-- Acquire ADC samples as quickly as possible, without the use of a timer -- provides statistics on time and memory usage while running if pd.board() == "ET-STM32" then adcchannels = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15} adcsmoothing = {4, 4, 4, 4, 16, 16, 16, 16, 32, 32, 32, 32, 64, 128, 64, 128} numiter = 50 else adcchannels = {0,1,2,3} adcsmoothing = {4, 16, 64, 128} numiter = 200 end -- Setup ADC for i, v in ipairs(adcchannels) do adc.setblocking(v,1) -- block, waiting for samples when an adc.get* function is used adc.setclock(v,0) -- set clock to zero: no timer, acquire samples as fast as possible adc.setsmoothing(v,adcsmoothing[i]) -- apply moving average filter using lengths from adcsmoothing end -- Draw static text on terminal term.clrscr() term.gotoxy(1,1) term.putstr("ADC Status:") term.gotoxy(1,3) term.putstr(" CH SLEN RES") term.gotoxy(1,#adcchannels+7) term.putstr("Press ESC to exit.") -- Use some locals for speed local adcvals = {} local key, stime, etime, dtime, i, v local sample = adc.sample local insertsamples = adc.insertsamples local tread = tmr.read local tstart = tmr.start while true do stime = tstart(0) -- start timer for j=1,numiter do -- acuire numiter samples sample(adcchannels, 1) for i, v in ipairs(adcchannels) do insertsamples(v,adcvals,i,1) -- for each iteration j, get samples and put them in adcvals end end etime = tread(0) -- get cycle end time dtime = tmr.diff(0,etime,stime)/numiter -- compute average acquisition time per cycle -- draw last acquired samples on the console term.gotoxy(1,4) for i, v in ipairs(adcchannels) do term.putstr(string.format("ADC%02d (%03d): %04d\n", v, adcsmoothing[i],adcvals[i])) term.gotoxy(1,i+4) end -- draw acquisition statistics term.putstr(string.format("Tcyc: %06d (us)\n",dtime)) term.gotoxy(1,#adcchannels+5) term.putstr(string.format("Mem: %03.2f (kB)\n",collectgarbage("count"))) key = term.getch( term.NOWAIT ) if key == term.KC_ESC then break end -- exit if user hits Escape end term.clrscr() term.gotoxy( 1 , 1 )