- Always fill out the post or issue templates in the Forum or GitHub (or at least provide equivalent information). It makes understanding your contribution or issue easier and you will get a useful response faster.
- If possible send an absolute minimal but buildable code example in order to reproduce the issue. Be sure it contains all the required variable declarations, constants, and assets (images, fonts).
- Use [Markdown](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet) to format your posts. You can learn it in 10 minutes.
- Speak about one thing in one issue or topic. It makes your post easier to find later for someone with the same question.
- Give feedback and close the issue or mark the topic as solved if your question is answered.
- For non-trivial fixes and features, it's better to open an issue first to discuss the details instead of sending a pull request directly.
- Please read and follow the <ahref="https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl/blob/master/docs/CODING_STYLE.md">Coding style</a> guide.
A PR is a notification like "Hey, I made some updates to your project. Here are the changes, you can add them if you want."
To do this you need a copy (called fork) of the original project under your account, make some changes there, and notify the original repository about your updates.
The instructions describe the main `lvgl` repository but it works the same way for the other repositories.
1. Fork the [lvgl repository](https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl). To do this click the "Fork" button in the top right corner.
It will "copy" the `lvgl` repository to your GitHub account (`https://github.com/<YOUR_NAME>?tab=repositories`)
2. Clone your forked repository.
3. Add your changes. You can create a *feature branch* from *master* for the updates: `git checkout -b the-new-feature`
4. Commit and push your changes to the forked `lvgl` repository.
5. Create a PR on GitHub from the page of your `lvgl` repository (`https://github.com/<YOUR_NAME>/lvgl`) by clicking the *"New pull request"* button. Don't forget to select the branch where you added your changes.
7. Set the base branch. It means where you want to merge your update. In the `lvgl` repo fixes go to `master`, new features to `dev` branch.
8. Describe what is in the update. An example code is welcome if applicable.
9. If you need to make more changes, just update your forked `lvgl` repo with new commits. They will automatically appear in the PR.
To make the DCO easier to digest, here are some practical guides about specific cases:
#### Your own work
The simplest case is when the contribution is solely your own work.
In this case you can just send a Pull Request without worrying about any licensing issues.
#### Use code from online source
If the code you would like to add is based on an article, post or comment on a website (e.g. StackOverflow) the license and/or rules of that site should be followed.
For example in case of StackOwerflow a notice like this can be used:
/* The original version of this code-snippet was published on StackOverflow.
As LVGL is MIT licensed, other MIT licensed code can be integrated without issues.
The MIT license requires a copyright notice be added to the derived work. Any derivative work based on MIT licensed code must copy the original work's license file or text.
<!-- Place this tag where you want the button to render. -->
<aclass="github-button"href="https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl"data-icon="octicon-star"data-size="large"data-show-count="true"aria-label="Star lvgl/lvgl on GitHub">Star</a>
This simple click makes LVGL more visible on GitHub and makes it more attractive to other people.
Only one thing: On social media don't forget to add a link to `https://lvgl.io` or `https://github.com/lvgl` and use the hashtag `#lvgl`. Thank you! :)
- Name the examples like `lv_example_<widget_name>_<index>`.
- Make the example as short and simple as possible.
- Add comments to explain what the example does.
- Use 320x240 resolution.
- Update `index.rst` in the example's folder with your new example. To see how other examples are added, look in the [lvgl/examples/widgets](https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl/tree/master/examples/widgets) folder.
As you read the documentation you might see some typos or unclear sentences. All the documentation is located in the [lvgl/docs](https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl/tree/master/docs) folder.
When filing the issue be sure to fill out the template. It helps find the root of the problem while avoiding extensive questions and exchanges with other developers.
While you were learning LVGL you might have had questions and used the Forum to get answers. As a result, you probably have more knowledge about how LVGL works.
We collect the planned features in GitHub on the [Roadmap](/ROADMAP) page. If you are interested in any of them feel free to share your opinion and/or participate in the the implementation.
Other features which are (still) not on the road map are listed in the [Feature request](https://forum.lvgl.io/c/feature-request/9) category of the Forum.
If you have a feature idea for LVGL please use the Forum to share it!
Make sure to check that there isn't an existing post; if there is, you should comment on it to show that there is increased interest in an existing request.
If you are interested, just send a message (e.g. from the Forum) to the current maintainers of the repository. They will check if the prerequisites are met.