2021-06-07 13:56:08 +02:00
def event_handler(e):
code = e.get_code()
2021-07-07 18:04:46 +03:00
obj = e.get_target()
2021-06-07 13:56:08 +02:00
if code == lv.EVENT.CLICKED:
print("Button {:d} clicked".format(obj.get_child_id()))
win = lv.win(lv.scr_act(), 60)
btn1 = win.add_btn(lv.SYMBOL.LEFT, 40)
btn1.add_event_cb(event_handler,lv.EVENT.ALL, None)
win.add_title("A title")
btn2=win.add_btn(lv.SYMBOL.RIGHT, 40)
btn2.add_event_cb(event_handler,lv.EVENT.ALL, None)
btn3 = win.add_btn(lv.SYMBOL.CLOSE, 60)
btn3.add_event_cb(event_handler,lv.EVENT.ALL, None)
cont = win.get_content() #Content can be aded here
label = lv.label(cont)
label.set_text("""This is
a pretty
long text
to see how
the window
We need
quite some text
and we will
even put
some more
text to be
sure it