As graphical interfaces for embedded systems has an increasing relevance today you also might find important to work with a good graphics library. Now - independently from skills, programming level or any personal attributes - you can influence and help the development of Littlev Graphics Library with:
* We use [GitHub's issue tracker](
* Be kind and respectful. Strating with "Hi" is always a good idea :)
* If somebedy helped you give a feedback.
* Always create an issue before creating a [Pull request]( (maybe somebeody already working on this issue)
* One issue should be about one topic. If you have other questions please open a new issue.
* Tell your remarks in a structured way. Use paragraphs and the [Markdown]( support of GitHub.
* Be sure you are using the lates version (from `master` branch)
## How to report a bug?
If you found a **simple and straightforward bug** like:
* misspelling (in comments function/variable names or grammatical issues in comments)
* not handled error cases (negative array index, overflow etc)
* anything else which can be fixed locally with a few lines of code
* or defective documentation
then tell
* where you found the bug (which file/function/variable)
* how can it cause problem
* what is your suggeseted solution if you have
If you faced with **something more clomplex** like:
1. This feature is already exists. In this case you will learn how to achive your goal.
2. You can simply realize it with the current functionality.
3. Although it's a new feature but it would break LittlevGL's platform independent and/or resource minimalist nature.
4. It's really a new feature which would be good to be in LittlevGL. Hurray! In a discussion we figure out the technical details andimplementation options. With the knowledge of how to do it somebody can implement the new feature.
In [docs/]( and [docs/]( you can see some ideas which are waiting for somebody to realize them! If want to deal with a feature from this files, please start an issue and discusse the details.
Use [lv_misc/lv_templ.c]( and [lv_misc/lv_templ.h](
### Naming conventions
* Words are sparated by '_'
* In variable and function names use only lower case letters (e.g. *height_tmp*)
* In enums and defines use only upper case letters (e.g. *e.g. MAX_LINE_NUM*)
* Global names (API):
* starts with *lv*
* followed by module name: *btn*, *label*, *style* etc.
* followed by the action (for functions): *set*, *get*, *refr* etc.
* closed with the subject: *name*, *size*, *state* etc.
* Typedefs
* prefer `typedef struct` and `typedef enum` instead of `struct name` and `enum name`
* always add a closing *..._t*
* Abbreviations:
* Use abbreviations on public names only if they become longer then 32 characters
* Use only very straightforward (e.g. pos: position) or well established (e.g. pr: press) abbreviatons
### Coding guide
* Functions:
* Try to write function shorter then is 50 lines
* Always shorter then 100 lines (except very straightforwards)
* Variables:
* One line, one declaration (BAD: char x, y;)
* Use `<stdint.h>` (*uint8_t*, *int32_t* etc)
* Declare variables when needed (not all at function start)
* Use the smallest required scope
* Variables in a file (outside functions) are always *static*
* Do not use global variables (use functions to set/get static variables)