require "lfs" require "eluadoc" -- Uncomment this when generating offline docs -- local is_offline = true -- Languages in the system -- NOTE: "en" must ALWAYS be the first entry in this array! -- NOTE: all languages must be given in lowercase only! languages = { "en", "pt" } -- Reverse lookup (language to idx) dictionary local langidx = {} for k, v in ipairs( languages ) do langidx[ v ] = k end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Indexes into our menu table (defined in docdata.lua) name_idx, link_idx, submenu_idx , title_idx = 1, 2, 3, 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- "getstr" support (return strings in different languages) -- If defaults to english (but gives a warning) if the string isn't found in the given language -- This table keeps the strings we already emitted warnings for -- After all, we don't want to drive the user crazy local warned = {} function getstr( str, lang ) -- Get the language index from langidx local idx = langidx[ lang ] if not idx then error( string.format( "Invalid language %s", lang ) ) end -- Look from the string in the "translations" table local where for _, v in ipairs( translations ) do if v[ 1 ] == str then where = v break end end if not where then error( string.format( "String %s not found in translations" , str ) ) end -- Try to return the value in the specified language -- If not possible, return the value in english, but issue a warning first local res = where[ idx ] if not res then res = where[ 1 ] if not warned[ str ] then print( string.format( "*** WARNING: translation for '%s' in language '%s' not found!", str, lang ) ) warned[ str ] = true end end return res end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generic helper functions -- Remove anchor from a link of the form a/b.../baselink.html#anchor local function get_base_link( name ) return ( name:gsub( "#.*", "" ) ) end -- Get the menu field for a given item and language -- Returns the english name is the field for the specified language can't be found local function get_menu_field( menuitem, lang, fieldidx ) if not menuitem[ fieldidx ] then return nil else if type( menuitem[ fieldidx ] ) == "string" then return menuitem[ fieldidx ] else local lidx = langidx[ lang ] return menuitem[ fieldidx ][ lidx ] or menuitem[ fieldidx ][ 1 ] end end end -- Get the menu name for a given menu item and a language -- Returns the english name if the name for the specified language can't be found local function get_menu_name( menuitem, lang ) return get_menu_field( menuitem, lang, name_idx ) end -- Get the link for a given menu item and a language -- Returns the english name if the name for the specified language can't be found -- If the link field doesn't exists, the name is returned instead local function get_menu_title( menuitem, lang ) return get_menu_field( menuitem, lang, title_idx ) or get_menu_field( menuitem, lang, name_idx ) end -- Set "print" to print indented (with 2 spaces) local oldprint local function indent_print() oldprint = print print = function( ... ) io.write( " " ); oldprint( ... ) end end -- Restore the "regular" print function local function regular_print() print = oldprint end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File/directory operations helpers -- Copy the given file to the 'dest' directory -- Doesn't do error checking local function copy_file( fname, dst ) local destname = fname if fname:find( "/" ) then -- Get only the filename from the path local sidx for f = #fname, 1, -1 do if fname:sub( f, f ) == "/" then sidx = f break end end destname = fname:sub( sidx + 1 ) end local fsrc = fname, "rb" ) local fdst = string.format( "%s/%s", dst, destname ), "wb" ) local data = fsrc:read( "*a" ) fdst:write( data ) fsrc:close() fdst:close() end -- Copy the 'src' directory to the 'dst' directory, going recursively through -- its content. Doesn't do error checking. local function copy_dir_rec( src, dst ) for f in lfs.dir( src ) do local oldf = string.format( "%s/%s", src, f ) local attrs = lfs.attributes( oldf ) if attrs.mode == 'directory' and f ~= "." and f ~= ".." and f ~= ".svn" then local newdir = string.format( "%s/%s", dst, f ) lfs.mkdir( newdir ) copy_dir_rec( oldf, newdir ) elseif attrs.mode == 'file' then copy_file( oldf, dst ) end end end -- Remove a directory recusively -- USE WITH CARE!! Doesn't do much checks :) local function rm_dir_rec( dirname ) for f in lfs.dir( dirname ) do local ename = string.format( "%s/%s", dirname, f ) local attrs = lfs.attributes( ename ) if attrs.mode == 'directory' and f ~= '.' and f ~= '..' then rm_dir_rec( ename ) elseif attrs.mode == 'file' or attrs.mode == 'named pipe' or attrs.mode == 'link' then os.remove( ename ) end end lfs.rmdir( dirname ) end -- Copy a directory to another directory local function copy_dir( src, dst ) local newdir = string.format( "%s/%s", dst, src ) lfs.mkdir( newdir ) copy_dir_rec( src, newdir ) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Build the list of files that must be processed starting from the menu data -- Traverse a second (or higher) level menu and add relevant information to flist local function traverse_list( item, parentid, flist ) if not item[ link_idx ] then return end local base = get_base_link( item[ link_idx ] ) if base ~= "" and not flist[ base ] then flist[ base ] = { parentid = parentid, item = item } end if item[ submenu_idx ] then for i = 1, #item[ submenu_idx ] do traverse_list( item[ submenu_idx ][ i ], parentid, flist ) end end end -- Iterate over the menu list, building the list of files that must be -- processed by the doc generator. Returns a dictionary with list, parent_id -- pairs where parent_id is the parent menu of link in themenu local function get_file_list() local flist = {} for i = 1, #themenu do traverse_list( themenu[ i ], i, flist ) end return flist end -- Returns true if the given string begins with the given substring, false otherwise -- The comparation is case-insensitive local function beginswith( str, prefix ) return str:sub( 1, #prefix ):lower() == prefix:lower() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Build the navigation data for a given page -- Helper function: format a link starting from language and link -- Links marked as "#" ("null" links) are left alone local function get_link( lang, link ) return link == "#" and "#" or string.format( "%s_%s", lang, link ) end -- Helper for gen_html_nav: generate the submenu(s) for a given top level menu item local function gen_submenus( item, lang, level ) level = level or 1 local data = '' local lidx = langidx[ lang ] local arrptr = '' for i = 1, #item do local l = item[ i ] if l[ submenu_idx ] then data = data .. string.rep( " ", level * 2 + 8 ) .. string.format( '
', "%1
" )
orig = orig:gsub( 'target="_blank"', "" )
-- Generate actual data
local header = string.format( [=[