-- Hangman in eLua using the 'term' module -- Inspired by the original 'hangman' from the bsdgames package -- we need a random function -- using math.random for now, which implies target=lua, not lualong if not math then print "\nError: Hangman needs the math module (disabled when target=lualong) !\n" return end local h, w = term.lines(), term.cols() local tries = 0 -- "Database" with our words local words = { "simple", "hangman", "guess", "elua", "inane", "serial", "stupenduous", "software" } -- Build our hanging site :) function hang() if tries == 0 then -- Build the basic structure term.gotoxy( 5, 1 ) term.putstr( string.rep( '_', 6 ) ) term.gotoxy( 5, 2 ) term.putstr( '| |') local i for i = 3, 6 do term.gotoxy( 5, i ) term.putstr( '|' ) end term.gotoxy( 3, 7 ) term.putstr( '__|_____') term.gotoxy( 3, 8 ) term.putstr( '| |___') term.gotoxy( 3, 9 ) term.putstr( '|__________|') elseif tries == 1 then -- Draw the head term.gotoxy( 10, 3 ) term.putstr( "O" ) elseif tries == 2 or tries == 3 then -- First or second part of body term.gotoxy( 10, tries + 2 ) term.putstr( "|" ) elseif tries == 4 or tries == 5 then -- First leg / first hand term.gotoxy( 9, tries == 4 and 6 or 4 ) term.putstr( "/" ) elseif tries == 6 or tries == 7 then -- Second hand / second leg term.gotoxy( 11, tries == 7 and 6 or 4 ) term.putstr( "\\" ) end end local total, guessed = 0, 0 -- Show the game statistics function stats() term.gotoxy( w - 20, 5 ) term.putstr( "Total words: ", tostring( total ) ) term.gotoxy( w - 20, 6 ) term.putstr( "Guessed words: ", tostring( guessed ) ) end while true do term.clrscr() term.gotoxy( 3, 12 ) term.putstr( "eLua hangman" ) term.gotoxy( 3, 13 ) term.putstr( "ESC to exit" ) stats() -- Draw the hanging site tries = 0 hang() -- Then write the "Guess" line term.gotoxy( 2, h - 3 ) term.putstr( "Word: " ) local lword = words[ math.random( #words ) ]:lower() term.putstr( string.rep( "-", #lword ) ) term.gotoxy( 2, h - 2 ) term.putstr( "Guess: " ) local nguess = 0 local tried = {} local key while tries < 7 and nguess < #lword do key = term.getch( term.WAIT ) if key == term.KC_ESC then break end if key > 0 and key < 255 then key = string.char( key ):lower() term.gotoxy( 2, h - 1 ) term.clreol() if not key:find( '%l' ) then term.putstr( "Invalid character" ) else key = key:byte() if tried[ key ] ~= nil then term.putstr( "Already tried this key" ) else tried[ key ] = true local i local ok = false for i = 1, #lword do if key == lword:byte( i ) then ok = true term.gotoxy( 7 + i, h - 3 ) term.put( key ) nguess = nguess + 1 end end if not ok then tries = tries + 1 hang() end end end term.gotoxy( 9, h - 2 ) end end if key == term.KC_ESC then break end term.gotoxy( 2, h - 1 ) total = total + 1 if nguess == #lword then term.putstr( "Congratulations! Another game? (y/n)" ) guessed = guessed + 1 else term.gotoxy( 8, h - 3 ) term.putstr( lword ) term.gotoxy( 2, h - 1 ) term.putstr( "Game over. Another game? (y/n)" ) end -- Show statistics again stats() repeat key = string.char( term.getch( term.WAIT ) ):lower() until key == 'y' or key == 'n' if key == 'n' then break end end term.clrscr() term.gotoxy( 1 , 1 )