2011-05-06 06:49:21 -03:00
require " lfs "
require " eluadoc "
require " md5 "
-- Uncomment this when generating offline docs
local is_offline = true
-- Languages in the system
-- NOTE: "en" must ALWAYS be the first entry in this array!
-- NOTE: all languages must be given in lowercase only!
-- ## Obs: PT going offline in July 2010 for lack of support.
-- We hope to offer it again and I'll keep maintaining (offline) what I can.
--languages = { "en", "pt" }
languages = { " en " }
-- Reverse lookup (language to idx) dictionary
local langidx = { }
for k , v in ipairs ( languages ) do
langidx [ v ] = k
local sf = string.format
local cache_invalid = false
-- Indexes into our menu table (defined in docdata.lua)
name_idx , link_idx , submenu_idx , title_idx = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
-- "getstr" support (return strings in different languages)
-- If defaults to english (but gives a warning) if the string isn't found in the given language
-- This table keeps the strings we already emitted warnings for
-- After all, we don't want to drive the user crazy
local warned = { }
function getstr ( str , lang )
-- Get the language index from langidx
local idx = langidx [ lang ]
if not idx then error ( string.format ( " Invalid language %s " , lang ) ) end
-- Look from the string in the "translations" table
local where
for _ , v in ipairs ( translations ) do
if v [ 1 ] == str then
where = v
if not where then error ( string.format ( " String %s not found in translations " , str ) ) end
-- Try to return the value in the specified language
-- If not possible, return the value in english, but issue a warning first
local res = where [ idx ]
if not res then
res = where [ 1 ]
if not warned [ str ] then
print ( string.format ( " *** WARNING: translation for '%s' in language '%s' not found! " , str , lang ) )
warned [ str ] = true
return res
-- Generic helper functions
-- Remove anchor from a link of the form a/b.../baselink.html#anchor
local function get_base_link ( name )
return ( name : gsub ( " #.* " , " " ) )
-- Get the menu field for a given item and language
-- Returns the english name is the field for the specified language can't be found
local function get_menu_field ( menuitem , lang , fieldidx )
if not menuitem [ fieldidx ] then
return nil
if type ( menuitem [ fieldidx ] ) == " string " then
return menuitem [ fieldidx ]
local lidx = langidx [ lang ]
return menuitem [ fieldidx ] [ lidx ] or menuitem [ fieldidx ] [ 1 ]
-- Get the menu name for a given menu item and a language
-- Returns the english name if the name for the specified language can't be found
local function get_menu_name ( menuitem , lang )
return get_menu_field ( menuitem , lang , name_idx )
-- Get the link for a given menu item and a language
-- Returns the english name if the name for the specified language can't be found
-- If the link field doesn't exists, the name is returned instead
local function get_menu_title ( menuitem , lang )
return " " .. ( get_menu_field ( menuitem , lang , title_idx ) or get_menu_field ( menuitem , lang , name_idx ) )
-- Set "print" to print indented (with 2 spaces)
local oldprint
local function indent_print ( )
oldprint = print
print = function ( ... ) io.write ( " " ) ; oldprint ( ... ) end
-- Restore the "regular" print function
local function regular_print ( )
print = oldprint
-- File/directory operations helpers
-- Copy the given file to the 'dest' directory
-- Doesn't do error checking
local function copy_file ( fname , dst )
local destname = fname
if fname : find ( " / " ) then
-- Get only the filename from the path
local sidx
for f = # fname , 1 , - 1 do
if fname : sub ( f , f ) == " / " then
sidx = f
destname = fname : sub ( sidx + 1 )
local fsrc = io.open ( fname , " rb " )
local fdst = io.open ( string.format ( " %s/%s " , dst , destname ) , " wb " )
local data = fsrc : read ( " *a " )
fdst : write ( data )
fsrc : close ( )
fdst : close ( )
-- Copy the 'src' directory to the 'dst' directory, going recursively through
-- its content. Doesn't do error checking.
local function copy_dir_rec ( src , dst )
for f in lfs.dir ( src ) do
local oldf = string.format ( " %s/%s " , src , f )
local attrs = lfs.attributes ( oldf )
if attrs.mode == ' directory ' and f ~= " . " and f ~= " .. " and f ~= " .svn " and f ~= " .git " then
local newdir = string.format ( " %s/%s " , dst , f )
lfs.mkdir ( newdir )
copy_dir_rec ( oldf , newdir )
elseif attrs.mode == ' file ' then
copy_file ( oldf , dst )
-- Remove a directory recusively
-- USE WITH CARE!! Doesn't do much checks :)
local function rm_dir_rec ( dirname )
for f in lfs.dir ( dirname ) do
local ename = string.format ( " %s/%s " , dirname , f )
local attrs = lfs.attributes ( ename )
if attrs.mode == ' directory ' and f ~= ' . ' and f ~= ' .. ' then
rm_dir_rec ( ename )
elseif attrs.mode == ' file ' or attrs.mode == ' named pipe ' or attrs.mode == ' link ' then
os.remove ( ename )
lfs.rmdir ( dirname )
-- Copy a directory to another directory
local function copy_dir ( src , dst )
local newdir = string.format ( " %s/%s " , dst , src )
lfs.mkdir ( newdir )
copy_dir_rec ( src , newdir )
-- Cache helpers
local function read_md5 ( filename )
local fullname = string.format ( " cache/%s.cache " , filename )
local f = io.open ( fullname , " rb " )
if not f then return " " end
local d = f : read ( " *a " )
f : close ( )
return d
local function write_md5 ( filename , d )
local fullname = string.format ( " cache/%s.cache " , filename )
local f = io.open ( fullname , " wb " )
if not f then return false end
f : write ( d )
f : close ( )
return true
local function file_md5 ( filename )
local f = io.open ( filename , " rb " )
if not f then return " " end
local d = f : read ( " *a " )
f : close ( )
return md5.sumhexa ( d )
-- Table utils (from http://lua-users.org/wiki/TableUtils)
function table . val_to_str ( v )
if " string " == type ( v ) then
v = string.gsub ( v , " \n " , " \\ n " )
if string.match ( string.gsub ( v , " [^' \" ] " , " " ) , ' ^"+$ ' ) then
return " ' " .. v .. " ' "
return ' " ' .. string.gsub ( v , ' " ' , ' \\ " ' ) .. ' " '
return " table " == type ( v ) and table.tostring ( v ) or tostring ( v )
function table . key_to_str ( k )
if " string " == type ( k ) and string.match ( k , " ^[_%a][_%a%d]*$ " ) then
return k
return " [ " .. table.val_to_str ( k ) .. " ] "
function table . tostring ( tbl )
local result , done = { } , { }
for k , v in ipairs ( tbl ) do
table.insert ( result , table.val_to_str ( v ) )
done [ k ] = true
for k , v in pairs ( tbl ) do
if not done [ k ] then
table.insert ( result ,
table.key_to_str ( k ) .. " = " .. table.val_to_str ( v ) )
return " { " .. table.concat ( result , " , " ) .. " } "
-- Build the list of files that must be processed starting from the menu data
-- Traverse a second (or higher) level menu and add relevant information to flist
local function traverse_list ( item , parentid , flist )
if not item [ link_idx ] then return end
local base = get_base_link ( item [ link_idx ] )
if base ~= " " and not flist [ base ] then
flist [ base ] = { parentid = parentid , item = item }
if item [ submenu_idx ] then
for i = 1 , # item [ submenu_idx ] do
traverse_list ( item [ submenu_idx ] [ i ] , parentid , flist )
-- Iterate over the menu list, building the list of files that must be
-- processed by the doc generator. Returns a dictionary with list, parent_id
-- pairs where parent_id is the parent menu of link in themenu
local function get_file_list ( )
local flist = { }
for i = 1 , # themenu do
traverse_list ( themenu [ i ] , i , flist )
return flist
-- Returns true if the given string begins with the given substring, false otherwise
-- The comparation is case-insensitive
local function beginswith ( str , prefix )
return str : sub ( 1 , # prefix ) : lower ( ) == prefix : lower ( )
-- Build the navigation data for a given page
-- Helper function: format a link starting from language and link
-- Links marked as "#" ("null" links) are left alone
-- Links that begin with "http(s)://" are unchanged
local function get_link ( lang , link )
if link == " # " then
return " # "
elseif link : find ( " https?:// " ) == 1 then
return link
return string.format ( " %s_%s " , lang , link )
-- Helper for gen_html_nav: generate the submenu(s) for a given top level menu item
local function gen_submenus ( item , lang , level )
level = level or 1
local data = ' '
local lidx = langidx [ lang ]
local arrptr = ' '
for i = 1 , # item do
local l = item [ i ]
if l [ submenu_idx ] then
local link = l [ link_idx ]
local string_item = ( link == " " or not link ) and ' <li>%s<span class="folder">%s%s</span> \n ' or ' <li> <a href="%s">%s%s</a> \n '
data = data .. string.rep ( " " , level * 2 + 8 ) .. string.format ( string_item , get_link ( lang , l [ link_idx ] ) , arrptr , get_menu_name ( l , lang ) )
data = data .. string.rep ( " " , level * 2 + 8 ) .. " <ul> \n "
data = data .. gen_submenus ( l [ submenu_idx ] , lang , level + 1 )
data = data .. string.rep ( " " , level * 2 + 8 ) .. " </ul></li> \n "
if get_menu_name ( l , lang ) then
local link = l [ link_idx ]
local string_item = ( link == " " or not link ) and ' <li>%s<span class="folder">%s</span></li> \n ' or ' <li> <a href="%s">%s</a></li> \n '
data = data .. string.rep ( " " , level * 2 + 8 ) .. string.format ( string_item , get_link ( lang , l [ link_idx ] ) , get_menu_name ( l , lang ) )
return data
-- Generate the HTML menu structure for the given language and parentid
-- If "is_offline" is true, don't generate links to the counter and the BerliOS logo
local function gen_html_nav ( parentid , lang )
local htmlstr = [ [
< ul id = " menu-nav " >
] ]
local lidx = langidx [ lang ]
for i = 1 , # themenu do
local menudata = " "
local imginsert = " "
local styledef = i == # themenu and ' style="border-bottom-width: 0" ' or " "
local link = themenu [ i ] [ link_idx ]
local name = get_menu_name ( themenu [ i ] , lang )
if not link then
htmlstr = htmlstr .. string.format ( ' <li class="sep"%s>%s</li> \n ' , styledef , name )
local relname = string.gsub ( string.gsub ( string.format ( " s_%d_%s " , i , string.lower ( get_base_link ( link ) ) ) , " %s " , " _ " ) , " %.html " , " " )
-- If we have a submenu, update the HTML menu content part
if themenu [ i ] [ submenu_idx ] then
menudata = string.format ( [ [
< ul id = " %s " >
% s
</ ul >
] ] , relname , string.sub ( gen_submenus ( themenu [ i ] [ submenu_idx ] , lang ) , 1 , - 2 ) )
imginsert = ' '
if name then
if i == parentid then
-- If this is the parent, use a special style for it (<a class="current"> or <li class="current">, depending on the item type)
if themenu [ i ] [ submenu_idx ] then
local string_item = ( link == " " or not link ) and ' <li><span class="folder" %s rel="%s"%s>%s%s</span> \n %s </li> \n ' or ' <li><a class="current" href="%s" rel="%s"%s>%s%s</a> \n %s </li> \n '
htmlstr = htmlstr .. string.format ( string_item , get_link ( lang , link ) , relname , styledef , imginsert , name , menudata )
htmlstr = htmlstr .. string.format ( ' <li class="current"%s>%s%s \n %s </li> \n ' , styledef , imginsert , name , menudata )
local submenustr = themenu [ i ] [ submenu_idx ] and string.format ( ' rel="%s" ' , relname ) or " "
local string_item = ( link == " " or not link ) and ' <li> <span class="folder" %s %s%s>%s%s</span> \n %s </li> \n ' or ' <li> <a href="%s"%s%s>%s%s</a> \n %s </li> \n '
htmlstr = htmlstr .. string.format ( string_item , get_link ( lang , link ) , submenustr , styledef , imginsert , name , menudata )
offline_data = not is_offline and [ [
< p style = " margin-left: 35px; " >< a href = " http://www.pax.com/free-counters.html " >< img src = " http://counter.pax.com/counter/image?counter=ctr-zsg80nnmqt " alt = " Free Hit Counter " style = " border: 0; " /></ a ></ p >
< p style = " margin-left: 18px; " >< a href = " http://developer.berlios.de " title = " BerliOS Developer " > < img src = " http://developer.berlios.de/bslogo.php?group_id=9919 " width = " 124px " height = " 32px " style = " border: 0; " alt = " BerliOS Developer Logo " /></ a ></ p >
] ] or " "
htmlstr = htmlstr .. string.format ( [ [
</ ul >
% s
] ] , offline_data )
return htmlstr
-- Helper function: replace local links with links prefixed by language
local function language_for_links ( lang , orig )
-- Iterate through all the links in the document and change the local ones with
-- the correct language option
orig = orig : gsub ( [==[<a href=["'](.-)["']>]==] , function ( link )
if beginswith ( link , " # " ) or beginswith ( link , " http:// " ) or beginswith ( link , " https:// " ) or beginswith ( link , " ftp:// " ) then
return string.format ( ' <a href="%s"> ' , link )
return string.format ( ' <a href="%s_%s"> ' , lang , link )
end )
return orig
-- Build the logo for a given language
local function gen_logo ( fname , lang )
local numl = # languages
local langdata = ' '
for i = 1 , numl do
local crtlang = languages [ i ]
local hlang = crtlang : sub ( 1 , 1 ) : upper ( ) .. crtlang : sub ( 2 , - 1 )
if lang : lower ( ) == crtlang : lower ( ) then
langdata = langdata .. string.format ( ' <td align="center"><h6 class="selected"><img src="images/%s.jpg" alt="%s" style="border: 0;" /></h6></td> \n ' , hlang , crtlang )
langdata = langdata .. string.format ( ' <td align="center"><h6><a href="%s_%s" class="lang"><img src="images/%s.jpg" alt="%s" style="border: 0;" /></a></h6></td> \n ' , crtlang : lower ( ) , fname , hlang , crtlang )
return string.format ( [ [
] ] , getstr ( " eLua - Embedded Lua " , lang ) , numl + 1 , getstr ( " Search " , lang ) , getstr ( " Language " , lang ) , langdata : sub ( 1 , - 2 ) )
-- Generate an actual HTML page starting from a template
-- Replace the $$HEADER$$ and $$FOOTER$$ with proper data
local function gen_html_page ( fname , lang )
local entry = flist [ fname ]
local parentid = entry.parentid
local item = entry.item
-- Open and read file
local fullname = string.format ( " %s/%s " , lang , fname )
local f = io.open ( fullname , " rb " )
if not f then
fullname = fullname : gsub ( " %.html " , " %.txt " )
f = io.open ( fullname , " rb " )
if not f then
return nil , string.format ( " Error opening %s " , fullname )
local orig = f : read ( " *a " )
f : close ( )
-- Check cache
local cfilename = string.format ( " %s_%s " , lang , fname )
local oldsum = read_md5 ( cfilename )
local crtsum = md5.sumhexa ( orig )
if oldsum == crtsum then
if not cache_invalid then
return nil , " #cached# "
write_md5 ( cfilename , crtsum )
local asciimode = fullname : find ( " %.txt " )
-- Check the presence of $$HEADER$$ and $$FOOTER$$
if not orig : find ( " %$%$HEADER%$%$ " ) or not orig : find ( " %$%$FOOTER%$%$ " ) then
return nil , string.format ( " %s not formated properly ($$HEADER$$ or $$FOOTER$$ not found) " , fullname )
if not asciimode then
print " "
-- Anticipate some common errors and fix them directly
orig = orig : gsub ( " <br> " , " <br /> " )
orig = orig : gsub ( ' (<a name=[" \' ][^ \' "]-[" \' ]>)([^ \n ]-)</a>%s- \n ' , function ( anchor , data )
return anchor : gsub ( " > " , " /> " ) .. data .. " \n "
end )
orig = orig : gsub ( ' <p><pre><code>(.-)</code></pre></p> ' , " <pre><code>%1</code></pre> " )
orig = orig : gsub ( ' target="_blank" ' , " " )
print ( " (AsciiDoc mode) " )
-- Call "asciidoc" to generate the actual HTML
local tempname = fullname .. ' .temp '
os.execute ( sf ( " asciidoc -s -a icons -a 'newline= \\ n' -b xhtml11 -o %s %s " , tempname , fullname ) )
local resfile = io.open ( tempname , " rb " )
if not resfile then
return nil , sf ( " Unable to find the AsciiDoc generated file %s " , tempname )
orig = resfile : read ( " *a " )
resfile : close ( )
orig = " $$HEADER$$ \n " .. orig .. " $$FOOTER$$ \n "
os.remove ( tempname )
-- Replace local links with language-dependent links
orig = language_for_links ( lang , orig )
2011-05-22 16:40:40 -03:00
local main_header_title = " eLua Doc "
2011-05-06 06:49:21 -03:00
-- Generate actual data
local header = [ = [
< ! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC " -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN " " http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd " >
< html >
< head >
< meta charset = " utf-8 " >
< meta name = " subject " content = " eLua - Lua for the embedded world " />
< meta name = " Description " content = " eLua stands for Embedded Lua and the project aims to offer the full set of features of the Lua Programming Language to the embedded world. " />
< meta name = " Keywords " content = " eLua, lua, embedded, ARM, Cortex-M3, AVR32, ARM7TDMI, microcontroller, mcu, programming, electronics, tools, development " />
< script src = " js/jquery.js " type = " text/javascript " ></ script >
< script src = " js/jquery.cookie.js " type = " text/javascript " ></ script >
< script src = " js/jquery.treeview.js " type = " text/javascript " ></ script >
< link href = " css/style1.css " rel = " stylesheet " type = " text/css " >
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " css/jquery.treeview.css " />
< title > eLua - ] = ] .. get_menu_title ( item , lang ) .. [ = [ </ title >
< link REL = " SHORTCUT ICON " HREF = " images/eLua_16x16.ico " >
2011-12-02 19:02:59 -06:00
< script type = " text/javascript " >
var _gaq = _gaq || [ ] ;
_gaq.push ( [ ' _setAccount ' , ' UA-11834941-1 ' ] ) ;
_gaq.push ( [ ' _setDomainName ' , ' eluaproject.net ' ] ) ;
_gaq.push ( [ ' _trackPageview ' ] ) ;
( function ( ) {
var ga = document.createElement ( ' script ' ) ; ga.type = ' text/javascript ' ; ga.async = true ;
ga.src = ( ' https: ' == document.location . protocol ? ' https://ssl ' : ' http://www ' ) + ' .google-analytics.com/ga.js ' ;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName ( ' script ' ) [ 0 ] ; s.parentNode . insertBefore ( ga , s ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
</ script >
2011-05-06 06:49:21 -03:00
</ head >
< body id = " interna_2 " >
< ! --header-->
< div id = " header " >
< div class = " wrapper " >
< form method = " get " action = " http://www.google.com/search " class = " searchform " style = " margin-top:62px; " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " ie " value = " utf-8 " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " oe " value = " utf-8 " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " domains " value = " http://www.eluaproject.net " />
< input type = " hidden " name = " sitesearch " value = " http://www.eluaproject.net " />
< input class = " searchfield " type = " text " name = " q " maxlength = " 255 " value = " Search... " onfocus = " if (this.value == 'Search...') {this.value = '';} " onblur = " if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Search...';} " />
< input class = " searchbutton " type = " submit " value = " Go " />
</ form >
2011-05-17 16:18:31 -03:00
< h1 >< a href = " en_index.html " title = " eLua Project " >< img src = " images/logo_elua_menor.png " alt = " eLua Project " /></ a ></ h1 >
2011-05-06 06:49:21 -03:00
< ! --navegação-->
< div id = " nav_top " >
< ul class = " sections " >
2011-05-17 16:18:31 -03:00
< li >< a href = " http://www.eluaproject.net " > Site </ a ></ li >
2011-05-17 16:43:46 -03:00
< li >< a href = " http://www.eluaproject.net/get-started/downloads " > Downloads </ a ></ li >
2011-05-17 16:18:31 -03:00
< li >< a href = " http://www.eluaproject.net/doc " class = " selected " > Doc </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " http://wiki.eluaproject.net " > Wiki </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " http://builder.eluaproject.net " > Builder </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " http://tracker.eluaproject.net " > Tracker </ a ></ li >
2011-05-17 16:43:46 -03:00
< li >< a href = " http://www.github.com/elua " > Repos </ a ></ li >
2011-05-06 06:49:21 -03:00
</ ul >
</ div >
< ! --navegação-->
< ! --chamada-->
< div class = " chamada_elua " >
2011-05-22 16:40:40 -03:00
< h2 > ] = ] .. main_header_title .. [ = [ </ h2 >
2011-05-06 06:49:21 -03:00
</ div >
< ! --chamada-->
</ div >
< ! --header-->
</ div >
< div id = " article " >
< div class = " wrapper " >
< div class = " section_menu " >
< ! --conteudo Esquerda-->
] = ] .. gen_logo ( fname , lang ) .. " \n " .. gen_html_nav ( parentid , lang )
[ = [
< ! --conteudo esquerda-->
</ div >
< div class = " section_conteudo section_size " >
< ! --conteudo-->
< h1 > ] = ] .. get_menu_title ( item , lang ) .. [ = [ </ h1 >
] = ]
local footer = [ [
< ! --conteudo-->
</ div >
</ div >
< br />
</ div >
< ! --footer-->
< div id = " footer " >
< div class = " wrapper " >
< br />
< span class = " rodape " > © 2011 eLua Project . All rights reserved . </ span >
</ div >
< br />
</ div >
< ! --footer-->
< script type = " text/javascript " >
$ ( " #menu-nav " ) . treeview ( {
persist : " location " ,
collapsed : true ,
unique : true
} ) ;
</ script >
</ body >
</ html >
] ]
orig = orig : gsub ( " %$%$HEADER%$%$ " , header )
orig = orig : gsub ( " %$%$FOOTER%$%$ " , footer )
return orig
-- Documentation generator
-- Helper function: iterate through the menu and replace automatically generated content
local function replace_auto_content ( automenus , item )
if type ( item [ submenu_idx ] ) == " string " then
local r = automenus [ item [ submenu_idx ] ]
if not r then
return string.format ( " Autogenerated menu '%s' not found " , item [ submenu_idx ] )
print ( string.format ( " Replaced autogenerated menu '%s' " , item [ submenu_idx ] ) )
item [ submenu_idx ] = r
elseif type ( item [ submenu_idx ] ) == " table " then
for i = 1 , # item [ submenu_idx ] do
replace_auto_content ( automenus , item [ submenu_idx ] [ i ] )
-- Argument check
local args = { ... }
local destdir = " dist "
local destdiridx = 1
if # args > 2 then
print " Usage: buildall.lua [destdir] [-online] [-clean] "
print " Use -online to generate online documentation (includes BerliOS logo and counter) "
print " Use -clean to clear the cache and generate clean documentation "
local cleancache = false
for i = 1 , # args do
if args [ i ] == " -online " then
is_offline = false
elseif args [ i ] == " -clean " then
cleancache = true
destdir = args [ i ]
print ( sf ( " Using '%s' as the destination directory " , destdir ) ) ;
-- Read the documentation data
themenu , translations , fixed = dofile ( " docdata.lua " )
if not themenu or not translations or not fixed then
print " docdata.lua doesn't return the proper data, aborting. "
-- Add the content generated from eluadoc to our menu(s)
print " Generating HTML documentation... "
indent_print ( )
local automenus , genfiles = eluadoc.gen_html_doc ( )
if not automenus then return end
regular_print ( )
-- Replace content generated by gen_html_doc in the menu
for i = 1 , # themenu do
local replerr = replace_auto_content ( automenus , themenu [ i ] )
if replerr then
print ( replerr )
print ( " done " )
-- If the destination directory doesn't exist, create it
-- If it exists, remove it
local attr = lfs.attributes ( destdir )
if not attr then
if not lfs.mkdir ( destdir ) then
print ( string.format ( " Unable to create directory %s " , destdir ) )
if attr.mode ~= " directory " then
print ( string.format ( " %s is not a directory " , destdir ) )
rm_dir_rec ( destdir )
lfs.mkdir ( destdir )
-- If the cache must be cleared, do it now
if cleancache then
local attr = lfs.attributes ( ' cache ' )
if attr then
if attr.mode ~= " directory " then
print ( " 'cache' is not a directory " )
rm_dir_rec ( ' cache ' )
lfs.mkdir ( ' cache ' )
-- Create the cache directory if it doesn't exist
local attr = lfs.attributes ( ' cache ' )
if not attr then
if not lfs.mkdir ( ' cache ' ) then
print ( " Unable to create cache directory " )
-- Set the global "cache invalid" flag
-- It is set to 'true' if the content of docdata.lua changes
local crtdocsum = md5.sumhexa ( table.tostring ( themenu ) )
local oldsum = read_md5 ( " docdata " )
cache_invalid = crtdocsum ~= oldsum
if cache_invalid then
write_md5 ( " docdata " , crtdocsum )
print " Cache invalidated "
print " \n Processing HTML templates... "
indent_print ( )
flist = get_file_list ( )
for _ , lang in ipairs ( languages ) do
for fname , entry in pairs ( flist ) do
if fname : find ( " https?:// " ) ~= 1 then -- not a filename but a direct link
io.write ( string.format ( " Processing %s %s... " , fname , entry.item [ name_idx ] and " " or " (hidden entry) " ) )
local res , err = gen_html_page ( fname , lang )
if err == " #cached# " then
-- This file is already in the cache
print ( " (cached) " )
elseif not res then
print ( " *** " .. err )
local g = io.open ( string.format ( " cache/%s_%s " , lang , fname ) , " wb " )
if not g then
print ( string.format ( " Unable to open %s for writing " , fname ) )
g : write ( res )
g : close ( )
-- Copy file from cache to destination directory
local srcf = io.open ( string.format ( " cache/%s_%s " , lang , fname ) , " rb " )
local destf = io.open ( string.format ( " %s/%s_%s " , destdir , lang , fname ) , " wb " )
if not srcf or not destf then
print " Unable to copy file from cache to dist "
local content = srcf : read ( " *a " )
destf : write ( content )
srcf : close ( )
destf : close ( )
regular_print ( )
print " done "
-- Now copy the fixed content in the documentation directory
print " \n Copying fixed content ... "
indent_print ( )
for _ , v in ipairs ( fixed ) do
print ( string.format ( " Copying %s " , v ) )
if v : sub ( - 1 ) == " / " then
copy_dir ( v , destdir )
copy_file ( v , destdir )
regular_print ( )
print " done "
-- And delete the files generated by eluadoc
print " \n Cleaning up files generated by eluadoc... "
indent_print ( )
for _ , v in pairs ( genfiles ) do
print ( string.format ( " Deleting %s... " , v ) )
os.remove ( v )
regular_print ( )
print " done "
print ( string.format ( " \n Enjoy your documentation in %s :) " , destdir ) )