Downloading eLua

You have a few options for downloading eLua:

Binary images

Pre-built images of eLua can be downloaded for each official release. Only the latest official eLua release is covered in this paragraph. If you want to download a pre-built image from an older release (although this isn't generally advisable), check this page.

Choose the corresponding image file from the table below, flash it into your board, connect a serial terminal (or Ethernet if you board supports) and enjoy eLua. Please also note that eLua binaries, like the source code distribution, include some example programs in it's file system, so you can run and play (yes! we have games too! :) them , following the instructions in our Using eLua page. The available example programs are described in our examples page.

If you need a customized binary image for an already supported platform (for example with an autorun program, with some code of yours in the file system, with your LAN IP settings) and the instructions for building eLua didn't work for you, feel free to ask for one in our discussion list explaining what you need. We may find some time to build one for you and eventually make it available here too.

Official Latest Release Binaries

To understand what's in a file name (for example elua_lualong_lm3s8962.bin) check our building eLua page.

Version MCU Board Lua number type Image file
0.7 LM3S8962 EK-LM3S8962 double elua0.7_lua_lm3s8962.bin
0.7 LM3S6965 EK-LM3S6965 double elua0.7_lua_lm3s6965.bin
0.7 LM3S6918 Micromint Eagle 100 double elua0.7_lua_lm3s918.bin
0.7 LM3S9B92 EK-LM3S9B92 double elua0.7_lua_lm3s9b92.bin
0.7 AT91SAM7X256 SAM7-EX256 double elua0.7_lua_at91sam7x256.bin
0.7 AT91SAM7X512 None double elua0.7_lua_at91sam7x512.bin
0.7 AT32UC3A0512 ATEVK1100 double elua0.7_lua_at32uc3a0512.hex
0.7 LPC2888 LPC-H2888 double elua0.7_lua_lpc2888.bin
0.7 LPC2468 PUC-Rio eLua board double elua0.7_lua_lpc2468.hex
0.7 STR711FR2 MOD711 double elua0.7_lua_str711fr2.bin
0.7 STR912FAW44 STR-E912 double elua0.7_lua_str912faw44.bin
0.7 STM32F103RE ET-STM32 Stamp double elua0.7_lua_stm32f103re.bin
0.7 STM32F103ZE STM3210E-EVAL double elua0.7_lua_stm32f103ze.bin
0.7 i386 (generic) PCs/emulators double elua0.7_lua_i386.elf

NOTE: Lua number type refers to the built Lua interpreter number type, float or integer, as explained in the building eLua page.

Official Custom Build Binaries

Beside the regular eLua binary images (above), which also come bundled with examples on the rom file system, we offer here some custom build images with programs for specific boards and/or specific aplications. They are ready to be flashed directly on your kits and usually run automatically using our autorun feature (see booting eLua for details). If you own one of the supported boards listed below, just download a binary image, flash it on the kit and enjoy it. If you write nice and ilustrative programs, don't hesitate to share and we'll publish them in ready-to-use, custom built, binary images too.

Aplication description Board Image file
EK-LM3S8962 Games & Demos EK-LM3S8962 elua_games_EK-LM3S8962.bin
EK-LM3S6965 Games & Demos EK-LM3S6965 elua_games_EK-LM3S6965.bin (soon !)

Source code

If all you want is to take a quick peek at eLua's source code, but you don't need to download it, it's probably enough to use the BerliOS WebSVN interface. You can browse through the complete source of eLua using this method.
If you need to download the source code of eLua you can either:

Source code archives

Check the table below for the download link of the source code associated with the latest official release of eLua. If you want to get the source code of an older version, check out this page.

Version Source code archive
0.7 eLua 0.7

SVN public repository (anonymous read-only mode)

If you'd rather have the very last development ("bleeding edge") version, just check it out from our Subversion Repository:

$ svn checkout svn://svn.berlios.de/elua/trunk

Once checked out, the repository can be easily updated by the svn client command:

$ svn update

SVN public repository (authenticated login r/w mode, for developers)

Follow the steps below if you need write access to the eLua repository:

Then checkout the repository:

$ export SVN_SSH='ssh -l <yourberliosid>'
$ svn checkout svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/elua/trunk

Once checked out, the repository can be easily updated:

$ svn update