
   Terminal support

[term.clear] term.clrscr(): clear the screen

[term.cleareol] term.clreol(): clear from the current cursor position to the end of the line


[term.moveto] term.gotoxy( x, y ): position the cursor at the given coordinates

[term.moveup] term.up( delta ): move the cursor up "delta" lines


[term.movedown] term.down( delta ): move the cursor down "delta" lines


[term.moveleft] term.left( delta ): move the cursor left "delta" lines

[term.moveright] term.right( delta ): move the cursor right "delta" lines


[term.getlinecount] Lines = term.lines(): returns the number of lines


[term.getcolcount] Cols = term.cols(): returns the number of columns


[term.printstr] term.putstr( s1, s2, ... ): writes the specified string(s) to the terminal

[term.printchar] term.put( c1, c2, ... ): writes the specified character(s) to the terminal


[term.getx] Cx = term.cursorx(): return the cursor X position


[term.gety] Cy = term.cursory(): return the cursor Y position


[term.inputchar] c = term.getch( term.WAIT | term.NOWAIT ): returns a char read from the
