2010-10-05 15:44:48 +00:00
// $$HEADER$$
eLua project status
The current status of eLua is given by the list of the currently supported platforms, together with a list of modules-per-platform and their development
phase. For better formatting, the lists are organized as tables that use the graphical notation given below:
[width="70%", cols="^1,<4", options="header"]
| Symbol ^| Meaning
| _sok | Implemented and tested
| _snt | Implemented, needs more testing
| _sni | Not yet implemented
| _sna | Not applicable
eLua suported platforms
The list of CPUs and boards currently supported by eLua is given below:
[width="70%", cols="<2, <3, <3, <3, ^1", options="header"]
2010-10-05 18:49:14 +00:00
^| CPU ^| Architecture ^| Platform name ^| Supported boards ^| Status
2010-10-05 15:44:48 +00:00
| _LM3S8962 | Cortex-M3 o| LM3S | _EK-LM3S8962 | _sok
| _LM3S6965 | Cortex-M3 o| LM3S | _EK-LM3S6965 | _sok
| _LM3S6918 | Cortex-M3 o| LM3S | _Eagle-100 | _sok
| _LM3S9B92 | Cortex-M3 o| LM3S | _EK-LM3S9B92 | _sok
| _AT32UC3A0512 | AVR32 o| AVR32 | _ATEVK1100 | _sok
| _AT91SAM7X256 | ARM7TDMI o| AT91SAM7X | _SAM7-EX256 | _sok
| _AT91SAM7X512 | ARM7TDMI o| AT91SAM7X | None | _snt
| _LPC2468 | ARM7TDMI o| LPC24xx | _PUC-RioDemo | _sok
| _LPC2888 | ARM7TDMI o| LPC288x | _LPC-H2888 | _sok
| _STR711FR2 | ARM7TDMI o| STR7 | _MOD711 | _sok
| _STR912FAW44 | ARM966E-S o| STR9 | _STR9-comStick | _sok
| _STR912FAW44 | ARM966E-S o| STR9 | _STR-E912 | _sok
| _STM32F103ZE | Cortex-M3 o| STM32 | _STM3210E-EVAL | _sok
| _STM32F103RE | Cortex-M3 o| STM32 | _ET-STM32Stamp | _sok
| _i386 | x86 o| i386 | PCs/emulators | _sok
// | _LPC1768 | Cortex-M3 o| LPC17xx | _mbed | _sok
eLua modules x MCUs
The relationship between a module and its implementation on a particular platform is given in the next table.
[width="70%", cols="<4, ^1, ^1, ^1, ^1, ^1, ^1, ^1, ^1, ^1, ^1, ^1, ^1, ^1, ^1, ^1", options="header"]
^| MCU 15+| Module
2010-10-05 18:49:14 +00:00
| g| pio g| spi g| uart g| tmr g| pwm g| net g| cpu g| adc g| pd g| term g| bit g| pack g| can g| rpc g|mmc
2010-10-05 15:44:48 +00:00
| _LM3S8962 | _sok | _snt | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sni | _snt | _sok
| _LM3S6965 | _sok | _snt | _sok | _sok | _snt | _snt | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sna | _sok | _sok
| _LM3S6918 | _sok | _snt | _sok | _sok | _sna | _snt | _sok | _snt | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sna | _snt | _sni
| _LM3S9B92 | _sok | _snt | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _snt | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sni | _snt | _sok
| _AT32UC3A0512 | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sni | _sni | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sna | _sni | _sni
| _AT91SAM7X256 | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sni | _sni | _sni
| _AT91SAM7X512 | _snt | _sni | _snt | _snt | _snt | _sni | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sni | _sni | _sni
| _LPC2468 | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sni | _sni | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sni | _sni | _sni
| _LPC2888 | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sna | _sni | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sna | _sni | _sni
| _STR711FR2 | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _snt | _sna | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sna | _sni | _sni
| _STR912FAW44 | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sni | _sni | _sni
| _STM32F103ZE | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sni | _sni | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sni | _sni | _sni
| _STM32F103RE | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sni | _sni | _sok | _sni | _sok | _sok | _sok | _sok | _snt | _sni | _sni
| _i386 | _sna | _sna | _sni | _sni | _sna | _sni | _sni | _sna | _sok | _sni | _sni | _sni | _sna | _sni | _sni
eLua modules
The following table shows a list of the generic modules currently implemented (and planned to be implemented) in eLua.
[width="70%", cols="<1, <5, ^1", options="header"]
2010-10-05 18:49:14 +00:00
|Name ^|Description | Status
2010-10-05 15:44:48 +00:00
o|pio | programmable input/output | _sok
o|tmr | periodic timer / counters | _sok
o|pwm | pulse width modulation | _sok
o|uart | universal asynchronous receiver transmitter | _sok
o|spi | serial peripheral interface | _sok
o|net | TCP/IP networking | _sok
o|adc | analog to digital converter | _sok
o|dac | digital to analog converter | _sni
o|cpu | low level system access | _sok
o|pd | platform data | _sok
o|term | ANSI terminal access | _sok
o|bit | bitwise operations | _sok
o|pack | pack/unpack binary data | _sok
o|cmp | analog comparator | _sni
o|i2c | inter-integrated circuit protocol | _sni
o|cnt | event counter | _sni
o|can | controller area network | _snt
o|rpc | remote procedure call | _snt
o|i2s | inter-IC sound | _sni
o|mmc | SD/MMC card FAT file system | _sok
o|disp | LCD, OLED and other displays support | _sok
o|int | interrupt service routines | _sni
2010-10-05 18:49:14 +00:00
For some platforms, a number of platform dependent modules are implemented (or in the works) and are listed below. To understand the difference between generic
modules and platform specific modules, check link:arch_overview.html[the eLua architecture page].
2010-10-05 22:45:26 +00:00
[width="70%", cols="<.^1, <.^4, <.^3, ^.^1", options="header"]
2010-10-05 18:49:14 +00:00
^| Name ^| Description ^| Boards ^| Status
o| disp | OLED display support | _EK-LM3S8962 _br _EK-LM3S6965 | _sok
o| pio | Platform specific PIO support | _STR-E912 _br _STR9-comStick | _sok
Status of features and roadmap
The following table shows the status of some existing and planned eLua features.
[width="70%", cols="<6,^1", options="header"]
| Feature | Status
| Full Lua interpreter running on target | _sok
| Embedded HTTP web server | _sok
| Various Lua examples and eLua apps running properly | _sok
| Lua floating point or integer number selection | _sok
| eLua FP module (for integer Lua) | _sni
| XMODEM protocol support for console file transfer | _sok
| Embedded ROM (Flash) file system | _sok
| link:fatfs.html[FAT File System layer for mmc/sd cards] | _sok
| link:using.html#rpc[LuaRPC - Remote Procedure Calls] | _snt
| link:using.html#uart[Terminal / Console over UART or Ethernet] | _sok
| link:using.html#shell[eLua command shell] | _sok
| eLua complete interrupt support | _sni
| link:arch_ltr.html[eLua LTR (Lua Tiny RAM) patch] | _sok
| link:elua_egc.html[eLua EGC (Emergency Garbage Collection) patch] | _sok
| Embedded text editor | _sni
| Embedded help/doc subsystem | _sni
| Lua debugging (remote/on target) | _sni
| Host (PC) File Sharing | _sni
| GUI/IDE interface for eLua | _sni
| eLua web build service | _snt
2010-10-05 15:44:48 +00:00
// $$FOOTER$$