// Platform-specific functions #ifndef __PLATFORM_H__ #define __PLATFORM_H__ #include "devman.h" #include "type.h" #include "elua_int.h" // Error / status codes enum { PLATFORM_ERR, PLATFORM_OK, PLATFORM_UNDERFLOW = -1 }; // Platform initialization int platform_init(); void platform_int_init(); // ***************************************************************************** // PIO subsection // "Virtual ports": 16 ports (PA...PF), 32-bits each for a total of 512 I/O pins. // They are coded within a single integer, where the high part encodes the port // number, while the lower part encodes the pin number typedef u32 pio_type; typedef u32 pio_code; #define PLATFORM_IO_PORTS 16 #define PLATFORM_IO_PORTS_BITS 4 #define PLATFORM_IO_PINS 32 #define PLATFORM_IO_PINS_BITS 5 #define PLATFORM_IO_FULL_PORT_BIT 14 #define PLATFORM_IO_FULL_PORT_MASK ( 1 << PLATFORM_IO_FULL_PORT_BIT ) #define PLATFORM_IO_ENCODE( port, pin, full ) ( ( ( port ) << PLATFORM_IO_PINS_BITS ) | ( pin ) | ( ( full ) ? PLATFORM_IO_FULL_PORT_MASK : 0 ) ) #define PLATFORM_IO_GET_PORT( code ) ( ( ( code ) >> PLATFORM_IO_PINS_BITS ) & ( ( 1 << PLATFORM_IO_PORTS_BITS ) - 1 ) ) #define PLATFORM_IO_GET_PIN( code ) ( ( code ) & ( ( 1 << PLATFORM_IO_PINS_BITS ) - 1 ) ) #define PLATFORM_IO_IS_PORT( code ) ( ( ( code ) & PLATFORM_IO_FULL_PORT_MASK ) != 0 ) #define PLATFORM_IO_ALL_PINS 0xFFFFFFFFUL #define PLATFORM_IO_ENC_PORT 1 #define PLATFORM_IO_ENC_PIN 0 #define PLATFORM_IO_READ_IN_MASK 0 #define PLATFORM_IO_READ_OUT_MASK 1 enum { // Pin operations PLATFORM_IO_PIN_SET, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_CLEAR, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_GET, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_DIR_INPUT, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_PULLUP, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_PULLDOWN, PLATFORM_IO_PIN_NOPULL, // Port operations PLATFORM_IO_PORT_SET_VALUE, PLATFORM_IO_PORT_GET_VALUE, PLATFORM_IO_PORT_DIR_INPUT, PLATFORM_IO_PORT_DIR_OUTPUT }; // The platform I/O functions int platform_pio_has_port( unsigned port ); const char* platform_pio_get_prefix( unsigned port ); int platform_pio_has_pin( unsigned port, unsigned pin ); pio_type platform_pio_op( unsigned port, pio_type pinmask, int op ); // ***************************************************************************** // CAN subsection // Maximum length for any CAN message #define PLATFORM_CAN_MAXLEN 8 // eLua CAN ID types enum { ELUA_CAN_ID_STD = 0, ELUA_CAN_ID_EXT }; int platform_can_exists( unsigned id ); u32 platform_can_setup( unsigned id, u32 clock ); void platform_can_send( unsigned id, u32 canid, u8 idtype, u8 len, const u8 *data ); int platform_can_recv( unsigned id, u32 *canid, u8 *idtype, u8 *len, u8 *data ); // ***************************************************************************** // SPI subsection // There are 4 "virtual" SPI ports (SPI0...SPI3). #define PLATFORM_SPI_TOTAL 4 // SPI mode #define PLATFORM_SPI_MASTER 1 #define PLATFORM_SPI_SLAVE 0 // SS values #define PLATFORM_SPI_SELECT_ON 1 #define PLATFORM_SPI_SELECT_OFF 0 // SPI enable/disable #define PLATFORM_SPI_ENABLE 1 #define PLATFORM_SPI_DISABLE 0 // Data types typedef u32 spi_data_type; // The platform SPI functions int platform_spi_exists( unsigned id ); u32 platform_spi_setup( unsigned id, int mode, u32 clock, unsigned cpol, unsigned cpha, unsigned databits ); spi_data_type platform_spi_send_recv( unsigned id, spi_data_type data ); void platform_spi_select( unsigned id, int is_select ); // ***************************************************************************** // UART subsection // There are 4 "virtual" UART ports (UART0...UART3). #define PLATFORM_UART_TOTAL 4 // Parity enum { PLATFORM_UART_PARITY_EVEN, PLATFORM_UART_PARITY_ODD, PLATFORM_UART_PARITY_NONE }; // Stop bits enum { PLATFORM_UART_STOPBITS_1, PLATFORM_UART_STOPBITS_1_5, PLATFORM_UART_STOPBITS_2 }; // "Infinite timeout" constant for recv #define PLATFORM_UART_INFINITE_TIMEOUT (-1) // The platform UART functions int platform_uart_exists( unsigned id ); u32 platform_uart_setup( unsigned id, u32 baud, int databits, int parity, int stopbits ); void platform_uart_send( unsigned id, u8 data ); int platform_uart_recv( unsigned id, unsigned timer_id, s32 timeout ); int platform_s_uart_recv( unsigned id, s32 timeout ); // ***************************************************************************** // Timer subsection // There are 16 "virtual" timers (TMR0...TMR15) #define PLATFORM_TIMER_TOTAL 16 // Data types typedef u32 timer_data_type; // Interrupt types #define PLATFORM_TIMER_INT_ONESHOT 1 #define PLATFORM_TIMER_INT_CYCLIC 2 // Match interrupt error codes #define PLATFORM_TIMER_INT_OK 0 #define PLATFORM_TIMER_INT_TOO_SHORT 1 #define PLATFORM_TIMER_INT_INVALID_ID 2 // Timer operations enum { PLATFORM_TIMER_OP_START, PLATFORM_TIMER_OP_READ, PLATFORM_TIMER_OP_SET_CLOCK, PLATFORM_TIMER_OP_GET_CLOCK, PLATFORM_TIMER_OP_GET_MAX_DELAY, PLATFORM_TIMER_OP_GET_MIN_DELAY }; // The platform timer functions int platform_timer_exists( unsigned id ); void platform_timer_delay( unsigned id, u32 delay_us ); void platform_s_timer_delay( unsigned id, u32 delay_us ); u32 platform_timer_op( unsigned id, int op, u32 data ); u32 platform_s_timer_op( unsigned id, int op, u32 data ); int platform_timer_set_match_int( unsigned id, u32 period_us, int type ); int platform_s_timer_set_match_int( unsigned id, u32 period_us, int type ); u32 platform_timer_get_diff_us( unsigned id, timer_data_type end, timer_data_type start ); // ***************************************************************************** // PWM subsection // There are 16 "virtual" PWM channels (PWM0...PWM15) #define PLATFORM_PWM_TOTAL 16 // PWM operations enum { PLATFORM_PWM_OP_START, PLATFORM_PWM_OP_STOP, PLATFORM_PWM_OP_SET_CLOCK, PLATFORM_PWM_OP_GET_CLOCK }; // The platform PWM functions int platform_pwm_exists( unsigned id ); u32 platform_pwm_setup( unsigned id, u32 frequency, unsigned duty ); u32 platform_pwm_op( unsigned id, int op, u32 data ); // ***************************************************************************** // CPU specific functions #define PLATFORM_CPU_DISABLE 0 #define PLATFORM_CPU_ENABLE 1 // Interrupt functions return status #define PLATFORM_INT_OK 0 #define PLATFORM_INT_GENERIC_ERROR ( -1 ) #define PLATFORM_INT_INVALID ( -2 ) #define PLATFORM_INT_NOT_HANDLED ( -3 ) #define PLATFORM_INT_BAD_RESNUM ( -4 ) int platform_cpu_set_global_interrupts( int status ); int platform_cpu_get_global_interrupts(); int platform_cpu_set_interrupt( elua_int_id id, elua_int_resnum resnum, int status ); int platform_cpu_get_interrupt( elua_int_id id, elua_int_resnum resnum ); int platform_cpu_get_interrupt_flag( elua_int_id id, elua_int_resnum resnum, int clear ); u32 platform_cpu_get_frequency(); // ***************************************************************************** // The platform ADC functions enum { PLATFORM_ADC_GET_MAXVAL, PLATFORM_ADC_SET_SMOOTHING, PLATFORM_ADC_SET_BLOCKING, PLATFORM_ADC_SET_FREERUNNING, PLATFORM_ADC_IS_DONE, PLATFORM_ADC_OP_SET_TIMER, PLATFORM_ADC_OP_SET_CLOCK, }; // Functions requiring platform-specific implementation int platform_adc_update_sequence(); int platform_adc_start_sequence(); void platform_adc_stop( unsigned id ); u32 platform_adc_setclock( unsigned id, u32 frequency); // ADC Common Functions int platform_adc_exists( unsigned id ); int platform_adc_check_timer_id( unsigned id, unsigned timer_id ); u32 platform_adc_op( unsigned id, int op, u32 data ); // ***************************************************************************** // I2C platform interface // I2C speed enum { PLATFORM_I2C_SPEED_SLOW = 100000, PLATFORM_I2C_SPEED_FAST = 400000 }; // I2C direction enum { PLATFORM_I2C_DIRECTION_TRANSMITTER, PLATFORM_I2C_DIRECTION_RECEIVER }; int platform_i2c_exists( unsigned id ); u32 platform_i2c_setup( unsigned id, u32 speed ); void platform_i2c_send_start( unsigned id ); void platform_i2c_send_stop( unsigned id ); int platform_i2c_send_address( unsigned id, u16 address, int direction ); int platform_i2c_send_byte( unsigned id, u8 data ); int platform_i2c_recv_byte( unsigned id, int ack ); // ***************************************************************************** // Ethernet specific functions void platform_eth_send_packet( const void* src, u32 size ); u32 platform_eth_get_packet_nb( void* buf, u32 maxlen ); void platform_eth_force_interrupt(); u32 platform_eth_get_elapsed_time(); // ***************************************************************************** // Allocator support void* platform_get_first_free_ram( unsigned id ); void* platform_get_last_free_ram( unsigned id ); #endif