mirror of https://github.com/elua/elua.git synced 2025-01-25 01:02:54 +08:00
Bogdan Marinescu fca447cb12 New feature: per-board file system specifications (which means that not all the files from romfs/ will end up in your binary, you now need to specify
in SConstruct what files (or rather samples) you need to be included in the
ROM file system for each board).
2009-01-08 15:20:05 +00:00

221 lines
7.7 KiB

import os, sys
target = ARGUMENTS.get( 'target', 'lua' ).lower()
cputype = ARGUMENTS.get( 'cpu', '' ).upper()
allocator = ARGUMENTS.get( 'allocator', '' ).lower()
boardname = ARGUMENTS.get( 'board' , '').upper()
# ROMFS file list
romfs = { 'bisect' : [ 'bisect.lua' ],
'hangman' : [ 'hangman.lua' ],
'lhttpd' : [ 'index.pht', 'lhttpd.lua', 'test.lua' ],
'pong' : [ 'pong.lua', 'LM3S.lua' ],
'led' : [ 'led.lua' ],
'piano' : [ 'piano.lua' ],
'pwmled' : [ 'pwmled.lua' ],
'tvbgone' : [ 'tvbgone.lua', 'codes.bin' ],
'hello' : [ 'hello.lua' ],
'info' : [ 'info.lua' ],
'morse' : [ 'mose.lua' ]
# List of platform/CPU combinations
cpu_list = { 'at91sam7x' : [ 'AT91SAM7X256', 'AT91SAM7X512' ],
'lm3s' : [ 'LM3S8962', 'LM3S6965' ],
'str9' : [ 'STR912FW44' ],
'i386' : [ 'I386' ],
'lpc288x' : [ 'LPC2888' ],
'str7' : [ 'STR711FR2' ],
'stm32' : [ 'STM32F103ZE' ],
'avr32' : [ 'AT32UC3A0512' ]
# List of board/CPU combinations
board_list = { 'SAM7-EX256' : [ 'AT91SAM7X256', 'AT91SAM7X512' ],
'EK-LM3S8962' : [ 'LM3S8962' ],
'EK-LM3S6965' : [ 'LM3S6965' ],
'STR9-COMSTICK' : [ 'STR912FW44' ],
'PC' : [ 'I386' ],
'LPC-H2888' : [ 'LPC2888' ],
'MOD711' : [ 'STR711FR2' ],
'STM3210E-EVAL' : [ 'STM32F103ZE' ],
'ATEVK1100' : [ 'AT32UC3A0512' ]
# ROMFS file list
romfs = { 'bisect' : [ 'bisect.lua' ],
'hangman' : [ 'hangman.lua' ],
'lhttpd' : [ 'index.pht', 'lhttpd.lua', 'test.lua' ],
'pong' : [ 'pong.lua', 'LM3S.lua' ],
'led' : [ 'led.lua' ],
'piano' : [ 'piano.lua' ],
'pwmled' : [ 'pwmled.lua' ],
'tvbgone' : [ 'tvbgone.lua', 'codes.bin' ],
'hello' : [ 'hello.lua' ],
'info' : [ 'info.lua' ],
'morse' : [ 'morse.lua' ]
# List of board/romfs data combinations
file_list = { 'SAM7-EX256' : [ 'bisect', 'hangman' , 'led', 'piano', 'hello', 'info', 'morse' ],
'EK-LM3S8962' : [ 'bisect', 'hangman', 'lhttpd', 'pong', 'led', 'piano', 'pwmled', 'tvbgone', 'hello', 'info', 'morse' ],
'EK-LM3S6965' : [ 'bisect', 'hangman', 'lhttpd', 'pong', 'led', 'piano', 'pwmled', 'tvbgone', 'hello', 'info', 'morse' ],
'STR9-COMSTICK' : [ 'bisect', 'hangman', 'led', 'hello', 'info' ],
'PC' : [ 'bisect', 'hello', 'info' ],
'LPC-H2888' : [ 'bisect', 'hangman', 'led', 'hello', 'info' ],
'MOD711' : [ 'bisect', 'hangman', 'led', 'hello', 'info' ],
'STM3210E-EVAL' : [ 'bisect', 'hello', 'info' ],
'ATEVK1100' : [ 'bisect', 'hangman', 'led', 'hello', 'info' ]
# Variants: board = <boardname>
# cpu = <cpuname>
# board = <boardname> cpu=<cpuname>
if boardname == '' and cputype == '':
print "Must specifiy board, cpu, or both"
sys.exit( -1 )
elif boardname != '' and cputype != '':
# board = <boardname> cpu=<cpuname>
# Check if the board, cpu pair is correct
if not board_list.has_key( boardname ):
print "Unknown board", boardname
sys.exit( -1 )
if not cputype in board_list[ boardname ]:
print "Invalid CPU %s for board %s" % ( cputype, boardname )
sys.exit( -1 )
elif boardname != '':
# board = <boardname>
# Find CPU
if not board_list.has_key( boardname ):
print "Unknown board", boardname
sys.exit( -1 )
cputype = board_list[ boardname ][ 0 ]
# cpu = <cputype>
# Find board name
for b, v in board_list.items():
if cputype in v:
boardname = b
print "CPU %s not found" % cputype
sys.exit( -1 )
platform = None
# Look for the given CPU in the list of platforms
for p, v in cpu_list.items():
if cputype in v:
platform = p
print "Unknown CPU %s" % cputype
print "List of accepted CPUs: "
for p, v in cpu_list.items():
print " ", p, "-->",
for cpu in v:
print cpu,
sys.exit( -1 )
# CPU/allocator mapping (if allocator not specified)
if allocator == '':
if cputype == 'LPC2888':
allocator = 'multiple'
allocator = 'newlib'
elif allocator not in [ 'newlib', 'multiple' ]:
print "Unknown allocator", allocator
print "Allocator can be either 'newlib' or 'multiple'"
sys.exit( -1 )
# User report
if not GetOption( 'clean' ):
print "*********************************"
print "Compiling eLua ..."
print "CPU: ", cputype
print "Board: ", boardname
print "Platform: ", platform
print "Allocator: ", allocator
print "Target: ", target
print "*********************************"
output = 'elua_' + target + '_' + cputype.lower()
cdefs = '-DELUA_CPU=%s -DELUA_BOARD=%s -DELUA_PLATFORM=%s -D__BUFSIZ__=128' % ( cputype, boardname, platform.upper() )
if allocator == 'multiple':
cdefs = cdefs + " -DUSE_MULTIPLE_ALLOCATOR"
# Lua source files and include path
lua_files = """lapi.c lcode.c ldebug.c ldo.c ldump.c lfunc.c lgc.c llex.c lmem.c lobject.c lopcodes.c
lparser.c lstate.c lstring.c ltable.c ltm.c lundump.c lvm.c lzio.c lauxlib.c lbaselib.c
ldblib.c liolib.c lmathlib.c loslib.c ltablib.c lstrlib.c loadlib.c linit.c lua.c"""
if target == 'lualong' or target == 'lua':
lua_full_files = " " + " ".join( [ "src/lua/%s" % name for name in lua_files.split() ] )
local_include = "-Iinc -Iinc/newlib -Isrc/lua"
if target == 'lualong':
cdefs = cdefs + ' -DLUA_NUMBER_INTEGRAL'
print "Invalid target", target
sys.exit( 1 )
local_include = local_include + " -Isrc/modules -Isrc/platform/%s" % platform
# Additional libraries
local_libs = ''
# Application files
app_files = " src/main.c src/romfs.c src/xmodem.c src/shell.c src/term.c src/dlmalloc.c src/common.c "
# Newlib related files
newlib_files = " src/newlib/devman.c src/newlib/stubs.c src/newlib/genstd.c src/newlib/stdtcp.c"
# UIP files
uip_files = "uip_arp.c uip.c uiplib.c dhcpc.c psock.c resolv.c"
uip_files = " src/elua_uip.c " + " ".join( [ "src/uip/%s" % name for name in uip_files.split() ] )
local_include = local_include + " -Isrc/uip"
# Lua module files
module_names = "disp.c modcommon.c pio.c spi.c tmr.c pd.c uart.c term.c pwm.c lpack.c bit.c net.c cpu.c"
module_files = " " + " ".join( [ "src/modules/%s" % name for name in module_names.split() ] )
# Optimizer flags (speed or size)
#opt = "-O3"
opt = "-Os -fomit-frame-pointer"
# Toolset data (filled by each platform in part)
tools = {}
# We get platform-specific data by executing the platform script
execfile( "src/platform/%s/conf.py" % platform )
# Complete file list
source_files = app_files + specific_files + newlib_files + uip_files + lua_full_files + module_files
# Make filesystem first
if not GetOption( 'clean' ):
print "Building filesystem..."
flist = []
for sample in file_list[ boardname ]:
flist = flist + romfs[ sample ]
import mkfs
mkfs.mkfs( "romfs", "romfiles", flist )
os.system( "mv -f romfiles.h inc/" )
os.system( "rm -f src/fs.o" )
# Env for building the program
comp = Environment( CCCOM = tools[ platform ][ 'cccom' ],
ASCOM = tools[ platform ][ 'ascom' ],
LINKCOM = tools[ platform ][ 'linkcom' ],
PROGSUFFIX = ".elf",
ENV = os.environ )
# comp.TargetSignatures( 'content' )
# comp.SourceSignatures( 'MD5' )
Default( comp.Program( output, Split( source_files ) ) )
Decider( 'MD5' )
# Programming target
prog = Environment( BUILDERS = { 'program' : Builder( action = Action ( tools[ platform ][ 'progfunc' ] ) ) }, ENV = os.environ )
prog.program( "prog", output + ".elf" )