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synced 2025-01-25 01:02:54 +08:00
This commit allows the build system to be used with directories outside of the eLua tree, using the new "conf" and "extraconf" arguments to the builder. This commit contains code from both @jsnyder and @darren1713.
504 lines
20 KiB
Executable File
504 lines
20 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/env lua
build_elua.lua: A build script for eLua written in Lua.
The command line syntax is the same as for the old scons/SConstruct system.
See http://www.eluaproject.net/en_building.html
The only required option is the target board or CPU. e.g.:
lua build_elua.lua board=MIZAR32
This script requires some well-known Lua libraries to run.
To install them on Ubuntu/Debian, go (as root):
apt-get install luarocks
luarocks install luafilesystem
luarocks install lpack
luarocks install md5
local args = { ... }
local b = require "utils.build"
local mkfs = require "utils.mkfs"
local bconf = require "config.config"
local board_base_dir = "boards"
local bd = require "build_data"
builder = b.new_builder()
utils = b.utils
sf = string.format
-- Build configuration 'shortcuts'
cdefs, cflags, includes, lflags, asflags, libs = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
-- "Normalize" a name to make it a suitable C macro name
function cnorm( name )
name = name:gsub( "[%-%s]*", '' )
return name:upper()
-- Add a macro defition
function addm( data )
table.insert( cdefs, data )
-- Add an include directory
function addi( data )
table.insert( includes, data )
-- Add a compiler flag
function addcf( data )
table.insert( cflags, data )
-- Delete a compiler flag
function delcf( data )
cflags = utils.linearize_array( cflags )
for _, v in pairs( data ) do
local i = utils.array_element_index( cflags, v )
if i then table.remove( cflags, i ) end
-- Add a linker flag
function addlf( data )
table.insert( lflags, data )
-- Add an assembler flag
function addaf( data )
table.insert( asflags, data )
-- Add a library
function addlib( data )
table.insert( libs, data )
-- Return the full path of a board configuration file
local function get_conf_file_path( bname )
local known_board_name = utils.concat_path( { board_base_dir, "known", bname .. ".lua" } )
local custom_board_name = utils.concat_path( { board_base_dir, "custom", bname .. ".lua" } )
if utils.is_file( custom_board_name ) then return custom_board_name end
if utils.is_file( known_board_name ) then return known_board_name end
assert( sf( "board configuration file for board '%s' not found!", bname ) )
-- Automatically build the list of available boards by scanning the board_base_dir directory
local board_flist = utils.linearize_array( utils.string_to_table( utils.get_files( board_base_dir, "%.lua$" ) ) )
local board_list = {}
for k, v in pairs( board_flist ) do
local temp = utils.replace_extension( v, '' )
temp = utils.string_to_table( temp, utils.dir_sep )
temp = temp[ #temp ] -- now 'temp' contains the actual name of the board
if not utils.array_element_index( board_list, temp ) then board_list[ #board_list + 1 ] = temp end
-- Check a single command line option against the corresponding value in the build configuration
local function check_cmdline_vs_conf( argname, comp, bd )
if bd[ argname ] then
if comp[ argname ] == "auto" then
comp[ argname ] = bd[ argname ]
elseif bd[ argname ] ~= comp[ argname ] then
if builder:is_user_option( argname ) then
print( utils.col_yellow( sf( "[CONFIG] WARNING: changing '%s' from '%s' to '%s' as specified in the command line",
argname, tostring( bd[ argname ] ), tostring( comp[ argname ] ) ) ) )
comp[ argname ] = bd[ argname ]
builder:add_option( 'target', 'build "regular" float lua, 32 bit integer-only "lualong" or 64-bit integer only lua "lualonglong"', 'lua', { 'lua', 'lualong', 'lualonglong' } )
builder:add_option( 'allocator', 'select memory allocator', 'auto', { 'newlib', 'multiple', 'simple', 'auto' } )
builder:add_option( 'board', 'selects board for target (cpu will be inferred)', nil, board_list )
builder:add_option( 'toolchain', 'specifies toolchain to use (auto=search for usable toolchain)', 'auto', { bd.get_all_toolchains(), 'auto' } )
builder:add_option( 'optram', 'enables Lua Tiny RAM enhancements', true )
builder:add_option( 'boot', 'boot mode, standard will boot to shell, luarpc boots to an rpc server', 'standard', { 'standard' , 'luarpc' } )
builder:add_option( 'romfs', 'ROMFS compilation mode', 'verbatim', { 'verbatim' , 'compress', 'compile' } )
builder:add_option( 'cpumode', 'ARM CPU compilation mode (only affects certain ARM targets)', nil, { 'arm', 'thumb' } )
builder:add_option( 'bootloader', 'Build for bootloader usage (AVR32 only)', 'none', { 'none', 'emblod' } )
builder:add_option( 'debug', 'Enable debug build', false )
builder:add_option( 'extras', 'Path to directory containing build extras', '' )
builder:add_option( 'extrasconf', 'Config file for build extras, defaults to conf.lua', '' )
builder:add_option( "output_dir", "choose executable directory", "." )
builder:add_option( "romfs_dir", 'choose ROMFS directory', 'romfs' )
builder:add_option( "board_config_file", "choose board configuration file", "" )
builder:add_option( "skip_conf", "skip board configuration step, use pre-generated header file directly", false )
builder:add_option( "config_only", "execute only the configurator, then exit", false )
builder:init( args )
builder:set_build_mode( builder.BUILD_DIR_LINEARIZED )
-- Build the 'comp' target which will 'redirect' all the requests
-- for its fields to builder:get_option
comp = {}
setmetatable( comp, { __index = function( t, key ) return builder:get_option( key ) end } )
local function dprint( ... )
if comp.disp_mode ~= "minimal" then
print( ... )
if not comp.board then
print "You must specify the board"
os.exit( -1 )
-- Interpret the board definition file
local bfopt, bfname = builder:get_option( "board_config_file" )
if #bfopt > 0 then
if not utils.is_file( bfopt ) then
print( utils.col_red( sf( "[CONFIG] Error: board configuration file '%s' not found.", bfopt ) ) )
os.exit( -1 )
bfname = bfopt
bfname = get_conf_file_path( comp.board )
if not bfname then
print( utils.col_red( sf( "[CONFIG] Error: board configuration file for board '%s' not found in '%s'.", comp.board, board_base_dir ) ) )
os.exit( -1 )
dprint( utils.col_blue( "[CONFIG] Found board description file at " .. bfname ) )
local bdata, err = bconf.compile_board( bfname, comp.board )
if not bdata then
print( utils.col_red( "[CONFIG] Error compiling board description file: " .. err ) )
-- Check if the file has changed. If not, do not rewrite it. This keeps the compilation time sane.
local bhname = utils.concat_path( { board_base_dir, "headers", "board_" .. comp.board:lower() .. ".h" } )
if builder:get_option( "skip_conf" ) then
dprint( utils.col_blue( "[CONFIG] skipping generation of configuration file" ) )
if ( utils.get_hash_of_string( bdata.header ) ~= utils.get_hash_of_file( bhname ) or not utils.is_file( bhname ) ) then
-- Save the header file
local f = assert( io.open( bhname, "wb" ) )
f:write( bdata.header )
dprint( utils.col_blue( "[CONFIG] Generated board header file at " .. bhname ) )
dprint( utils.col_blue( "[CONFIG] Board header file is unchanged." ) )
if comp.config_only then return end
-- Define the correct CPU header for inclusion in the platform_conf.h file
addm( 'ELUA_CPU_HEADER="\\"cpu_' .. bdata.cpu:lower() .. '.h\\""' )
-- Define the correct board header for inclusion in the platform_conf.h file
addm( 'ELUA_BOARD_HEADER="\\"board_' .. comp.board:lower() .. '.h\\""' )
-- Make available the board directory for the generated header files
addi( utils.concat_path{ board_base_dir, "headers" } )
-- Force compilation flags if needed
if bdata.build then
utils.foreach( { 'target', 'allocator', 'optram', 'boot', 'romfs', 'cpumode', 'bootloader' }, function( k, v )
check_cmdline_vs_conf( v, comp, bdata.build )
end )
-- Automatically set the allocator to 'multiple' if needed
if bdata.multi_alloc and comp.allocator == "newlib" then
io.write( utils.col_yellow( "[CONFIG] WARNING: your board has non-contigous RAM areas, but you specified an allocator ('newlib') that can't handle this configuration." ) )
print( utils.col_yellow( "Rebuild with another allocator ('multiple' or 'simple')" ) )
if comp.allocator == "auto" then comp.allocator = bdata.multi_alloc and "multiple" or "newlib" end
comp.cpu = bdata.cpu:upper()
if not comp.optram then
print( utils.col_yellow( "[CONFIG] WARNING: you have disabled Lua Tiny RAM (LTR). You might experience compilation issues. Also, some modules might not work correctly." ) )
platform = bd.get_platform_of_cpu( comp.cpu )
if not platform then
print( "Unable to find platform (this shouldn't happen, check the build script for errors)" )
os.exit( -1 )
-- Check the toolchain
local usable_chains = bd.get_toolchains_of_platform( platform )
if comp.toolchain ~= 'auto' then
if utils.array_element_index( usable_chains, comp.toolchain ) == nil then
print( sf( "Invalid toolchain '%s' for CPU '%s'", comp.toolchain, comp.cpu ) )
print( sf( "List of accepted toolchains (for %s): %s", comp.cpu, table.concat( usable_chains, "," ) ) )
os.exit( -1 )
toolset = bd.get_toolchain_data( comp.toolchain )
comp.CC = toolset.compile
comp.AS = toolset.compile
-- If 'auto' try to match a working toolchain with target
-- Try to execute all compilers, exit when one found
local chain
for i = 1, #usable_chains do
local c = usable_chains[ i ]
local t = bd.get_toolchain_data( c )
local res = utils.check_command( t.compile .. " " .. t.version )
if res == 0 or res == true then chain = c break end
if chain then
comp.toolchain = chain
toolset = bd.get_toolchain_data( chain )
comp.CC = toolset.compile
comp.AS = comp.CC
print "Unable to find an usable toolchain in your path."
print( sf( "List of accepted toolchains (for %s): %s", comp.cpu, table.concat( usable_chains, "," ) ) )
os.exit( -1 )
-- Build the compilation command now
local fscompcmd = ''
if comp.romfs == 'compile' then
if comp.target == 'lualonglong' then
print "Cross-compilation is not yet supported for 64-bit integer-only Lua (lualonglong)."
os.exit( -1 )
local suffix = ''
if utils.is_windows() then
suffix = '.exe'
-- First check for luac.cross in the current directory
if not utils.is_file( "luac.cross" .. suffix ) then
print "The eLua cross compiler was not found."
print "Build it by running 'lua cross-lua.lua'"
os.exit( -1 )
local cmdpath = { lfs.currentdir(), sf( 'luac.cross%s -ccn %s -cce %s -o %%s -s %%s', suffix, toolset[ "cross_" .. comp.target:lower() ], toolset.cross_cpumode:lower() ) }
dprint( "Cross compile command: " .. cmdpath[ 2 ] )
fscompcmd = table.concat( cmdpath, utils.dir_sep )
elseif comp.romfs == 'compress' then
if comp.target == 'lualong' or comp.target == 'lualonglong' then fscompoptnums = '--noopt-numbers' else fscompoptnums = '--opt-numbers' end
fscompcmd = 'lua luasrcdiet.lua --quiet --maximum --opt-comments --opt-whitespace --opt-emptylines --opt-eols --opt-strings ' .. fscompoptnums .. ' --opt-locals -o %s %s'
-- Determine build version
if utils.check_command('git describe --always') == 0 then
elua_vers = utils.exec_capture('git describe --always')
-- If purely hexadecimal (no tag reference) prepend 'dev-'
if string.find(elua_vers, "^[+-]?%x+$") then
elua_vers = 'dev-' .. elua_vers
local sver = utils.gen_header_string( 'git_version', { elua_version = elua_vers, elua_str_version = ("\"" .. elua_vers .. "\"" ) } )
if utils.get_hash_of_string( sver ) ~= utils.get_hash_of_file( utils.concat_path{ 'inc', 'git_version.h' } ) then
utils.gen_header_file( 'git_version', { elua_version = elua_vers, elua_str_version = ("\"" .. elua_vers .. "\"" ) } )
print "WARNING: unable to determine version from repository"
elua_vers = "unknown"
-- Create the output directory if it is not created yet
local outd = builder:get_option( "output_dir" )
if not utils.is_dir( outd ) then
if not utils.full_mkdir( outd ) then
print( "[builder] Unable to create directory " .. outd )
os.exit( 1 )
-- Output file
output = outd .. utils.dir_sep .. 'elua_' .. comp.target .. '_' .. comp.board:lower()
builder:set_build_dir( builder:get_build_dir() .. utils.dir_sep .. comp.board:lower() )
-- User report
dprint ""
dprint "*********************************"
dprint "Compiling eLua ..."
dprint( "CPU: ", comp.cpu )
dprint( "Board: ", comp.board )
dprint( "Platform: ", platform )
dprint( "Allocator: ", comp.allocator )
dprint( "Boot Mode: ", comp.boot )
dprint( "Target: ", comp.target )
dprint( "Toolchain: ", comp.toolchain )
dprint( "ROMFS mode: ", comp.romfs )
dprint( "Debug: ", comp.debug )
if comp.extras ~= '' then
dprint( "Extras: ", comp.extras )
if comp.extrasconf ~= '' then
dprint( "Extras conf: ", comp.extrasconf )
dprint( "Version: ", elua_vers )
dprint "*********************************"
dprint ""
-- Build list of source files, include directories, macro definitions
addm( "ELUA_CPU=" .. comp.cpu:upper() )
addm( "ELUA_BOARD=" .. comp.board:upper() )
addm( "ELUA_PLATFORM=" .. platform:upper() )
addm( "__BUFSIZ__=128" )
-- Also make the above into direct defines (to use in conditional C code)
addm( "ELUA_CPU_" .. cnorm( comp.cpu ) )
addm( "ELUA_BOARD_" .. cnorm( comp.board ) )
addm( "ELUA_PLATFORM_" .. cnorm( platform ) )
if comp.allocator == 'multiple' then
elseif comp.allocator == 'simple' then
if comp.boot == 'luarpc' then addm( "ELUA_BOOT_RPC" ) end
if comp.target == 'lualong' or comp.target == 'lualonglong' then addm( "LUA_NUMBER_INTEGRAL" ) end
if comp.target == 'lualonglong' then addm( "LUA_INTEGRAL_LONGLONG" ) end
if comp.target ~= 'lualong' and comp.target ~= "lualonglong" then addm( "LUA_PACK_VALUE" ) end
if bd.get_endianness_of_platform( platform ) == "big" then addm( "ELUA_ENDIAN_BIG" ) else addm( "ELUA_ENDIAN_LITTLE" ) end
-- Special macro definitions for the SIM target
if platform == 'sim' then addm( { "ELUA_SIMULATOR", "ELUA_SIM_" .. cnorm( comp.cpu ) } ) end
-- Lua source files and include path
exclude_patterns = { "^src/platform", "^src/uip", "^src/serial", "^src/luarpc_desktop_serial.c", "^src/linenoise_posix.c", "^src/lua/print.c", "^src/lua/luac.c" }
local source_files = utils.get_files( "src", function( fname )
fname = fname:gsub( "\\", "/" )
local include = fname:find( ".*%.c$" )
if include then
utils.foreach( exclude_patterns, function( k, v ) if fname:match( v ) then include = false end end )
return include
end )
-- Add uIP files manually because not all of them are included in the build ([TODO] why?)
local uip_files = " " .. utils.prepend_path( "uip_arp.c uip.c uiplib.c dhcpc.c psock.c resolv.c uip-neighbor.c", "src/uip" )
addi{ { 'inc', 'inc/newlib', 'inc/remotefs', 'src/platform', 'src/lua' }, { 'src/modules', 'src/platform/' .. platform, 'src/platform/' .. platform .. '/cpus' }, "src/uip", "src/fatfs", "inc/niffs" }
addm( "LUA_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY=" .. ( comp.optram and "2" or "0" ) )
addcf( { '-Os','-fomit-frame-pointer' } )
if comp.debug == true then
addcf( { '-g' } )
-- Toolset data (filled by each platform in part)
tools = {}
specific_files = ''
extras_files = ''
-- We get platform-specific data by executing the platform script
dofile( sf( "src/platform/%s/conf.lua", platform ) )
-- Read the extra configuration if needed. This can set
-- the extra files to compile in the 'extras_files' variable.
if comp.extras ~= '' then
if comp.extrasconf ~= '' then
dofile( sf( "%s/%s", comp.extras, comp.extrasconf ) )
dofile( sf( "%s/conf.lua", comp.extras ) )
-- Complete file list
source_files = source_files .. uip_files .. specific_files .. extras_files
-- Create compiler/linker/assembler command lines and build
-- ROM file system builder
romfs_exclude_patterns = { '%.DS_Store', '%.gitignore' }
function match_pattern_list( item, list )
for k, v in pairs( list ) do
if item:find(v) then return true end
local function make_romfs( target, deps )
print "Building ROM file system ..."
local romdir = builder:get_option( "romfs_dir" )
local flist = {}
flist = utils.string_to_table( utils.get_files( romdir, function( fname ) return not match_pattern_list( fname, romfs_exclude_patterns ) end ) )
flist = utils.linearize_array( flist )
for k, v in pairs( flist ) do
flist[ k ] = v:gsub( romdir .. utils.dir_sep, "" )
if not mkfs.mkfs( romdir, "romfiles", flist, comp.romfs, fscompcmd ) then return -1 end
if utils.is_file( "inc/romfiles.h" ) then
-- Read both the old and the new file
local oldfile = io.open( "inc/romfiles.h", "rb" )
assert( oldfile )
local newfile = io.open( "romfiles.h", "rb" )
assert( newfile )
local olddata, newdata = oldfile:read( "*a" ), newfile:read( "*a" )
-- If content is similar return '1' to builder to indicate that the target didn't really
-- produce a change even though it ran
if olddata == newdata then
os.remove( "romfiles.h" )
return 1
os.remove( "inc/romfiles.h" )
os.rename( "romfiles.h", "inc/romfiles.h" )
return 0
-- Generic 'prog' action function
local function genprog( target, deps )
local outname = deps[ 1 ]:target_name()
local outtype = target:find( "%.hex$" ) and "ihex" or "binary"
print( sf( "Generating binary image %s...", target ) )
os.execute( sf( "%s %s", toolset.size, outname ) )
os.execute( sf( "%s -O %s %s %s", toolset.bin, outtype, outname, target ) )
return 0
-- Generic 'size' action function
local function sizefunc( target, deps )
local outname = deps[ 1 ]:target_name()
os.execute( sf( "%s %s", toolset.size, outname ) )
return 0
-- Command lines for the tools (compiler, linker, assembler)
compcmd = compcmd or builder:compile_cmd{ flags = cflags, defines = cdefs, includes = includes, compiler = toolset.compile }
linkcmd = linkcmd or builder:link_cmd{ flags = lflags, libraries = libs, linker = toolset.compile }
ascmd = ascmd or builder:asm_cmd{ flags = asflags, defines = cdefs, includes = includes, assembler = toolset.asm }
builder:set_exe_extension( ".elf" )
builder:set_compile_cmd( compcmd )
builder:set_link_cmd( linkcmd )
builder:set_asm_cmd( ascmd )
-- Create the ROMFS target
local romfs_target = builder:target( "#phony:romfs", nil, make_romfs )
romfs_target:force_rebuild( true )
-- Create executable targets
odeps = builder:create_compile_targets( source_files )
exetarget = builder:link_target( output, { romfs_target, odeps } )
-- This is also the default target
builder:default( builder:add_target( exetarget, 'build eLua executable' ) )
-- Create 'prog' target(s)
local ptargets = {}
local progfunc = tools[ platform ].progfunc or genprog
utils.foreach( tools[ platform ].prog_flist, function( _, t )
local target = builder:target( t, { exetarget }, progfunc )
table.insert( ptargets, target )
end )
if #ptargets > 0 then
progtarget = builder:target( "#phony:prog", ptargets )
builder:add_target( progtarget, "build eLua firmware image", { "prog" } )
-- Create generic 'size' target
local size_target = builder:target( "#phony:size", { exetarget }, sizefunc )
size_target:force_rebuild( true )
builder:add_target( size_target, "shows the size of the eLua firmware", { "size" } )
-- If the backend needs to do more processing before the build starts, do it now
if tools[ platform ].pre_build then
tools[ platform ].pre_build()
-- Finally build everything