-- Check platform if pd.board() ~= 'EK-LM3S8962' and pd.board() ~= 'EK-LM3S6965' and pd.board() ~= 'EAGLE-100' and pd.board() ~= 'EK-LM3S9B92' then print( pd.board() .. " not supported by this example" ) return end -- Mapping between file extension (and request) and HTTP response local extmap = { txt = "text/plain", htm = "text/html", pht = "text/html", gif = "image/gif", jpg = "imge/jpeg", png = "image/png", lua = "text/html" } local basedir = "/rom/" reqdata = {} -- Auxiliary function: execute the given code with a substituted "print" -- that prints everything to a string, return the code output local function docode(thecode) local strbuf = {} local oldprint, newprint = print, function(...) local total, idx = select('#', ...) for idx = 1, total do strbuf[#strbuf + 1] = tostring(select(idx, ...)) .. (idx == total and '\n' or '\t') end end print = newprint local f = loadstring(thecode) if f then f() else print ">>> Invalid Lua code <<<" end print = oldprint collectgarbage('collect') return table.concat(strbuf) end function process(header) -- look for first line local s, e = header:find("[^\n]+\n") local reqstr = header:sub(s, e) local respheader, respdata = '', '' reqdata = {} -- check if the request is valid, also keep the actual request local i, valid, req = 0, false for w in reqstr:gmatch("%S+") do valid = ( i == 0 and w == "GET" ) or valid req = ( i == 1 and w ) or req i = i + 1 end -- valid is true if the request is valid, req has the request string if valid then -- now look for all parameters in this request (if any) local fname = "" if req:find("%?") then local rest _, _, fname, rest = req:find("(.*)%?(.*)") -- small trick: end "rest" with a "&" for easier processing -- now look for "var=value" pairs in the request (GET encoding) rest = rest .. "&" for crtpair in rest:gmatch("[^&]+") do local _, __, k, v = crtpair:find("(.*)=(.*)") -- replace all "%xx" characters with their actual value v = v:gsub("(%%%x%x)", function(s) return string.char(tonumber(s:sub(2, -1), 16)) end) reqdata[k] = v end else fname = req end fname = ( fname == "/" ) and "index.pht" or fname:sub(2, -1) s, e = fname:find("%.[%a%d]+$") local ftype = fname:sub(s+1, e):lower() ftype = (#ftype > 0 and ftype) or "txt" fname = basedir .. fname -- now "fname" has the name of the requested file, and "reqdata" the actual request data -- also "ftype" holds the file type (actually its extension) local tf = io.open(fname, "r") if tf then respheader = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: eLua-miniweb\r\nContent-Type: " .. extmap[ftype or "txt"] .. "\r\n\r\n" -- Preprocess "lua" and "pht" files: run the Lua ones, parse the .htm ones for "" sequences if ftype == "pht" or ftype == "lua" then local fdata = tf:read("*a") if ftype == "lua" then respdata = docode(fdata) else -- Look for patterns and execute them accordingly respdata = fdata:gsub("<%?lua(.-)%?>", docode) end else respdata = tf:read("*a") end tf:close() else respheader = "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: eLua-miniweb\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\nPage not found" end end return respheader .. respdata end while true do local sock, remoteip, err = net.accept( 80 ) print( "Got connection on socket", sock ) print( "Remote ip: " .. net.unpackip( remoteip, "*s" ) ) local response, err2 = net.recv( sock, 1024 ) print "Got request" local httpdata = process( response ) if #httpdata > 0 then print "Sending response" net.send( sock, httpdata ) end net.close( sock ) reqdata = {} collectgarbage('collect') end