------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- eLua Morse Demo -- -- Dado Sutter sep 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local pwmid, tmrid, ledpin if pd.board() == "EK-LM3S8962" or pd.board() == "EK-LM3S6965" then pwmid, tmrid, ledpin = 1, 1, pio.PF_0 elseif pd.board() == "EAGLE-100" then wmid, tmrid, ledpin = 1, 1, pio.PE_1 elseif pd.board() == "SAM7-EX256" then pwmid, tmrid, ledpin = 0, 1, pio.PB_20 tmr.setclock( 1, 100000 ) else print( pd.board() .. " not supported with this example" ) return end ------------ User Adjusted Variables ------------ local dotDelay, playFreq, playFreqSave = 90000, 880, 880 local freqStep, dotDelayStep = 220, 10000 -- Morse Alphabet local Morse = { A='.-', B='-...', C='-.-.', D='-..', E='.', F='..-.', G='--.', H='....', I='..', J='.---', K='-.-', L='.-..', M='--', N='-.', O='---', P='.--.', Q='--.-', R='.-.', S='...', T='-', U='..-', V='...-', W='.--', X='-..-', Y='-.--', Z='--..' } ------------ Auxiliar Functions ------------ local function play(m) term.print(m) if m == ' ' then tmr.delay(tmrid, 2 * dotDelay) else pio.pin.sethigh( ledpin ) pwm.start(pwmid) tmr.delay(tmrid, m == '.' and dotDelay or 3 * dotDelay) pwm.stop(pwmid) pio.pin.setlow( ledpin ) tmr.delay(tmrid, dotDelay) end end local function HandleKbd(k) if k == term.KC_ESC then return true elseif k == term.KC_UP then -- Speed up dotDelay = dotDelay + dotDelayStep elseif k == term.KC_DOWN then -- Speed down dotDelay = dotDelay - dotDelayStep elseif k > 0 and k < 256 then if string.char(k) == '+' then -- Frequency up playFreq = playFreq + freqStep elseif string.char(k) == '-' then -- Frequency down playFreq = playFreq - freqStep elseif string.char(k) == 's' then -- Sound on/off if playFreq == 0 then playFreq = playFreqSave else playFreqSave = playFreq playFreq = 0 end end end pwm.setup(pwmid, playFreq, 50) end ------------ Main Program ------------ pio.pin.setdir( pio.OUTPUT, ledpin ) pwm.setup( pwmid, playFreq, 50 ) while true do term.clrscr() term.moveto(1, 1) print("Welcome to eLua Morse Playing on " .. pd.board()) io.write("Enter phrase (empty phrase to exit): ") local msg, enabled = io.read(), true if #msg == 0 then break end term.print(' ') while term.getchar(term.NOWAIT) ~= -1 do end -- flush while enabled do -- Main Loop for i = 1, #msg do -- msg loop local ch = msg:sub(i, i):upper() term.print(ch) -- show what will be played if ch ~= ' ' and Morse[ch] then for j = 1, #Morse[ch] do -- Morse symbol loop play(Morse[ch]:sub(j,j)) -- play each morse symbol end else play(' ') play(' ') -- Between words end play(' ') -- Extra between words & lett key = term.getchar(term.NOWAIT) -- Handle UI actions if key ~= -1 then if HandleKbd(key) then enabled = false break end end end if not enabled then break end print() play(' ') play(' ') play(' ') -- Between sentences end end