-`LV_PART_INDICATOR` The needle line or image using the *line* and *img* style properties, as well as the background properties to draw a square (or circle) on the pivot of the needles. Padding makes the square larger.
To add major tick lines use `lv_meter_set_scale_major_ticks(meter, scale, nth_major, tick_width, tick_length, tick_color, label_gap)`. `nth_major` to specify how many minor ticks to skip to draw a major tick.
`indic = lv_meter_add_needle_line(meter, scale, line_width, line_color, r_mod)` adds a needle line to a Scale. By default the length of the line is the same as the scale's radius but `r_mod` changes the length.
`indic = lv_meter_add_needle_img(meter, scale, img_src, pivot_x, pivot_y)` sets an image that will be used as a needle. `img_src` should be a needle pointing to the right like this `-O--->`.
`indic = lv_meter_add_arc(meter, scale, arc_width, arc_color, r_mod)` adds and arc indicator. . By default the radius of the arc is the same as the scale's radius but `r_mod` changes the radius.
`lv_meter_set_indicator_start_value(meter, indic, value)` and `lv_meter_set_indicator_end_value(meter, inidicator, value)` sets the value of the indicator.
If `local` is `false``color_start` and `color_end` will be mapped to the start and end value of the scale and only a "slice" of that color gradient will be visible in the indicator's start and end value range.
`lv_meter_set_indicator_start_value(meter, inidicator, value)` and `lv_meter_set_indicator_end_value(meter, inidicator, value)` sets the value of the indicator.