Building eLua

Up to date documentation of how to build eLua is always included in the eLua distributions, in the docs directory).

For your convenience, the building instructions are also provided on this page.


Before you start, you might want to check if the list of platform modules and eLua components are set according to your needs. See platform_modules and elua_components in the distro doc for details.

Building eLua

To build eLua you'll need:

For each platform, eLua assumes a certain name for the compiler/linker/assembler executable files, as shown below.

| Tool | Compiler | Linker | Assembler |
| Platform | | | |
| ARM (all) | arm-elf-gcc | arm-elf-gcc | arm-elf-gcc |
| i386 | i686-elf-gcc | i686-elf-gcc | nasm |
| Cortex-M3 | arm-elf-gcc | arm-elf-gcc | arm-elf-gcc |

If your toolchain uses different names, you have to modify the "" file from src/platform/[your platform].

To build, go to the directory where you unpacked your eLua distribution and invoke scons:

$ scons [target=lua | lualong] 
[cpu=at91sam7x256 | at91sam7x512 | i386 | str912fw44 | lm3s8962 |
lm3s6965 | lpc2888 | str711fr2 ]
[board=ek-lm3s8962 | ek-lm3s6965 | str9-comstick | sam7-ex256 | lpc-h2888 |
| mod711 | pc]
[cpumode=arm | thumb]
[allocator = newlib | multiple]

Your build target is specified by two paramters: cpu and board. "cpu" gives the name of your CPU, and "board" the name of the board. A board can be associated with more than one CPU. This allows the build system to be very flexible. You can use these two options together or separately, as shown below:

For board/CPU assignment look at the beginning of the SConstruct file from the base directory, it's self-explanatory.

The other options are as follows:

The output will be a file named elua[target][cpu].elf (and also another file with the same name but ending in .bin if "prog" was specified for platforms that need .bin files for programming). If you want the equivalent of a "make clean", invoke "scons" as shown above, but add a "-c" at the end of the command line. "scons -c" is also recommended after you change the list of modules/components to build for your target (see section "prerequisites" of this document), as scons seems to "overlook" the changes to these files on some occasions.

A few examples:

Clear previously built intermediate files.

$ scons cpu=at91sam7x256 -c 

Build eLua for the AT91SAM7X256 CPU. The board name is detected as sam7-ex256.

$ scons cpu=at91sam7x256

Build eLua for the SAM7-EX256 board. The CPU is detected as AT91SAM7X256.

$ scons board=sam7-ex256

Build eLua for the SAM7-EX256 board, but "overwrite" the default CPU. This is useful when you'd like to see how the specified board would behave with a different CPU (in the case of the SAM7-EX256 board it's possible to switch the on-board AT91SAM7X256 CPU for an AT91SAM7X512 which has the same pinout but comes with more Flash/RAM memory).

$ scons board=sam7-ex256 cpu=at91sam7x512

Build eLua for the lpc2888 CPU. The board name is detected as LPC-H2888. Also, the bin file required for target programming is generated.

$ scons cpu=lpc2888 prog