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synced 2024-08-09 10:05:34 +08:00
904 lines
28 KiB
Executable File
904 lines
28 KiB
Executable File
* 模块名称 : 编程器接口文件
* 文件名称 : prog_if.c
* 版 本 : V1.0
* 说 明 :
* 修改记录 :
* 版本号 日期 作者 说明
* V1.0 2019-03-19 armfly 正式发布
* Copyright (C), 2019-2030, 安富莱电子 www.armfly.com
#include "includes.h"
#include "swd_host.h"
#include "swd_flash.h"
#include "elf_file.h"
#include "stm8_flash.h"
#include "n76e003_flash.h"
#include "SW_DP_Multi.h"
#include "swd_host_multi.h"
#include "w25q_flash.h"
extern const program_target_t flash_algo;
OFFLINE_PROG_T g_tProg = {0};
PROG_INI_T g_tProgIni = {0};
FIX_DATA_T g_tFixData = {0};
uint8_t flash_buff[sizeof(FsReadBuf)];
uint8_t PG_CheckFlashFix(uint32_t _FlashAddr, uint32_t _BuffSize, uint32_t _FileIndex);
uint8_t PG_CheckFixSplit(uint32_t _FlashAddr, uint32_t _BuffSize, uint32_t _FileIndex);
uint8_t PG_FixFlashMem(uint32_t _FlashAddr, char *_Buff, uint32_t _BuffSize, uint32_t _FileIndex, uint8_t _chan);
* 函 数 名: CancelKey
* 功能说明: 终止键按下
* 形 参: 无
* 返 回 值: 1表示需要立即终止
uint8_t ProgCancelKey(void)
if (bsp_GetKey() == KEY_LONG_DOWN_C)
return 1;
return 0;
* 函 数 名: GetChipTypeFromLua
* 功能说明: 从lua中解析芯片类型. 存放在全局变量 g_tProg.ChipType
* 形 参: 无
* 返 回 值: 1表示需要立即终止
uint32_t GetChipTypeFromLua(lua_State *L)
g_tProg.ChipType = CHIP_SWD_ARM;
if (L > 0)
/* 器件接口类型: "SWD", "SWIM", "SPI", "I2C" */
if (lua_getglobal(L, "CHIP_TYPE") != 0)
const char *name;
if (lua_isstring(g_Lua, -1))
name = lua_tostring(g_Lua, -1);
if (strcmp(name, "SWD") == 0)
g_tProg.ChipType = CHIP_SWD_ARM;
else if (strcmp(name, "SWIM") == 0)
g_tProg.ChipType = CHIP_SWIM_STM8;
else if (strcmp(name, "SPI") == 0)
g_tProg.ChipType = CHIP_SPI_FLASH;
else if (strcmp(name, "I2C") == 0)
g_tProg.ChipType = CHIP_I2C_EEPROM;
else if (strcmp(name, "NUVOTON_8051") == 0)
g_tProg.ChipType = CHIP_NUVOTON_8051;
lua_pop(L, 1);
return g_tProg.ChipType;
* 函 数 名: WaitChipRemove
* 功能说明: 检测芯片移除状态
* 形 参: 无
* 返 回 值: 1表示已经移除,0表示芯片还在位
extern void sysTickInit(void);
uint8_t WaitChipRemove(void)
/* 由LUA程序提供函数 */
const char *ret_str;
lua_do("ret_str = CheckChipRemove()");
lua_getglobal(g_Lua, "ret_str");
if (lua_isstring(g_Lua, -1))
ret_str = lua_tostring(g_Lua, -1);
ret_str = "";
lua_pop(g_Lua, 1);
if (strcmp(ret_str, "removed") == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
* 函 数 名: WaitChipInsert
* 功能说明: 检测芯片插入状态
* 形 参: 无
* 返 回 值: 1表示已经插入,0表示未检测到
uint8_t WaitChipInsert(void)
const char *ret_str;
lua_do("ret_str = CheckChipInsert()");
lua_getglobal(g_Lua, "ret_str");
if (lua_isstring(g_Lua, -1))
ret_str = lua_tostring(g_Lua, -1);
ret_str = "";
lua_pop(g_Lua, 1);
if (strcmp(ret_str, "inserted") == 0)
return 1;
return 0;
* 函 数 名: PG_ReloadLuaVar
* 功能说明: 读取lua文件全局变量.
* 形 参: _str : 字符串
* 返 回 值: 无
extern void h7swim_ReadLuaVar(void);
void PG_ReloadLuaVar(void)
/* VERIFY_MODE; 校验模式 */
g_tProg.VerifyMode = lua_GetVarUint32("VERIFY_MODE", VERIFY_READ_BACK);
/* ERASE_CHIP_TIME; 全片擦除时间ms */
g_tProg.EraseChipTime = lua_GetVarUint32("ERASE_CHIP_TIME", 60 * 1000);
/* 0B VERIFY; option byte 验证取消 */
g_tProg.VerifyOptionByteDisalbe = lua_GetVarUint32("OB_VERIFY_DISABLE", 0);
/* SwdClockDelay; SWD接口时序延迟 */
g_tProg.SwdClockDelay = lua_GetVarUint32("SWD_CLOCK_DELAY", 0);
/* 复位延迟 */
g_tProg.SwdResetDelay = lua_GetVarUint32("RESET_DELAY", 20);
/* 读取复位类型: 软件还是硬件复位 */
g_tProg.ResetMode = lua_GetVarUint32("RESET_MODE", 0);
/* 多路模式下,出错后立刻同时终止 */
g_tProg.AbortOnError = lua_GetVarUint32("ABORT_ON_ERROR", 1);
if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWD_ARM)
2021-01-24 多路烧录MM32L073FP时,增加如下延迟才正常
static uint8_t MUL_swd_read_data(uint32_t addr, uint32_t *val);
20us 失败,30us成功, 选择50us
g_tProg.MulDelayUsReadData = lua_GetVarUint32("MUL_DELAYUS_READ_DATA", 0);
/* 2021-03-16 多路模式烧录STM32F103C8T6(可能是国产的),增加延迟1us */
g_tProg.MulDelayUsReadAck = lua_GetVarUint32("MUL_DELAYUS_READ_ACK", 0);
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWIM_STM8)
h7swim_ReadLuaVar(); /* 读取LUA中的全局变量 */
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SPI_FLASH)
// uint32_t Capacity; /* 芯片容量 */
// uint32_t SectorSize; /* 扇区大小 */
// uint32_t EraseSectorCmd; /* 扇区擦除指令 */
// uint32_t EraseSectorTimeout; /* 擦除扇区超时 ms */
// uint32_t EraseChipTimeout; /* 擦除整片超时 ms */
// uint32_t ProgPageTimeout; /* 编程page超时 */
// uint8_t AutoAddrInc; /* AAI模式写 */
g_tW25Q.Capacity = lua_GetVarUint32("FLASH_SIZE", 0);
g_tW25Q.SectorSize = lua_GetVarUint32("SECTOR_SIZE", 4096);
g_tW25Q.EraseSectorCmd = lua_GetVarUint32("ERASE_SECTOR_CMD", 0x20);
g_tW25Q.EraseSectorTimeout = lua_GetVarUint32("ERASE_SECTOR_TIMEOUT", 2 * 1000);
g_tW25Q.EraseChipTimeout = lua_GetVarUint32("ERASE_CHIP_TIMEOUT", 400 * 1000);
g_tW25Q.ProgPageTimeout = 100; /* 100ms */
g_tW25Q.AutoAddrInc = lua_GetVarUint32("PROG_AAI", 0);
g_tW25Q.ReadMode = lua_GetVarUint32("READ_MODE", 0);
g_tW25Q.ReadIDCmd = lua_GetVarUint32("READ_ID_CMD", 0x9F);
g_tW25Q.EraseChipCmd = lua_GetVarUint32("ERASE_CHIP_CMD", 0xC7);
g_tW25Q.UnlockCmd = lua_GetVarUint32("UNLOCK_CMD", 0x00);
* 函 数 名: PG_LuaFixData
* 功能说明: 在编程函数调用。用于动态生成UID,SN,USR数据
* 形 参: _Path : 文件名
* _FlashAddr : flash起始地址
* 返 回 值: 0 = ok, 其他表示错误
uint8_t PG_LuaFixData(void)
size_t len;
int i;
//lua FIX_TABLE结构
//1, 0, 0x08000000, 05 00 00 00
//1, 1, 0x08000000, 02
//1, 2, 0x08000000, FF
//1, 3, 0x08000000, 01
//1, 1, 0x08000000, FB 32 C9 38 BE C8 06 F1
//1, 1, 0x08000000, 92 06 02 0E 90 7C C4 02 90 00 4A 0E 96 58 C4 02
lua_getglobal(g_Lua, "FIX_TABLE");
g_tFixData.Count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_FIX_LINE; i++)
lua_pushinteger(g_Lua, i * 4 + 1); //c->statck,设置key值,位置-1(上面的-1变为-2)
lua_gettable(g_Lua, -2);//返回值为值的类型
if (lua_isinteger(g_Lua, -1))
g_tFixData.Lines[i].Enable = lua_tointeger(g_Lua, -1);
lua_pop(g_Lua, 1);
lua_pop(g_Lua, 1);
lua_pushinteger(g_Lua, i * 4 + 2); //c->statck,设置key值,位置-1(上面的-1变为-2)
lua_gettable(g_Lua, -2);//返回值为值的类型
if (lua_isinteger(g_Lua, -1))
g_tFixData.Lines[i].Chan = lua_tointeger(g_Lua, -1);
lua_pop(g_Lua, 1);
lua_pop(g_Lua, 1);
lua_pushinteger(g_Lua, i * 4 + 3); //c->statck,设置key值,位置-1(上面的-1变为-2)
lua_gettable(g_Lua, -2);//返回值为值的类型
if (lua_isinteger(g_Lua, -1))
g_tFixData.Lines[i].Addr = lua_tointeger(g_Lua, -1);
lua_pop(g_Lua, 1);
lua_pushinteger(g_Lua, i * 4 + 4); //c->statck,设置key值,位置-1(上面的-1变为-2)
lua_gettable(g_Lua, -2);//返回值为值的类型
if (lua_isstring(g_Lua, -1))
g_tFixData.Lines[i].pData = luaL_checklstring(g_Lua, -1, &len); /* 1是参数的位置, len是string的长度 */
g_tFixData.Lines[i].Len = len;
lua_pop(g_Lua, 1);
lua_pop(g_Lua, 1);
return 0;
* 函 数 名: PG_PrintText
* 功能说明: 烧录过程输出消息
* 形 参: _str : 字符串
* 返 回 值: 无
void PG_PrintText(char *_str)
char str[128];
/* 输出文本 */
StrUTF8ToGBK(_str, str, sizeof(str));
if (g_gMulSwd.MultiMode > 0) /* 多路模式, 1拖1 */
if (g_gMulSwd.MultiMode == 1)
if (g_gMulSwd.Error[0] != 0)
if (g_gMulSwd.SwitchPin == 0) strcat(str, " #1");
else if (g_gMulSwd.SwitchPin == 1) strcat(str, " #2");
else if (g_gMulSwd.SwitchPin == 2) strcat(str, " #3");
else if (g_gMulSwd.SwitchPin == 3) strcat(str, " #4");
else /* 1拖2,3,4 */
if (g_gMulSwd.Error[0] != 0)
strcat(str, " #1");
if (g_gMulSwd.Error[1] != 0)
strcat(str, " #2");
if (g_gMulSwd.Error[2] != 0)
strcat(str, " #3");
if (g_gMulSwd.Error[3] != 0)
strcat(str, " #4");
if (g_MainStatus == MS_PROG_WORK)
DispProgProgress(str, -1, 0xFFFFFFFF); /* -1表示不刷新进度 */
printf("%s\r\n", str);
* 函 数 名: PG_PrintPercent
* 功能说明: 烧录过程输出进度百分比
* 形 参: 百分比,浮点数
* 返 回 值: 无
extern void DispProgVoltCurrent(void);
void PG_PrintPercent(float _Percent, uint32_t _Addr)
#if 1
if (_Percent == 0)
printf(" %dms, %0.2f%%\r\n", bsp_CheckRunTime(g_tProg.Time), _Percent);
else if (_Percent == 100)
//printf("\r\n %dms, %0.2f%%\r\n", bsp_CheckRunTime(g_tProg.Time), _Percent);
printf(" %dms, %0.2f%%\r\n", bsp_CheckRunTime(g_tProg.Time), _Percent);
printf(" %dms, %0.2f%%\r\n", bsp_CheckRunTime(g_tProg.Time), _Percent);
if (g_MainStatus == MS_PROG_WORK)
g_tProg.Percent = _Percent;
DispProgProgress(0, _Percent, _Addr); /* 0表示不刷新文本 */
DispProgVoltCurrent(); /* 刷新TVCC电压和电流 */
* 函 数 名: PG_FixFlashMem
* 功能说明: 编程过程中修改数据,实现滚码、加密等功能。暂时只支持单通道。
* 形 参: _Path : 文件名
* _FlashAddr : flash起始地址
* _BuffSize : 数据大小
* _chan : 通道号0,1-4
* 返 回 值: 0表示地址不在范围内。 1表示在范围内,并已修改好内存
uint8_t PG_FixFlashMem(uint32_t _FlashAddr, char *_Buff, uint32_t _BuffSize, uint32_t _FileIndex, uint8_t _chan)
uint16_t m;
uint16_t i;
uint8_t change = 0;
for (m = 0; m < g_tFixData.Count; m++)
if (g_tFixData.Lines[m].Enable == _FileIndex)
if (g_tFixData.Lines[m].Chan == 0 || _chan == 0 || g_tFixData.Lines[m].Chan == _chan)
for (i = 0; i < g_tFixData.Lines[m].Len; i++)
if (g_tFixData.Lines[m].Addr + i >= _FlashAddr && g_tFixData.Lines[m].Addr + i < _FlashAddr + _BuffSize)
_Buff[g_tFixData.Lines[m].Addr - _FlashAddr + i] = g_tFixData.Lines[m].pData[i];
change = 1;
return change;
* 函 数 名: PG_CheckFlashFix
* 功能说明: 判断flash区域是否存在fix区数据
* 形 参: _Path : 文件名
* _FlashAddr : flash起始地址
* _FileIndex : 文件编号(1-10)
* 返 回 值: 0表示地址不在范围内。 1表示在范围内
uint8_t PG_CheckFlashFix(uint32_t _FlashAddr, uint32_t _BuffSize, uint32_t _FileIndex)
uint16_t m;
uint8_t change = 0;
add 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000
fix 11111 11111 11111 111111111111
if (_BuffSize == 0)
return 0;
for (m = 0; m < g_tFixData.Count; m++)
if (g_tFixData.Lines[m].Enable == _FileIndex
&& g_tFixData.Lines[m].Addr + g_tFixData.Lines[m].Len > _FlashAddr
&& g_tFixData.Lines[m].Addr < _FlashAddr + _BuffSize)
change = 1;
return change;
* 函 数 名: PG_CheckFixSplit
* 功能说明: 判断fix区数据是否需要顺序写入
* 形 参: _Path : 文件名
* _FlashAddr : flash起始地址
* _FileIndex : 文件编号(1-10)
* 返 回 值: 0表示地址不在范围内。 1表示在范围内,每个通道数据不一致,需要顺序写入
uint8_t PG_CheckFixSplit(uint32_t _FlashAddr, uint32_t _BuffSize, uint32_t _FileIndex)
uint16_t m;
uint8_t change = 0;
add 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000
fix 11111 11111 11111 111111111111
for (m = 0; m < g_tFixData.Count; m++)
if (g_tFixData.Lines[m].Enable == _FileIndex
&& g_tFixData.Lines[m].Addr + g_tFixData.Lines[m].Len > _FlashAddr
&& g_tFixData.Lines[m].Addr < _FlashAddr + _BuffSize)
if (g_tFixData.Lines[m].Chan >= 2)
change = 1;
return change;
* 函 数 名: PG_FixDataIsDiff
* 功能说明: 判断FIX数据是否每个通道都一样
* 形 参: 无
* 返 回 值: 0表示相同,1表示不同(需要顺序编程)
uint8_t PG_FixDataIsDiff(void)
uint16_t m;
// --返回C程序用的table,结构为 {
// -- 0, 0x08000000, "1234567", 0表示全部通道数据一样, 1表示第1通,4表示4通道
// -- 1, 0x08000200, "AAA",
// -- 2, 0x08000300, "BBBB",
// -- }
for (m = 0; m < g_tFixData.Count; m++)
if (g_tFixData.Lines[m].Chan >= 2)
return 1; /* 至少2个通道存在不同的数据 */
return 0;
* 下面代码,用于通用芯片编程. 被 pg_prog_file.c 文件调用
* 函 数 名: PG_GetSectorSize
* 功能说明: 获得扇区大小
* 形 参: _Addr : 地址
* 返 回 值: 扇区大小
uint32_t PG_GetSectorSize(const char *_Algo, uint32_t _Addr)
uint32_t sz;
if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWD_ARM)
sz = 1024;
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWIM_STM8)
sz = lua_GetVarUint32("FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE", 64);
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_NUVOTON_8051)
sz = 128;
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SPI_FLASH)
sz = lua_GetVarUint32("SECTOR_SIZE", 4*1024);
return sz;
* 函 数 名: PG_EraseSector
* 功能说明: 擦除扇区 通用芯片API
* 形 参: _Addr : 地址
* 返 回 值: 0表示失败 1表示OK
uint8_t PG_EraseSector(const char *_Algo, uint32_t _Addr)
if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWD_ARM)
/* ARM不用这个文件 */;
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWIM_STM8)
/* STM8都是整片擦除 */;
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_NUVOTON_8051)
/* 选择整片擦除 */
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SPI_FLASH)
return 1;
* 函 数 名: PG_GetPageSize
* 功能说明: 获得编程page大小
* 形 参: 无
* 返 回 值: 页大小
uint32_t PG_GetPageSize(const char *_Algo)
uint32_t sz;
if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWD_ARM)
sz = 1024;
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWIM_STM8)
sz = lua_GetVarUint32("FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE", 64);
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_NUVOTON_8051)
sz = 32;
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SPI_FLASH)
sz = lua_GetVarUint32("FLASH_PAGE_SIZE", 1024);;
return sz;
* 函 数 名: PG_GetDeviceAddr
* 功能说明: 获得芯片起始地址
* 形 参: 无
* 返 回 值: 芯片起始地址
uint32_t PG_GetDeviceAddr(const char *_Algo)
uint32_t addr;
if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWD_ARM)
addr = 0x08000000;
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWIM_STM8)
if (strcmp(_Algo, "FLASH") == 0)
addr = lua_GetVarUint32("FLASH_ADDRESS", 0);
else if (strcmp(_Algo, "EEPROM") == 0)
addr = lua_GetVarUint32("EEPROM_ADDRESS", 0);
addr = 0x008000;
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_NUVOTON_8051)
if (strcmp(_Algo, "APROM") == 0)
addr = lua_GetVarUint32("APROM_ADDRESS", 0);
else if (strcmp(_Algo, "LDROM") == 0)
addr = lua_GetVarUint32("LDROM_ADDRESS", 0);
else if (strcmp(_Algo, "SPROM") == 0)
addr = lua_GetVarUint32("SPROM_ADDRESS", 0);
addr = 0;
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SPI_FLASH)
addr = lua_GetVarUint32("FLASH_ADDRESS", 0);
return addr;
* 函 数 名: PG_GetDeviceSize
* 功能说明: 获得芯片容量大小
* 形 参: 无
* 返 回 值: 页大小
uint32_t PG_GetDeviceSize(const char *_Algo)
uint32_t sz;
if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWD_ARM)
sz = 0x08000000;
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWIM_STM8)
if (strcmp(_Algo, "FLASH") == 0)
sz = lua_GetVarUint32("FLASH_SIZE", 0);
else if (strcmp(_Algo, "EEPROM") == 0)
sz = lua_GetVarUint32("EEPROM_SIZE", 0);
sz = 1024;
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_NUVOTON_8051)
if (strcmp(_Algo, "APROM") == 0)
sz = lua_GetVarUint32("APROM_SIZE", 0);
else if (strcmp(_Algo, "LDROM") == 0)
sz = lua_GetVarUint32("LDROM_SIZE", 0);
else if (strcmp(_Algo, "SPROM") == 0)
sz = lua_GetVarUint32("SPROM_SIZE", 0);
sz = 1024;
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SPI_FLASH)
sz = lua_GetVarUint32("FLASH_SIZE", 0);
return sz;
* 函 数 名: PG_EraseChip
* 功能说明: 擦除整片 通用芯片API
* 形 参: 无
* 返 回 值: 0表示失败 1表示OK
uint8_t PG_EraseChip(void)
if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWD_ARM)
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWIM_STM8)
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_NUVOTON_8051)
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SPI_FLASH)
return 1;
* 函 数 名: PG_CheckBlank
* 功能说明: 检查空片
* 形 参: 无
* 返 回 值: 0表示不空 1表示空片
uint8_t PG_CheckBlank(const char *_Algo, uint32_t _Addr, uint32_t _Size)
if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWD_ARM)
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWIM_STM8)
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_NUVOTON_8051)
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SPI_FLASH)
return 0;
* 函 数 名: PG_ProgramBuf
* 功能说明: Programs a memory block
* 形 参: _FlashAddr : 绝对地址。
* _Buff : Pointer to buffer containing source data.
* _Size : 数据大小,可以大于1个block
* 返 回 值: 0 : 出错; 1 : 成功
uint8_t PG_ProgramBuf(const char *_Algo, uint32_t _FlashAddr, uint8_t *_Buff, uint32_t _Size)
uint8_t re = 0;
if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWD_ARM)
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWIM_STM8)
re = STM8_FLASH_ProgramBuf(_FlashAddr, _Buff, _Size);
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_NUVOTON_8051)
re = N76E_FLASH_ProgramBuf(_FlashAddr, _Buff, _Size);
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SPI_FLASH)
re = W25Q_FLASH_ProgramBuf(_FlashAddr, _Buff, _Size);
return re;
* 函 数 名: PG_ReadBuf
* 功能说明: 读flash
* 形 参: _FlashAddr : 绝对地址。
* _Buff : Pointer to buffer containing source data.
* _Size : 数据大小,可以大于1个block
* 返 回 值: 0 : 出错; 1 : 成功
uint8_t PG_ReadBuf(const char *_Algo, uint32_t _FlashAddr, uint8_t *_Buff, uint32_t _Size)
uint8_t re = 0;
if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWD_ARM)
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SWIM_STM8)
re = STM8_FLASH_ReadBuf(_FlashAddr, _Buff, _Size);
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_NUVOTON_8051)
re = N76E_ReadBuf(_FlashAddr, _Buff, _Size);
else if (g_tProg.ChipType == CHIP_SPI_FLASH)
re = W25Q_ReadBuf(_FlashAddr, _Buff, _Size);
return re;
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