
[uart.setup( id, baud, databits,


uart.STOPBITS_1 | uart.STOPBITS_1_5 | uart.STOPBITS_2 )]     Actual_baud = uart.setup( id, baud, databits,

uart.PAR_EVEN |uart.PAR_ODD | uart.PAR_NONE,

uart.STOP_1 | uart.STOP_1_5 | uart.STOP_2 ): set the UART interface with the

given parameters, returns the baud rate that was set for the UART.

[uart.send] uart.send( id, Data1, Data2, ... ): send all the data to the specified UART interface.

#### Data 1 only !?!!

[uart.recv( id, uart.TIMEOUT_NO | uart.TIMEOUT_INFINITE | timeout )        Data = uart.recv( id, uart.NO_TIMEOUT | uart.INF_TIMEOUT | timeout ): reads a

byte from the specified UART interface.