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synced 2025-01-25 01:02:54 +08:00
This commit allows the build system to be used with directories outside of the eLua tree, using the new "conf" and "extraconf" arguments to the builder. This commit contains code from both @jsnyder and @darren1713.
254 lines
10 KiB
254 lines
10 KiB
-- Build configuration: module selection
module( ..., package.seeall )
local sf = string.format
local gen = require "generators"
-- List of all Lua modules, their guards (if applicable), their library name,
-- their open function and their LTR map. "<none>" in the LTR map field marks
-- the modules that do not have a corresponding LTR map, which basically means
-- they are not LTR compatible
local lua_modules = {
lua_math = { lib = "LUA_MATHLIBNAME", open = "luaopen_math", map = "math_map" },
lua_io = { lib = "LUA_IOLIBNAME", open = "luaopen_io", map = "<none>" },
lua_string = { lib = "LUA_STRLIBNAME", open = "luaopen_string", map = "strlib" },
lua_table = { lib = "LUA_TABLIBNAME", open = "luaopen_table", map = "tab_funcs" },
lua_debug = { lib = "LUA_DBLIBNAME", open = "luaopen_debug", map = "dblib" },
lua_package = { lib = "LUA_LOADLIBNAME", open = "luaopen_package", map = "<none>" },
lua_co = { lib = "LUA_COLIBNAME", open = false, map = "co_funcs" }
-- List of all eLua generic modules, in the same format as above
-- (if the module guard evaluates to false at compile time, the module is not included in the build)
-- NOTE: if the guards contain a condition, the condition _MUST_ be specified with spaces next to the operator!
-- For example: NUM_CAN > 0, _NOT_ NUM_CAN>0.
local elua_generic_modules = {
adc = { guards = { "BUILD_ADC", "NUM_ADC > 0" } },
bit = {},
can = { guards = { "NUM_CAN > 0" } },
cpu = {},
elua = {},
i2c = { guards = { "NUM_I2C > 0" } },
pack = {},
rpc = { guards = { "BUILD_RPC" } },
net = { guards = { "BUILD_UIP" } },
pd = {},
pio = { guards = { "NUM_PIO > 0" } },
pwm = { guards = {"NUM_PWM > 0" } },
spi = { guards = { "NUM_SPI > 0" } },
term = { guards = { "BUILD_TERM" } },
tmr = { guards = { "NUM_TIMER > 0" } },
uart = { guards = { "NUM_UART > 0" } },
fs = { guards = { "BUILD_NIFFS" } }
-- All generic modules (Lua and eLua) in a single table
local all_generic_modules = {}
utils.concat_tables( all_generic_modules, lua_modules )
utils.concat_tables( all_generic_modules, elua_generic_modules )
function add_extra_modules( exmodules )
utils.concat_tables( all_generic_modules, exmodules )
-- Return the auxlib name of a given module
local function get_auxlib( m, t )
t = t or all_generic_modules
return t[ m ].lib or sf( "AUXLIB_%s", m:upper() )
-- Return the open function name of a given module
local function get_openf_name( m, t )
t = t or all_generic_modules
if t[ m ].open == false then
return "luaopen_dummy"
return t[ m ].open or sf( "luaopen_%s", m:lower() )
-- Return the map array name of a given module
local function get_map_name( m, t )
t = t or all_generic_modules
return t[ m ].map or sf( "%s_map", m:lower() )
local platform_modules
-- Generate a condition string starting from a guard
local function gen_cond_string( g )
local condition = ''
for idx, e in pairs( g ) do
local suffix = idx == #g and "" or " && "
if e:find( '%s' ) then -- if it has a space, add the condition as it was given, between parantheses
condition = condition .. "( " .. e .. " )"
condition = condition .. "defined( " .. e .. " )"
condition = condition .. suffix
return condition
-- Add/remove a module to the given list
local function process_module( l, name, is_specific )
local sectname, exclude = is_specific and "platform" or "generic"
local check = is_specific and platform_modules or all_generic_modules
-- Handle "+name" / "-name"
if name:sub( 1, 1 ) == "+" then
name = name:sub( 2, -1 )
elseif name:sub( 1, 1 ) == "-" then
name = name:sub( 2, -1 )
exclude = true
local modlist
-- Handle special cases for 'name'
if name == "all" then
modlist = is_specific and utils.table_keys( platform_modules ) or utils.table_keys( all_generic_modules )
elseif name == "all_lua" then
if is_specific then return false, "'all_lua' can't be used in attribute 'platform' of section 'modules'" end
modlist = utils.table_keys( lua_modules )
elseif name == "all_elua" then
if is_specific then return false, "'all_elua' can't be used in attribute 'platform' of section 'modules" end
modlist = utils.table_keys( elua_generic_modules )
modlist = { name }
-- For inclusion, check for valid element. For exclusion, check for prior inclusion.
if exclude then
for _, m in pairs( modlist ) do
if not l[ m ] then
return false, sf( "module '%s' not found in element '%s' of section 'modules'", m, sectname )
l[ m ] = nil
for _, m in pairs( modlist ) do
if not check[ m ] then
return false, sf( "module '%s' of element '%s' in section 'modules' not found", m, sectname )
l[ m ] = true
return true
-- Generates module-specific data for the given component (generic or platform)
local function generate_data( t, is_platform )
local prefix = is_platform and "PL_" or ""
local desc = is_platform and platform_modules or all_generic_modules
local s = ""
-- Generate the proper line for each module in turn
for m, _ in pairs( t ) do
if get_map_name( m, desc ) ~= "<none>" then
local g = desc[ m ].guards or {}
if #g == 0 then -- no guards
s = s .. gen.print_define( sf( "%sMODULE_%s_LINE", prefix, m:upper() ), sf( "_ROM( %s, %s, %s )", get_auxlib( m, desc ), get_openf_name( m, desc ), get_map_name( m, desc ) ) )
-- Check the guard. If the guard is not satisfied, issue a compile time warning and set the line as empty
s = s .. "\n#if " .. gen_cond_string( g ) .. "\n"
s = s .. gen.print_define( sf( "%sMODULE_%s_LINE", prefix, m:upper() ), sf( "_ROM( %s, %s, %s )", get_auxlib( m, desc ), get_openf_name( m, desc ), get_map_name( m, desc ) ) )
s = s .. "#else\n"
s = s .. gen.print_define( sf( "%sMODULE_%s_LINE", prefix, m:upper() ) )
s = s .. sf( "#warning Unable to include %s module '%s' in the image\n#endif\n\n", is_platform and "platform specific" or "generic", m )
s = s .. "\n"
-- Finally, generate the acutal list of libraries.
if is_platform then
s = s .. "#define PLATFORM_MODULES_LIBS_ROM"
for m, _ in pairs( t ) do
if get_map_name( m, desc ) ~= "<none>" then s = s .. sf( "\\\n %sMODULE_%s_LINE", prefix, m:upper() ) end
return s .. "\n\n"
-- Generate the complete module list starting from the board description
function gen_module_list( desc, plconf, platform, boardname )
local mdesc = desc.modules
if not mdesc then return '' end
local gen_list_generic, gen_list_platform = {}, {}
local gstr = string.rep( "/", 80 ) .. "\n" .. "// Module configuration\n\n"
local ngenmods, nplmods = 0, 0
platform_modules = plconf.get_platform_modules( boardname, desc.cpu ) or {}
if mdesc == "all" then -- include all the modules. what a brave, brave soul.
process_module( gen_list_generic, 'all' )
process_module( gen_list_platform, 'all', true )
-- Include only some modules. Validate their names against the corresponding module list
mdesc.generic = type( mdesc.generic ) == "table" and mdesc.generic or { mdesc.generic }
mdesc.platform = type( mdesc.platform ) == "table" and mdesc.platform or { mdesc.platform }
utils.foreach( mdesc.generic, function( k, v ) process_module( gen_list_generic, v ) end )
utils.foreach( mdesc.platform, function( k, v ) process_module( gen_list_platform, v, true ) end )
-- Count the notal number of modules
utils.foreach( gen_list_generic, function( k, v ) ngenmods = ngenmods + 1 end )
utils.foreach( gen_list_platform, function( k, v ) nplmods = nplmods + 1 end )
if ngenmods + nplmods == 0 then return '' end
-- Now build all the module lines, starting from the gen_list and the guards
-- First define the platform specific line if needed
if nplmods > 0 then
-- The (hopefully) proper way to generate this is a bit tricky. We enable the
-- platform module if _any_ of the modules in gen_list_platform can be enabled.
-- In order to do this, we gather their guards in a single, long condition
-- Count all guards first
local nguards, nmodules = 0, 0
local pltabname = mdesc.platform_name or platform
for m, _ in pairs( gen_list_platform ) do
nmodules = nmodules + 1
nguards = nguards + #( platform_modules[ m ].guards or {} )
if nguards == 0 or nguards < nmodules then -- nothing to guard or not all have guards
gstr = gstr .. gen.print_define( "PLATFORM_MODULES_LINE", sf( '_ROM( "%s", luaopen_platform, platform_map )', pltabname ) )
gstr = gstr .. gen.print_define( "PS_LIB_TABLE_NAME", sf( '"%s"', pltabname ) )
gstr = gstr .. gen.print_define( "PLATFORM_MODULES_ENABLE" )
-- Gather the composed condition in 'cond'
local cond = '\n#if 0' -- the '0' is included here for an easier generation of the composed condition
for m, _ in pairs( gen_list_platform ) do
local g = platform_modules[ m ].guards or {}
if #g > 0 then
cond = cond .. " || ( " .. gen_cond_string( g ) .. " )"
gstr = gstr .. cond .. "\n"
gstr = gstr .. gen.print_define( "PLATFORM_MODULES_LINE", sf( '_ROM( "%s", luaopen_platform, platform_map )', platform ) )
gstr = gstr .. gen.print_define( "PS_LIB_TABLE_NAME", sf( '"%s"', pltabname ) )
gstr = gstr .. gen.print_define( "PLATFORM_MODULES_ENABLE" )
gstr = gstr .. "#else\n"
gstr = gstr .. gen.print_define( sf( "PLATFORM_MODULES_LINE" ) )
gstr = gstr .. sf( "#warning Unable to include platform modules in the image\n#endif\n\n" )
else -- no platform modules here, people. move along.
gstr = gstr .. gen.print_define( "PLATFORM_MODULES_LINE" )
if ngenmods > 0 then gstr = gstr .. generate_data( gen_list_generic ) end
if nplmods > 0 then gstr = gstr .. generate_data( gen_list_platform, true ) end
-- Not quite ready yet. We still need to generate the list of generic modules
-- that can't be completely ROM'd by the LTR patch in a separate macro that will be
-- handled by linit.c
local noltr, found = "#define LUA_LIBS_NOLTR\\\n", false
for m, _ in pairs( gen_list_generic ) do
if get_map_name( m ) == "<none>" then
noltr = noltr .. sf( " { %s, %s },\\\n", get_auxlib( m ), get_openf_name( m ) )
found = true
gstr = gstr .. ( found and noltr or "" )
-- A bit of cosmetic touch ...
gstr = gstr .. "\n"
gstr = gstr:gsub( "\n\n\n", "\n\n" )
return gstr