Generic info/eLua interrupt handlers: using interrupt handlers from Lua and C
Platform interface/CPU: updated CPU platform interface
Platform interface/Timers: updated timers platform interface
Generic modules/cpu: updated CPU module documentation
Generic modules/tmr: updated timer module documentation
eLua internals/Overview/Implementing interrupts: interrupt handlers implementation guide
Also minor bugfixes in the interrupt implementation.
- Added direct access to interrupt flags; an interrupt doesn't have to trigger a handler anymore, its flag(s) can be checked instead (platform_cpu_get_interrupt_flag).
- Added experimental C interrupt handlers support (NOT TESTED). It can be compiled and used separately from the Lua interrupt support implementation. Hint: src/elua_int.c, elua_int_set_c_handler and elua_int_get_c_handler, also BUILD_C_INT_HANDLERS (as opposed to BUILD_LUA_INT_HANDLERS).
- Added tmr.set_match_int function that sets a match interrupt on a timer (one-shot or cyclic). Also works on virtual timers. In fact, it currently works only on virtual timers, as none of the platforms have support for this operation with hardware timers.
-Added more interrupt support functions in the CPU module.
All of the above were implemented and tested on the ELUA-PUC board, and nothing else. As a side effect, THIS COMMIT BRAKES THE STR912 PORT! The port will be modified to take advantage of the new interrupt structure soon; until then, please don't update it.
- AsciiDoc doesn't work on automatically generated documentation (eluadoc/), just on the static content (but it will)
- Both AsciiDoc and the previous HTML versions are supported, HTML has priority over AsciiDoc
You need at least version 8.6.0 of AsciiDoc to test this.
To give an example of how cool AsciiDoc is, the News page (en/news.html) was rewritten in AsciiDoc format (en/news.txt).
If you can't see the beauty of writing HTML in such a way that the overall structure of the document remains clear and easy to understand, I reserve the right to question your mental health :)
And yes, the long term goal is to have everything written in AsciiDoc.
- ADC support should now work similarly to lpc17xx on lpc24xx
- uart setup updated to enable use of fractional adjustments to better match desired baud