require("LM3S") function drawPaddle( y, color ) disp.stringdraw("|", 0, y, color) disp.stringdraw("|", 0, y+4, color) disp.stringdraw("|", 0, y+8, color) end function updateBallPos() if( bx >= 121 or bx <= 4) then dx = -dx; end if(( by >= 89 ) or ( by <= 0 )) then dy = -dy; end disp.stringdraw( ball, bx, by, 0 ) bx, by = ( bx + dx ), ( by + dy ); disp.stringdraw( ball, bx, by, 15 ) end function updatePaddlePos() if LM3S.btnpressed( LM3S.BTN_UP ) then if ( py > 0 ) then drawPaddle( py, 0 ) py = py - 1 drawPaddle( py, 11 ) end elseif LM3S.btnpressed( LM3S.BTN_DOWN ) then if ( py < 80 ) then drawPaddle( py, 0 ) py = py + 1 drawPaddle( py, 11 ) end else tmr.delay( 0, 400 ) -- Maintain function processing time aprox the same end end ------------ MAIN ------------ disp.init(1000000) term.clrscr() term.gotoxy( 5, 1 ) print( "Welcome to eLua Pong on a RIT display" ) disp.stringdraw( "eLua Pong", 30, 40, 11 ) tmr.delay ( 0, 2000000 ) highscore = 0 while (true) do play = false bx, by = 5, 48 dx, dy = 1, 1 py = 48 score = 0 dscore = 1 ball = "*" time = 10000 change = 0 disp.clear() drawPaddle( py, 11 ) while ( true ) do for i = 0, 1 do updatePaddlePos() tmr.delay ( 0, time ) end updateBallPos() if ( bx == 4 ) then if (( by+8 < py ) or ( by > py+16 )) then break else score = score + dscore end end if change == 0 then if LM3S.btnpressed( LM3S.BTN_RIGHT ) and time > 0 then change = 1 elseif LM3S.btnpressed( LM3S.BTN_LEFT ) and dscore > 1 then change = -1 end end if ( LM3S.btnpressed( LM3S.BTN_RIGHT ) ) == false and ( LM3S.btnpressed( LM3S.BTN_LEFT ) ) == false then if change == 1 then time = time - 2000 dscore = dscore + 1 elseif change == -1 then time = time + 2000 dscore = dscore - 1 end change = 0 end disp.stringdraw( tostring( dscore ), 118, 0, 6 ) end if score > highscore then highscore = score end disp.clear() disp.stringdraw( "Game Over :(", 30, 20, 11 ) disp.stringdraw( "Your score was " .. tostring( score ), 15, 40, 11 ) disp.stringdraw( "High score: " .. tostring( highscore ), 15, 50, 11 ) disp.stringdraw( "SELECT to restart", 6, 70, 11 ) for i=0, 500000 do if LM3S.btnpressed( LM3S.BTN_SELECT ) then play = true break end end if play == false then break end end