Mail lists

eLua currently has a single developers and users discussion list. You are very welcomed to join us at https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/elua-dev. Please note that the list is moderated in order to avoid spam, so you need to join it if you want to post. Messages from non-members are rarely accepted.

Our development repository is currently maintained in a subversion server. If you want to track SVN activity, you can also subscribe to our SVN Activity List at https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/elua-svn

eLua forums

eLua doesn't have a dedicated forum at this point. However, our developers and users discussion list is "mirrored" in a forum-like format at this address (using the services provided by Nabble).


The authors of eLua would like to thank the colaborative help from the community for the continuous development of the project. Here's an alphabetically ordered non-exhaustive list of contributors:

... and the constant help and support from:
Alberto Fabiano, André Carregal, Ângelo Santos, Asko Kauppi, Cosmin Filip, Dean Hall, Diego Sueiro, Fabio Pereira, Giovani Balduino, Jesus Alvarez, John Hind, Luiz de Barros, Marcelo Tíio, Marco Meggiolaro, Ricardo L. Rosa, Robert Jakabosky, Yuri Takhteyev .... ... $$FOOTER$$