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synced 2025-02-04 07:13:17 +08:00
361 lines
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361 lines
14 KiB
#ifndef _IMAGE_READER_H_
#define _IMAGE_READER_H_
#include "png.h"
extern "C" {
#include "jpeglib.h"
#include "jerror.h"
#include "jmorecfg.h"
// mode flags kept in internal variable mMode
#define FS_SCALE 1024
// KGM: Add support for tif, others?
class Pixel {
Red = Green = Blue = Alpha = 0;
Pixel(int Red, int Green, int Blue);
Pixel(GX_COLOR color);
BOOL operator == (const Pixel &Pix) const;
BOOL operator != (const Pixel &Pix) const;
int Red;
int Green;
int Blue;
int Alpha;
typedef struct {
int Width;
int Height;
int BitsPerPix;
} image_info;
class image_reader
virtual ~image_reader();
void DestroyImage();
virtual BOOL CheckImageHasAlphaChannel(CString &path) {return FALSE;}
virtual BOOL ReadImage(CString &path, int frame_id = -1) = 0;
virtual BOOL ReadImage(unsigned char *data, int data_size) = 0;
BOOL FinalizeImage(int width, int height);
BOOL RleEncode(GX_PIXELMAP *pMap, BOOL targa_format = FALSE);
GX_PIXELMAP *ResizeImage(GX_PIXELMAP *src, int dest_width, int dest_height);
GX_PIXELMAP *GetPixelmap(int frame_id = 0);
virtual INT GetDelayTime(int frame_id = 0) = 0;
static INT GetFrameCount(CString& path);
GX_COLOR *GetPalette() {return mpPalette;}
int GetPalSize() {return mPalSize;}
static int GetImageType(CString &path);
static int GetImageType(unsigned char *data, int data_size);
static image_reader *CreateProperReader(int image_type);
static image_reader *CreateProperReader(CString &path);
static image_reader *CreateProperReader(unsigned char *data, int data_size);
void SetSaveAlphaVal(BOOL Save);
void DoCompress(BOOL docompress);
void SetDither(BOOL bDither);
BOOL SetOutputColorFormat(int output_format, int display_color_format);
void SetPalette(GX_COLOR *pal, int size, int fixed);
INT GetDisplayFormat() { return mDisplayFormat; }
//void SetDisplayFormat(UINT Format);
static int GetNearestPaletteColor(Pixel want_color, GX_COLOR *palette, int palsize);
static void ConvertRGBToGray(GX_COLOR rgb_val, GX_UBYTE *gray_val);
static void ConvertRGBToGray(GX_UBYTE red, GX_UBYTE green, GX_UBYTE blue, GX_UBYTE *gray_val);
const GX_UBYTE *mpGetData;
virtual UCHAR *GetInputDataPtr(int row) = 0;
void ComputeGrayThreshod(int width, int height);
void ColorSpaceConvert(int width, int height, GX_PIXELMAP *map);
void ColorSpaceConvertRow(int Width);
int CountDuplicates(int Index, int Width);
USHORT WriteRleCount(USHORT count, UCHAR *pPutCount, BOOL bRaw);
GX_UBYTE *GetCountLocation();
void RleEncodeRow(int Width);
BOOL InitDither(int cols);
void DitherOneRow(int Width);
void DitherCleanup(void);
void SetDefaultPixelReader(int input_bits_per_pix);
int CalculateOutputStride(int ImgWidth);
// Raw Data readers
// This is a group of functions that read pixel data from the input
// stream. Most of these input-data reader functions are provided
// by the format-specific sub-class, but we provide the most simple
// and common versions as part of the base class so that they can be
// re-used by multiple decoders
static void ReadPixel16(image_reader *reader, int Index, Pixel *pPut);
static void ReadPixel24(image_reader *reader, int Index, Pixel *pPut);
static void ReadPixel32(image_reader *reader, int Index, Pixel *pPut);
// Pixel data writers-
// A group of functions for writing Pixelmap output data in the requested
// format. Only supporting 16, 24, and 32 bit formats at first.
// FIXME: Need to add 1bpp to 8bpp formats.
static Pixel WritePixelMono(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixelMono_transparent(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel4bppgrayscale_transparent(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel4bppgrayscale(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel8bppPalette(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel8bppAlpha(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel8Bit_332_RGB(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel8Bit_332_Alpha(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel16Bit_555(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel16Bit_555_BGR(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel16Bit_555_Alpha(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel16Bit_565_Alpha(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel16Bit_565_BGR(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel16Bit_565_BGR_Alpha(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel16Bit_565_RGB(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel16Bit_4444_ARGB(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel16Bit_4444_ARGB_Alpha(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel16Bit_4444_BGRA(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel24Bit_BGRPacked(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel24Bit_RGBPacked(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel32Bit_ARGB(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel32Bit_565_RGB_Alpha(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
static Pixel WritePixel32Bit_BGRA(image_reader *reader, Pixel pPixel);
// Pixel data readers-
// A group of functions for reading Pixelmap output data back into
// a Pixel structure. Only supporting 16, 24, and 32 bit formats at first.
// FIXME: Need to add 1bpp to 8bpp formats.
static Pixel ReadPixelMono(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixelMonoTransparent(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel4bppgrayscale(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel4bppgrayscale_transparent(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel8bppPalette(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel8bppAlpha(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel8Bit_332_RGB(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel8Bit_332_Alpha(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel16Bit_555(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel16Bit_555_BGR(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel16Bit_555_Alpha(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel16Bit_565_Alpha(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel16Bit_565_BGR(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel16Bit_565_BGR_Alpha(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel16Bit_565_RGB(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel16Bit_4444_ARGB(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel16Bit_4444_BGRA(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel24Bit_BGRPacked(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel24Bit_RGBPacked(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel32Bit_ARGB(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
static Pixel ReadPixel32Bit_BGRA(image_reader *reader, int PixIndex);
// Functions for writing transparent (not alpha) values in each format
static void WriteTransparentPixel_16(UCHAR *pPut, int PixIndex);
static void WriteTransparentPixel_24_BGR(UCHAR *pPut, int PixIndex);
static void WriteTransparentPixel_24_RGB(UCHAR *pPut, int PixIndex);
static void WriteTransparentPixel_32BGRA(UCHAR *pPut, int PixIndex);
static void WriteTransparentPixel_32ARGB(UCHAR *pPut, int PixIndex);
void BitmapStretch(int src_width, int src_height,
int dest_width, int dest_height, GX_PIXELMAP *src, GX_PIXELMAP *dest);
void BitmapStretchStep(int dest_width,
int source_width, int yCurrent, int yEnd,
// pointer to function to read data from incoming source
void (*mpReadInputPixel)(image_reader *reader, int index, Pixel *put);
// pointer to function to read our output data format, used
// by the RLE compression routines.
Pixel (*mpReadOutputPixel)(image_reader *reader, int);
// pointer to function to write out output data format
// The function must increment the data and aux ptr appropriately,
// and return the actual value written (used for dithering error)
Pixel (*mpWritePixel)(image_reader *, Pixel);
// pointer to function to write transparent value
void (*mpWriteTransparentPix)(UCHAR *, int);
BOOL mInputHasAlpha; // does source have alpha channel?
CArray<GX_PIXELMAP *> mPixelmapList;
FILE *mFile;
int *mpNextBlueErr;
int *mpNextGreenErr;
int *mpNextRedErr;
int *mpThisBlueErr;
int *mpThisGreenErr;
int *mpThisRedErr;
int mDataSize;
int mOutputFormat;
int mMode;
GX_COLOR *mpPalette;
int mPalSize;
int mPalFixed;
BOOL mWantAlpha; // does caller want to keep it?
BOOL mSaveAlpha; // save or not save alpha in dest
BOOL mDithering;
BOOL mDitherDirection;
BOOL mTargaFormat;
UCHAR mImageType;
UINT mDisplayFormat;
GX_UBYTE *mpPutData;
GX_UBYTE *mpPutAux;
const GX_UBYTE *mpGetAux;
BOOL mSizeTesting;
INT mGrayThreshod;
GX_UBYTE mMonoMask;
GX_UBYTE mNibbleMask;
BOOL mDoCompress;
// Define input_stream class for reading specified number of bytes from a memory buffer.
class input_stream: public IStream
input_stream(unsigned char *data, int data_size);
~input_stream() {};
// IUnknown Methods
IFACEMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() { return 0; }
IFACEMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() { return 0; }
IFACEMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppInterface) { return 0; }
// ISequantialStream Methods
IFACEMETHODIMP Read(void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbRead);
IFACEMETHODIMP Write(const void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbWritten) { return 0; }
// IStream Methods
IFACEMETHODIMP Seek(LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, DWORD dwOrigin, ULARGE_INTEGER *plibNewPosition) { return 0; }
IFACEMETHODIMP SetSize(ULARGE_INTEGER libNewSize) { return 0; }
IFACEMETHODIMP CopyTo(IStream *pstm, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbRead, ULARGE_INTEGER *pcbWritten) { return 0; }
IFACEMETHODIMP Commit(DWORD grfCommitFlags) { return 0; }
IFACEMETHODIMP Revert(void) { return 0; }
IFACEMETHODIMP LockRegion(ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType) { return 0; }
IFACEMETHODIMP UnlockRegion(ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, ULARGE_INTEGER cb, DWORD dwLockType) { return 0; }
IFACEMETHODIMP Stat(STATSTG *pstatstg, DWORD grfStatFlag) { return 0; }
IFACEMETHODIMP Clone(IStream **ppstm) { return 0; }
unsigned char* mpData;
ULONG mDataSize;
ULONG mReadSize;
class png_reader : public image_reader {
virtual ~png_reader();
virtual BOOL ReadImage(CString &path, int frame_id = -1);
virtual BOOL ReadImage(unsigned char *data, int data_size);
virtual BOOL CheckImageHasAlphaChannel(CString &path);
virtual INT GetDelayTime(int frame_id = 0) { return 0; }
BOOL ReadImage(IStream* input_stream);
UCHAR *GetInputDataPtr(int row);
void ConfigureInternalFormat();
static void ReadPixel1(image_reader *reader, int Index, Pixel *put);
static void ReadPixel2(image_reader *reader, int Index, Pixel *put);
static void ReadPixel4(image_reader *reader, int Index, Pixel *put);
static void ReadPixel8(image_reader *reader, int Index, Pixel *put);
static void ReadPixel24(image_reader *reader, int Index, Pixel *put);
static void ReadPixel48(image_reader *reader, int Index, Pixel *put);
static void ReadPixel64(image_reader *reader, int Index, Pixel *put);
static void ReadPixel24Alpha(image_reader *reader, int Index, Pixel *put);
static void ReadPixel8Alpha(image_reader *reader, int Index, Pixel *put);
static void ReadPixel16To8(image_reader *reader, int Index, Pixel *put);
static void ReadPixel16Alpha(image_reader *reader, int Index, Pixel *put);
static void ReadDataFromIStream(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep outBytes, png_size_t byteCountToRead);
png_structp m_png;
png_infop m_info;
UCHAR **mpRowPointers;
class jpg_reader : public image_reader {
virtual ~jpg_reader();
virtual BOOL ReadImage(CString &path, int frame_id = -1);
virtual BOOL ReadImage(unsigned char* data, int data_size);
virtual INT GetDelayTime(int frame_id = 0) { return 0; }
UCHAR *GetInputDataPtr(int row);
jpeg_decompress_struct mJpgInfo;
void ConfigureInternalFormat();
UCHAR *mpRawData;
ULONG mRawRowStride;
class gif_reader : public png_reader {
virtual ~gif_reader();
virtual BOOL ReadImage(CString& path, int frame_id = -1);
virtual BOOL ReadImage(unsigned char* data, int data_size);
virtual BOOL CheckImageHasAlphaChannel(CString& path);
virtual INT GetDelayTime(int frame_id = 0);
static INT GetFrameCount(CString& path);
int GetEncoderClsid(const WCHAR* format, CLSID* pClsid);
CArray<UINT> mDelayTimeList;