eLua has a wide and varied audience, from highly skilled developers
that want to extend their programs with the Lua library facilities and
portable features, to the newcomer to the embedded world, who wants an
easy and powerfull environment for prototyping, rapid application
development, educational or final product quick production.<br><br>eLua
allows new embedded world programmers to use the simplicity and
powerfullness of the Lua programming language to hide low-level
complexities and platform/architecture-dependent features. A whole new
class of embedded programmers, with no deep knowledge of the peripheral
details but with powerfull aplications in mind is now possible.<br><br>On
the other edge of the category, oldtime and skilled embedded developers
can port modules to new platforms, offering a degree of portability
never dreamed before on the embedded world.<br><br>eLua audience would be among one or more of the following categories:<br><ul><li>Embedded developers that are looking for a fast, easy to use and powerful way of coding.</li><li>First-time
embedded programmers (or simply first time programmers) that are
looking for an easy way to "dive" into the embedded programming world.
eLua is a great learning tool.</li><li>People that aren't really
developers, but want to be able to prototype an embedded system
fast and painless, without having to learn C for that.</li><li>Embedded
developers that need powerfull meta-language mecanisms for complex code
algorithms and data description, not offered by the languages available
to the embedded development world.</li><li>Field
engineers that can go their customer site and debug an eLua module on
site, without any preparation at all, since the whole development
environment resides on chip already.</li></ul><br>