// A Win32 implementation of the os_io.h interface #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "os_io.h" #include "remotefs.h" #include "eluarpc.h" int os_open( const char *pathname, int flags, int mode ) { int realflags = 0; // Translate RFS flags to POSIX flags realflags = eluarpc_replace_flag( flags, RFS_OPEN_FLAG_APPEND, _O_APPEND ); realflags |= eluarpc_replace_flag( flags, RFS_OPEN_FLAG_CREAT, _O_CREAT ); realflags |= eluarpc_replace_flag( flags, RFS_OPEN_FLAG_EXCL, _O_EXCL ); realflags |= eluarpc_replace_flag( flags, RFS_OPEN_FLAG_TRUNC, _O_TRUNC ); realflags |= eluarpc_replace_flag( flags, RFS_OPEN_FLAG_RDONLY, _O_RDONLY ); realflags |= eluarpc_replace_flag( flags, RFS_OPEN_FLAG_WRONLY, _O_WRONLY ); realflags |= eluarpc_replace_flag( flags, RFS_OPEN_FLAG_RDWR, _O_RDWR ); return _sopen( pathname, realflags | _O_BINARY, _SH_DENYNO, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE ); } u32 os_open_sys_flags_to_rfs_flags( int sysflags ) { int rfsflags = 0; // Translate RFS flags to POSIX flags rfsflags = eluarpc_replace_flag( sysflags, _O_APPEND, RFS_OPEN_FLAG_APPEND ); rfsflags |= eluarpc_replace_flag( sysflags, _O_CREAT, RFS_OPEN_FLAG_CREAT ); rfsflags |= eluarpc_replace_flag( sysflags, _O_EXCL, RFS_OPEN_FLAG_EXCL ); rfsflags |= eluarpc_replace_flag( sysflags, _O_TRUNC, RFS_OPEN_FLAG_TRUNC ); rfsflags |= eluarpc_replace_flag( sysflags, _O_RDONLY, RFS_OPEN_FLAG_RDONLY ); rfsflags |= eluarpc_replace_flag( sysflags, _O_WRONLY, RFS_OPEN_FLAG_WRONLY ); rfsflags |= eluarpc_replace_flag( sysflags, _O_RDWR, RFS_OPEN_FLAG_RDWR ); return rfsflags; } s32 os_write( int fd, const void *buf, u32 count ) { return ( s32 )_write( fd, buf, ( unsigned int )count ); } s32 os_read( int fd, void *buf, u32 count ) { return ( s32 )_read( fd, buf, ( unsigned int )count ); } int os_close( int fd ) { return _close( fd ); } s32 os_lseek( int fd, s32 offset, int whence ) { int realwhence = 0; // Translate RFS whence to POSIX whence switch( whence ) { case RFS_LSEEK_SET: realwhence = SEEK_SET; break; case RFS_LSEEK_CUR: realwhence = SEEK_CUR; break; case RFS_LSEEK_END: realwhence = SEEK_END; break; default: return -1; } return ( s32 )_lseek( fd, ( long )offset, realwhence ); } u32 os_lseek_sys_whence_to_rfs_whence( int syswhence ) { switch( syswhence ) { case SEEK_SET: return RFS_LSEEK_SET; case SEEK_CUR: return RFS_LSEEK_CUR; case SEEK_END: return RFS_LSEEK_END; } return 0; } int os_isdir( const char* name ) { DWORD attrs = GetFileAttributes( ( LPCTSTR )name ); if( attrs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES ) return 0; else return attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; } static WIN32_FIND_DATA win32_dir_data; static HANDLE win32_dir_hnd; static int found_last_file; u32 os_opendir( const char* name ) { if( name || strlen( name ) == 0 || ( strlen( name ) == 1 && !strcmp( name, "/" ) ) ) { TCHAR dirname[ MAX_PATH ]; strncpy( dirname, name, MAX_PATH ); strncat( dirname, "\\*", MAX_PATH ); win32_dir_hnd = FindFirstFile( dirname, &win32_dir_data ); found_last_file = 0; return win32_dir_hnd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ? 0 : ( u32 )win32_dir_hnd; } return 0; } void os_readdir( u32 d, const char **pname ) { static char realname[ RFS_MAX_FNAME_SIZE + 1 ]; *pname = NULL; if( found_last_file ) return; while( 1 ) { if( ( win32_dir_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) == 0 ) { realname[ 0 ] = realname[ RFS_MAX_FNAME_SIZE ] = '\0'; if( win32_dir_data.cFileName[ 0 ] ) strncpy( realname, win32_dir_data.cFileName, RFS_MAX_FNAME_SIZE ); else strncpy( realname, win32_dir_data.cAlternateFileName, RFS_MAX_FNAME_SIZE ); *pname = realname; } if( FindNextFile( win32_dir_hnd, &win32_dir_data ) == 0 ) found_last_file = 1; if( *pname || found_last_file ) break; } } int os_closedir( u32 d ) { return FindClose( win32_dir_hnd ) == 0 ? -1 : 0; }