
[gpio] pio


[gpio.setpinvalue] pio.setpin( value, Pin1, Pin2 ... ): set the value to all the pins in the list

  to "value" (0 or 1).


[gpio.setpinhigh] pio.set( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): set the value of all the pins in the list to 1.


[gpio.getpinvalue] Val1, Val2, ... = pio.get( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): reads one or more pins and returns

  their values (0 or 1).


[gpio.setpinlow] pio.clear( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): set the value of all the pins in the list to 0.


[gpio.configpin(gpio.DIR, gpio.DIR_INPUT)] pio.input( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): set the specified pin(s) as input(s).


[gpio.configpin(gpio.DIR, gpio.DIR_OUTPUT)] pio.output( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): set the specified pin(s) as output(s).


[gpio.setportvalue] pio.setport( value, Port1, Port2, ... ): set the value of all the ports in the

  list to "value".


[gpio.getportvalue] Val1, Val2, ... = pio.getport( Port1, Port2, ... ): reads one or more ports and

  returns their values.


[gpio.getportname] Port = pio.port( code ): return the physical port number associated with the given code. For example, "pio.port( pio.P0_20 )" will return 0.


[gpio.getpinnumber] Pin = code ): return the physical pin number associated with the

given code. For example, " pio.P0_20 )" will return 20.

[gpio.togglepin([Pin1], [Pin2], ...)]
[gpio.toggleport([Port1], [Port2], ...)]

Another idea (can be added to the above ?)
[gpio.configport(gpio.[FUNCTION], gpio.MASK, [MASK])]
  gpio.configpin(gpio.DIR, gpio.DIR_INPUT)    (.DIR_OUTPUT)
  gpio.configpin(gpio.PULL, gpio.PULL_UP)     (.PULL_DOWN, PULL_NO)

[gpio.configport(gpio.DIR, gpio.DIR_INPUT, [Port1], [Port2], ...)] pio.port_input( Port1, Port2, ... ): set the specified port(s) as input(s).


[gpio.configport(gpio.DIR, gpio.DIR_OUTPUT, [Port1], [Port2], ...)] pio.port_output( Port1, Port2, ... ): set the specified port(s) as output(s).


[gpio.configpin(gpio.PULL, gpio.PULL_UP, [Pin1], [Pin2], ...)] pio.pullup( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): enable internal pullups on the specified pins.Note that some CPUs might not provide this feature.


[gpio.configpin(gpio.PULL, gpio.PULL_DOWN, [Pin1], [Pin2], ...)] pio.pulldown( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): enable internal pulldowns on the specified pins. Note that some CPUs might not provide this feature.


[gpio.configpin(gpio.PULL, gpio.PULL_NO, [Pin1], [Pin2], ...)] pio.nopull( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): disable the pullups/pulldowns on the specifiedpins. Note that some CPUs might not provide this feature.

What is the real advantage/reason of having a pin "list" on some of these functions ? If we cannot build a table with them, there's really no great use of this, as we cannot create the list in run time and some other proposed functions solve the problem of avoiding more than one call for several pins.
A: It IS usefull and sometimes necessary so it will stay.....