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-- eLua components description
module( ..., package.seeall )
local at = require "attributes"
local gen = require "generators"
local sf = string.format
-- Sermux support
local function sermux_auxcheck( eldesc, data, enabled )
local v = data.SERMUX_BUFFER_SIZES.value
if #v < 2 then
return false, sf( "array 'buf_sizes' of element 'sermux' in section 'components' must have at least 2 elements" )
return true
local function sermux_auxgen( eldesc, data, generated )
local v = data.SERMUX_BUFFER_SIZES.value
return gen.print_define( 'SERMUX_NUM_VUART', #v )
-- MMCFS support
local function mmcfs_auxcheck( eldesc, data, enabled )
local ports, pins, spis = data.MMCFS_CS_PORT.value, data.MMCFS_CS_PIN.value, data.MMCFS_SPI_NUM.value
if #ports ~= #pins or #pins ~= #spis then
return false, "non-equal sizes for values of 'cs_port', 'cs_pin' and 'spi' of element 'mmcfs' in secetion 'components'"
return true
local function mmcfs_gen( eldesc, data, generated )
local ports, pins, spis = data.MMCFS_CS_PORT.value, data.MMCFS_CS_PIN.value, data.MMCFS_SPI_NUM.value
local data = ''
if #ports == 1 then -- single card
data = data .. gen.print_define( 'MMCFS_CS_PORT', ports[ 1 ] )
data = data .. gen.print_define( 'MMCFS_CS_PIN', pins[ 1 ] )
data = data .. gen.print_define( 'MMCFS_SPI_NUM', spis[ 1 ] )
else -- multiple cards
data = data .. gen.print_define( 'MMCFS_CS_PORT_ARRAY', ports )
data = data .. gen.print_define( 'MMCFS_CS_PIN_ARRAY', pins )
data = data .. gen.print_define( 'MMCFS_SPI_NUM_ARRAY', spis )
return data
-- Shell support
-- Mapping between shell commands and their corresponding functions in shell.c
local shell_cmd_map = {
help = "shell_help", lua = "shell_lua", recv = "shell_recv", ver = "shell_ver",
exit = "NULL", ls = "shell_ls", dir = "shell_ls", cat = "shell_cat",
type = "shell_cat", cp = "shell_cp", wofmt = "shell_wofmt", mkdir = "shell_mkdir",
rm = "shell_adv_rm", mv = "shell_adv_mv"
local function shell_gen( eldesc, data, generated )
local cmds, advv = data._DUMMY_SHELL_DATA.value, data.BUILD_ADVANCED_SHELL.value
local data = '#define SHELL_COMMAND_LIST\\\n'
for i, c in pairs( cmds ) do
data = data .. sf(' { "%s", %s },\\\n', c, shell_cmd_map[c] )
data = data .. " { NULL, NULL }\n"
if advv == 1 then data = data .. "#define BUILD_ADVANCED_SHELL\n" end
return data
-- Return a CDC component
-- This should be included by each backend that supports USB UARTs
function cdc_uart()
return {
macro = "BUILD_USB_CDC",
attrs = {
buf_size = at.make_optional( at.int_log2_attr( 'CDC_BUF_SIZE', 2 ) )
-- Public interface
-- Build all components needed by eLua, save them in the "components" table
function init()
local components = {}
-- Serial console
components.sercon = {
attrs = {
uart = at.uart_attr( 'CON_UART_ID' ),
speed = at.int_attr( 'CON_UART_SPEED' ),
timer = at.timer_attr( 'CON_TIMER_ID' ),
flow = at.flow_control_attr( 'CON_FLOW_TYPE' ),
buf_size = at.make_optional( at.int_log2_attr( 'CON_BUF_SIZE' ) )
-- TCP/IP console
components.tcpipcon = { macro = 'BUILD_CON_TCP', needs = 'tcpip' }
-- UART buffering
-- Not really a component, not quite a config ... Implementation wise,
-- it is easier to declare it as a component
components.uart_buffers = { macro = 'BUF_ENABLE_UART' }
components.xmodem = {
macro = 'BUILD_XMODEM',
attrs = {
uart = at.uart_attr( 'CON_UART_ID' ),
speed = at.int_attr( 'CON_UART_SPEED' ),
timer = at.timer_attr( 'CON_TIMER_ID' ),
flow = at.flow_control_attr( 'CON_FLOW_TYPE'),
buf_size = at.make_optional( at.int_log2_attr( 'CON_BUF_SIZE' ) )
-- Shell
local shell_cmds_attr = at.choice_attr( '_DUMMY_SHELL_DATA', utils.table_keys( shell_cmd_map ), utils.table_keys( shell_cmd_map ))
components.shell = { macro = 'BUILD_SHELL',
attrs = {
commands = at.array_of( shell_cmds_attr, false ),
advanced = at.bool_attr( 'BUILD_ADVANCED_SHELL', false )
gen = shell_gen
-- Term
components.term = {
macro = 'BUILD_TERM',
attrs = {
uart = at.uart_attr( 'CON_UART_ID' ),
speed = at.int_attr( 'CON_UART_SPEED' ),
timer = at.timer_attr( 'CON_TIMER_ID' ),
flow = at.flow_control_attr( 'CON_FLOW_TYPE' ),
buf_size = at.make_optional( at.int_log2_attr( 'CON_BUF_SIZE' ) ),
lines = at.int_attr( 'TERM_LINES' ),
cols = at.int_attr( 'TERM_COLS' )
-- C interrupt support
components.cints = { macro = 'BUILD_C_INT_HANDLERS' }
-- Lua interrupt support
components.luaints = {
attrs = {
queue_size = at.int_log2_attr( 'PLATFORM_INT_QUEUE_LOG_SIZE', nil, nil, 5 )
needs = 'cints'
-- Linenoise
components.linenoise = {
attrs = {
shell_lines = at.int_attr( 'LINENOISE_HISTORY_SIZE_SHELL' ),
lua_lines = at.int_attr( 'LINENOISE_HISTORY_SIZE_LUA' ),
autosave_file = at.make_optional( at.string_attr( 'LINENOISE_AUTOSAVE_FNAME', 32 ) )
-- RFS
components.rfs = {
macro = 'BUILD_RFS',
attrs = {
uart = at.uart_attr( 'RFS_UART_ID' ),
speed = at.int_attr( 'RFS_UART_SPEED' ),
timer = at.timer_attr( 'RFS_TIMER_ID' ),
flow = at.flow_control_attr( 'RFS_FLOW_TYPE' ),
buf_size = at.int_log2_attr( 'RFS_BUFFER_SIZE', nil, nil, 9 ),
timeout = at.int_attr( 'RFS_TIMEOUT', nil, nil, 100000 )
components.mmcfs = {
macro = 'BUILD_MMCFS',
auxcheck = mmcfs_auxcheck,
gen = mmcfs_gen,
attrs = {
cs_port = at.array_of( at.int_attr( 'MMCFS_CS_PORT' ), true ),
cs_pin = at.array_of( at.int_attr( 'MMCFS_CS_PIN' ), true ),
spi = at.array_of( at.int_attr( 'MMCFS_SPI_NUM' ), true )
-- RPC
-- (values are optional, since they are required only if booting in RPC mode)
components.rpc = {
macro = 'BUILD_RPC',
attrs = {
uart = at.make_optional( at.uart_attr( 'RPC_UART_ID' ) ),
speed = at.make_optional( at.int_attr( 'RPC_UART_SPEED' ) ),
timer = at.make_optional( at.timer_attr( 'RPC_TIMER_ID' ) )
components.tcpip = {
macro = 'BUILD_UIP',
attrs = {
ip = at.ip_attr( 'ELUA_CONF_IPADDR' ),
netmask = at.ip_attr( 'ELUA_CONF_NETMASK' ),
gw = at.ip_attr( 'ELUA_CONF_DEFGW' ),
dns = at.ip_attr( 'ELUA_CONF_DNS' )
-- Serial multiplexer
components.sermux = {
macro = 'BUILD_SERMUX',
auxgen = sermux_auxgen,
auxcheck = sermux_auxcheck,
attrs = {
uart = at.uart_attr( 'SERMUX_PHYS_ID' ),
speed = at.int_attr( 'SERMUX_PHYS_SPEED' ),
flow = at.flow_control_attr( 'SERMUX_FLOW_TYPE' ),
buf_sizes = at.array_of( at.int_log2_attr( 'SERMUX_BUFFER_SIZES' ) )
-- ADC
components.adc = {
macro = 'BUILD_ADC',
attrs = {
buf_size = at.make_optional( at.int_log2_attr( 'ADC_BUF_SIZE' ) )
-- DNS client
components.dns = { macro = 'BUILD_DNS', needs = 'tcpip' }
-- DHCP client
components.dhcp = { macro = 'BUILD_DHCPC', needs = 'tcpip' }
components.romfs = { macro = 'BUILD_ROMFS' }
components.wofs = { macro = "BUILD_WOFS" }
components.niffs = {
macro = "BUILD_NIFFS",
attrs = {
linear_area = at.make_optional( at.bool_attr( 'NIFFS_LINEAR_AREA' ) )
-- All done
return components