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synced 2025-01-25 01:02:54 +08:00
This commit allows the build system to be used with directories outside of the eLua tree, using the new "conf" and "extraconf" arguments to the builder. This commit contains code from both @jsnyder and @darren1713.
311 lines
12 KiB
311 lines
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-- Generate a C configuration starting from a Lua description file
-- for an eLua board
module( ..., package.seeall )
package.path = "utils/?.lua;config/?.lua;" .. package.path
local comps = require "components"
local cfgs = require "configurations"
local gen = require "generators"
local utils = require "utils"
local bd = require "build_data"
local mgen = require "modules"
local cpuct = require "cpuconstants"
local sects = require "sections"
local bargs = require "buildargs"
local components, configs
local glconf, glen
-- Various helpers and internal functions
-- Generator for section 'components'
local function generate_components( data, plconf )
local compdata = data.components or {}
-- Prerequisites: check for keys that might be needed in components, but might not be there
-- At the moment, we need to definer either BUILD_CON_GENERIC or BUILD_CON_TCP (but not both)
if compdata.sercon and compdata.tcpipcon then
return nil, "serial and TCP/IP console can't be enabled at the same time in section 'components'"
elseif not compdata.sercon and not compdata.tcpipcon then
return nil, "either serial (sercon) or TCP/IP (tcpipcon) console must be enabled in 'components'"
-- Configure section first
local res, err = sects.configure_section( components, 'components', compdata )
if not res then return false, err end
-- Let the backend do its validation
if plconf.pre_generate_section then
res, err = plconf.pre_generate_section( components, 'components', compdata, conf, enabled )
if not res then return false, err end
-- Generate all data for section 'components'
return sects.generate_section( components, 'components', compdata )
-- Generator for section 'config'
local function generate_config( data, plconf )
local confdata = data.config or {}
-- Configure section first
local res, err = sects.configure_section( configs, 'config', confdata )
if not res then return false, err end
-- Let the backend do its validation
if plconf.pre_generate_section then
res, err = plconf.pre_generate_section( configs, 'config', confdata, conf, enabled )
if not res then return false, err end
return sects.generate_section( configs, 'config', confdata )
-- Global sanity checks (data is in 'glconf' and 'glen'
local function check_components_and_config()
-- Check all uart IDs. If VUARTs are specified but sermux is not enabled, return with error
if not glen.sermux then
for _, attrdata in pairs( glconf ) do
local attrval = attrdata.value
if attrdata.desc.is_uart and type( attrval ) == "string" and attrval:find( "^vuart" ) then
return false, sf( "attribute '%s' of element '%s' in section '%s' reffers to a virtual UART, but the serial multiplexer ('sermux') is not enabled",
attrdata.name, attrdata.elname, attrdata.sectname )
-- Check all timer IDs. If virtual timers are specified but vtmr is not enabled, return with error
if not glen.vtmr or tostring( glconf.VTMR_NUM_TIMERS.value ) == "0" then
for _, attrdata in pairs( glconf ) do
local attrval = attrdata.value
if attrdata.desc.is_timer and type( attrval ) == "string" and attrval:find( "^vtmr" ) then
return false, sf( "attribute '%s' of element '%s' in section '%s' reffers to a virtual timer, but virtual timers ('vtmr') are not enabled",
attrdata.name, attrdata.elname, attrdata.sectname )
-- Check sermux/RFS+console proper UART assignment
if glen.sermux and glen.sercon and glen.rfs then
local rfs_uart_value = tostring( glconf.RFS_UART_ID.value )
local con_uart_value = tostring( glconf.CON_UART_ID.value )
if rfs_uart_value:find( "^vuart" ) and rfs_uart_value ~= "vuart0" then
io.write( utils.col_yellow( "[CONFIG] WARNING: you have enabled the serial multiplexer and RFS over a virtual serial port which is not the first virtual serial port ('vuart0')" ) )
print( utils.col_yellow( "In this configuration, the serial multiplexer will not work in 'rfsmux' mode. Check the serial multiplexer section of the eLua manual for more details." ) )
elseif rfs_uart_value == "vuart0" and con_uart_value:find( "^vuart" ) and con_uart_value ~= "vuart1" then
io.write( utils.col_yellow( "[CONFIG] WARNING: when using both RFS and the serial console with 'sermux', it's best to set the serial console uart ID to the second virtual serial port ('vuart1')" ) )
print( utils.col_yellow( "In this configuration, the serial multiplexer will work directly in 'rfsmux' mode with a console. Check the serial multiplexer section of the eLua manual for more details." ) )
return true
-- Default table for backend configuration data
-- If the platform doesn't have a boardconf.lua, this is what we're going to use
local default_platform_conf = {
add_platform_components = function() end,
add_platform_configs = function() end,
get_platform_modules = function() end,
pre_generate_section = function() return true end,
-- Default table for extra configuration (same as above)s
local default_extra_conf = {
get_extra_modules = function() end,
-- Sanity code
-- These are more checks added to the generated header file
-- Some of these are the result of pure paranoia. Nevertheless, they seem to work.
local sanity_code = [[
// Static sanity checks and additional defines
#if defined( ELUA_BOOT_RPC ) && !defined( BUILD_RPC )
#define BUILD_RPC
#if defined( BUILD_LUA_INT_HANDLERS ) || defined( BUILD_C_INT_HANDLERS )
#endif // #if defined( BUILD_LUA_INT_HANDLERS ) || defined( BUILD_C_INT_HANDLERS )
#endif // #ifndef VTMR_NUM_TIMERS
#ifndef CON_TIMER_ID
#ifndef RPC_UART_ID
#ifndef RPC_TIMER_ID
#endif // #ifdef ELUA_BOOT_RPC
#if ( defined( BUILD_RFS ) || defined( BUILD_SERMUX ) || defined( CON_BUF_SIZE ) || defined ( CDC_BUF_SIZE ) ) && !defined( BUF_ENABLE_UART )
#if defined( ADC_BUF_SIZE ) && !defined( BUF_ENABLE_ADC )
-- Public interface
-- This code is executed an initialization time (the first 'require')
components = comps.init()
configs = cfgs.init()
-- Read the Lua description file of a board and return the corresponding header file
-- as a string or (false, error) if an error occured
function compile_board( fname, boardname )
local cboardname = boardname:upper():gsub( "[%-%.%s]", "_" )
local header = sf([[
// Lua board configuration file, automatically generated
#ifndef __GENERATED_%s_H__
#define __GENERATED_%s_H__
]], cboardname, cboardname )
local desc, err = dofile( fname )
if not desc then return false, err end
if not desc.cpu then return false, "cpu not specified in board configuration file" end
-- Check the keys in 'desc'
local known_keys = { 'cpu', 'ps_modules_name', 'components', 'config', 'headers', 'macros', 'modules', 'cpu_constants', 'build' }
for k, _ in pairs( desc ) do
if not utils.array_element_index( known_keys, k ) then return false, sf( "unknown key '%s'", k ) end
-- Check CPU
local cpulist = bd.get_all_cpus()
if not utils.array_element_index( cpulist, desc.cpu:upper() ) then
io.write( utils.col_red( "[CONFIG] Allowed CPUS: " ) )
for i = 1, #cpulist do io.write( utils.col_red( cpu_list[ i ] .. " " ) ) end
print ""
return false, sf( "unknown cpu '%s'", desc.cpu )
-- Find and require the platform board configuration file
local platform = bd.get_platform_of_cpu( desc.cpu )
if not platform then return false, sf( "unable to find the platform of cpu '%s'", desc.cpu ) end
local plconf = default_platform_conf
if utils.is_file( utils.concat_path{ 'src', 'platform', platform, 'build_config.lua' } ) then
plconf = require( "src.platform." .. platform .. ".build_config" )
-- Find and require the extra build configuration if specified
local extraconf = default_extra_conf
if utils.is_file( utils.concat_path{ comp.extras, 'build_config.lua' } ) then
extraconf = require( comp.extras .. ".build_config" )
-- Read platform specific components/configs
plconf.add_platform_components( components, boardname, desc.cpu )
plconf.add_platform_configs( configs, boardname, desc.cpu )
-- Do we need to include any configured headers?
if type( desc.headers ) == "table" and #desc.headers > 0 then
for _, h in pairs( desc.headers ) do
header = header .. "#include " .. h .. "\n"
header = header .. "\n"
-- Do we need to add definitions for any configured macros?
if type( desc.macros ) == "table" and #desc.macros > 0 then
header = header .. string.rep( "/", 80 ) .. "\n"
header = header .. "// Configuration for section 'macros'\n\n"
for _, m in pairs( desc.macros ) do
if type( m ) == "string" then -- #define m
header = header .. gen.print_define( m )
elseif type( m ) == "table" then -- { macro, value } -> #define macro value
header = header .. gen.print_define( m[ 1 ], m[ 2 ] )
header = header .. "\n"
-- Generate components first
local gen, err = generate_components( desc, plconf )
if not gen then return false, err end
header = header .. gen
-- Keep generated data for later use
glconf, glen = sects.conf, sects.enabled
-- Then configs
gen, err = generate_config( desc, plconf )
local multi_alloc = cfgs.needs_multiple_allocator()
if not gen then return false, err end
header = header .. gen
-- Accumulate generated data into 'glconf' and 'glen'
utils.concat_tables( glconf, sects.conf )
utils.concat_tables( glen, sects.enabled )
-- Now we have all components and the configuration generated
-- It's a good time for some sanity checks
gen, err = check_components_and_config()
if not gen then return false, err end
-- Now it's a good time to include the fixed sanity checks
header = header .. sanity_code
-- Generate module configuration
mgen.add_extra_modules( extraconf.get_extra_modules() )
gen, err = mgen.gen_module_list( desc, plconf, platform, boardname )
if not gen then return false, err end
header = header .. gen
-- Generate additional CPU constants
gen, err = cpuct.gen_constants( desc )
if not gen then return false, err end
header = header .. gen
-- All done, write the header's footer
header = header .. sf( "#endif // #ifndef __GENERATED_%s_H__\n", cboardname )
-- We are done with the header, we still need to check the compile flags
gen, err = bargs.validate( desc, platform )
if not gen then return false, err end
-- Return the contents of the header, as well as the name of the CPU used by this
-- board (this information is needed by the builder) and the build information
return { header = header, cpu = desc.cpu, multi_alloc = multi_alloc, build = desc.build }