We use the [Forum](https://forum.littlevgl.com/) to ask and answer questions and [GitHub's issue tracker](https://github.com/littlevgl/lvgl/issues) for development-related discussion.
1.**Fork** the [lvgl repository](https://github.com/littlevgl/lvgl). To do this click the "Fork" button in the top right corner. It will "copy" the `lvgl` repository to your GitHub account (`https://github.com/your_name?tab=repositories`)
- If your update needs some extra work it's okay to say: _"I'm busy now and I will improve it soon"_ or _"Sorry, I don't have time to improve it, I hope it helps in this form too"_.
So it's better to say don't have time to continue than saying nothing.
- Please read and follow this [guide about the coding style](https://github.com/littlevgl/lvgl/blob/master/docs/CODING_STYLE.md)
If you find a typo, an obscure sentence or something which is not explained well enough in the [English documentation](https://docs.littlevgl.com/en/html/index.html)
click the *"Edit on GitHub"* button in the top right corner and fix the issue by sending a Pull Request.
### Translate the documentation
If you have time and interest you can translate the documentation to your native language or any language you speak.
You can join others to work on an already existing language or you can start a new one.
Note that a translation will be added to the documentation only if at least the [Porting section](https://docs.littlevgl.com/en/html/porting/index.html) is translated.
- Fork and clone the [blog repository](https://github.com/littlevgl/blog)
- Add your post in Markdown to the `_posts` folder.
- Store the images and other resources in a dedicated folder in `assets`
- Create a Pull Request
The blog uses [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) to convert the `.md` files to a webpage. You can easily [run Jekyll offline](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/) to check your post before creating the Pull request
For simple bugfixes (typos, missing error handling, fixing a warning) is fine to send a Pull request directly. However, for more complex bugs it's better to open an issue first. In the issue, you should describe how to reproduce the bug and even add the minimal code snippet.
## Suggesting and/or implementing new features
If you have a good idea don't hesitate to share with us. It's even better if you have time to deal with its implementation. Don't be afraid if you still don't know LittlevGL well enough. We will help you to get started.
During the implementation don't forget the [Code style guide](https://github.com/littlevgl/lvgl/blob/master/docs/CODING_STYLE.md).