-- A module to convert an entire directory to a C array, in the "romfs" format module( ..., package.seeall ) require "pack" local sf = string.format local b = require "utils.build" local utils = b.utils local _crtline = ' ' local _numdata = 0 local _bytecnt = 0 local maxlen = 30 local _fcnt = 0 local alignment = 4 local outfile -- Line output function local function _add_data( data, outfile, moredata ) if moredata == nil then moredata = true end _bytecnt = _bytecnt + 1 _fcnt = _fcnt + 1 if moredata then _crtline = _crtline .. sf( "0x%02X, ", data ) else _crtline = _crtline .. sf( "0x%02X", data ) end _numdata = _numdata + 1 if _numdata == 16 or not moredata then outfile:write( _crtline .. '\n' ) _crtline = ' ' _numdata = 0 end end -- dirname - the directory where the files are located. -- outname - the name of the C output -- flist - list of files -- mode - preprocess the file system: -- "verbatim" - copy the files directly to the FS as they are -- "compile" - precompile all files to Lua bytecode and then copy them -- "compile_raw" - precompile all files to Lua bytecode for direct loading, IE, leave as individual *.lc scripts -- "compress" - keep the source code, but compress it with LuaSrcDiet -- compcmd - the command to use for compiling if "mode" is "compile" -- Returns true for OK, false for error function mkfs( dirname, outname, flist, mode, compcmd ) -- Try to create the output files local outfname = outname .. ".h" outfile = io.open( outfname, "wb" ) if not outfile then print "Unable to create output file" return false end print( sf( "Generating file %s/%s", dirname, outfname ) ) _crtline = ' ' _numdata = 0 _bytecnt = 0 if mode ~= "compile_raw" then -- Generate headers outfile:write( "// Generated by mkfs.lua\n// DO NOT MODIFY\n\n" ) outfile:write( sf( "#ifndef __%s_H__\n#define __%s_H__\n\n", outname:upper(), outname:upper() ) ) outfile:write( sf( "const unsigned char %s_fs[] = \n{\n", outname:lower() ) ) end -- Process all files for _, fname in pairs( flist ) do if #fname > maxlen then print( sf( "Skipping %s (name longer than %d chars)", fname, maxlen ) ) else -- Get actual file name local realname = dirname .. utils.dir_sep .. fname -- Ensure it actually is a file if not utils.is_file( realname ) then print( sf( "Skipping %s ... (not found or not a regular file)", fname ) ) else -- Try to open and read the file local crtfile = io.open( realname, "rb" ) if not crtfile then outfile:close() os.remove( outfname ) print( sf( "Unable to read %s", fname ) ) return false end -- Do we need to process the file? local fextpart, fnamepart = '' if mode == "compile" or mode == "compile_raw" or mode == "compress" then fnamepart, fextpart = utils.split_ext( realname ) local newext = mode == "compress" and ".lua.tmp" or ".lc" if fextpart == ".lua" then newname = fnamepart .. newext if mode == "compress" then print( sf( "Compressing %s to %s ...", realname, newname ) ) else print( sf( "Cross compiling %s to %s ...", realname, newname ) ) end print( "Cross compile command:" .. sf( compcmd, newname, realname ) ) if os.execute( sf( compcmd, newname, realname ) ) ~= 0 then print "Cross-compilation error, aborting" outfile:close() crtfile:close() return false end crtfile:close() crtfile = io.open( newname, "rb" ) if not crtfile then outfile:close() os.remove( outfname ) print( sf( "Unable to read %s", newname ) ) return false end if mode == "compile" or mode == "compile_raw" then fnamepart, fextpart = utils.split_ext( fname ) fname = fnamepart .. ".lc" end end end local filedata = crtfile:read( '*a' ) crtfile:close() if fextpart == ".lua" and mode ~= "verbatim" and mode ~= "compile_raw" then os.remove( newname ) end if mode ~= "compile_raw" then -- Write name, size, id, numpars _fcnt = 0 for i = 1, #fname do _add_data( fname:byte( i ), outfile ) end _add_data( 0, outfile ) -- ASCIIZ local plen = string.pack( "