_ENTRY ms_usr_map_entries[USR_MSG_MAX]; static unsigned short ms_user_map_size; GL_DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_RECT_H #define GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_RECT_H #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b)) #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b)) class c_rect { public: c_rect(){Empty();} c_rect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom){m_left = left;m_top = top;m_right = right;m_bottom = bottom;}; void SetRect(int Left, int Top, int Right, int Bottom) { m_left = MIN(Left, Right); m_top = MIN(Top, Bottom); m_right = MAX(Left, Right); m_bottom = MAX(Top, Bottom); } c_rect(const c_rect& rect) { SetRect(rect.m_left, rect.m_top, rect.m_right, rect.m_bottom); } void Empty() { m_left = m_top = m_right = m_bottom = 0; } int IsEmpty() const { return m_top == m_bottom || m_left == m_right; } bool PtInRect(int x, int y) const { return x >= m_left && x <= m_right && y >= m_top && y <= m_bottom; } int operator==(const c_rect& rect) const { return (m_left == rect.m_left) && (m_top == rect.m_top) && (m_right == rect.m_right) && (m_bottom == rect.m_bottom); } int Width() const {return m_right - m_left + 1;} int Height() const {return m_bottom - m_top + 1;} int m_left; int m_top; int m_right; int m_bottom; }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_RESOURCE_H #define GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_RESOURCE_H //BITMAP typedef struct struct_bitmap_info { unsigned short width; unsigned short height; unsigned short color_bits;//support 16 bits only const unsigned short* pixel_color_array; } BITMAP_INFO; //FONT typedef struct struct_lattice { unsigned int utf8_code; unsigned char width; const unsigned char* pixel_gray_array; } LATTICE; typedef struct struct_font_info { unsigned char height; unsigned int count; LATTICE* lattice_array; } FONT_INFO; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_THEME_H #define GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_THEME_H typedef struct struct_font_info FONT_INFO; typedef struct struct_color_rect COLOR_RECT; typedef struct struct_bitmap_info BITMAP_INFO; //Rebuild gui library once you change this file enum FONT_TYPE { FONT_NULL, FONT_DEFAULT, FONT_CUSTOM1, FONT_CUSTOM2, FONT_CUSTOM3, FONT_CUSTOM4, FONT_CUSTOM5, FONT_CUSTOM6, FONT_MAX }; enum BITMAP_TYPE { BITMAP_CUSTOM1, BITMAP_CUSTOM2, BITMAP_CUSTOM3, BITMAP_CUSTOM4, BITMAP_CUSTOM5, BITMAP_CUSTOM6, BITMAP_MAX }; enum COLOR_TYPE { COLOR_WND_FONT, COLOR_WND_NORMAL, COLOR_WND_PUSHED, COLOR_WND_FOCUS, COLOR_WND_BORDER, COLOR_CUSTOME1, COLOR_CUSTOME2, COLOR_CUSTOME3, COLOR_CUSTOME4, COLOR_CUSTOME5, COLOR_CUSTOME6, COLOR_MAX }; class c_theme { public: static int add_font(FONT_TYPE index, const FONT_INFO* font) { if (index >= FONT_MAX) { ASSERT(false); return -1; } s_font_map[index] = font; return 0; } static const FONT_INFO* get_font(FONT_TYPE index) { if (index >= FONT_MAX) { ASSERT(false); return 0; } return s_font_map[index]; } static int add_bitmap(BITMAP_TYPE index, const BITMAP_INFO* bmp) { if (index >= BITMAP_MAX) { ASSERT(false); return -1; } s_bmp_map[index] = bmp; return 0; } static const BITMAP_INFO* get_bmp(BITMAP_TYPE index) { if (index >= BITMAP_MAX) { ASSERT(false); return 0; } return s_bmp_map[index]; } static int add_color(COLOR_TYPE index, const unsigned int color) { if (index >= COLOR_MAX) { ASSERT(false); return -1; } s_color_map[index] = color; return 0; } static const unsigned int get_color(COLOR_TYPE index) { if (index >= COLOR_MAX) { ASSERT(false); return 0; } return s_color_map[index]; } private: static const FONT_INFO* s_font_map[FONT_MAX]; static const BITMAP_INFO* s_bmp_map[BITMAP_MAX]; static unsigned int s_color_map[COLOR_MAX]; }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_DISPLAY_H #define GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_DISPLAY_H #include #include #include #define SURFACE_CNT_MAX 6//root + pages typedef enum { Z_ORDER_LEVEL_0,//view/wave/page Z_ORDER_LEVEL_1,//dialog Z_ORDER_LEVEL_2,//editbox/spinbox/listbox/keyboard Z_ORDER_LEVEL_MAX }Z_ORDER_LEVEL; struct EXTERNAL_GFX_OP { void(*draw_pixel)(int x, int y, unsigned int rgb); void(*fill_rect)(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int rgb); }; class c_surface; class c_display { friend class c_surface; public: inline c_display(void* phy_fb, int display_width, int display_height, int surface_width, int surface_height, unsigned int color_bytes, int surface_cnt, EXTERNAL_GFX_OP* gfx_op = 0); inline c_surface* alloc_surface(Z_ORDER_LEVEL max_zorder); inline int swipe_surface(c_surface* s0, c_surface* s1, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, int offset); int get_width() { return m_width; } int get_height() { return m_height; } void* get_updated_fb(int* width, int* height, bool force_update = false) { if (width && height) { *width = get_width(); *height = get_height(); } if (force_update) { return m_phy_fb; } if (m_phy_read_index == m_phy_write_index) {//No update return 0; } m_phy_read_index = m_phy_write_index; return m_phy_fb; } int snap_shot(const char* file_name) { if (!m_phy_fb) { return -1; } int width = get_width(); int height = get_height(); //16 bits framebuffer if (m_color_bytes == 2) { return build_bmp(file_name, width, height, (unsigned char*)m_phy_fb); } //32 bits framebuffer unsigned short* p_bmp565_data = new unsigned short[width * height]; unsigned int* p_raw_data = (unsigned int*)m_phy_fb; for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++) { unsigned int rgb = *p_raw_data++; p_bmp565_data[i] = GL_RGB_32_to_16(rgb); } int ret = build_bmp(file_name, width, height, (unsigned char*)p_bmp565_data); delete[]p_bmp565_data; return ret; } private: int m_width; //in pixels int m_height; //in pixels int m_color_bytes; //16 bits, 32 bits only void* m_phy_fb; int m_phy_read_index; int m_phy_write_index; c_surface* m_surface_group[SURFACE_CNT_MAX]; int m_surface_cnt; int m_surface_index; }; class c_frame_layer { public: c_frame_layer() { fb = 0; } unsigned short* fb; c_rect visible_rect; }; #define GL_ROUND_RGB_32(rgb) (rgb & 0xFFF8FCF8) //make RGB32 = RGB16 class c_surface { friend class c_display; friend class c_bitmap; public: int get_width() { return m_width; } int get_height() { return m_height; } unsigned int get_pixel(int x, int y, unsigned int z_order) { if (x >= m_width || y >= m_height || x < 0 || y < 0 || z_order >= Z_ORDER_LEVEL_MAX) { ASSERT(false); return 0; } if (z_order == m_max_zorder) { if (m_fb) { return (m_color_bytes == 4) ? ((unsigned int*)m_fb)[y * m_width + x] : GL_RGB_16_to_32(((unsigned short*)m_fb)[y * m_width + x]); } else if (m_phy_fb) { return (m_color_bytes == 4) ? ((unsigned int*)m_phy_fb)[y * m_width + x] : GL_RGB_16_to_32(((unsigned short*)m_phy_fb)[y * m_width + x]); } return 0; } unsigned short rgb_16 = ((unsigned short*)(m_frame_layers[z_order].fb))[y * m_width + x]; return GL_RGB_16_to_32(rgb_16); } void draw_pixel(int x, int y, unsigned int rgb, unsigned int z_order) { if (x >= m_width || y >= m_height || x < 0 || y < 0) { return; } if (z_order > (unsigned int)m_max_zorder) { ASSERT(false); return; } rgb = GL_ROUND_RGB_32(rgb); if (z_order == m_max_zorder) { return draw_pixel_on_fb(x, y, rgb); } if (z_order > (unsigned int)m_top_zorder) { m_top_zorder = (Z_ORDER_LEVEL)z_order; } if (0 == m_frame_layers[z_order].visible_rect.PtInRect(x, y)) { ASSERT(false); return; } ((unsigned short*)(m_frame_layers[z_order].fb))[x + y * m_width] = GL_RGB_32_to_16(rgb); if (z_order == m_top_zorder) { return draw_pixel_on_fb(x, y, rgb); } bool is_covered = false; for (unsigned int tmp_z_order = Z_ORDER_LEVEL_MAX - 1; tmp_z_order > z_order; tmp_z_order--) { if (true == m_frame_layers[tmp_z_order].visible_rect.PtInRect(x, y)) { is_covered = true; break; } } if (!is_covered) { draw_pixel_on_fb(x, y, rgb); } } void fill_rect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int rgb, unsigned int z_order) { x0 = (x0 < 0) ? 0 : x0; y0 = (y0 < 0) ? 0 : y0; x1 = (x1 > (m_width - 1)) ? (m_width - 1) : x1; y1 = (y1 > (m_height - 1)) ? (m_height - 1) : y1; rgb = GL_ROUND_RGB_32(rgb); if (z_order == m_max_zorder) { return fill_rect_on_fb(x0, y0, x1, y1, rgb); } if (z_order == m_top_zorder) { int x, y; unsigned short* mem_fb; unsigned int rgb_16 = GL_RGB_32_to_16(rgb); for (y = y0; y <= y1; y++) { x = x0; mem_fb = &((unsigned short*)m_frame_layers[z_order].fb)[y * m_width + x]; for (; x <= x1; x++) { *mem_fb++ = rgb_16; } } return fill_rect_on_fb(x0, y0, x1, y1, rgb); } for (; y0 <= y1; y0++) { draw_hline(x0, x1, y0, rgb, z_order); } } void draw_hline(int x0, int x1, int y, unsigned int rgb, unsigned int z_order) { for (; x0 <= x1; x0++) { draw_pixel(x0, y, rgb, z_order); } } void draw_vline(int x, int y0, int y1, unsigned int rgb, unsigned int z_order) { for (; y0 <= y1; y0++) { draw_pixel(x, y0, rgb, z_order); } } void draw_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned int rgb, unsigned int z_order) { int dx, dy, e; dx = x2 - x1; dy = y2 - y1; if ((dx >= 0) && (dy >= 0)) { if (dx >= dy) { e = dy - dx / 2; for (; x1 <= x2; x1++, e += dy) { draw_pixel(x1, y1, rgb, z_order); if (e > 0) { y1++; e -= dx; } } } else { e = dx - dy / 2; for (; y1 <= y2; y1++, e += dx) { draw_pixel(x1, y1, rgb, z_order); if (e > 0) { x1++; e -= dy; } } } } else if ((dx >= 0) && (dy < 0)) { dy = -dy; if (dx >= dy) { e = dy - dx / 2; for (; x1 <= x2; x1++, e += dy) { draw_pixel(x1, y1, rgb, z_order); if (e > 0) { y1--; e -= dx; } } } else { e = dx - dy / 2; for (; y1 >= y2; y1--, e += dx) { draw_pixel(x1, y1, rgb, z_order); if (e > 0) { x1++; e -= dy; } } } } else if ((dx < 0) && (dy >= 0)) { dx = -dx; if (dx >= dy) { e = dy - dx / 2; for (; x1 >= x2; x1--, e += dy) { draw_pixel(x1, y1, rgb, z_order); if (e > 0) { y1++; e -= dx; } } } else { e = dx - dy / 2; for (; y1 <= y2; y1++, e += dx) { draw_pixel(x1, y1, rgb, z_order); if (e > 0) { x1--; e -= dy; } } } } else if ((dx < 0) && (dy < 0)) { dx = -dx; dy = -dy; if (dx >= dy) { e = dy - dx / 2; for (; x1 >= x2; x1--, e += dy) { draw_pixel(x1, y1, rgb, z_order); if (e > 0) { y1--; e -= dx; } } } else { e = dx - dy / 2; for (; y1 >= y2; y1--, e += dx) { draw_pixel(x1, y1, rgb, z_order); if (e > 0) { x1--; e -= dy; } } } } } void draw_rect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int rgb, unsigned int z_order, unsigned int size = 1) { for (unsigned int offset = 0; offset < size; offset++) { draw_hline(x0 + offset, x1 - offset, y0 + offset, rgb, z_order); draw_hline(x0 + offset, x1 - offset, y1 - offset, rgb, z_order); draw_vline(x0 + offset, y0 + offset, y1 - offset, rgb, z_order); draw_vline(x1 - offset, y0 + offset, y1 - offset, rgb, z_order); } } void draw_rect(c_rect rect, unsigned int rgb, unsigned int size, unsigned int z_order) { draw_rect(rect.m_left, rect.m_top, rect.m_right, rect.m_bottom, rgb, z_order, size); } void fill_rect(c_rect rect, unsigned int rgb, unsigned int z_order) { fill_rect(rect.m_left, rect.m_top, rect.m_right, rect.m_bottom, rgb, z_order); } int flush_screen(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { if (left < 0 || left >= m_width || right < 0 || right >= m_width || top < 0 || top >= m_height || bottom < 0 || bottom >= m_height) { ASSERT(false); } if (!m_is_active || (0 == m_phy_fb) || (0 == m_fb)) { return -1; } int display_width = m_display->get_width(); int display_height = m_display->get_height(); left = (left >= display_width) ? (display_width - 1) : left; right = (right >= display_width) ? (display_width - 1) : right; top = (top >= display_height) ? (display_height - 1) : top; bottom = (bottom >= display_height) ? (display_height - 1) : bottom; for (int y = top; y < bottom; y++) { void* s_addr = (char*)m_fb + ((y * m_width + left) * m_color_bytes); void* d_addr = (char*)m_phy_fb + ((y * display_width + left) * m_color_bytes); memcpy(d_addr, s_addr, (right - left) * m_color_bytes); } *m_phy_write_index = *m_phy_write_index + 1; return 0; } bool is_valid(c_rect rect) { if (rect.m_left < 0 || rect.m_top < 0) { return false; } if (rect.m_right >= m_width || rect.m_bottom >= m_height) { return false; } return true; } bool is_active() { return m_is_active; } c_display* get_display() { return m_display; } int set_frame_layer_visible_rect(c_rect& rect, unsigned int z_order) { if (rect == m_frame_layers[z_order].visible_rect) { return 0; } if (rect.m_left < 0 || rect.m_left >= m_width || rect.m_right < 0 || rect.m_right >= m_width || rect.m_top < 0 || rect.m_top >= m_height || rect.m_bottom < 0 || rect.m_bottom >= m_height) { ASSERT(false); return -1; } if (!(z_order > Z_ORDER_LEVEL_0&& z_order < Z_ORDER_LEVEL_MAX)) { ASSERT(false); return -2; } if (z_order < (unsigned int)m_top_zorder) { ASSERT(false); return -3; } m_top_zorder = (Z_ORDER_LEVEL)z_order; c_rect old_rect = m_frame_layers[z_order].visible_rect; //Recover the lower layer int src_zorder = (Z_ORDER_LEVEL)(z_order - 1); for (int y = old_rect.m_top; y <= old_rect.m_bottom; y++) { for (int x = old_rect.m_left; x <= old_rect.m_right; x++) { if (!rect.PtInRect(x, y)) { unsigned int rgb = ((unsigned short*)(m_frame_layers[src_zorder].fb))[x + y * m_width]; draw_pixel_on_fb(x, y, GL_RGB_16_to_32(rgb)); } } } m_frame_layers[z_order].visible_rect = rect; if (rect.IsEmpty()) { m_top_zorder = (Z_ORDER_LEVEL)(z_order - 1); } return 0; } void set_active(bool flag) { m_is_active = flag; } protected: virtual void fill_rect_on_fb(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int rgb) { int display_width = m_display->get_width(); int display_height = m_display->get_height(); if (m_color_bytes == 4) { int x; unsigned int* fb, * phy_fb; for (; y0 <= y1; y0++) { x = x0; fb = m_fb ? &((unsigned int*)m_fb)[y0 * m_width + x] : 0; phy_fb = &((unsigned int*)m_phy_fb)[y0 * display_width + x]; *m_phy_write_index = *m_phy_write_index + 1; for (; x <= x1; x++) { if (fb) { *fb++ = rgb; } if (m_is_active && (x < display_width) && (y0 < display_height)) { *phy_fb++ = rgb; } } } } else if (m_color_bytes == 2) { int x; unsigned short* fb, * phy_fb; rgb = GL_RGB_32_to_16(rgb); for (; y0 <= y1; y0++) { x = x0; fb = m_fb ? &((unsigned short*)m_fb)[y0 * m_width + x] : 0; phy_fb = &((unsigned short*)m_phy_fb)[y0 * display_width + x]; *m_phy_write_index = *m_phy_write_index + 1; for (; x <= x1; x++) { if (fb) { *fb++ = rgb; } if (m_is_active && (x < display_width) && (y0 < display_height)) { *phy_fb++ = rgb; } } } } } virtual void draw_pixel_on_fb(int x, int y, unsigned int rgb) { if (m_fb) { (m_color_bytes == 4) ? ((unsigned int*)m_fb)[y * m_width + x] = rgb : ((unsigned short*)m_fb)[y * m_width + x] = GL_RGB_32_to_16(rgb); } int display_width = m_display->get_width(); int display_height = m_display->get_height(); if (m_is_active && (x < display_width) && (y < display_height)) { if (m_color_bytes == 4) { ((unsigned int*)m_phy_fb)[y * (m_display->get_width()) + x] = rgb; } else { ((unsigned short*)m_phy_fb)[y * (m_display->get_width()) + x] = GL_RGB_32_to_16(rgb); } *m_phy_write_index = *m_phy_write_index + 1; } } void set_surface(Z_ORDER_LEVEL max_z_order) { m_max_zorder = max_z_order; if (m_display->m_surface_cnt > 1) { m_fb = calloc(m_width * m_height, m_color_bytes); } for (int i = Z_ORDER_LEVEL_0; i < m_max_zorder; i++) {//Top layber fb always be 0 m_frame_layers[i].fb = (unsigned short*)calloc(m_width * m_height, sizeof(unsigned short)); ASSERT(0 != m_frame_layers[i].fb); } } c_surface(c_display* display, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int color_bytes) : m_width(width), m_height(height), m_color_bytes(color_bytes), m_fb(0), m_is_active(false), m_max_zorder(Z_ORDER_LEVEL_0), m_top_zorder(Z_ORDER_LEVEL_0), m_phy_fb(0), m_phy_write_index(0), m_display(0) { if (display) { m_display = display; m_phy_fb = display->m_phy_fb; m_phy_write_index = &display->m_phy_write_index; } m_frame_layers[Z_ORDER_LEVEL_0].visible_rect = c_rect(0, 0, m_width, m_height); } int m_width; //in pixels int m_height; //in pixels int m_color_bytes; //16 bits, 32 bits only void* m_fb; //frame buffer you could see c_frame_layer m_frame_layers[Z_ORDER_LEVEL_MAX];//Top layber fb always be 0 bool m_is_active; Z_ORDER_LEVEL m_max_zorder; Z_ORDER_LEVEL m_top_zorder; void* m_phy_fb; int* m_phy_write_index; c_display* m_display; }; class c_surface_no_fb : public c_surface {//No physical framebuffer friend class c_display; c_surface_no_fb(c_display* display, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int color_bytes, struct EXTERNAL_GFX_OP* gfx_op) : c_surface(display, width, height, color_bytes) { m_gfx_op = gfx_op; } protected: virtual void fill_rect_on_fb(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned int rgb) { if (!m_gfx_op) { return; } if (m_gfx_op->fill_rect) { return m_gfx_op->fill_rect(x0, y0, x1, y1, rgb); } if (m_gfx_op->draw_pixel && m_is_active) { for (int y = y0; y <= y1; y++) { for (int x = x0; x <= x1; x++) { m_gfx_op->draw_pixel(x, y, rgb); } } } if (!m_fb) { return; } if (m_color_bytes == 4) { unsigned int* fb; for (int y = y0; y <= y1; y++) { fb = &((unsigned int*)m_fb)[y0 * m_width + x0]; for (int x = x0; x <= x1; x++) { *fb++ = rgb; } } } else if (m_color_bytes == 2) { unsigned short* fb; rgb = GL_RGB_32_to_16(rgb); for (int y = y0; y <= y1; y++) { fb = &((unsigned short*)m_fb)[y0 * m_width + x0]; for (int x = x0; x <= x1; x++) { *fb++ = rgb; } } } } virtual void draw_pixel_on_fb(int x, int y, unsigned int rgb) { if (m_gfx_op && m_gfx_op->draw_pixel && m_is_active) { m_gfx_op->draw_pixel(x, y, rgb); } if (!m_fb) { return; } if (m_color_bytes == 4) { ((unsigned int*)m_fb)[y * m_width + x] = rgb; } else if (m_color_bytes == 2) { ((unsigned short*)m_fb)[y * m_width + x] = GL_RGB_32_to_16(rgb); } } struct EXTERNAL_GFX_OP* m_gfx_op;//Rendering by external method static c_surface_no_fb mcu_surface;//Reserve one for avoiding new operation, new operation maybe crash program on Keil platform sometimes. }; inline c_display::c_display(void* phy_fb, int display_width, int display_height, int surface_width, int surface_height, unsigned int color_bytes, int surface_cnt, EXTERNAL_GFX_OP* gfx_op) { if (color_bytes != 2 && color_bytes != 4) { log_out("Support 16 bits, 32 bits color only!"); ASSERT(false); } m_width = display_width; m_height = display_height; m_color_bytes = color_bytes; m_phy_fb = phy_fb; m_phy_read_index = m_phy_write_index = 0; memset(m_surface_group, 0, sizeof(m_surface_group)); m_surface_index = 0; m_surface_cnt = surface_cnt; ASSERT(m_surface_cnt <= SURFACE_CNT_MAX); if ((m_surface_cnt == 1) && (gfx_op)) {// Avoid new operation for MCU, new operation maybe crash program on Keil platform sometimes. c_surface_no_fb::mcu_surface.m_display = this; c_surface_no_fb::mcu_surface.m_width = surface_width; c_surface_no_fb::mcu_surface.m_height = surface_height; c_surface_no_fb::mcu_surface.m_color_bytes = color_bytes; c_surface_no_fb::mcu_surface.m_gfx_op = gfx_op; m_surface_group[0] = &c_surface_no_fb::mcu_surface; return; } for (int i = 0; i < m_surface_cnt; i++) { m_surface_group[i] = phy_fb ? new c_surface(this, surface_width, surface_height, color_bytes) : new c_surface_no_fb(this, surface_width, surface_height, color_bytes, gfx_op); } } inline c_surface* c_display::alloc_surface(Z_ORDER_LEVEL max_zorder) { if (max_zorder >= Z_ORDER_LEVEL_MAX || m_surface_index >= m_surface_cnt) { ASSERT(false); return 0; } int i = m_surface_index++; m_surface_group[i]->set_surface(max_zorder); return m_surface_group[i]; } inline int c_display::swipe_surface(c_surface* s0, c_surface* s1, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, int offset) { int surface_width = s0->get_width(); int surface_height = s0->get_height(); if (offset < 0 || offset > surface_width || y0 < 0 || y0 >= surface_height || y1 < 0 || y1 >= surface_height || x0 < 0 || x0 >= surface_width || x1 < 0 || x1 >= surface_width) { ASSERT(false); return -1; } int width = (x1 - x0 + 1); if (width < 0 || width > surface_width || width < offset) { ASSERT(false); return -1; } x0 = (x0 >= m_width) ? (m_width - 1) : x0; x1 = (x1 >= m_width) ? (m_width - 1) : x1; y0 = (y0 >= m_height) ? (m_height - 1) : y0; y1 = (y1 >= m_height) ? (m_height - 1) : y1; if (m_phy_fb) { for (int y = y0; y <= y1; y++) { //Left surface char* addr_s = ((char*)(s0->m_fb) + (y * (s0->get_width()) + x0 + offset) * m_color_bytes); char* addr_d = ((char*)(m_phy_fb)+(y * m_width + x0) * m_color_bytes); memcpy(addr_d, addr_s, (width - offset) * m_color_bytes); //Right surface addr_s = ((char*)(s1->m_fb) + (y * (s1->get_width()) + x0) * m_color_bytes); addr_d = ((char*)(m_phy_fb)+(y * m_width + x0 + (width - offset)) * m_color_bytes); memcpy(addr_d, addr_s, offset * m_color_bytes); } } else if (m_color_bytes == 4) { void(*draw_pixel)(int x, int y, unsigned int rgb) = ((c_surface_no_fb*)s0)->m_gfx_op->draw_pixel; for (int y = y0; y <= y1; y++) { //Left surface for (int x = x0; x <= (x1 - offset); x++) { draw_pixel(x, y, ((unsigned int*)s0->m_fb)[y * m_width + x + offset]); } //Right surface for (int x = x1 - offset; x <= x1; x++) { draw_pixel(x, y, ((unsigned int*)s1->m_fb)[y * m_width + x + offset - x1 + x0]); } } } else if (m_color_bytes == 2) { void(*draw_pixel)(int x, int y, unsigned int rgb) = ((c_surface_no_fb*)s0)->m_gfx_op->draw_pixel; for (int y = y0; y <= y1; y++) { //Left surface for (int x = x0; x <= (x1 - offset); x++) { draw_pixel(x, y, GL_RGB_16_to_32(((unsigned short*)s0->m_fb)[y * m_width + x + offset])); } //Right surface for (int x = x1 - offset; x <= x1; x++) { draw_pixel(x, y, GL_RGB_16_to_32(((unsigned short*)s1->m_fb)[y * m_width + x + offset - x1 + x0])); } } } m_phy_write_index++; return 0; } #endif #ifndef GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_WORD_H #define GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_WORD_H #include #include #define BUFFER_LEN 16 class c_surface; class c_word { public: static void draw_string(c_surface* surface, int z_order, const char *s, int x, int y, const FONT_INFO* font, unsigned int font_color, unsigned int bg_color, unsigned int align_type = ALIGN_LEFT) { if (0 == s) { return; } int offset = 0; unsigned int utf8_code; while (*s) { s += get_utf8_code(s, utf8_code); offset += draw_single_char(surface, z_order, utf8_code, (x + offset), y, font, font_color, bg_color); } } static void draw_string_in_rect(c_surface* surface, int z_order, const char *s, c_rect rect, const FONT_INFO* font, unsigned int font_color, unsigned int bg_color, unsigned int align_type = ALIGN_LEFT) { if (0 == s) { return; } int x, y; get_string_pos(s, font, rect, align_type, x, y); draw_string(surface, z_order, s, rect.m_left + x, rect.m_top + y, font, font_color, bg_color, ALIGN_LEFT); } static void draw_value(c_surface* surface, int z_order, int value, int dot_position, int x, int y, const FONT_INFO* font, unsigned int font_color, unsigned int bg_color, unsigned int align_type = ALIGN_LEFT) { char buf[BUFFER_LEN]; value_2_string(value, dot_position, buf, BUFFER_LEN); draw_string(surface, z_order, buf, x, y, font, font_color, bg_color, align_type); } static void draw_value_in_rect(c_surface* surface, int z_order, int value, int dot_position, c_rect rect, const FONT_INFO* font, unsigned int font_color, unsigned int bg_color, unsigned int align_type = ALIGN_LEFT) { char buf[BUFFER_LEN]; value_2_string(value, dot_position, buf, BUFFER_LEN); draw_string_in_rect(surface, z_order, buf, rect, font, font_color, bg_color, align_type); } static void value_2_string(int value, int dot_position, char* buf, int len) { memset(buf, 0, len); switch (dot_position) { case 0: sprintf(buf, "%d", value); break; case 1: sprintf(buf, "%.1f", value * 1.0 / 10); break; case 2: sprintf(buf, "%.2f", value * 1.0 / 100); break; case 3: sprintf(buf, "%.3f", value * 1.0 / 1000); break; default: ASSERT(false); break; } } static int get_str_size(const char *s, const FONT_INFO* font, int& width, int& height) { if (0 == s || 0 == font) { width = height = 0; return -1; } int lattice_width = 0; unsigned int utf8_code; int utf8_bytes; while (*s) { utf8_bytes = get_utf8_code(s, utf8_code); const LATTICE* p_lattice = get_lattice(font, utf8_code); lattice_width += p_lattice ? p_lattice->width : font->height; s += utf8_bytes; } width = lattice_width; height = font->height; return 0; } private: static int draw_single_char(c_surface* surface, int z_order, unsigned int utf8_code, int x, int y, const FONT_INFO* font, unsigned int font_color, unsigned int bg_color) { unsigned int error_color = 0xFFFFFFFF; if (font) { const LATTICE* p_lattice = get_lattice(font, utf8_code); if (p_lattice) { draw_lattice(surface, z_order, x, y, p_lattice->width, font->height, p_lattice->pixel_gray_array, font_color, bg_color); return p_lattice->width; } } else { error_color = GL_RGB(255, 0, 0); } //lattice/font not found, draw "X" int len = 16; for (int y_ = 0; y_ < len; y_++) { for (int x_ = 0; x_ < len; x_++) { int diff = (x_ - y_); int sum = (x_ + y_); (diff == 0 || diff == -1 || diff == 1 || sum == len || sum == (len - 1) || sum == (len + 1)) ? surface->draw_pixel((x + x_), (y + y_), error_color, z_order) : surface->draw_pixel((x + x_), (y + y_), 0, z_order); } } return len; } static void draw_lattice(c_surface* surface, int z_order, int x, int y, int width, int height, const unsigned char* p_data, unsigned int font_color, unsigned int bg_color) { unsigned int r, g, b, rgb; unsigned char blk_value = *p_data++; unsigned char blk_cnt = *p_data++; b = (GL_RGB_B(font_color) * blk_value + GL_RGB_B(bg_color) * (255 - blk_value)) >> 8; g = (GL_RGB_G(font_color) * blk_value + GL_RGB_G(bg_color) * (255 - blk_value)) >> 8; r = (GL_RGB_R(font_color) * blk_value + GL_RGB_R(bg_color) * (255 - blk_value)) >> 8; rgb = GL_RGB(r, g, b); for (int y_ = 0; y_ < height; y_++) { for (int x_ = 0; x_ < width; x_++) { ASSERT(blk_cnt); if (0x00 == blk_value) { if (GL_ARGB_A(bg_color)) { surface->draw_pixel(x + x_, y + y_, bg_color, z_order); } } else { surface->draw_pixel((x + x_), (y + y_), rgb, z_order); } if (--blk_cnt == 0) {//reload new block blk_value = *p_data++; blk_cnt = *p_data++; b = (GL_RGB_B(font_color) * blk_value + GL_RGB_B(bg_color) * (255 - blk_value)) >> 8; g = (GL_RGB_G(font_color) * blk_value + GL_RGB_G(bg_color) * (255 - blk_value)) >> 8; r = (GL_RGB_R(font_color) * blk_value + GL_RGB_R(bg_color) * (255 - blk_value)) >> 8; rgb = GL_RGB(r, g, b); } } } } static const LATTICE* get_lattice(const FONT_INFO* font, unsigned int utf8_code) { int first = 0; int last = font->count - 1; int middle = (first + last) / 2; while (first <= last) { if (font->lattice_array[middle].utf8_code < utf8_code) first = middle + 1; else if (font->lattice_array[middle].utf8_code == utf8_code) { return &font->lattice_array[middle]; } else { last = middle - 1; } middle = (first + last) / 2; } return 0; } static void get_string_pos(const char *s, const FONT_INFO* font, c_rect rect, unsigned int align_type, int &x, int &y) { int x_size, y_size; get_str_size(s, font, x_size, y_size); int height = rect.m_bottom - rect.m_top + 1; int width = rect.m_right - rect.m_left + 1; x = y = 0; switch (align_type & ALIGN_HMASK) { case ALIGN_HCENTER: //m_text_org_x=0 if (width > x_size) { x = (width - x_size) / 2; } break; case ALIGN_LEFT: x = 0; break; case ALIGN_RIGHT: //m_text_org_x=0 if (width > x_size) { x = width - x_size; } break; default: ASSERT(0); break; } switch (align_type & ALIGN_VMASK) { case ALIGN_VCENTER: //m_text_org_y=0 if (height > y_size) { y = (height - y_size) / 2; } break; case ALIGN_TOP: y = 0; break; case ALIGN_BOTTOM: //m_text_org_y=0 if (height > y_size) { y = height - y_size; } break; default: ASSERT(0); break; } } static int get_utf8_code(const char* s, unsigned int& output_utf8_code) { static unsigned char s_utf8_length_table[256] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 1, 1 }; unsigned char* us = (unsigned char*)s; int utf8_bytes = s_utf8_length_table[*us]; switch (utf8_bytes) { case 1: output_utf8_code = *us; break; case 2: output_utf8_code = (*us << 8) | (*(us + 1)); break; case 3: output_utf8_code = (*us << 16) | ((*(us + 1)) << 8) | *(us + 2); break; case 4: output_utf8_code = (*us << 24) | ((*(us + 1)) << 16) | (*(us + 2) << 8) | *(us + 3); break; default: ASSERT(false); break; } return utf8_bytes; } }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_BITMAP_H #define GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_BITMAP_H #define DEFAULT_MASK_COLOR 0xFF080408 class c_surface; class c_bitmap { public: static void draw_bitmap(c_surface* surface, int z_order, const BITMAP_INFO *pBitmap, int x, int y, unsigned int mask_rgb = DEFAULT_MASK_COLOR) { if (0 == pBitmap) { return; } unsigned short* lower_fb = 0; int lower_fb_width = surface->m_width; if (z_order >= Z_ORDER_LEVEL_1) { lower_fb = surface->m_frame_layers[z_order - 1].fb; } unsigned int mask_rgb_16 = GL_RGB_32_to_16(mask_rgb); int xsize = pBitmap->width; int ysize = pBitmap->height; const unsigned short* pData = (const unsigned short*)pBitmap->pixel_color_array; for (int j = 0; j < ysize; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < xsize; i++) { unsigned int rgb = *pData++; if (mask_rgb_16 == rgb) { if (lower_fb) {//restore lower layer surface->draw_pixel(x + i, y + j, GL_RGB_16_to_32(lower_fb[(y + j) * lower_fb_width + x + i]), z_order); } } else { surface->draw_pixel(x + i, y + j, GL_RGB_16_to_32(rgb), z_order); } } } } static void draw_bitmap(c_surface* surface, int z_order, const BITMAP_INFO* pBitmap, int x, int y, int src_x, int src_y, int width, int height, unsigned int mask_rgb = DEFAULT_MASK_COLOR) { if (0 == pBitmap || (src_x + width > pBitmap->width) || (src_y + height > pBitmap->height)) { return; } unsigned short* lower_fb = 0; int lower_fb_width = surface->m_width; if (z_order >= Z_ORDER_LEVEL_1) { lower_fb = surface->m_frame_layers[z_order - 1].fb; } unsigned int mask_rgb_16 = GL_RGB_32_to_16(mask_rgb); const unsigned short* pData = (const unsigned short*)pBitmap->pixel_color_array; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { const unsigned short* p = &pData[src_x + (src_y + j) * pBitmap->width]; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { unsigned int rgb = *p++; if (mask_rgb_16 == rgb) { if (lower_fb) {//restore lower layer surface->draw_pixel(x + i, y + j, GL_RGB_16_to_32(lower_fb[(y + j) * lower_fb_width + x + i]), z_order); } } else { surface->draw_pixel(x + i, y + j, GL_RGB_16_to_32(rgb), z_order); } } } } }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_WND_H #define GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_WND_H typedef struct struct_font_info FONT_INFO; typedef struct struct_color_rect COLOR_RECT; class c_wnd; class c_surface; typedef enum { ATTR_VISIBLE = 0x40000000L, ATTR_FOCUS = 0x20000000L, ATTR_PRIORITY = 0x10000000L// Handle touch action at high priority }WND_ATTRIBUTION; typedef enum { STATUS_NORMAL, STATUS_PUSHED, STATUS_FOCUSED, STATUS_DISABLED }WND_STATUS; typedef enum { KEY_FORWARD, KEY_BACKWARD, KEY_ENTER }KEY_TYPE; typedef enum { TOUCH_DOWN, TOUCH_UP }TOUCH_ACTION; typedef struct struct_wnd_tree { c_wnd* p_wnd; unsigned int resource_id; const char* str; short x; short y; short width; short height; struct struct_wnd_tree* p_child_tree; }WND_TREE; class c_wnd : public c_cmd_target { friend class c_dialog; public: c_wnd() : m_status(STATUS_NORMAL), m_attr((WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE | ATTR_FOCUS)), m_parent(0), m_top_child(0), m_prev_sibling(0), m_next_sibling(0), m_str(0), m_font_color(0), m_bg_color(0), m_id(0), m_z_order(Z_ORDER_LEVEL_0), m_focus_child(0), m_surface(0) {}; virtual ~c_wnd() {}; virtual int connect(c_wnd *parent, unsigned short resource_id, const char* str, short x, short y, short width, short height, WND_TREE* p_child_tree = 0) { if (0 == resource_id) { ASSERT(false); return -1; } m_id = resource_id; set_str(str); m_parent = parent; m_status = STATUS_NORMAL; if (parent) { m_z_order = parent->m_z_order; m_surface = parent->m_surface; } if (0 == m_surface) { ASSERT(false); return -2; } /* (cs.x = x * 1024 / 768) for 1027*768=>800*600 quickly*/ m_wnd_rect.m_left = x; m_wnd_rect.m_top = y; m_wnd_rect.m_right = (x + width - 1); m_wnd_rect.m_bottom = (y + height - 1); c_rect rect; get_screen_rect(rect); ASSERT(m_surface->is_valid(rect)); pre_create_wnd(); if (0 != parent) { parent->add_child_2_tail(this); } if (load_child_wnd(p_child_tree) >= 0) { load_cmd_msg(); on_init_children(); } return 0; } void disconnect() { if (0 == m_id) { return; } if (0 != m_top_child) { c_wnd* child = m_top_child; c_wnd* next_child = 0; while (child) { next_child = child->m_next_sibling; child->disconnect(); child = next_child; } } if (0 != m_parent) { m_parent->unlink_child(this); } m_focus_child = 0; m_id = 0; } virtual void on_init_children() {} virtual void on_paint() {} virtual void show_window() { if (ATTR_VISIBLE == (m_attr & ATTR_VISIBLE)) { on_paint(); c_wnd* child = m_top_child; if (0 != child) { while (child) { child->show_window(); child = child->m_next_sibling; } } } } unsigned short get_id() const { return m_id; } int get_z_order() { return m_z_order; } c_wnd* get_wnd_ptr(unsigned short id) const { c_wnd* child = m_top_child; while (child) { if (child->get_id() == id) { break; } child = child->m_next_sibling; } return child; } unsigned int get_attr() const { return m_attr; } void set_str(const char* str) { m_str = str; } void set_attr(WND_ATTRIBUTION attr) { m_attr = attr; } bool is_focus_wnd() const { return ((m_attr & ATTR_VISIBLE) && (m_attr & ATTR_FOCUS)) ? true : false; } void set_font_color(unsigned int color) { m_font_color = color; } unsigned int get_font_color() { return m_font_color; } void set_bg_color(unsigned int color) { m_bg_color = color; } unsigned int get_bg_color() { return m_bg_color; } void set_font_type(const FONT_INFO *font_type) { m_font_type = font_type; } const FONT_INFO* get_font_type() { return m_font_type; } void set_wnd_pos(short x, short y, short width, short height) { m_wnd_rect.m_left = x; m_wnd_rect.m_top = y; m_wnd_rect.m_right = x + width - 1; m_wnd_rect.m_bottom = y + height - 1; } void get_wnd_rect(c_rect &rect) const { rect = m_wnd_rect; } void get_screen_rect(c_rect &rect) const { rect.SetRect(0, 0, (m_wnd_rect.Width() - 1), (m_wnd_rect.Height() - 1)); wnd2screen(rect); } c_wnd* set_child_focus(c_wnd *focus_child) { ASSERT(0 != focus_child); ASSERT(focus_child->m_parent == this); c_wnd* old_focus_child = m_focus_child; if (focus_child->is_focus_wnd()) { if (focus_child != old_focus_child) { if (old_focus_child) { old_focus_child->on_kill_focus(); } m_focus_child = focus_child; m_focus_child->on_focus(); } } return m_focus_child; } c_wnd* get_parent() const { return m_parent; } c_wnd* get_last_child() const { if (0 == m_top_child) { return 0; } c_wnd* child = m_top_child; while (child->m_next_sibling) { child = child->m_next_sibling; } return child; } int unlink_child(c_wnd *child) { if ((0 == child) || (this != child->m_parent)) { return -1; } if (0 == m_top_child) { return -2; } bool find = false; c_wnd* tmp_child = m_top_child; if (tmp_child == child) { m_top_child = child->m_next_sibling; if (0 != child->m_next_sibling) { child->m_next_sibling->m_prev_sibling = 0; } find = true; } else { while (tmp_child->m_next_sibling) { if (child == tmp_child->m_next_sibling) { tmp_child->m_next_sibling = child->m_next_sibling; if (0 != child->m_next_sibling) { child->m_next_sibling->m_prev_sibling = tmp_child; } find = true; break; } tmp_child = tmp_child->m_next_sibling; } } if (true == find) { if (m_focus_child == child) { m_focus_child = 0; } child->m_next_sibling = 0; child->m_prev_sibling = 0; return 1; } else { return 0; } } c_wnd* get_prev_sibling() const { return m_prev_sibling; } c_wnd* get_next_sibling() const { return m_next_sibling; } void notify_parent(int msg_id, int param) { if (!m_parent) { return; } const GL_MSG_ENTRY* entry = m_parent->find_msg_entry(m_parent->get_msg_entries(), MSG_TYPE_WND, msg_id); if (0 == entry) { return; } (m_parent->*(entry->callBack))(m_id, param); } virtual void on_touch(int x, int y, TOUCH_ACTION action) { c_wnd* model_wnd = 0; c_wnd* tmp_child = m_top_child; while (tmp_child) { if ((tmp_child->m_attr & ATTR_PRIORITY) && (tmp_child->m_attr & ATTR_VISIBLE)) { model_wnd = tmp_child; break; } tmp_child = tmp_child->m_next_sibling; } if (model_wnd) { return model_wnd->on_touch(x, y, action); } x -= m_wnd_rect.m_left; y -= m_wnd_rect.m_top; c_wnd* child = m_top_child; while (child) { if (child->is_focus_wnd()) { c_rect rect; child->get_wnd_rect(rect); if (true == rect.PtInRect(x, y)) { return child->on_touch(x, y, action); } } child = child->m_next_sibling; } } virtual void on_key(KEY_TYPE key) { c_wnd* model_wnd = 0; c_wnd* tmp_child = m_top_child; while (tmp_child) { if ((tmp_child->m_attr & ATTR_PRIORITY) && (tmp_child->m_attr & ATTR_VISIBLE)) { model_wnd = tmp_child; break; } tmp_child = tmp_child->m_next_sibling; } if (model_wnd) { return model_wnd->on_key(key); } if (!is_focus_wnd()) { return; } if (key != KEY_BACKWARD && key != KEY_FORWARD) { if (m_focus_child) { m_focus_child->on_key(key); } return; } // Move focus c_wnd* old_focus_wnd = m_focus_child; // No current focus wnd, new one. if (!old_focus_wnd) { c_wnd* child = m_top_child; c_wnd* new_focus_wnd = 0; while (child) { if (child->is_focus_wnd()) { new_focus_wnd = child; new_focus_wnd->m_parent->set_child_focus(new_focus_wnd); child = child->m_top_child; continue; } child = child->m_next_sibling; } return; } // Move focus from old wnd to next wnd c_wnd* next_focus_wnd = (key == KEY_FORWARD) ? old_focus_wnd->m_next_sibling : old_focus_wnd->m_prev_sibling; while (next_focus_wnd && (!next_focus_wnd->is_focus_wnd())) {// Search neighbor of old focus wnd next_focus_wnd = (key == KEY_FORWARD) ? next_focus_wnd->m_next_sibling : next_focus_wnd->m_prev_sibling; } if (!next_focus_wnd) {// Search whole brother wnd next_focus_wnd = (key == KEY_FORWARD) ? old_focus_wnd->m_parent->m_top_child : old_focus_wnd->m_parent->get_last_child(); while (next_focus_wnd && (!next_focus_wnd->is_focus_wnd())) { next_focus_wnd = (key == KEY_FORWARD) ? next_focus_wnd->m_next_sibling : next_focus_wnd->m_prev_sibling; } } if (next_focus_wnd) { next_focus_wnd->m_parent->set_child_focus(next_focus_wnd); } } c_surface* get_surface() { return m_surface; } void set_surface(c_surface* surface) { m_surface = surface; } protected: virtual void pre_create_wnd() {}; void add_child_2_tail(c_wnd *child) { if (0 == child)return; if (child == get_wnd_ptr(child->m_id))return; if (0 == m_top_child) { m_top_child = child; child->m_prev_sibling = 0; child->m_next_sibling = 0; } else { c_wnd* last_child = get_last_child(); if (0 == last_child) { ASSERT(false); } last_child->m_next_sibling = child; child->m_prev_sibling = last_child; child->m_next_sibling = 0; } } void wnd2screen(int &x, int &y) const { c_wnd* parent = m_parent; c_rect rect; x += m_wnd_rect.m_left; y += m_wnd_rect.m_top; while (0 != parent) { parent->get_wnd_rect(rect); x += rect.m_left; y += rect.m_top; parent = parent->m_parent; } } void wnd2screen(c_rect &rect) const { int l = rect.m_left; int t = rect.m_top; wnd2screen(l, t); int r = (l + rect.Width() - 1); int b = (t + rect.Height() - 1); rect.SetRect(l, t, r, b); } int load_child_wnd(WND_TREE *p_child_tree) { if (0 == p_child_tree) { return 0; } int sum = 0; WND_TREE* p_cur = p_child_tree; while (p_cur->p_wnd) { if (0 != p_cur->p_wnd->m_id) {//This wnd has been used! Do not share! ASSERT(false); return -1; } else { p_cur->p_wnd->connect(this, p_cur->resource_id, p_cur->str, p_cur->x, p_cur->y, p_cur->width, p_cur->height, p_cur->p_child_tree); } p_cur++; sum++; } return sum; } void set_active_child(c_wnd* child) { m_focus_child = child; } virtual void on_focus() {}; virtual void on_kill_focus() {}; protected: WND_STATUS m_status; WND_ATTRIBUTION m_attr; c_rect m_wnd_rect;// position relative to parent wnd. c_wnd* m_parent; c_wnd* m_top_child; c_wnd* m_prev_sibling; c_wnd* m_next_sibling; const char* m_str; const FONT_INFO* m_font_type; unsigned int m_font_color; unsigned int m_bg_color; unsigned short m_id; int m_z_order; c_wnd* m_focus_child;//current focused wnd c_surface* m_surface; private: c_wnd(const c_wnd &win); c_wnd& operator=(const c_wnd &win); }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_AUDIO_H #define GUILITE_CORE_INCLUDE_AUDIO_H enum AUDIO_TYPE { AUDIO_HEART_BEAT, AUDIO_ALARM, AUDIO_MAX }; class c_audio { public: static int play(AUDIO_TYPE type); private: static void init(); }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_BUTTON_H #define GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_BUTTON_H #define GL_BN_CLICKED 0x1111 #define ON_GL_BN_CLICKED(func) \ {MSG_TYPE_WND, GL_BN_CLICKED, 0, msgCallback(&func)}, typedef struct struct_bitmap_info BITMAP_INFO; class c_button : public c_wnd { protected: virtual void on_paint() { c_rect rect; get_screen_rect(rect); switch (m_status) { case STATUS_NORMAL: m_surface->fill_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_NORMAL), m_z_order); if (m_str) { c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, m_str, rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_NORMAL), ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_VCENTER); } break; case STATUS_FOCUSED: m_surface->fill_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FOCUS), m_z_order); if (m_str) { c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, m_str, rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FOCUS), ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_VCENTER); } break; case STATUS_PUSHED: m_surface->fill_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_PUSHED), m_z_order); m_surface->draw_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_BORDER), 2, m_z_order); if (m_str) { c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, m_str, rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_PUSHED), ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_VCENTER); } break; default: ASSERT(false); break; } } virtual void on_focus() { m_status = STATUS_FOCUSED; on_paint(); } virtual void on_kill_focus() { m_status = STATUS_NORMAL; on_paint(); } virtual void pre_create_wnd() { m_attr = (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE | ATTR_FOCUS); m_font_type = c_theme::get_font(FONT_DEFAULT); m_font_color = c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FONT); } virtual void on_touch(int x, int y, TOUCH_ACTION action) { if (action == TOUCH_DOWN) { m_parent->set_child_focus(this); m_status = STATUS_PUSHED; on_paint(); } else { m_status = STATUS_FOCUSED; on_paint(); notify_parent(GL_BN_CLICKED, 0); } } virtual void on_key(KEY_TYPE key) { switch (key) { case KEY_ENTER: on_touch(m_wnd_rect.m_left, m_wnd_rect.m_top, TOUCH_DOWN); on_touch(m_wnd_rect.m_left, m_wnd_rect.m_top, TOUCH_UP); break; case KEY_FORWARD: case KEY_BACKWARD: break; } return c_wnd::on_key(key); } }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_DIALOG_H #define GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_DIALOG_H class c_surface; class c_dialog; typedef struct { c_dialog* dialog; c_surface* surface; } DIALOG_ARRAY; class c_dialog : public c_wnd { public: static int open_dialog(c_dialog* p_dlg, bool modal_mode = true) { if (0 == p_dlg) { ASSERT(false); return 0; } c_dialog* cur_dlg = get_the_dialog(p_dlg->get_surface()); if (cur_dlg == p_dlg) { return 1; } if (cur_dlg) { cur_dlg->set_attr(WND_ATTRIBUTION(0)); } c_rect rc; p_dlg->get_screen_rect(rc); p_dlg->get_surface()->set_frame_layer_visible_rect(rc, Z_ORDER_LEVEL_1); p_dlg->set_attr(modal_mode ? (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE | ATTR_FOCUS | ATTR_PRIORITY) : (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE | ATTR_FOCUS)); p_dlg->show_window(); p_dlg->set_me_the_dialog(); return 1; } static int close_dialog(c_surface* surface) { c_dialog* dlg = get_the_dialog(surface); if (0 == dlg) { return 0; } c_rect rc; dlg->set_attr(WND_ATTRIBUTION(0)); surface->set_frame_layer_visible_rect(rc, dlg->m_z_order); //clear the dialog for (int i = 0; i < SURFACE_CNT_MAX; i++) { if (ms_the_dialogs[i].surface == surface) { ms_the_dialogs[i].dialog = 0; return 1; } } ASSERT(false); return -1; } static c_dialog* get_the_dialog(c_surface* surface) { for (int i = 0; i < SURFACE_CNT_MAX; i++) { if (ms_the_dialogs[i].surface == surface) { return ms_the_dialogs[i].dialog; } } return 0; } protected: virtual void pre_create_wnd() { m_attr = WND_ATTRIBUTION(0);// no focus/visible m_z_order = Z_ORDER_LEVEL_1; m_bg_color = GL_RGB(33, 42, 53); } virtual void on_paint() { c_rect rect; get_screen_rect(rect); m_surface->fill_rect(rect, m_bg_color, m_z_order); if (m_str) { c_word::draw_string(m_surface, m_z_order, m_str, rect.m_left + 35, rect.m_top, c_theme::get_font(FONT_DEFAULT), GL_RGB(255, 255, 255), GL_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), ALIGN_LEFT); } } private: int set_me_the_dialog() { c_surface* surface = get_surface(); for (int i = 0; i < SURFACE_CNT_MAX; i++) { if (ms_the_dialogs[i].surface == surface) { ms_the_dialogs[i].dialog = this; return 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < SURFACE_CNT_MAX; i++) { if (ms_the_dialogs[i].surface == 0) { ms_the_dialogs[i].dialog = this; ms_the_dialogs[i].surface = surface; return 1; } } ASSERT(false); return -2; } static DIALOG_ARRAY ms_the_dialogs[SURFACE_CNT_MAX]; }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_KEYBOARD_H #define GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_KEYBOARD_H #include //Changing key width/height will change the width/height of keyboard #define KEY_WIDTH 65 #define KEY_HEIGHT 38 #define KEYBOARD_WIDTH ((KEY_WIDTH + 2) * 10) #define KEYBOARD_HEIGHT ((KEY_HEIGHT + 2) * 4) #define NUM_BOARD_WIDTH ((KEY_WIDTH + 2) * 4) #define NUM_BOARD_HEIGHT ((KEY_HEIGHT + 2) * 4) #define CAPS_WIDTH (KEY_WIDTH * 3 / 2) #define DEL_WIDTH (KEY_WIDTH * 3 / 2 + 1) #define ESC_WIDTH (KEY_WIDTH * 2 + 2) #define SWITCH_WIDTH (KEY_WIDTH * 3 / 2 ) #define SPACE_WIDTH (KEY_WIDTH * 3 + 2 * 2) #define DOT_WIDTH (KEY_WIDTH * 3 / 2 + 3) #define ENTER_WIDTH (KEY_WIDTH * 2 + 2) #define POS_X(c) ((KEY_WIDTH * c) + (c + 1) * 2) #define POS_Y(r) ((KEY_HEIGHT * r) + (r + 1) * 2) #define KEYBORAD_CLICK 0x5014 #define ON_KEYBORAD_UPDATE(func) \ {MSG_TYPE_WND, KEYBORAD_CLICK, 0, msgCallback(&func)}, typedef enum { STATUS_UPPERCASE, STATUS_LOWERCASE }KEYBOARD_STATUS; typedef enum { STYLE_ALL_BOARD, STYLE_NUM_BOARD }KEYBOARD_STYLE; typedef enum { CLICK_CHAR, CLICK_ENTER, CLICK_ESC }CLICK_STATUS; extern WND_TREE g_key_board_children[]; extern WND_TREE g_number_board_children[]; class c_keyboard: public c_wnd { public: virtual int connect(c_wnd *user, unsigned short resource_id, KEYBOARD_STYLE style) { c_rect user_rect; user->get_wnd_rect(user_rect); if (style == STYLE_ALL_BOARD) {//Place keyboard at the bottom of user's parent window. c_rect user_parent_rect; user->get_parent()->get_wnd_rect(user_parent_rect); return c_wnd::connect(user, resource_id, 0, (0 - user_rect.m_left), (user_parent_rect.Height() - user_rect.m_top - KEYBOARD_HEIGHT), KEYBOARD_WIDTH, KEYBOARD_HEIGHT, g_key_board_children); } else if (style == STYLE_NUM_BOARD) {//Place keyboard below the user window. return c_wnd::connect(user, resource_id, 0, 0, user_rect.Height(), NUM_BOARD_WIDTH, NUM_BOARD_HEIGHT, g_number_board_children); } else { ASSERT(false); } return -1; } KEYBOARD_STATUS get_cap_status(){return m_cap_status;} char* get_str() { return m_str; } protected: virtual void pre_create_wnd() { m_attr = (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE | ATTR_FOCUS); m_cap_status = STATUS_UPPERCASE; memset(m_str, 0, sizeof(m_str)); m_str_len = 0; } virtual void on_paint() { c_rect rect; get_screen_rect(rect); m_surface->fill_rect(rect, GL_RGB(0, 0, 0), m_z_order); } void on_key_clicked(int id, int param) { switch (id) { case 0x14: on_caps_clicked(id, param); break; case '\n': on_enter_clicked(id, param); break; case 0x1B: on_esc_clicked(id, param); break; case 0x7F: on_del_clicked(id, param); break; default: on_char_clicked(id, param); break; } } void on_char_clicked(int id, int param) {//id = char ascii code. if (m_str_len >= sizeof(m_str)) { return; } if ((id >= '0' && id <= '9') || id == ' ' || id == '.') { goto InputChar; } if (id >= 'A' && id <= 'Z') { if (STATUS_LOWERCASE == m_cap_status) { id += 0x20; } goto InputChar; } ASSERT(false); InputChar: m_str[m_str_len++] = id; notify_parent(KEYBORAD_CLICK, CLICK_CHAR); } void on_del_clicked(int id, int param) { if (m_str_len <= 0) { return; } m_str[--m_str_len] = 0; notify_parent(KEYBORAD_CLICK, CLICK_CHAR); } void on_caps_clicked(int id, int param) { m_cap_status = (m_cap_status == STATUS_LOWERCASE) ? STATUS_UPPERCASE : STATUS_LOWERCASE; show_window(); } void on_enter_clicked(int id, int param) { memset(m_str, 0, sizeof(m_str)); return notify_parent(KEYBORAD_CLICK, CLICK_ENTER); } void on_esc_clicked(int id, int param) { memset(m_str, 0, sizeof(m_str)); notify_parent(KEYBORAD_CLICK, CLICK_ESC); } GL_DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() private: char m_str[32]; int m_str_len; KEYBOARD_STATUS m_cap_status; }; class c_keyboard_button : public c_button { protected: virtual void on_paint() { c_rect rect; get_screen_rect(rect); switch (m_status) { case STATUS_NORMAL: m_surface->fill_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_NORMAL), m_z_order); break; case STATUS_FOCUSED: m_surface->fill_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FOCUS), m_z_order); break; case STATUS_PUSHED: m_surface->fill_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_PUSHED), m_z_order); m_surface->draw_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_BORDER), 2, m_z_order); break; default: ASSERT(false); break; } if (m_id == 0x14) { return c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, "Caps", rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, GL_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), m_attr); } else if (m_id == 0x1B) { return c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, "Esc", rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, GL_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), m_attr); } else if (m_id == ' ') { return c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, "Space", rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, GL_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), m_attr); } else if (m_id == '\n') { return c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, "Enter", rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, GL_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), m_attr); } else if (m_id == '.') { return c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, ".", rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, GL_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), m_attr); } else if (m_id == 0x7F) { return c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, "Back", rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, GL_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), m_attr); } else if (m_id == 0x90) { return c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, "?123", rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, GL_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), m_attr); } char letter[] = { 0, 0 }; if (m_id >= 'A' && m_id <= 'Z') { letter[0] = (((c_keyboard*)m_parent)->get_cap_status() == STATUS_UPPERCASE) ? m_id : (m_id + 0x20); } else if (m_id >= '0' && m_id <= '9') { letter[0] = (char)m_id; } c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, letter, rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, GL_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), m_attr); } }; #endif /* KEYBOARD_H_ */ #ifndef GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_EDIT_H #define GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_EDIT_H #include #define MAX_EDIT_STRLEN 32 #define IDD_KEY_BOARD 0x1 class c_edit : public c_wnd { friend class c_keyboard; public: const char* get_text(){return m_str;} void set_text(const char* str) { if (str != 0 && strlen(str) < sizeof(m_str)) { strcpy(m_str, str); } } void set_keyboard_style(KEYBOARD_STYLE kb_sytle) { m_kb_style = kb_sytle; } protected: virtual void pre_create_wnd() { m_attr = (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE | ATTR_FOCUS); m_kb_style = STYLE_ALL_BOARD; m_font_type = c_theme::get_font(FONT_DEFAULT); m_font_color = c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FONT); memset(m_str_input, 0, sizeof(m_str_input)); memset(m_str, 0, sizeof(m_str)); set_text(c_wnd::m_str); } virtual void on_paint() { c_rect rect; get_screen_rect(rect); c_rect empty_rect; empty_rect.Empty(); switch (m_status) { case STATUS_NORMAL: if (m_z_order > m_parent->get_z_order()) { s_keyboard.disconnect(); m_surface->set_frame_layer_visible_rect(empty_rect, s_keyboard.get_z_order()); m_z_order = m_parent->get_z_order(); m_attr = (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE | ATTR_FOCUS); } m_surface->fill_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_NORMAL), m_z_order); c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_parent->get_z_order(), m_str, rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_NORMAL), ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_VCENTER); break; case STATUS_FOCUSED: if (m_z_order > m_parent->get_z_order()) { s_keyboard.disconnect(); m_surface->set_frame_layer_visible_rect(empty_rect, s_keyboard.get_z_order()); m_z_order = m_parent->get_z_order(); m_attr = (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE | ATTR_FOCUS); } m_surface->fill_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FOCUS), m_z_order); c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_parent->get_z_order(), m_str, rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FOCUS), ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_VCENTER); break; case STATUS_PUSHED: if (m_z_order == m_parent->get_z_order()) { m_z_order++; m_attr = (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE | ATTR_FOCUS | ATTR_PRIORITY); show_keyboard(); } m_surface->fill_rect(rect.m_left, rect.m_top, rect.m_right, rect.m_bottom, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_PUSHED), m_parent->get_z_order()); m_surface->draw_rect(rect.m_left, rect.m_top, rect.m_right, rect.m_bottom, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_BORDER), m_parent->get_z_order(), 2); strlen(m_str_input) ? c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_parent->get_z_order(), m_str_input, rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_PUSHED), ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_VCENTER) : c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_parent->get_z_order(), m_str, rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_PUSHED), ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_VCENTER); break; default: ASSERT(false); } } virtual void on_focus() { m_status = STATUS_FOCUSED; on_paint(); } virtual void on_kill_focus() { m_status = STATUS_NORMAL; on_paint(); } virtual void on_key(KEY_TYPE key) { switch (key) { case KEY_ENTER: (m_status == STATUS_PUSHED) ? s_keyboard.on_key(key) : (on_touch(m_wnd_rect.m_left, m_wnd_rect.m_top, TOUCH_DOWN), on_touch(m_wnd_rect.m_left, m_wnd_rect.m_top, TOUCH_UP)); return; case KEY_BACKWARD: case KEY_FORWARD: return (m_status == STATUS_PUSHED) ? s_keyboard.on_key(key) : c_wnd::on_key(key); } } virtual void on_touch(int x, int y, TOUCH_ACTION action) { (action == TOUCH_DOWN) ? on_touch_down(x, y) : on_touch_up(x, y); } void on_key_board_click(int id, int param) { switch (param) { case CLICK_CHAR: strcpy(m_str_input, s_keyboard.get_str()); on_paint(); break; case CLICK_ENTER: if (strlen(m_str_input)) { memcpy(m_str, m_str_input, sizeof(m_str_input)); } m_status = STATUS_FOCUSED; on_paint(); break; case CLICK_ESC: memset(m_str_input, 0, sizeof(m_str_input)); m_status = STATUS_FOCUSED; on_paint(); break; default: ASSERT(false); break; } } GL_DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() private: void show_keyboard() { s_keyboard.connect(this, IDD_KEY_BOARD, m_kb_style); c_rect kb_rect; s_keyboard.get_screen_rect(kb_rect); m_surface->set_frame_layer_visible_rect(kb_rect, s_keyboard.get_z_order()); s_keyboard.show_window(); } void on_touch_down(int x, int y) { c_rect kb_rect_relate_2_edit_parent; s_keyboard.get_wnd_rect(kb_rect_relate_2_edit_parent); kb_rect_relate_2_edit_parent.m_left += m_wnd_rect.m_left; kb_rect_relate_2_edit_parent.m_right += m_wnd_rect.m_left; kb_rect_relate_2_edit_parent.m_top += m_wnd_rect.m_top; kb_rect_relate_2_edit_parent.m_bottom += m_wnd_rect.m_top; if (m_wnd_rect.PtInRect(x, y)) {//click edit box if (STATUS_NORMAL == m_status) { m_parent->set_child_focus(this); } } else if (kb_rect_relate_2_edit_parent.PtInRect(x, y)) {//click key board c_wnd::on_touch(x, y, TOUCH_DOWN); } else { if (STATUS_PUSHED == m_status) { m_status = STATUS_FOCUSED; on_paint(); } } } void on_touch_up(int x, int y) { if (STATUS_FOCUSED == m_status) { m_status = STATUS_PUSHED; on_paint(); } else if (STATUS_PUSHED == m_status) { if (m_wnd_rect.PtInRect(x, y)) {//click edit box m_status = STATUS_FOCUSED; on_paint(); } else { c_wnd::on_touch(x, y, TOUCH_UP); } } } static c_keyboard s_keyboard; KEYBOARD_STYLE m_kb_style; char m_str_input[MAX_EDIT_STRLEN]; char m_str[MAX_EDIT_STRLEN]; }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_LABEL_H #define GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_LABEL_H class c_label : public c_wnd { public: virtual void on_paint() { c_rect rect; get_screen_rect(rect); if (m_str) { m_surface->fill_rect(rect.m_left, rect.m_top, rect.m_right, rect.m_bottom, m_parent->get_bg_color(), m_z_order); c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, m_str, rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, m_parent->get_bg_color(), ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_VCENTER); } } protected: virtual void pre_create_wnd() { m_attr = ATTR_VISIBLE; m_font_color = c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FONT); m_font_type = c_theme::get_font(FONT_DEFAULT); } }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_LIST_BOX_H #define GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_LIST_BOX_H #include #define MAX_ITEM_NUM 4 #define GL_LIST_CONFIRM 0x1 #define ITEM_HEIGHT 45 #define ON_LIST_CONFIRM(func) \ {MSG_TYPE_WND, GL_LIST_CONFIRM, 0, msgCallback(&func)}, class c_list_box : public c_wnd { public: int add_item(char* str) { if (m_item_total >= MAX_ITEM_NUM) { ASSERT(false); return -1; } m_item_array[m_item_total++] = str; update_list_size(); return 0; } void clear_item() { m_selected_item = m_item_total = 0; memset(m_item_array, 0, sizeof(m_item_array)); update_list_size(); } short get_item_count() { return m_item_total; } void select_item(short index) { if (index < 0 || index >= m_item_total) { ASSERT(false); } m_selected_item = index; } protected: virtual void pre_create_wnd() { m_attr = (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE | ATTR_FOCUS); memset(m_item_array, 0, sizeof(m_item_array)); m_item_total = 0; m_selected_item = 0; m_font_type = c_theme::get_font(FONT_DEFAULT); m_font_color = c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FONT); } virtual void on_paint() { c_rect rect, empty_rect; get_screen_rect(rect); switch (m_status) { case STATUS_NORMAL: if (m_z_order > m_parent->get_z_order()) { m_surface->set_frame_layer_visible_rect(empty_rect, m_z_order); m_z_order = m_parent->get_z_order(); m_attr = (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE | ATTR_FOCUS); } m_surface->fill_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_NORMAL), m_z_order); c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, m_item_array[m_selected_item], rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_NORMAL), ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_VCENTER); break; case STATUS_FOCUSED: if (m_z_order > m_parent->get_z_order()) { m_surface->set_frame_layer_visible_rect(empty_rect, m_z_order); m_z_order = m_parent->get_z_order(); m_attr = (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE | ATTR_FOCUS); } m_surface->fill_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FOCUS), m_z_order); c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, m_item_array[m_selected_item], rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FOCUS), ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_VCENTER); break; case STATUS_PUSHED: m_surface->fill_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_PUSHED), m_z_order); m_surface->draw_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_BORDER), 2, m_z_order); c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, m_item_array[m_selected_item], rect, m_font_type, GL_RGB(2, 124, 165), GL_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_VCENTER); //draw list if (m_item_total > 0) { if (m_z_order == m_parent->get_z_order()) { m_z_order++; } m_surface->set_frame_layer_visible_rect(m_list_screen_rect, m_z_order); m_attr = (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE | ATTR_FOCUS | ATTR_PRIORITY); show_list(); } break; default: ASSERT(false); } } virtual void on_focus() { m_status = STATUS_FOCUSED; on_paint(); } virtual void on_kill_focus() { m_status = STATUS_NORMAL; on_paint(); } virtual void on_key(KEY_TYPE key) { switch (key) { case KEY_ENTER: on_touch(m_wnd_rect.m_left, m_wnd_rect.m_top, TOUCH_DOWN); on_touch(m_wnd_rect.m_left, m_wnd_rect.m_top, TOUCH_UP); return; case KEY_BACKWARD: if (m_status != STATUS_PUSHED) { return c_wnd::on_key(key); } m_selected_item = (m_selected_item > 0) ? (m_selected_item - 1) : m_selected_item; return show_list(); case KEY_FORWARD: if (m_status != STATUS_PUSHED) { return c_wnd::on_key(key); } m_selected_item = (m_selected_item < (m_item_total - 1)) ? (m_selected_item + 1) : m_selected_item; return show_list(); } } virtual void on_touch(int x, int y, TOUCH_ACTION action) { (action == TOUCH_DOWN) ? on_touch_down(x, y) : on_touch_up(x, y); } private: void update_list_size() { m_list_wnd_rect = m_wnd_rect; m_list_wnd_rect.m_top = m_wnd_rect.m_bottom + 1; m_list_wnd_rect.m_bottom = m_list_wnd_rect.m_top + m_item_total * ITEM_HEIGHT; get_screen_rect(m_list_screen_rect); m_list_screen_rect.m_top = m_list_screen_rect.m_bottom + 1; m_list_screen_rect.m_bottom = m_list_screen_rect.m_top + m_item_total * ITEM_HEIGHT; } void show_list() { //draw all items c_rect tmp_rect; for (int i = 0; i < m_item_total; i++) { tmp_rect.m_left = m_list_screen_rect.m_left; tmp_rect.m_right = m_list_screen_rect.m_right; tmp_rect.m_top = m_list_screen_rect.m_top + i * ITEM_HEIGHT; tmp_rect.m_bottom = tmp_rect.m_top + ITEM_HEIGHT; if (m_selected_item == i) { m_surface->fill_rect(tmp_rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FOCUS), m_z_order); c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, m_item_array[i], tmp_rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FOCUS), ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_VCENTER); } else { m_surface->fill_rect(tmp_rect, GL_RGB(17, 17, 17), m_z_order); c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, m_item_array[i], tmp_rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, GL_RGB(17, 17, 17), ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_VCENTER); } } } void on_touch_down(int x, int y) { if (m_wnd_rect.PtInRect(x, y)) {//click base if (STATUS_NORMAL == m_status) { m_parent->set_child_focus(this); } } else if (m_list_wnd_rect.PtInRect(x, y)) {//click extend list c_wnd::on_touch(x, y, TOUCH_DOWN); } else { if (STATUS_PUSHED == m_status) { m_status = STATUS_FOCUSED; on_paint(); notify_parent(GL_LIST_CONFIRM, m_selected_item); } } } void on_touch_up(int x, int y) { if (STATUS_FOCUSED == m_status) { m_status = STATUS_PUSHED; on_paint(); } else if (STATUS_PUSHED == m_status) { if (m_wnd_rect.PtInRect(x, y)) {//click base m_status = STATUS_FOCUSED; on_paint(); } else if (m_list_wnd_rect.PtInRect(x, y)) {//click extend list m_status = STATUS_FOCUSED; select_item((y - m_list_wnd_rect.m_top) / ITEM_HEIGHT); on_paint(); notify_parent(GL_LIST_CONFIRM, m_selected_item); } else { c_wnd::on_touch(x, y, TOUCH_UP); } } } short m_selected_item; short m_item_total; char* m_item_array[MAX_ITEM_NUM]; c_rect m_list_wnd_rect; //rect relative to parent wnd. c_rect m_list_screen_rect; //rect relative to physical screen(frame buffer) }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_SLIDE_GROUP_H #define GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_SLIDE_GROUP_H #include #define MAX_PAGES 5 class c_gesture; class c_slide_group : public c_wnd { public: inline c_slide_group(); int set_active_slide(int index, bool is_redraw = true) { if (index >= MAX_PAGES || index < 0) { return -1; } if (0 == m_slides[index]) { return -2; } m_active_slide_index = index; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PAGES; i++) { if (m_slides[i] == 0) { continue; } if (i == index) { m_slides[i]->get_surface()->set_active(true); add_child_2_tail(m_slides[i]); if (is_redraw) { c_rect rc; get_screen_rect(rc); m_slides[i]->get_surface()->flush_screen(rc.m_left, rc.m_top, rc.m_right, rc.m_bottom); } } else { m_slides[i]->get_surface()->set_active(false); } } return 0; } c_wnd* get_slide(int index){return m_slides[index];} c_wnd* get_active_slide(){return m_slides[m_active_slide_index];} int get_active_slide_index(){return m_active_slide_index;} int add_slide(c_wnd* slide, unsigned short resource_id, short x, short y, short width, short height, WND_TREE* p_child_tree = 0, Z_ORDER_LEVEL max_zorder = Z_ORDER_LEVEL_0) { if (0 == slide) { return -1; } c_surface* old_surface = get_surface(); c_surface* new_surface = old_surface->get_display()->alloc_surface(max_zorder); new_surface->set_active(false); set_surface(new_surface); slide->connect(this, resource_id, 0, x, y, width, height, p_child_tree); set_surface(old_surface); int i = 0; while (i < MAX_PAGES) { if (m_slides[i] == slide) {//slide has lived ASSERT(false); return -2; } i++; } //new slide i = 0; while (i < MAX_PAGES) { if (m_slides[i] == 0) { m_slides[i] = slide; slide->show_window(); return 0; } i++; } //no more slide can be add ASSERT(false); return -3; } void disabel_all_slide() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PAGES; i++) { if (m_slides[i]) { m_slides[i]->get_surface()->set_active(false); } } } inline virtual void on_touch(int x, int y, TOUCH_ACTION action); virtual void on_key(KEY_TYPE key) { if (m_slides[m_active_slide_index]) { m_slides[m_active_slide_index]->on_key(key); } } protected: c_wnd* m_slides[MAX_PAGES]; int m_active_slide_index; c_gesture* m_gesture; }; //#define SWIPE_STEP 300//for arm #define SWIPE_STEP 10//for PC & ANDROID #define MOVE_THRESHOLD 10 typedef enum { TOUCH_MOVE, TOUCH_IDLE }TOUCH_STATE; class c_slide_group; class c_gesture { public: c_gesture(c_slide_group* group) { m_slide_group = group; m_state = TOUCH_IDLE; m_down_x = m_down_y = m_move_x = m_move_y = 0; } bool handle_swipe(int x, int y, TOUCH_ACTION action) { if (action == TOUCH_DOWN)//MOUSE_LBUTTONDOWN { if (m_state == TOUCH_IDLE) { m_state = TOUCH_MOVE; m_move_x = m_down_x = x; return true; } else//TOUCH_MOVE { return on_move(x); } } else if (action == TOUCH_UP)//MOUSE_LBUTTONUP { if (m_state == TOUCH_MOVE) { m_state = TOUCH_IDLE; return on_swipe(x); } else { return false; //ASSERT(false); } } return true; } private: bool on_move(int x) { if (m_slide_group == 0) { return true; } if (abs(x - m_move_x) < MOVE_THRESHOLD) { return false; } m_slide_group->disabel_all_slide(); m_move_x = x; if ((m_move_x - m_down_x) > 0) { move_right(); } else { move_left(); } return false; } bool on_swipe(int x) { if (m_slide_group == 0) { return true; } if ((m_down_x == m_move_x) && (abs(x - m_down_x) < MOVE_THRESHOLD)) { return true; } m_slide_group->disabel_all_slide(); int page = -1; m_move_x = x; if ((m_move_x - m_down_x) > 0) { page = swipe_right(); } else { page = swipe_left(); } if (page >= 0) { m_slide_group->set_active_slide(page); } else { m_slide_group->set_active_slide(m_slide_group->get_active_slide_index(), false); } return false; } int swipe_left() { if (m_slide_group == 0) { return -1; } int index = m_slide_group->get_active_slide_index(); if ((index + 1) >= MAX_PAGES || m_slide_group->get_slide(index + 1) == 0 || m_slide_group->get_slide(index) == 0) { return -2; } c_surface* s1 = m_slide_group->get_slide(index + 1)->get_surface(); c_surface * s2 = m_slide_group->get_slide(index)->get_surface(); if (s1->get_display() != s2->get_display()) { return -3; } int step = m_down_x - m_move_x; c_rect rc; m_slide_group->get_screen_rect(rc); while (step < rc.Width()) { s1->get_display()->swipe_surface(s2, s1, rc.m_left, rc.m_right, rc.m_top, rc.m_bottom, step); step += SWIPE_STEP; } if (step != rc.Width()) { s1->get_display()->swipe_surface(s2, s1, rc.m_left, rc.m_right, rc.m_top, rc.m_bottom, rc.Width()); } return (index + 1); } int swipe_right() { if (m_slide_group == 0) { return -1; } int index = m_slide_group->get_active_slide_index(); if (index <= 0 || m_slide_group->get_slide(index - 1) == 0 || m_slide_group->get_slide(index) == 0) { return -2; } c_surface* s1 = m_slide_group->get_slide(index - 1)->get_surface(); c_surface * s2 = m_slide_group->get_slide(index)->get_surface(); if (s1->get_display() != s2->get_display()) { return -3; } c_rect rc; m_slide_group->get_screen_rect(rc); int step = rc.Width() - (m_move_x - m_down_x); while (step > 0) { s1->get_display()->swipe_surface(s1, s2, rc.m_left, rc.m_right, rc.m_top, rc.m_bottom, step); step -= SWIPE_STEP; } if (step != 0) { s1->get_display()->swipe_surface(s1, s2, rc.m_left, rc.m_right, rc.m_top, rc.m_bottom, 0); } return (index - 1); } void move_left() { int index = m_slide_group->get_active_slide_index(); if ((index + 1) >= MAX_PAGES || m_slide_group->get_slide(index + 1) == 0 || m_slide_group->get_slide(index) == 0) { return; } c_surface* s1 = m_slide_group->get_slide(index + 1)->get_surface(); c_surface * s2 = m_slide_group->get_slide(index)->get_surface(); c_rect rc; m_slide_group->get_screen_rect(rc); if (s1->get_display() == s2->get_display()) { s1->get_display()->swipe_surface(s2, s1, rc.m_left, rc.m_right, rc.m_top, rc.m_bottom, (m_down_x - m_move_x)); } } void move_right() { int index = m_slide_group->get_active_slide_index(); if (index <= 0 || m_slide_group->get_slide(index - 1) == 0 || m_slide_group->get_slide(index) == 0) { return; } c_surface* s1 = m_slide_group->get_slide(index - 1)->get_surface(); c_surface * s2 = m_slide_group->get_slide(index)->get_surface(); c_rect rc; m_slide_group->get_screen_rect(rc); if (s1->get_display() == s2->get_display()) { s1->get_display()->swipe_surface(s1, s2, rc.m_left, rc.m_right, rc.m_top, rc.m_bottom, (rc.Width() - (m_move_x - m_down_x))); } } int m_down_x; int m_down_y; int m_move_x; int m_move_y; TOUCH_STATE m_state; c_slide_group* m_slide_group; }; inline c_slide_group::c_slide_group() { m_gesture = new c_gesture(this); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PAGES; i++) { m_slides[i] = 0; } m_active_slide_index = 0; } inline void c_slide_group::on_touch(int x, int y, TOUCH_ACTION action) { x -= m_wnd_rect.m_left; y -= m_wnd_rect.m_top; if (m_gesture->handle_swipe(x, y, action)) { if (m_slides[m_active_slide_index]) { m_slides[m_active_slide_index]->on_touch(x, y, action); } } } #endif #ifndef GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_SPINBOX_H #define GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_SPINBOX_H #define ARROW_BT_WIDTH 55 #define ID_BT_ARROW_UP 0x1111 #define ID_BT_ARROW_DOWN 0x2222 #define GL_SPIN_CHANGE 0x3333 #define ON_SPIN_CHANGE(func) \ {MSG_TYPE_WND, GL_SPIN_CHANGE, 0, msgCallback(&func)}, class c_spin_box; class c_spin_button : public c_button { friend class c_spin_box; inline virtual void on_touch(int x, int y, TOUCH_ACTION action); c_spin_box* m_spin_box; }; class c_spin_box : public c_wnd { friend class c_spin_button; public: short get_value() { return m_value; } void set_value(unsigned short value) { m_value = m_cur_value = value; } void set_max_min(short max, short min) { m_max = max; m_min = min; } void set_step(short step) { m_step = step; } short get_min() { return m_min; } short get_max() { return m_max; } short get_step() { return m_step; } void set_value_digit(short digit) { m_digit = digit; } short get_value_digit() { return m_digit; } protected: virtual void on_paint() { c_rect rect; get_screen_rect(rect); m_surface->fill_rect(rect, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_NORMAL), m_z_order); c_word::draw_value_in_rect(m_surface, m_parent->get_z_order(), m_cur_value, m_digit, rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_NORMAL), ALIGN_HCENTER | ALIGN_VCENTER); } virtual void pre_create_wnd() { m_attr = (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE); m_font_type = c_theme::get_font(FONT_DEFAULT); m_font_color = c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FONT); m_max = 6; m_min = 1; m_digit = 0; m_step = 1; //link arrow button position. c_rect rect; get_screen_rect(rect); m_bt_down.m_spin_box = m_bt_up.m_spin_box = this; m_bt_down.connect(m_parent, ID_BT_ARROW_DOWN, "-", rect.m_left - ARROW_BT_WIDTH, rect.m_top, ARROW_BT_WIDTH, rect.Height()); m_bt_up.connect(m_parent, ID_BT_ARROW_UP, "+", rect.m_right, rect.m_top, ARROW_BT_WIDTH, rect.Height()); } void on_arrow_up_bt_click() { if (m_cur_value + m_step > m_max) { return; } m_cur_value += m_step; notify_parent(GL_SPIN_CHANGE, m_cur_value); on_paint(); } void on_arrow_down_bt_click() { if (m_cur_value - m_step < m_min) { return; } m_cur_value -= m_step; notify_parent(GL_SPIN_CHANGE, m_cur_value); on_paint(); } short m_cur_value; short m_value; short m_step; short m_max; short m_min; short m_digit; c_spin_button m_bt_up; c_spin_button m_bt_down; }; inline void c_spin_button::on_touch(int x, int y, TOUCH_ACTION action) { if (action == TOUCH_UP) { (m_id == ID_BT_ARROW_UP) ? m_spin_box->on_arrow_up_bt_click() : m_spin_box->on_arrow_down_bt_click(); } c_button::on_touch(x, y, action); } #endif #ifndef GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_TABLE_H #define GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_TABLE_H #define MAX_COL_NUM 30 #define MAX_ROW_NUM 30 class c_table: public c_wnd { public: void set_sheet_align(unsigned int align_type){ m_align_type = align_type;} void set_row_num(unsigned int row_num){ m_row_num = row_num;} void set_col_num(unsigned int col_num){ m_col_num = col_num;} void set_row_height(unsigned int height) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_row_num; i++) { m_row_height[i] = height; } } void set_col_width(unsigned int width) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_col_num; i++) { m_col_width[i] = width; } } int set_row_height(unsigned int index, unsigned int height) { if (m_row_num > index) { m_row_height[index] = height; return index; } return -1; } int set_col_width(unsigned int index, unsigned int width) { if (m_col_num > index) { m_col_width[index] = width; return index; } return -1; } void set_item(int row, int col, char* str, unsigned int color) { draw_item(row, col, str, color); } unsigned int get_row_num(){ return m_row_num;} unsigned int get_col_num(){ return m_col_num;} c_rect get_item_rect(int row, int col) { static c_rect rect; if (row >= MAX_ROW_NUM || col >= MAX_COL_NUM) { return rect; } unsigned int width = 0; unsigned int height = 0; for (int i = 0; i < col; i++) { width += m_col_width[i]; } for (int j = 0; j < row; j++) { height += m_row_height[j]; } c_rect wRect; get_screen_rect(wRect); rect.m_left = wRect.m_left + width; rect.m_right = rect.m_left + m_col_width[col]; if (rect.m_right > wRect.m_right) { rect.m_right = wRect.m_right; } rect.m_top = wRect.m_top + height; rect.m_bottom = rect.m_top + m_row_height[row]; if (rect.m_bottom > wRect.m_bottom) { rect.m_bottom = wRect.m_bottom; } return rect; } protected: virtual void pre_create_wnd() { m_attr = (WND_ATTRIBUTION)(ATTR_VISIBLE); m_font_type = c_theme::get_font(FONT_DEFAULT); m_font_color = c_theme::get_color(COLOR_WND_FONT); } void draw_item(int row, int col, const char* str, unsigned int color) { c_rect rect = get_item_rect(row, col); m_surface->fill_rect(rect.m_left + 1, rect.m_top + 1, rect.m_right - 1, rect.m_bottom - 1, color, m_z_order); c_word::draw_string_in_rect(m_surface, m_z_order, str, rect, m_font_type, m_font_color, GL_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), m_align_type); } unsigned int m_align_type; unsigned int m_row_num; unsigned int m_col_num; unsigned int m_row_height[MAX_ROW_NUM]; unsigned int m_col_width[MAX_COL_NUM]; }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_WAVE_BUFFER_H #define GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_WAVE_BUFFER_H #include #include #define WAVE_BUFFER_LEN 1024 #define WAVE_READ_CACHE_LEN 8 #define BUFFER_EMPTY -1111 #define BUFFER_FULL -2222; #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b)) #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b)) class c_wave_buffer { public: c_wave_buffer() { m_head = m_tail = m_min_old = m_max_old = m_min_older = m_max_older = m_last_data = m_read_cache_sum = m_refresh_sequence = 0; memset(m_wave_buf, 0, sizeof(m_wave_buf)); memset(m_read_cache_min, 0, sizeof(m_read_cache_min)); memset(m_read_cache_mid, 0, sizeof(m_read_cache_mid)); memset(m_read_cache_max, 0, sizeof(m_read_cache_max)); } int write_wave_data(short data) { if ((m_tail + 1) % WAVE_BUFFER_LEN == m_head) {//full //log_out("wave buf full\n"); return BUFFER_FULL; } m_wave_buf[m_tail] = data; m_tail = (m_tail + 1) % WAVE_BUFFER_LEN; return 1; } int read_wave_data_by_frame(short &max, short &min, short frame_len, unsigned int sequence, short offset) { if (m_refresh_sequence != sequence) { m_refresh_sequence = sequence; m_read_cache_sum = 0; } else if (offset < m_read_cache_sum)//(m_refresh_sequence == sequence && offset < m_fb_sum) { max = m_read_cache_max[offset]; min = m_read_cache_min[offset]; return m_read_cache_mid[offset]; } m_read_cache_sum++; ASSERT(m_read_cache_sum <= WAVE_READ_CACHE_LEN); int i, data; int tmp_min = m_last_data; int tmp_max = m_last_data; int mid = (m_min_old + m_max_old) >> 1; i = 0; while (i++ < frame_len) { data = read_data(); if (BUFFER_EMPTY == data) { break; } m_last_data = data; if (data < tmp_min) { tmp_min = data; } if (data > tmp_max) { tmp_max = data; } } min = m_read_cache_min[offset] = MIN(m_min_old, MIN(tmp_min, m_min_older)); max = m_read_cache_max[offset] = MAX(m_max_old, MAX(tmp_max, m_max_older)); m_min_older = m_min_old; m_max_older = m_max_old; m_min_old = tmp_min; m_max_old = tmp_max; return (m_read_cache_mid[offset] = mid); } void reset() { m_head = m_tail; } void clear_data() { m_head = m_tail = 0; memset(m_wave_buf, 0, sizeof(m_wave_buf)); } short get_cnt() { return (m_tail >= m_head) ? (m_tail - m_head) : (m_tail - m_head + WAVE_BUFFER_LEN); } private: int read_data() { if (m_head == m_tail) {//empty //log_out("wave buf empty\n"); return BUFFER_EMPTY; } int ret = m_wave_buf[m_head]; m_head = (m_head + 1) % WAVE_BUFFER_LEN; return ret; } short m_wave_buf[WAVE_BUFFER_LEN]; short m_head; short m_tail; int m_min_old; int m_max_old; int m_min_older; int m_max_older; int m_last_data; short m_read_cache_min[WAVE_READ_CACHE_LEN]; short m_read_cache_mid[WAVE_READ_CACHE_LEN]; short m_read_cache_max[WAVE_READ_CACHE_LEN]; short m_read_cache_sum; unsigned int m_refresh_sequence; }; #endif #ifndef GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_WAVE_CTRL_H #define GUILITE_WIDGETS_INCLUDE_WAVE_CTRL_H #include #include #define CORRECT(x, high_limit, low_limit) {\ x = (x > high_limit) ? high_limit : x;\ x = (x < low_limit) ? low_limit : x;\ }while(0) #define WAVE_CURSOR_WIDTH 8 #define WAVE_LINE_WIDTH 1 #define WAVE_MARGIN 5 typedef enum { FILL_MODE, SCAN_MODE }E_WAVE_DRAW_MODE; class c_wave_buffer; class c_wave_ctrl : public c_wnd { public: c_wave_ctrl() { m_wave = 0; m_bg_fb = 0; m_wave_name_font = m_wave_unit_font = 0; m_wave_name = m_wave_unit = 0; m_max_data = 500; m_min_data = 0; m_wave_speed = 1; m_wave_data_rate = 0; m_wave_refresh_rate = 1000; m_frame_len_map_index = 0; m_wave_name_color = m_wave_unit_color = m_wave_color = GL_RGB(255, 0, 0); m_back_color = GL_RGB(0, 0, 0); } virtual void on_init_children()//should be pre_create { c_rect rect; get_screen_rect(rect); m_wave_left = rect.m_left + WAVE_MARGIN; m_wave_right = rect.m_right - WAVE_MARGIN; m_wave_top = rect.m_top + WAVE_MARGIN; m_wave_bottom = rect.m_bottom - WAVE_MARGIN; m_wave_cursor = m_wave_left; m_bg_fb = (unsigned int*)calloc(rect.Width() * rect.Height(), 4); } virtual void on_paint() { c_rect rect; get_screen_rect(rect); m_surface->fill_rect(rect.m_left, rect.m_top, rect.m_right, rect.m_bottom, m_back_color, m_z_order); //show name c_word::draw_string(m_surface, m_z_order, m_wave_name, m_wave_left + 10, rect.m_top, m_wave_name_font, m_wave_name_color, GL_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), ALIGN_LEFT); //show unit c_word::draw_string(m_surface, m_z_order, m_wave_unit, m_wave_left + 60, rect.m_top, m_wave_unit_font, m_wave_unit_color, GL_ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), ALIGN_LEFT); save_background(); } void set_wave_name(char* wave_name){ m_wave_name = wave_name;} void set_wave_unit(char* wave_unit){ m_wave_unit = wave_unit;} void set_wave_name_font(const FONT_INFO* wave_name_font_type){ m_wave_name_font = wave_name_font_type;} void set_wave_unit_font(const FONT_INFO* wave_unit_font_type){ m_wave_unit_font = wave_unit_font_type;} void set_wave_name_color(unsigned int wave_name_color){ m_wave_name_color = wave_name_color;} void set_wave_unit_color(unsigned int wave_unit_color){ m_wave_unit_color = wave_unit_color;} void set_wave_color(unsigned int color){ m_wave_color = color;} void set_wave_in_out_rate(unsigned int data_rate, unsigned int refresh_rate) { m_wave_data_rate = data_rate; m_wave_refresh_rate = refresh_rate; int read_times_per_second = m_wave_speed * 1000 / m_wave_refresh_rate; memset(m_frame_len_map, 0, sizeof(m_frame_len_map)); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < sizeof(m_frame_len_map) + 1; i++) { m_frame_len_map[i - 1] = data_rate * i / read_times_per_second - data_rate * (i - 1) / read_times_per_second; } m_frame_len_map_index = 0; } void set_wave_speed(unsigned int speed) { m_wave_speed = speed; set_wave_in_out_rate(m_wave_data_rate, m_wave_refresh_rate); } void set_max_min(short max_data, short min_data) { m_max_data = max_data; m_min_data = min_data; } void set_wave(c_wave_buffer* wave){m_wave = wave;} c_wave_buffer* get_wave(){return m_wave;} void clear_data() { if (m_wave == 0) { ASSERT(false); return; } m_wave->clear_data(); } bool is_data_enough() { if (m_wave == 0) { ASSERT(false); return false; } return (m_wave->get_cnt() - m_frame_len_map[m_frame_len_map_index] * m_wave_speed); } void refresh_wave(unsigned char frame) { if (m_wave == 0) { ASSERT(false); return; } short max, min, mid; for (short offset = 0; offset < m_wave_speed; offset++) { //get wave value mid = m_wave->read_wave_data_by_frame(max, min, m_frame_len_map[m_frame_len_map_index++], frame, offset); m_frame_len_map_index %= sizeof(m_frame_len_map); //map to wave ctrl int y_min, y_max; if (m_max_data == m_min_data) { ASSERT(false); } y_max = m_wave_bottom + WAVE_LINE_WIDTH - (m_wave_bottom - m_wave_top) * (min - m_min_data) / (m_max_data - m_min_data); y_min = m_wave_bottom - WAVE_LINE_WIDTH - (m_wave_bottom - m_wave_top) * (max - m_min_data) / (m_max_data - m_min_data); mid = m_wave_bottom - (m_wave_bottom - m_wave_top) * (mid - m_min_data) / (m_max_data - m_min_data); CORRECT(y_min, m_wave_bottom, m_wave_top); CORRECT(y_max, m_wave_bottom, m_wave_top); CORRECT(mid, m_wave_bottom, m_wave_top); if (m_wave_cursor > m_wave_right) { m_wave_cursor = m_wave_left; } draw_smooth_vline(y_min, y_max, mid, m_wave_color); restore_background(); m_wave_cursor++; } } void clear_wave() { m_surface->fill_rect(m_wave_left, m_wave_top, m_wave_right, m_wave_bottom, m_back_color, m_z_order); m_wave_cursor = m_wave_left; } protected: void draw_smooth_vline(int y_min, int y_max, int mid, unsigned int rgb) { int dy = y_max - y_min; short r = GL_RGB_R(rgb); short g = GL_RGB_G(rgb); short b = GL_RGB_B(rgb); int index = (dy >> 1) + 2; int y; m_surface->draw_pixel(m_wave_cursor, mid, rgb, m_z_order); if (dy < 1) { return; } unsigned char cur_r, cur_g, cur_b; unsigned int cur_rgb; for (int i = 1; i <= (dy >> 1) + 1; ++i) { if ((mid + i) <= y_max) { y = mid + i; cur_r = r * (index - i) / index; cur_g = g * (index - i) / index; cur_b = b * (index - i) / index; cur_rgb = GL_RGB(cur_r, cur_g, cur_b); m_surface->draw_pixel(m_wave_cursor, y, cur_rgb, m_z_order); } if ((mid - i) >= y_min) { y = mid - i; cur_r = r * (index - i) / index; cur_g = g * (index - i) / index; cur_b = b * (index - i) / index; cur_rgb = GL_RGB(cur_r, cur_g, cur_b); m_surface->draw_pixel(m_wave_cursor, y, cur_rgb, m_z_order); } } } void restore_background() { int x = m_wave_cursor + WAVE_CURSOR_WIDTH; if (x > m_wave_right) { x -= (m_wave_right - m_wave_left + 1); } c_rect rect; get_screen_rect(rect); register int width = rect.Width(); register int top = rect.m_top; register int left = rect.m_left; for (int y_pos = (m_wave_top - 1); y_pos <= (m_wave_bottom + 1); y_pos++) { (m_bg_fb) ? m_surface->draw_pixel(x, y_pos, m_bg_fb[(y_pos - top) * width + (x - left)], m_z_order) : m_surface->draw_pixel(x, y_pos, 0, m_z_order); } } void save_background() { if (!m_bg_fb) { return; } c_rect rect; get_screen_rect(rect); register unsigned int* p_des = m_bg_fb; for (int y = rect.m_top; y <= rect.m_bottom; y++) { for (int x = rect.m_left; x <= rect.m_right; x++) { *p_des++ = m_surface->get_pixel(x, y, m_z_order); } } } char* m_wave_name; char* m_wave_unit; const FONT_INFO* m_wave_name_font; const FONT_INFO* m_wave_unit_font; unsigned int m_wave_name_color; unsigned int m_wave_unit_color; unsigned int m_wave_color; unsigned int m_back_color; int m_wave_left; int m_wave_right; int m_wave_top; int m_wave_bottom; short m_max_data; short m_min_data; private: c_wave_buffer* m_wave; unsigned int* m_bg_fb; //background frame buffer, could be used to draw scale line. int m_wave_cursor; int m_wave_speed; //pixels per refresh unsigned int m_wave_data_rate; //data sample rate unsigned int m_wave_refresh_rate;//refresh cycle in millisecond unsigned char m_frame_len_map[64]; unsigned char m_frame_len_map_index; }; #endif #ifdef GUILITE_ON GL_MSG_ENTRY c_cmd_target::ms_usr_map_entries[USR_MSG_MAX]; unsigned short c_cmd_target::ms_user_map_size; GL_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(c_cmd_target) GL_END_MESSAGE_MAP() #endif #ifdef GUILITE_ON c_surface_no_fb c_surface_no_fb::mcu_surface(0, 240, 320, 16, 0); #endif #ifdef GUILITE_ON const FONT_INFO* c_theme::s_font_map[FONT_MAX]; const BITMAP_INFO* c_theme::s_bmp_map[BITMAP_MAX]; unsigned int c_theme::s_color_map[COLOR_MAX]; #endif #ifdef GUILITE_ON #if (defined __linux__) || (defined __APPLE__) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_TIMER_CNT 10 #define TIMER_UNIT 50//ms static void(*do_assert)(const char* file, int line); static void(*do_log_out)(const char* log); void register_debug_function(void(*my_assert)(const char* file, int line), void(*my_log_out)(const char* log)) { do_assert = my_assert; do_log_out = my_log_out; } void _assert(const char* file, int line) { if(do_assert) { do_assert(file, line); } else { printf("assert@ file:%s, line:%d, error no: %d\n", file, line, errno); } } void log_out(const char* log) { if (do_log_out) { do_log_out(log); } else { printf("%s", log); fflush(stdout); } } typedef struct _timer_manage { struct _timer_info { int state; /* on or off */ int interval; int elapse; /* 0~interval */ void (* timer_proc) (void* ptmr, void* parg); }timer_info[MAX_TIMER_CNT]; void (* old_sigfunc)(int); void (* new_sigfunc)(int); }_timer_manage_t; static struct _timer_manage timer_manage; static void* timer_routine(void*) { int i; while(true) { for(i = 0; i < MAX_TIMER_CNT; i++) { if(timer_manage.timer_info[i].state == 0) { continue; } timer_manage.timer_info[i].elapse++; if(timer_manage.timer_info[i].elapse == timer_manage.timer_info[i].interval) { timer_manage.timer_info[i].elapse = 0; timer_manage.timer_info[i].timer_proc(0, 0); } } usleep(1000 * TIMER_UNIT); } return NULL; } static int init_mul_timer() { static bool s_is_init = false; if(s_is_init == true) { return 0; } memset(&timer_manage, 0, sizeof(struct _timer_manage)); pthread_t pid; pthread_create(&pid, NULL, timer_routine, NULL); s_is_init = true; return 1; } static int set_a_timer(int interval, void (* timer_proc) (void* ptmr, void* parg)) { init_mul_timer(); int i; if(timer_proc == NULL || interval <= 0) { return (-1); } for(i = 0; i < MAX_TIMER_CNT; i++) { if(timer_manage.timer_info[i].state == 1) { continue; } memset(&timer_manage.timer_info[i], 0, sizeof(timer_manage.timer_info[i])); timer_manage.timer_info[i].timer_proc = timer_proc; timer_manage.timer_info[i].interval = interval; timer_manage.timer_info[i].elapse = 0; timer_manage.timer_info[i].state = 1; break; } if(i >= MAX_TIMER_CNT) { ASSERT(false); return (-1); } return (i); } typedef void (*EXPIRE_ROUTINE)(void* arg); EXPIRE_ROUTINE s_expire_function; static c_fifo s_real_timer_fifo; static void* real_timer_routine(void*) { char dummy; while(1) { if(s_real_timer_fifo.read(&dummy, 1) > 0) { if(s_expire_function)s_expire_function(0); } else { ASSERT(false); } } return 0; } static void expire_real_timer(int sigo) { char dummy = 0x33; if(s_real_timer_fifo.write(&dummy, 1) <= 0) { ASSERT(false); } } void start_real_timer(void (*func)(void* arg)) { if(NULL == func) { return; } s_expire_function = func; signal(SIGALRM, expire_real_timer); struct itimerval value, ovalue; value.it_value.tv_sec = 0; value.it_value.tv_usec = REAL_TIME_TASK_CYCLE_MS * 1000; value.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; value.it_interval.tv_usec = REAL_TIME_TASK_CYCLE_MS * 1000; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &value, &ovalue); static pthread_t s_pid; if(s_pid == 0) { pthread_create(&s_pid, NULL, real_timer_routine, NULL); } } unsigned int get_cur_thread_id() { return (unsigned long)pthread_self(); } void register_timer(int milli_second,void func(void* ptmr, void* parg)) { set_a_timer(milli_second/TIMER_UNIT,func); } long get_time_in_second() { return time(NULL); /* + 8*60*60*/ } T_TIME get_time() { T_TIME ret = {0}; struct tm *fmt; time_t timer; timer = get_time_in_second(); fmt = localtime(&timer); ret.year = fmt->tm_year + 1900; ret.month = fmt->tm_mon + 1; ret.day = fmt->tm_mday; ret.hour = fmt->tm_hour; ret.minute = fmt->tm_min; ret.second = fmt->tm_sec; return ret; } T_TIME second_to_day(long second) { T_TIME ret = {0}; struct tm *fmt; fmt = localtime(&second); ret.year = fmt->tm_year + 1900; ret.month = fmt->tm_mon + 1; ret.day = fmt->tm_mday; ret.hour = fmt->tm_hour; ret.minute = fmt->tm_min; ret.second = fmt->tm_sec; return ret; } void create_thread(unsigned long* thread_id, void* attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void* arg) { pthread_create((pthread_t*)thread_id, (pthread_attr_t const*)attr, start_routine, arg); } void thread_sleep(unsigned int milli_seconds) { usleep(milli_seconds * 1000); } typedef struct { unsigned short bfType; unsigned int bfSize; unsigned short bfReserved1; unsigned short bfReserved2; unsigned int bfOffBits; }__attribute__((packed))FileHead; typedef struct{ unsigned int biSize; int biWidth; int biHeight; unsigned short biPlanes; unsigned short biBitCount; unsigned int biCompress; unsigned int biSizeImage; int biXPelsPerMeter; int biYPelsPerMeter; unsigned int biClrUsed; unsigned int biClrImportant; unsigned int biRedMask; unsigned int biGreenMask; unsigned int biBlueMask; }__attribute__((packed))Infohead; int build_bmp(const char *filename, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned char *data) { FileHead bmp_head; Infohead bmp_info; int size = width * height * 2; //initialize bmp head. bmp_head.bfType = 0x4d42; bmp_head.bfSize = size + sizeof(FileHead) + sizeof(Infohead); bmp_head.bfReserved1 = bmp_head.bfReserved2 = 0; bmp_head.bfOffBits = bmp_head.bfSize - size; //initialize bmp info. bmp_info.biSize = 40; bmp_info.biWidth = width; bmp_info.biHeight = height; bmp_info.biPlanes = 1; bmp_info.biBitCount = 16; bmp_info.biCompress = 3; bmp_info.biSizeImage = size; bmp_info.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bmp_info.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bmp_info.biClrUsed = 0; bmp_info.biClrImportant = 0; //RGB565 bmp_info.biRedMask = 0xF800; bmp_info.biGreenMask = 0x07E0; bmp_info.biBlueMask = 0x001F; //copy the data FILE *fp; if(!(fp=fopen(filename,"wb"))) { return -1; } fwrite(&bmp_head, 1, sizeof(FileHead),fp); fwrite(&bmp_info, 1, sizeof(Infohead),fp); //fwrite(data, 1, size, fp);//top <-> bottom for (int i = (height - 1); i >= 0; --i) { fwrite(&data[i * width * 2], 1, width * 2, fp); } fclose(fp); return 0; } c_fifo::c_fifo() { m_head = m_tail = 0; m_read_sem = malloc(sizeof(sem_t)); m_write_mutex = malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); sem_init((sem_t*)m_read_sem, 0, 0); pthread_mutex_init((pthread_mutex_t*)m_write_mutex, 0); } int c_fifo::read(void* buf, int len) { unsigned char* pbuf = (unsigned char*)buf; int i = 0; while(i < len) { if (m_tail == m_head) {//empty sem_wait((sem_t*)m_read_sem); continue; } *pbuf++ = m_buf[m_head]; m_head = (m_head + 1) % FIFO_BUFFER_LEN; i++; } if(i != len) { ASSERT(false); } return i; } int c_fifo::write(void* buf, int len) { unsigned char* pbuf = (unsigned char*)buf; int i = 0; int tail = m_tail; pthread_mutex_lock((pthread_mutex_t*)m_write_mutex); while(i < len) { if ((m_tail + 1) % FIFO_BUFFER_LEN == m_head) {//full, clear data has been written; m_tail = tail; log_out("Warning: fifo full\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t*)m_write_mutex); return 0; } m_buf[m_tail] = *pbuf++; m_tail = (m_tail + 1) % FIFO_BUFFER_LEN; i++; } pthread_mutex_unlock((pthread_mutex_t*)m_write_mutex); if(i != len) { ASSERT(false); } else { sem_post((sem_t*)m_read_sem); } return i; } #endif #endif #ifdef GUILITE_ON #if (!defined _WIN32) && (!defined WIN32) && (!defined _WIN64) && (!defined WIN64) && (!defined __linux__) && (!defined __APPLE__) #include static void(*do_assert)(const char* file, int line); static void(*do_log_out)(const char* log); void register_debug_function(void(*my_assert)(const char* file, int line), void(*my_log_out)(const char* log)) { do_assert = my_assert; do_log_out = my_log_out; } void _assert(const char* file, int line) { if(do_assert) { do_assert(file, line); } while(1); } void log_out(const char* log) { if (do_log_out) { do_log_out(log); } } long get_time_in_second() { return 0; } T_TIME second_to_day(long second) { T_TIME ret = {0}; return ret; } T_TIME get_time() { T_TIME ret = {0}; return ret; } void start_real_timer(void (*func)(void* arg)) { log_out("Not support now"); } void register_timer(int milli_second, void func(void* ptmr, void* parg)) { log_out("Not support now"); } unsigned int get_cur_thread_id() { log_out("Not support now"); return 0; } void create_thread(unsigned long* thread_id, void* attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void* arg) { log_out("Not support now"); } extern "C" void delay_ms(unsigned short nms); void thread_sleep(unsigned int milli_seconds) {//MCU alway implemnet driver code in APP. delay_ms(milli_seconds); } int build_bmp(const char *filename, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned char *data) { log_out("Not support now"); return 0; } c_fifo::c_fifo() { m_head = m_tail = 0; m_read_sem = m_write_mutex = 0; } int c_fifo::read(void* buf, int len) { unsigned char* pbuf = (unsigned char*)buf; int i = 0; while(i < len) { if (m_tail == m_head) {//empty continue; } *pbuf++ = m_buf[m_head]; m_head = (m_head + 1) % FIFO_BUFFER_LEN; i++; } if(i != len) { ASSERT(false); } return i; } int c_fifo::write(void* buf, int len) { unsigned char* pbuf = (unsigned char*)buf; int i = 0; int tail = m_tail; while(i < len) { if ((m_tail + 1) % FIFO_BUFFER_LEN == m_head) {//full, clear data has been written; m_tail = tail; log_out("Warning: fifo full\n"); return 0; } m_buf[m_tail] = *pbuf++; m_tail = (m_tail + 1) % FIFO_BUFFER_LEN; i++; } if(i != len) { ASSERT(false); } return i; } #endif #endif #ifdef GUILITE_ON #if (defined _WIN32) || (defined WIN32) || (defined _WIN64) || (defined WIN64) #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_TIMER_CNT 10 #define TIMER_UNIT 50//ms static void(*do_assert)(const char* file, int line); static void(*do_log_out)(const char* log); void register_debug_function(void(*my_assert)(const char* file, int line), void(*my_log_out)(const char* log)) { do_assert = my_assert; do_log_out = my_log_out; } void _assert(const char* file, int line) { static char s_buf[192]; if (do_assert) { do_assert(file, line); } else { memset(s_buf, 0, sizeof(s_buf)); sprintf_s(s_buf, sizeof(s_buf), "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\n\nAssert@ file = %s, line = %d\n\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n", file, line); OutputDebugStringA(s_buf); printf("%s", s_buf); fflush(stdout); assert(false); } } void log_out(const char* log) { if (do_log_out) { do_log_out(log); } else { printf("%s", log); fflush(stdout); OutputDebugStringA(log); } } typedef struct _timer_manage { struct _timer_info { int state; /* on or off */ int interval; int elapse; /* 0~interval */ void (* timer_proc) (void* ptmr, void* parg); }timer_info[MAX_TIMER_CNT]; void (* old_sigfunc)(int); void (* new_sigfunc)(int); }_timer_manage_t; static struct _timer_manage timer_manage; DWORD WINAPI timer_routine(LPVOID lpParam) { int i; while(true) { for(i = 0; i < MAX_TIMER_CNT; i++) { if(timer_manage.timer_info[i].state == 0) { continue; } timer_manage.timer_info[i].elapse++; if(timer_manage.timer_info[i].elapse == timer_manage.timer_info[i].interval) { timer_manage.timer_info[i].elapse = 0; timer_manage.timer_info[i].timer_proc(0, 0); } } Sleep(TIMER_UNIT); } return 0; } static int init_mul_timer() { static bool s_is_init = false; if(s_is_init == true) { return 0; } memset(&timer_manage, 0, sizeof(struct _timer_manage)); DWORD pid; CreateThread(0, 0, timer_routine, 0, 0, &pid); s_is_init = true; return 1; } static int set_a_timer(int interval, void (* timer_proc) (void* ptmr, void* parg)) { init_mul_timer(); int i; if(timer_proc == 0 || interval <= 0) { return (-1); } for(i = 0; i < MAX_TIMER_CNT; i++) { if(timer_manage.timer_info[i].state == 1) { continue; } memset(&timer_manage.timer_info[i], 0, sizeof(timer_manage.timer_info[i])); timer_manage.timer_info[i].timer_proc = timer_proc; timer_manage.timer_info[i].interval = interval; timer_manage.timer_info[i].elapse = 0; timer_manage.timer_info[i].state = 1; break; } if(i >= MAX_TIMER_CNT) { ASSERT(false); return (-1); } return (i); } typedef void (*EXPIRE_ROUTINE)(void* arg); EXPIRE_ROUTINE s_expire_function; static c_fifo s_real_timer_fifo; static DWORD WINAPI fire_real_timer(LPVOID lpParam) { char dummy; while(1) { if(s_real_timer_fifo.read(&dummy, 1) > 0) { if(s_expire_function)s_expire_function(0); } else { ASSERT(false); } } return 0; } /*Win32 desktop only static void CALLBACK trigger_real_timer(UINT, UINT, DWORD_PTR, DWORD_PTR, DWORD_PTR) { char dummy = 0x33; s_real_timer_fifo.write(&dummy, 1); } */ static DWORD WINAPI trigger_real_timer(LPVOID lpParam) { char dummy = 0x33; while (1) { s_real_timer_fifo.write(&dummy, 1); Sleep(REAL_TIME_TASK_CYCLE_MS); } return 0; } void start_real_timer(void (*func)(void* arg)) { if(0 == func) { return; } s_expire_function = func; //timeSetEvent(REAL_TIME_TASK_CYCLE_MS, 0, trigger_real_timer, 0, TIME_PERIODIC);//Win32 desktop only static DWORD s_pid; if(s_pid == 0) { CreateThread(0, 0, trigger_real_timer, 0, 0, &s_pid); CreateThread(0, 0, fire_real_timer, 0, 0, &s_pid); } } unsigned int get_cur_thread_id() { return GetCurrentThreadId(); } void register_timer(int milli_second,void func(void* ptmr, void* parg)) { set_a_timer(milli_second/TIMER_UNIT,func); } long get_time_in_second() { return (long)time(0); } T_TIME get_time() { T_TIME ret = {0}; SYSTEMTIME time; GetLocalTime(&time); ret.year = time.wYear; ret.month = time.wMonth; ret.day = time.wDay; ret.hour = time.wHour; ret.minute = time.wMinute; ret.second = time.wSecond; return ret; } T_TIME second_to_day(long second) { T_TIME ret; ret.year = 1999; ret.month = 10; ret.date = 1; ret.second = second % 60; second /= 60; ret.minute = second % 60; second /= 60; ret.hour = (second + 8) % 24;//China time zone. return ret; } void create_thread(unsigned long* thread_id, void* attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void* arg) { DWORD pid = 0; CreateThread(0, 0, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE(start_routine), arg, 0, &pid); *thread_id = pid; } void thread_sleep(unsigned int milli_seconds) { Sleep(milli_seconds); } #pragma pack(push,1) typedef struct { unsigned short bfType; unsigned int bfSize; unsigned short bfReserved1; unsigned short bfReserved2; unsigned int bfOffBits; }FileHead; typedef struct { unsigned int biSize; int biWidth; int biHeight; unsigned short biPlanes; unsigned short biBitCount; unsigned int biCompress; unsigned int biSizeImage; int biXPelsPerMeter; int biYPelsPerMeter; unsigned int biClrUsed; unsigned int biClrImportant; unsigned int biRedMask; unsigned int biGreenMask; unsigned int biBlueMask; }Infohead; #pragma pack(pop) int build_bmp(const char *filename, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned char *data) { FileHead bmp_head; Infohead bmp_info; int size = width * height * 2; //initialize bmp head. bmp_head.bfType = 0x4d42; bmp_head.bfSize = size + sizeof(FileHead) + sizeof(Infohead); bmp_head.bfReserved1 = bmp_head.bfReserved2 = 0; bmp_head.bfOffBits = bmp_head.bfSize - size; //initialize bmp info. bmp_info.biSize = 40; bmp_info.biWidth = width; bmp_info.biHeight = height; bmp_info.biPlanes = 1; bmp_info.biBitCount = 16; bmp_info.biCompress = 3; bmp_info.biSizeImage = size; bmp_info.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bmp_info.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bmp_info.biClrUsed = 0; bmp_info.biClrImportant = 0; //RGB565 bmp_info.biRedMask = 0xF800; bmp_info.biGreenMask = 0x07E0; bmp_info.biBlueMask = 0x001F; //copy the data FILE *fp; if (!(fp = fopen(filename, "wb"))) { return -1; } fwrite(&bmp_head, 1, sizeof(FileHead), fp); fwrite(&bmp_info, 1, sizeof(Infohead), fp); //fwrite(data, 1, size, fp);//top <-> bottom for (int i = (height - 1); i >= 0; --i) { fwrite(&data[i * width * 2], 1, width * 2, fp); } fclose(fp); return 0; } c_fifo::c_fifo() { m_head = m_tail = 0; m_read_sem = CreateSemaphore(0, // default security attributes 0, // initial count 1, // maximum count 0); // unnamed semaphore m_write_mutex = CreateMutex(0, false, 0); } int c_fifo::read(void* buf, int len) { unsigned char* pbuf = (unsigned char*)buf; int i = 0; while (i < len) { if (m_tail == m_head) {//empty WaitForSingleObject(m_read_sem, INFINITE); continue; } *pbuf++ = m_buf[m_head]; m_head = (m_head + 1) % FIFO_BUFFER_LEN; i++; } if (i != len) { ASSERT(false); } return i; } int c_fifo::write(void* buf, int len) { unsigned char* pbuf = (unsigned char*)buf; int i = 0; int tail = m_tail; WaitForSingleObject(m_write_mutex, INFINITE); while (i < len) { if ((m_tail + 1) % FIFO_BUFFER_LEN == m_head) {//full, clear data has been written; m_tail = tail; log_out("Warning: fifo full\n"); ReleaseMutex(m_write_mutex); return 0; } m_buf[m_tail] = *pbuf++; m_tail = (m_tail + 1) % FIFO_BUFFER_LEN; i++; } ReleaseMutex(m_write_mutex); if (i != len) { ASSERT(false); } else { ReleaseSemaphore(m_read_sem, 1, 0); } return i; } #endif #endif #ifdef GUILITE_ON #if (defined __linux__) || (defined __APPLE__) #include #include #include #include #include typedef void(*ANDROID_PLAY_WAV)(const char* fileName); ANDROID_PLAY_WAV gAndroidPlayWav; typedef struct { AUDIO_TYPE type; }AUDIO_REQUEST; static c_fifo s_request_fifo; static void* render_thread(void* param) { while (true) { AUDIO_REQUEST request; s_request_fifo.read(&request, sizeof(request)); if (AUDIO_MAX <= request.type) { continue; } if(gAndroidPlayWav) { gAndroidPlayWav("heart_beat.wav"); } } } void c_audio::init() { static bool s_flag = false; if (s_flag) { return; } unsigned long pid; create_thread(&pid, 0, render_thread, 0); s_flag = true; } int c_audio::play(AUDIO_TYPE type) { if (AUDIO_MAX <= type) { return -1; } init(); AUDIO_REQUEST request; request.type = type; s_request_fifo.write(&request, sizeof(request)); return 0; } #endif #endif #ifdef GUILITE_ON #if (defined _WIN32) || (defined WIN32) || (defined _WIN64) || (defined WIN64) #include #include #include #ifndef AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_AUTOCONVERTPCM #define AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_AUTOCONVERTPCM 0x80000000 #endif #define AUDIO_CHANNELS_MONO 1 #define AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE 44000 #define AUDIO_BITS 16 #define AUDIO_BLOCK_ALIGN (AUDIO_CHANNELS_MONO * (AUDIO_BITS >> 3)) #define AUDIO_BYTE_RATE (AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE * AUDIO_BLOCK_ALIGN) #define AUDIO_OUTPUT_BUF_LEN (10000000 * 5) //5 seconds long. #define CHECK_ERROR(ret) if(ret != 0){ASSERT(false);} typedef struct { AUDIO_TYPE type; }AUDIO_REQUEST; typedef struct { BYTE* p_data; int size; }WAV_RESOURCE; static WAV_RESOURCE s_wav_resource[AUDIO_MAX]; static c_fifo s_request_fifo; static IAudioClient* s_audio_client; static IAudioRenderClient* s_audio_render_client; static HANDLE s_audio_event; //Should be call by UWP, and UWP create audio client. void set_audio_client(IAudioClient* audio_client) { s_audio_client = audio_client; } static WAVEFORMATEX s_wav_format = { WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, AUDIO_CHANNELS_MONO, AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE, AUDIO_BYTE_RATE, AUDIO_BLOCK_ALIGN, AUDIO_BITS, 0 }; static int register_wav_resouce(AUDIO_TYPE type, const wchar_t* wav_path) { if (s_wav_resource[type].p_data) { return 0; } void* hFile = CreateFile(wav_path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { log_out("Open wave file failed\n"); return -1; } LARGE_INTEGER ret; GetFileSizeEx(hFile, &ret); int size = ret.LowPart; if (INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER == SetFilePointer(hFile, 0x2C, 0, FILE_BEGIN)) { ASSERT(false); return -2; } size -= 0x2C; BYTE* p_data = (BYTE*)malloc(size); DWORD read_num; ReadFile(hFile, p_data, size, &read_num, 0); s_wav_resource[type].p_data = p_data; s_wav_resource[type].size = size; return 0; } static int load_wav_chunk(BYTE* p_des, int des_size, BYTE* p_src, int src_size) { if (des_size <= 0 || src_size <= 0) { return -1; } int write_size = (src_size > des_size) ? des_size : src_size; memcpy(p_des, p_src, write_size); memset(p_des + write_size, 0, (des_size - write_size)); return write_size; } static int play_wav(BYTE* p_data, int size) { if (0 == p_data || 0 >= size) { return -1; } UINT32 bufferFrameCount; UINT32 numFramesAvailable; UINT32 numFramesPadding; BYTE* p_buffer = 0; int ret = s_audio_client->GetBufferSize(&bufferFrameCount); CHECK_ERROR(ret); int offset = 0; while (WaitForSingleObject(s_audio_event, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { ret = s_audio_client->GetCurrentPadding(&numFramesPadding); CHECK_ERROR(ret); numFramesAvailable = bufferFrameCount - numFramesPadding; if (numFramesAvailable < 1600) { Sleep(10); continue; } ret = s_audio_render_client->GetBuffer(numFramesAvailable, &p_buffer); CHECK_ERROR(ret); ret = load_wav_chunk(p_buffer, numFramesAvailable * s_wav_format.nBlockAlign, p_data + offset, (size - offset)); if (ret > 0) { s_audio_render_client->ReleaseBuffer((ret / s_wav_format.nBlockAlign), 0); offset += ret; } else { s_audio_render_client->ReleaseBuffer(0, AUDCLNT_BUFFERFLAGS_SILENT); break; } } return 0; } static void* render_thread(void* param) { s_audio_client->Start(); while (true) { AUDIO_REQUEST request; s_request_fifo.read(&request, sizeof(request)); if (AUDIO_MAX <= request.type) { ASSERT(false); continue; } play_wav(s_wav_resource[request.type].p_data, s_wav_resource[request.type].size); } s_audio_client->Stop(); } static int init_audio_client() { if (s_audio_client) { return 0; } //For desktop only, could not pass Windows Store certification. /* int ret = CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); CHECK_ERROR(ret); IMMDeviceEnumerator *pEnumerator = nullptr; ret = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MMDeviceEnumerator), 0, CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(IMMDeviceEnumerator), (void**)&pEnumerator); CHECK_ERROR(ret); IMMDevice* audio_output_device; pEnumerator->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eRender, eConsole, &audio_output_device); if (0 == audio_output_device) { ASSERT(false); } ret = audio_output_device->Activate(__uuidof(IAudioClient), CLSCTX_ALL, 0, (void**)&s_audio_client); CHECK_ERROR(ret); return 0; */ return -1; } void c_audio::init() { static bool s_flag = false; if (s_flag) { return; } register_wav_resouce(AUDIO_HEART_BEAT, L"heart_beat.wav"); if (0 > init_audio_client()) { return; } int ret = s_audio_client->Initialize(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED, AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_AUTOCONVERTPCM | AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK, AUDIO_OUTPUT_BUF_LEN * 2, 0, &s_wav_format, 0); CHECK_ERROR(ret); //s_audio_event = CreateEventEx(0, 0, 0, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS); s_audio_event = CreateEvent(0, 0, 0, 0); ret = s_audio_client->SetEventHandle(s_audio_event); CHECK_ERROR(ret); ret = s_audio_client->GetService(__uuidof(IAudioRenderClient), (void**)&s_audio_render_client); CHECK_ERROR(ret); unsigned long pid; create_thread(&pid, 0, render_thread, 0); s_flag = true; } int c_audio::play(AUDIO_TYPE type) { if (AUDIO_MAX <= type) { return -1; } init(); if (!s_audio_client || !s_audio_render_client) { return -2; } AUDIO_REQUEST request; request.type = type; s_request_fifo.write(&request, sizeof(request)); return 0; } #endif #endif #ifdef GUILITE_ON DIALOG_ARRAY c_dialog::ms_the_dialogs[SURFACE_CNT_MAX]; #endif #ifdef GUILITE_ON c_keyboard c_edit::s_keyboard; GL_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(c_edit) ON_KEYBORAD_UPDATE(c_edit::on_key_board_click) GL_END_MESSAGE_MAP() #endif #ifdef GUILITE_ON static c_keyboard_button s_button_0, s_button_1, s_button_2, s_button_3, s_button_4, s_button_5, s_button_6, s_button_7, s_button_8, s_button_9; static c_keyboard_button s_button_A, s_button_B, s_button_C, s_button_D, s_button_E, s_button_F, s_button_G, s_button_H, s_button_I, s_button_J; static c_keyboard_button s_button_K, s_button_L, s_button_M, s_button_N, s_button_O, s_button_P, s_button_Q, s_button_R, s_button_S, s_button_T; static c_keyboard_button s_button_U, s_button_V, s_button_W, s_button_X, s_button_Y, s_button_Z; static c_keyboard_button s_button_dot, s_button_caps, s_button_space, s_button_enter, s_button_del, s_button_esc, s_button_num_switch; WND_TREE g_key_board_children[] = { //Row 1 {&s_button_Q, 'Q', 0, POS_X(0), POS_Y(0), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_W, 'W', 0, POS_X(1), POS_Y(0), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_E, 'E', 0, POS_X(2), POS_Y(0), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_R, 'R', 0, POS_X(3), POS_Y(0), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_T, 'T', 0, POS_X(4), POS_Y(0), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_Y, 'Y', 0, POS_X(5), POS_Y(0), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_U, 'U', 0, POS_X(6), POS_Y(0), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_I, 'I', 0, POS_X(7), POS_Y(0), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_O, 'O', 0, POS_X(8), POS_Y(0), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_P, 'P', 0, POS_X(9), POS_Y(0), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, //Row 2 {&s_button_A, 'A', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(0)), POS_Y(1), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_S, 'S', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(1)), POS_Y(1), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_D, 'D', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(2)), POS_Y(1), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_F, 'F', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(3)), POS_Y(1), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_G, 'G', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(4)), POS_Y(1), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_H, 'H', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(5)), POS_Y(1), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_J, 'J', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(6)), POS_Y(1), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_K, 'K', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(7)), POS_Y(1), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_L, 'L', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(8)), POS_Y(1), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, //Row 3 {&s_button_caps, 0x14, 0, POS_X(0), POS_Y(2), CAPS_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_Z, 'Z', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(1)), POS_Y(2), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_X, 'X', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(2)), POS_Y(2), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_C, 'C', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(3)), POS_Y(2), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_V, 'V', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(4)), POS_Y(2), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_B, 'B', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(5)), POS_Y(2), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_N, 'N', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(6)), POS_Y(2), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_M, 'M', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(7)), POS_Y(2), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_del, 0x7F, 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(8)), POS_Y(2), DEL_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, //Row 4 {&s_button_esc, 0x1B, 0, POS_X(0), POS_Y(3), ESC_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_num_switch, 0x90, 0, POS_X(2), POS_Y(3), SWITCH_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_space, ' ', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(3)), POS_Y(3), SPACE_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_dot, '.', 0, ((KEY_WIDTH / 2) + POS_X(6)), POS_Y(3), DOT_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_enter, '\n', 0, POS_X(8), POS_Y(3), ENTER_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0} }; WND_TREE g_number_board_children[] = { {&s_button_1, '1', 0, POS_X(0), POS_Y(0), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_2, '2', 0, POS_X(1), POS_Y(0), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_3, '3', 0, POS_X(2), POS_Y(0), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_4, '4', 0, POS_X(0), POS_Y(1), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_5, '5', 0, POS_X(1), POS_Y(1), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_6, '6', 0, POS_X(2), POS_Y(1), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_7, '7', 0, POS_X(0), POS_Y(2), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_8, '8', 0, POS_X(1), POS_Y(2), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_9, '9', 0, POS_X(2), POS_Y(2), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_esc, 0x1B, 0, POS_X(0), POS_Y(3), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_0, '0', 0, POS_X(1), POS_Y(3), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_dot, '.', 0, POS_X(2), POS_Y(3), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT}, {&s_button_del, 0x7F, 0, POS_X(3), POS_Y(0), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT * 2 + 2}, {&s_button_enter,'\n', 0, POS_X(3), POS_Y(2), KEY_WIDTH, KEY_HEIGHT * 2 + 2}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0} }; GL_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(c_keyboard) ON_GL_BN_CLICKED(c_keyboard::on_key_clicked) GL_END_MESSAGE_MAP() #endif