-`LV_PART_MAIN` Draws a background using the typical background style properties and an arc using the arc style properties. The arc's size and position will respect the *padding* style properties.
-`LV_PART_INDICATOR` Draws an other arc using the *arc* style properties. Its padding values are interpreted relative to the background arc.
-`LV_PART_KNOB` Draws a handle on the end of the indicator using all background properties and padding values. With zero padding the knob size is the same as the indicator's width.
The indicator arc is drawn on the main part's arc. This if the value is set to maximum the indicator arc will cover the entire "background" arc.
To set the start and end angle of the background arc use the `lv_arc_set_bg_angles(arc, start_angle, end_angle)` functions or `lv_arc_set_bg_start/end_angle(arc, angle)`.
The mode can be set by `lv_arc_set_mode(arc, LV_ARC_MODE_...)` and used only if the the angle is set by `lv_arc_set_value()` or the arc is adjusted by finger.
It also possible to set the angles of the indicator arc directly with `lv_arc_set_angles(arc, start_angle, end_angle)` function or `lv_arc_set_start/end_angle(arc, start_angle)`.
In other words, settings angles and values are independent. You should use either value and angle settings. Mixing the two might result in unintended behavior.