-- Infineon XMC4700 Relax boot-kit build configuration --[[ Notes: 1) This kit has no SDMMC slot! I have to solder my own slot. :( It is impossible that this kit does not come with an SDMMC interface! :( 2) I now have an XMC47 (!lite) relax kit with a uSD slot and Ethernet. --]] return { cpu = 'xmc4700f144k2048', components = { sercon = { uart = 0, speed = 115200 }, wofs = false, romfs = true, mmcfs = { spi = 0, cs_port = 0, cs_pin = 0 }, shell = true, term = { lines = 25, cols = 80 }, linenoise = { shell_lines = 10, lua_lines = 50 }, xmodem = false, niffs = false, xmc47_dac = true, }, config = { egc = { mode = "alloc" }, ram = { internal_rams = 3 }, }, modules = { generic = { 'all', '-tmr', '-i2c', '-net', '-adc', '-spi', '-uart', '-can', '-pwm', '-rpc' }, platform = 'all', } }