[gpio] pio
[gpio.setpinvalue] pio.setpin( value, Pin1, Pin2 ... ): set the value to all the pins in the list
to "value" (0 or 1).
[gpio.setpinhigh] pio.set( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): set the value of all the pins in the list to 1.
[gpio.getpinvalue] Val1, Val2, ... = pio.get( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): reads one or more pins and returns
their values (0 or 1).
[gpio.setpinlow] pio.clear( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): set the value of all the pins in the list to 0.
[gpio.configpin(gpio.DIR, gpio.DIR_INPUT)] pio.input( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): set the specified pin(s) as input(s).
[gpio.configpin(gpio.DIR, gpio.DIR_OUTPUT)] pio.output( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): set the specified pin(s) as output(s).
[gpio.setportvalue] pio.setport( value, Port1, Port2, ... ): set the value of all the ports in the
list to "value".
[gpio.getportvalue] Val1, Val2, ... = pio.getport( Port1, Port2, ... ): reads one or more ports and
returns their values.
[gpio.getportname] Port = pio.port( code ): return the physical port number associated with the given code. For example, "pio.port( pio.P0_20 )" will return 0.
[gpio.getpinnumber] Pin = pio.pin( code ): return the physical pin number associated with the
given code. For example, "pio.pin( pio.P0_20 )" will return 20.
[gpio.configport(gpio.DIR, gpio.DIR_INPUT, [Port1], [Port2], ...)] pio.port_input( Port1, Port2, ... ): set the specified port(s) as input(s).
[gpio.configport(gpio.DIR, gpio.DIR_OUTPUT, [Port1], [Port2], ...)] pio.port_output( Port1, Port2, ... ): set the specified port(s) as output(s).
[gpio.configpin(gpio.PULL, gpio.PULL_UP, [Pin1], [Pin2], ...)] pio.pullup( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): enable internal pullups on the specified pins.Note that some CPUs might not provide this feature.
[gpio.configpin(gpio.PULL, gpio.PULL_DOWN, [Pin1], [Pin2], ...)] pio.pulldown( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): enable internal pulldowns on the specified pins. Note that some CPUs might not provide this feature.
[gpio.configpin(gpio.PULL, gpio.PULL_NO, [Pin1], [Pin2], ...)] pio.nopull( Pin1, Pin2, ... ): disable the pullups/pulldowns on the specifiedpins. Note that some CPUs might not provide this feature.